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Name: Janet
City, Country: Westwood, USA
Sent: 10.17 PM - 4/15 2002

Howdy: Read about you in the Boston Sunday

Globe yesterday. It being April 15th
what do you do about filing your taxes?
Have fun.

RAMON:Jane, I don't have to fill them out. Someway they are probably in my mailbox at home, but how can I fill them out?
Name: sherina
City, Country: kl, malaysia
Sent: 2.35 PM - 4/15 2002

just a note to david from brisbane, australia and anyone who would like to get a journal going on their website while travelling - there's some fairly simple scripts that you can install and whenever you're at any computer with an internet connection can update your website with easily. i've seen many people doing that already. blogger, anyone? ;-)

also, if you bring along a digital camera on your travels, don't forget the driver installation disc, and perhaps a few blank cds. most places would allow you to install your driver and hey also burn your pics onto your cd. if you're lucky they might already have a memory card ready and you'd be more than set to go.

best of luck! ;-)

Name: Etienne
City, Country: The Hague, Netherlands
Sent: 8.16 AM - 4/15 2002

Hi little bother,

I received your foto's from Stratbroke Island. Awesome ! I think I better plan my holidays in one of those cottages with a sea-view ! (By the way , you should wash your feet more often ,hahaha)

See Yah !

Name: Leonard Stephen Ondu Majakil
City, Country: Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Sent: 8.09 AM - 4/15 2002

Dear Sir Ramon Stoppelenburg,

Indeed, the best thing in life is FREE or FREEDOM. I would spend my last night in any White House if it makes the HOME PLANET a safe peaceful EARTH. Yes, I wish inviting you to your White House would send a very positive message. You deserve the best Ramon. You know exactly that you are not a freeloader. I hope we are in the same track but of different modes. Time and Space will tell. Bye now.

A weak mind and a weak heart? Never.

Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 6.32 AM - 4/15 2002

Well Brian I have to thank you for that last post. Your too kind. But let's not mislead everyone. We all know you have some of the best posts, with valued information and insight.

Nancy if you happen to visit the "Board" again, I'd like to know what California paper you read about Ramon. I need to get a copy.

Ramon, since your mailing list went who knows where, I went back to your main page to see what I missed. You updated to a great picture of you sitting having a drink. I really like that shot. Just says it like it is. "I'm a nice guy traveling around the world on peoples generosity". It works for me. So, who took the pic?

Hamba kahle

Name: Brian

City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.08 AM - 4/15 2002

Hi all

Well, Nancy must be new here. There is someone from California that posts messages here. It is Bret. And not just any messages, but some of the most positive and inspiring messages that we will find.

Nancy, visit Ramon's messageboard more often,and you will "meet" some of the world's best people, Bret included. He and I, along with people all over the world, are the unofficial (well, Ramon didn't say no...) Board of Supporters for lms4ad.

Sala kahle

Name: melissa

City, Country: New zealand
Sent: 4.30 AM - 4/15 2002

What a cool idea

Name: Nancy
City, Country: California,
Sent: 1.08 AM - 4/15 2002

I have not seen many people write to you from sunny California. Sounds like a great trip. I read about you today in the paper. Good luck to you.

Name: June
City, Country: Vancouver,Canada
Sent: 12.09 AM - 4/15 2002

What a great adventure!!! I just saw and article about you in our local paper and hope you can visit Canada soon. Have fun!!!!

Name: mary
City, Country: Thunder Bay, Ont Canada
Sent: 8.43 PM - 4/13 2002

Just read about your travels in the local newspaper and had to check out your website. Congratulations - you are doing things that everybody else just thinks of doing. It takes guts - good for you - have fun!!

Name: Nick Koster
City, Country: Hatzic, British Columbia, Canada
Sent: 8.41 PM - 4/13 2002

As a fellow Dutchman, (albeit somewhat older) I had the traveling bug and traveled to my native Holland (and the rest of Europe, Greece, italy, Spain)4 times in my younger days. I already e-mailed you our invitation to stay at our place. Have a great, long, happy and healthy trip. Hope to see you sometime. I haven't read through your entire website, yet, but will do so. It looks very good so far.

Name: Terry
City, Country: Thunder Bay, Ontario, CANADA
Sent: 6.39 PM - 4/13 2002

That is the coolest idea i've ever heard of. Interested in a traveling partner? Just wondering. Keep it up, i'm rootin for ya.

Name: Angel
City, Country: Mount Gambier S. Aust.
Sent: 12.28 PM - 4/13 2002

Your concept of free travelling is very clever.

I was wondering if you could help or anyone else?
I need to know of wheelchair accessable accommodation
in holland that is cheap.
Or is there any where I can turn to for a register of such accommodation?
Most places overseas are 'A' class and not affordable on a pension.
Name: AK
City, Country: Mülheim in Germany
Sent: 10.28 AM - 4/13 2002

This Page is very beautiful, my Historyteacher says to our class, that he have seen you and he has speak with you, is this really right?

Name: Andy
City, Country: Tilburg
Sent: 9.33 AM - 4/13 2002

It is a petty that I haven't seen this site before. I am trying to help Ramon for some free airtravel tickets in Australia. If i would have know before I could try to let him fly back in First Class on one of my survey trips. He would like this. I am still working on those issues. I will keep you informed here.

Name: Dale
City, Country: Victoria , Canada
Sent: 4.39 AM - 4/13 2002

Awesome! And I'm jealous!As a 50 year older I have that wanderlust again. Did lots of travelling in my 20s,and after raising a family, i am ready to go.Besides being unique, your site is informative and fun. Thanks alot. Hope you make it to the West Coast of Canada!

Name: Jenna
City, Country: Dublin, Ireland
Sent: 12.48 AM - 4/13 2002

Hi I saw your picture in the newspaper and i came to your site. Just wanna say i think you're so cool because of everything you've accomplised!! GOOD LUCK!!!

Name: Plummer
City, Country: Miami, USA
Sent: 2.44 PM - 4/12 2002

My freshman classes (in high school) have been reading the newspaper in Miami for current events and one of my students came across an article all about you. I have shared this article with all of my freshman classes because it's such a unique story. We'd like to thank you for providing us with such an interesting article for our current events project. They all say "wazzaaa" and they look forward to keeping up with your future adventures.

Thank you!
Ms. Plummer
Name: Annmarie
City, Country: Brisbane
Sent: 1.20 PM - 4/12 2002

Saw your story in the Quest newspaper and was truly inspired by your website. It's a great way to see the world. Hope you enjoy the rest of your stay in Australia.

Name: Robert
City, Country: San Salvatore Monf., Italy
Sent: 10.00 AM - 4/12 2002

My mother was born in Ingham, in north Queensland, and I never had been in Australia. With your photographies and your daily report I can travel in places that I wish to visit from much time. Thanks.

Name: Rachel
City, Country: Taipei, Taiwan
Sent: 8.11 AM - 4/12 2002

Although I can't let you stay my house, I really hope you can go to Taipei. You can go to Taiwan, because people is very nice!

Name: Am
City, Country: Melbourne
Sent: 7.12 AM - 4/12 2002

Foxmill, don't be so harsh, Ramon is none of those things. However I do fear if he visits the big brother house he will certainly find them there!

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.11 AM - 4/12 2002

Hi all

Yep, Sylvia and Bret are right. Irena, tell us your thoughts about your man's activities. Nothing personal, of course, just the general stuff. It would be really interesting to hear what you think, since this must affect you in a way that can't really be understood by others. Except Ramon's close friends, like Munk and Gerben and the other Barcelona gang.

The Board of Supporters is waiting with antici...pAtion to hear from you!

Ramon, what do you think about this? You are obviously in contact with your lovely lady, so she is fully aware of what's happening, and you know how she feels. Are these suggestions an invasion of your privacy? Would you prefer if the status quo was retained?

Hamba kahle, Ramon

Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 11.04 PM - 4/11 2002

You're right Sylvia. It would be nice to hear from Irene. So, Irene if you do have access to the net, and happen to scim over this message board. HI! Drop us a line or two. Would love to hear how and what you're doing in the Army. Take Care.

Sala Kahle

Name: Heather

City, Country: Arizona, USA
Sent: 9.16 PM - 4/11 2002

Dear Ramon,

I think what you have done is wonderful. I think you are showing the world not to be so afraid and to keep on traveling and seeing the world. There are a lot of awsome people out there and I hope you touch many.
You are welcome to stay in Arizona with my family.
Good Luck and God Bless
Name: mirjam
City, Country: holland
Sent: 8.42 PM - 4/11 2002

It was nice to see that because I showed my friend Irene an article about you on planet news, that you stayed at her house in Brisbane :-)

good luck with your travels and if you need a last stop on your way back ............your welcome in Amersfoort
Name: Sylvia
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 2.27 PM - 4/11 2002

Hi Ramon

I was wondering whether your lovely girlfriend Irena back in Holland might post a message here sometime! Does she have access to the internet where she is at the moment?


Name: Morgan
City, Country: Victoria, BC, Canada
Sent: 8.07 AM - 4/11 2002

Ramon....oh the things you can find on the internet! I find your experiences amazing - not just because of the pure excitement of your travels and extent of your experiences, but because of the human kindness that has made it possible. It must feel great to have so much good cheer surround your trip. Good luck and good travels in the future.

Name: MJ
City, Country: Denver
Sent: 11.24 PM - 4/10 2002

Hey Sam from Wapello, do you have the link from the Des Moines register? I'm originally from iowa.

Name: donatella
City, Country: milan, italy
Sent: 8.25 PM - 4/10 2002

hello ramon, reading your latest report I've had a sudden idea: instead of those terrific (and not so educational) killing-pc games, why don't you recommend the kids the old & beloved pac-man?

I know.. it could sound like prehistory...
ciao, donatella
Name: David
City, Country: Lancaster,PA USA
Sent: 10.53 PM - 4/9 2002

Read about u in the Lancaster Sunday News on 4/7/02. Reminded me of '79 when in US Navy in Guam...met a couple of guys traveling 'around the world in 80 days' via PanAm...provided them shelter in the barracks and treated them to dinner at the island supper club where I worked part-time...very interesting! Best of luck in your travels...I will be checking your progress!

Name: Lucia
City, Country: Grinnell, USA
Sent: 6.36 PM - 4/9 2002

Like Sam from Wapello, Iowa, USA, I saw you in the Des Moines Register last weekend. Come to Iowa and stay with us on the farm!

Name: David
City, Country: Brisbane, Australia
Sent: 10.59 AM - 4/9 2002

You're my hero, dude!

The one goal (dream, if you like) that I've always had is to travel as much of the world as I possibly can.

As I'm coming to the end of my schooling, my plans for travelling have come to a head. I'm going to start out by packpacking around Europe.

Just the other day I was thinking if it would be possible for me to somehow update my website for my friends and family back home while I'm abroad. I thought about a laptop but scrapped the idea thinking that it was unworkable. The next day I read the article about you.

I've copped a fair bit of crap from people for being so single minded about wanting to if it isn't worth the effort. I'm definately going to do it. You've also reinspired me, and I really look up to what you're doing.

Thanks so much man. =)
Name: Maria
City, Country: Munich, Germany
Sent: 8.32 AM - 4/9 2002

To foxmill: lack of fantasy an enthusiasm is not a great sign of cleverness. Ramon doesn't force anyone to invite him or puts anyone in a compromising situation.

So if you don't like what he's doing: do not invite him!

To Ramon: I think it is really courageous and inspiring what you're doing. I just hope that the whole media-hype will allow you to meet REAL people in the future. After all that's what makes your daily reports so unique and interesting. :-)

Good Luck
Name: Karran
City, Country: Victoria BC, USA
Sent: 8.21 AM - 4/9 2002

I came across your picture and a small bit of information on the website. Then, I visited your website:

Wow, 14 different countries since May 1, 2001. While reading your website, I grew feelings of desire for travel, interest in your project as well as curious about your thoughts on where you are today in your life.

The last part of the above paragraph may seem somewhat confusing to you. Let me clarify; when you look at your life to date, what do you think about and did you see yourself being where you are today 5 year ago?

Do you travel alone? Do you become lonely? Do you ever go home? – Where do you consider your home to be? I am the same age as you, and am therefore feel somewhat compelled to compare your life to date with mine. I have been pondering the idea of picking up and traveling for quite some time now. Once finished with University I choose to become focused on my career in order to create a base for myself. I do not regret this decision, but now find myself anxious to explore the emotions and intelligence of the world.

My thoughts? Well, as my reports are written within a few hours, I can't really write deep emotions. It will be something for my book I'd like to write later. I think I am doing very good. I am meeting so many people, sharing so much stories with them and I explore a world that is still unexplored in my mind. Because how many people in our world trust other people to be their friend or just a guest for a day? Most of us just live this urban life where the only people you meet are your family, friends and colleagues. That's mostly it.

I just need to share with the world that there are so many people out there that are so friendly and nice -you can hardly believe it!- and we can learn A LOT from them. Honestly I feel I have learnt more than any university can teach me and I love it.

As you can read on my site, I do travel alone. Just to find out how I can handle myself in all kinds of situation, without a side help to talk to when times is hard. And it's what people want. Lots of people online would love it when I am in an uncontrollable situation, it's almost like on reality-tv.

But I am not a lonely person at all. Put me in room 492 on the 4th floor of a city hotel for a week, then I get lonely. Not when I constantly meet people and get inspired and share my things with them.

I had a break last Christmas, as you can read in my reports, when I met my girlfriend Irena in Barcelona. From that point I spent two months at home, relaxing and preparing for Australia. Home is where my heart is and I feel good with that. It can be anywhere, I just need to be happy.

My vote for you: get out and go for that carreer later in life. The world is big enough and honestly, it doesn't cost that much. Just a flight might be, but when you are in another culture, another country and you have to adjust yourself to all those differences that there might be, just feel it glow inside. You'll love it!

Hope this clears things up for you!


Name: foxmill
City, Country: Melbourne, Australia
Sent: 2.16 AM - 4/9 2002

Bet you've learnt some new Aussie words like - bludger, scab, bot. Don't believe that US $35 is all you spent. Don't you count it if someone else pays for you! Bit misleading i feel

Bet you need to learn some other words too, like: hospitality and friendlyness. I, me myself have not spent any more money than 35US$ during my travels, for the domainname of this website.
Next to that: all I officially ask is a share in some food and a place to sleep. I am not asking more and people don't have to spend unnecessary money on me ;-)
In return I DO write daily reports and publish photographs of my visits on my website (which you probably haven't seen). So I kind of
work my way around the 'other way'. If you still see that as being a bludger, scab or bot, there might be something wrong with your mentality.
Name: Kari
City, Country: Fort Wayne, IN
Sent: 12.18 AM - 4/9 2002

I saw an article about you that Mike Corder did from the Associated Press. This is seems like a great idea. They used to talk about backpacking across Europe back in the 60's. You just made it better. Hope you come to America. I also hope you get to stay at the WHite House. Have fun... and be safe.

Name: kerry
City, Country: ontario, canada
Sent: 5.54 PM - 4/8 2002

You know how sometimes people have an idea that kinda makes you think, "wow, I wish I'd thought of that first"... this is one of those projects... good for you! safe travels!

Name: Alex
City, Country: Detroit, USA
Sent: 5.30 PM - 4/8 2002

Fantastic idea Ramon! I'm looking forward to following your adventures - vicarious experience for myself ;) If you're ever in Motown, you're more than welcome to come and stay. All the best!! - Cheers, Alex

Name: Dave Foki
City, Country: Brisbane, Australia
Sent: 5.23 PM - 4/8 2002

Gidday mate, bloody awesome idea you have there. Good on ya for having the balls to go through with it. Im a kiwi(NZ'er) living here in Brisbane. Pissed that I didn't get a chance to meet ya. Do you have many contacts in NZ to stay with? Let me know if you dont. Anyway, good on ya mate and hope you have a fantastic time.

Name: Marilyn
City, Country: Queensland Aust
Sent: 1.23 PM - 4/8 2002

I would like to congratulate you on coming to Aust and having the guts to push through the slackness of the normal person who hasnt a adventuroous bone in their body. Good on you mate!

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.40 AM - 4/8 2002

Oops! Sorry, I forgot to put the details in that previous posting. What was that about the monday morning mind...?

(A genuine mistake, by the way, and a sincere appology!)
Sent: 6.38 AM - 4/8 2002

Mmmmm, a nickname for Ramon...

Let's see, with all that Ramon is doing, including the competition with Nat. Geo., I'll think about it. Gotta find something that expresses the spirit, the power, the driving force that keeps Ramon going.

It's Monday morning after a toug weekend, so the mind is in neutral. more later.

keep well, each of you out there.

Name: jann crawford

City, Country: tweed heads ----gold coast--- AUSTRALIA
Sent: 9.28 PM - 4/7 2002

Hi Ramon just heard you on the ABC radio from one traveller to another "Go for it " enjoy our beautiful country and take home great memories. Jann

Name: Katie Stoner
City, Country: Fort Wayne, United States
Sent: 7.06 PM - 4/7 2002

Ramon... I just wanted to write and commend you on your adventurous and wonderful attitude towards the world. It isnt everyday that we the people, see a strong willed person going towards their goals and overseeing alot of the hate and terrorism in our everyday life. You seem to have you mind set on what you want to do with your life. I thing that you will go far in doing whatever it is that you may decide to do with it. Again I commend you and congratulate you on your adventures.

Sent: 6.21 PM - 4/7 2002


Name: Sam
City, Country: Wapello, USA
Sent: 6.13 PM - 4/7 2002

Just read the article about your journey in the Des Moines Register today. Sounds like you have had a pretty interesting journey so far. Figured you might be interested in coming to the heartland of the USA and see where food is raised for export all over the world. It's a uniqe place, fairly new-compared to places in Europe and Asia, and a friendly down home place. Kife here moves at a slower pace than the cities but for the most part, people fall in love with this place and make it home. Most of the people in Wapello and Iowa are either employed directly to agriculture or are affiliated with it. The state can boast of having more pigs than people. With the Mississippi river nearby, recreation is plentiful especially if you enjoy the water. Boating, fishing, hunting, and camping are predominate activities enjoyed by most in the vicinity. Life here revolves around the community, local plays, festivities, and the school system. Hope you plan to visit here,it will be an interesting place to come. Let me know what other things you want to know about Wapello, Iowa or the midwest.

Name: donatella
City, Country: milan, italy
Sent: 5.48 PM - 4/7 2002

hello, I'd like to thank bret (from USA) for his message. it's a pleasure to see this site: you're right.. who cares about tv when you can follow somethin' so "true"? as it's been said in a message, ramon's reports are, for a stranga reason, more interesting and involving than some National Geographic's articles.. perhaps because we're almost the same age (so ramon is a traveller as we could be? that is, we "speak the same language"?), or maybe because hosting him we can (hosts can..) really take part in it..who knows? via the internet you can follow quite in real time; personally what made me curious in the "lmsfad idea" is that you can directly (in plain words, as if you were tellin' a friend about something) know the difficults & troubles (the same that, after all, you find travelling in your real life!).

ciao, donatella
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