SER scheme applies only to cellular mobile terminals ((LTE/3G/GMPCS) and broadband access equipment (ADSL, Cable modem and CCHN) (see Table B.1 in Annex B).
Supplier using SER (Route 1b in the Equipment Registration Schematic Diagram in Annex A-1) has carried out their own conformity assessment for the model of equipment based on test results or evidence of equipment certification given by the manufacturer or an accredited body. The supplier is able to attest that the equipment is capable of meeting the applicable IMDA Technical Specifications (see Annex D).
The SER request shall be accompanied by the following registration package (file attachments to the online application and e-Payment):
SDoC (Annex C);
Photos of equipment (front, rear, side view and product label which shows trade and product name);
Sales brochure with technical data; and
Registration fee (Annex B).
For post market surveillance, IMDA may require the supplier to submit the test results or evidence of equipment certification as proof of conformity with the applicable IMDA Technical Specifications.