Southern Africa
9 out of 14
Positive Muslims (NOVIB)
Yoneco (HIVOS)
FACT (ICCO – Plan)
- non discrimination, access to treatment and care
- better regulation on HBC volunteers
- challenging myths and perceptions around HIV/AIDS within Muslim community
- social justice: access to treatment and children’s issues
- human rights, gender violence
- women’s rights around HIV/AIDS issues: ex. inheritance practice, availability of female condoms, access to ARVs
- gender and human rights
- rights and needs of PLWHA
- rights of PLWHA
- cases of violation of rights of PLWHA brought to court + media coverage on these cases
- active involvement in TAC that had an influence on the treatment roll-out programme of the government
- discussions with regional department of health that lead to recognition of the need of standardisation of HBC trainings and salaries
- no info (visited in phase 1)
- no info (visited in phase 1)
- case of violation of HR brought to court (rape case)
- cases of violation of the rights of PLWHA are covered by media and addressed to the Head of State
- Not much of a result so far
- no info (visited in phase 1)
- no info (visited in phase 1)