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Sent: 8.23 PM - 9/14 2002

Thank you, Ramon, for the Ketchup song. It's great! A nice way to share a little bit of what's going on where you are now, home sweet home. Welcome home!

Name: donatella
City, Country: milano, italy
Sent: 8.03 PM - 9/14 2002

hello ramon, I've just read the latest report. just a joke: during my holiday, my boyfriend and me were surrounded on the beach by french, english.. and of course there were german people too. my boyfriend joked sayin' that germanic tongues sounds like chewing stones (no offence for any german or northern european!!), so now I was just wonderig how funny could be a netherlander singing the impossible "asereje"...

Actually, the song "Asereje" is sung by the three Spanish (!) sisters with the surname Tomate, so their groupname is Ketchup. As asereje is their major hit in Europe, the song is also easily called The Ketchup Song, because our Spanish isn't that great. The rest of the language in the song is English and something fantasy. The song is about songs you don't understand.

ps: to cynthia from colorado. excuse me if I take the liberty of intervening in this point between you & ramon. no doubt that some of the pictures are out of place (the one on the tower, the one with the underfed child), anyway I've been following this site so far and I've never found anything made with the aim of offend no one else (at the contrary, I've often noticed here tolerance). -dona

Name: donatella
City, Country: milano, italy
Sent: 7.09 PM - 9/13 2002

great most of the pictures! :D congrats to the artists!

:) donatella
Name: Cronan
City, Country: Dublin, Ireland
Sent: 12.14 PM - 9/13 2002

Hey Ramon,

I know you are now on a bit of a holiday, but are you going to finish your australian reports?
Missing everything since 28th Aug, it is like the last few pages of a book being torn out....want to get to the end.
I have been following the reports from Day 1 and hate missing out.
Have a good break,

You are absolutely right, Cronan. I am back home, have time and can do what I want, so I taking lots of breaths around here. But don't worry, the reports are really coming up soon.

Tomorrow there is even an update coming up from my first week back home!

Name: Thorsten
City, Country: Krefeld, Germany
Sent: 5.45 PM - 9/11 2002

All the best for your trip. In 1997 I tried out to go to Spain without money. It worked!!!!

Now I am in Egypt and I am going to go back to Germany, again without anything. If I have had a flat, I would invite you. Hope to meet you in any time Thorsten
Name: Juut
City, Country: Groningen, NL
Sent: 4.44 PM - 9/11 2002

Heee Ramon! Still doing great! Take care and lots of love!! Judith de Groot

Name: Joan
City, Country: USA
Sent: 4.21 AM - 9/11 2002


I just logged on to say "Bless you all as we remember the tragedy of Sept 11, 2001." Thank you for your memorial picture and words here as well.

Peace on Earth! Bless you all! May we never forget!

Name: H-Alien
City, Country: Netherlands
Sent: 1.58 PM - 9/9 2002

Don't forget to run around among the cows while you're back's a must ;)

Name: James
City, Country: Arnold, CA, USA
Sent: 6.56 AM - 9/9 2002

Welcome back or welcome to there. Sounds like in all events the other side is coming up. I have truly enjoyed these past many months since first beginning to follow and share with others your travels. Hopefully you'll rest mind and body, and then, when the itch to go needs to be scratched again, you''l begin again to enlighten us all. But if that's not for awhile, I 'll continue to surf for other interesting web loggers.

Besides meeting new people, I think I'll miss the sunsets most.
Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.12 AM - 9/9 2002

Hi Ramon

Welcome home! Don't hassle too much about your Romanian cretin, he probably does not represent the rest of that country's population. Also, you can think of it as a lesson in life. The benefits of which will be a stronger website, a new skill acquired in the securing of websites and their servers, and you'll be a brilliant chef with all those cakes. (Or you'll keep a bakery in business for a while!)

You keep strong, Ramon. Get a physio to attend to your back, and relax until you and your back are ready for more travels.

All the best, Ramon, we're all right behind you.

Sala kahle

Name: Roger
City, Country: East Lansing USA
Sent: 6.07 AM - 9/9 2002

Ramon.... what a great website and concept. I've started my own website these last months... in fact next year, I'm giving up on my career to travel full time... but I don't know that I could do the travel without a budget thing. But if you have some pointers or places that I need to see, let me know. Here's my website:

Name: Joan
City, Country: Ipswich England
Sent: 4.18 PM - 9/8 2002

Hi Ramon Its a terrible thing to happen to you , but dont worry , its not the end of the world. You will be back after a good rest ,relating your adventures in the next country. Keeping us on the edge of our seats, and making us laugh at the things you get up to. Make the most of this break and being with your family, and return refreshed because we cant wait to hear more about these wonderful countries and nice people that you meet.

All the best Joan
Name: hanneng
City, Country: Singapore
Sent: 2.35 PM - 9/8 2002

I am glad that is back online now. Ramon, tt's good to take this opportunity to fix-up some security bugs, and revamp the sites.

Keep us posted, and we following you.
Best of luck.
Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 7.00 AM - 9/8 2002

What do you think Ramon? Is airforce for real? If so I do admire that he is owning up to his irresposibility. We shall see in the coming days airforce how everyone feels. I would suggest if people want to discuss this further, we take it to the forum.

Sala kahle

Name: airforce

City, Country: romania
Sent: 7.12 PM - 9/7 2002

As you can see my friends...

I am not afraid to reveal my true identity ..
I will provide you with my real name and adress ...
As i said .. i`m willing to eaven go to prison for my actions ..
I am not afraid of this .. But in this country if u do only good things u are prosecuted .. g33z .. my mother died when i was 14 ... my old man is 70 years old ..
and u guys judge me so hard ..
I made a mistake ... as i can see it will be solved .. all that i can say is yes i am sorry about this .. and no i dont live my life through a computer .. g33z .. i cant eaven afford one ..the are too expensive for my pocket ...But think of what i could of done if i had a PC ... and dont think bad!
I`m gonna mail everyone i hacked ... or i am about to .. and tell`em whats wrong with they`re servers ..
If anywone wants to eaven consider that i desirve a chance in this gawd damned "moral" world .. mail me at
btw ... my real name is Peter Pavel Eugen and i am located in Romania!

I am sorry ... and i appoligise to all of you:((

Name: Jasper van Dijk
City, Country: Netherlands
Sent: 12.31 AM - 9/7 2002

Hi Remon,

What a mess... getting hacked, I don't know why those stupid guys (or girls) want to do that? let them think of a better way to get some attention...

Hope you get some rest back home, and wach your back.

regards, Jasper
Name: inge dietz
City, Country: Melbourne, Australia
Sent: 11.35 PM - 9/6 2002

Hallo Ramon, for many month I enjoyed your reports. hopefully you are back soon. Best wishes inge

Name: Acadia
City, Country: USA
Sent: 9.18 PM - 9/6 2002

Glad you are home safe and well, Ramon. The rest will do you good. I am looking forward to what will come next.

So sorry about the site SNAFU here. As the saying goes "It takes all kinds".
Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 6.46 PM - 9/6 2002

Ramon, good to hear you had a safe journey home. Enjoy the rest, your deserve it. Looking forward to the updates once things get straightened out.

Airforce, if your apologies are sincere, then they should directed not only to Ramon, but to all of us that come hear daily to enjoy Ramons travels. You really need to sit back and reflect on your moral standards. I think you know what is right and wrong, but your enthusiasm for what you have learned has been skewed. H-Alien is right, use your talents in a more meaningful way.
Name: Karen
City, Country: London, UK
Sent: 5.00 PM - 9/6 2002

Enjoy the stroopwafels, pannekoeken met stroop, Wieckse Witte etcetera!

Name: hariette
City, Country: the netherlands
Sent: 4.11 PM - 9/6 2002

welkom thuis Ramon!

Name: MJ
City, Country: Denver
Sent: 3.33 PM - 9/6 2002

I would say that all of these postings, rantings, and etc is exactly what the hacker wants. Maybe the only way this hacker can live is thru his/her computer and cannot make it in real society. Don't give him the satisfaction anymore of acknowledgement; for that is what he needs. Let's talk about physics or the pilot strike in France..or just Ramon in general. :) Worthy subjects.

Name: No1
City, Country: usa
Sent: 2.21 PM - 9/6 2002

what happened to my last message?

Anyway, once AGAIN, good luck Ramon.

Name: Ramon's mother

City, Country: Holland
Sent: 1.25 PM - 9/6 2002

Nevertheless hacking he is now home safe. May be for a short period but we are glad he is with us.

Name: H-Alien
City, Country: Netherlands
Sent: 12.56 PM - 9/6 2002

in short you have 2 categories

1) point and go "uuuuh a weakness"
2) strengthen that weakness

right now you belong to category 1, while to accomplish your goal as you stated being in category 2 would be far more logical.

Name: H-Alien
City, Country: Rotterdam
Sent: 12.51 PM - 9/6 2002

Airforce that somebody makes it easy for you to brake in, is not a valid argument to actually go ahead with the brake-in, it's your own choice you broke in, you're responsible no one else, simple methodolgy.

And the choice of your "victim" is pretty low if you ask me, Ramon travelling around the entire world, hardly ever at home, working on a unique project was a extremely easy target, and what do you gain? is this website of major importance? does "the society" notice this hack? nope only a small group of people who happened to follow Ramon's life, wow what a major difference you made.

Easy target, nothing to gain, wouldn't you rather show your expertise as a security advisor and make sure that people like you can not hack sites. From your reasoning I conclude that what you are trying to accomplish is a safer environment on the internet. Now instead of pointing out those weaknesses, why don't you go and really make a difference, really go for what you are trying to accomplish, why don't you use your expertise as a security advisor and strengthen the weaknesses instead of pointing out, that's a far more honourable job, it will do you good :)

Name: Leo
City, Country: from Holland
Sent: 10.34 AM - 9/6 2002

What an %*$hole that Airforce dude, just now yo're travelling to Holland...

Name: Ang
City, Country: Australia
Sent: 5.58 AM - 9/6 2002

Well said ToolkiT.. and I'll add my own opinion if I may.. You have to laugh when Mr Hacker says in a previous message he didnt want to "destroy ones dreams" HA!! Its going to take more than a hacked website to destroy dreams.. especially the dreams of someone like Ramon.

I had the pleasure of meeting Ramon at the 'Make a Wish Foundation' charity night. The money that was raised will make even more dreams possible for some sick kids. What a great way to end his visit to Australia. I asked Ramon if HE could have one wish granted, what would it be? The answer was nothing less than what I expected "I would wish that I could make a wish every day" What a answer! and what a night!
I want to say Hi to all the Dutchies I met that night at the Pumphouse, and also to the guys from 'Dutch Online Promotions' who helped organise it all. I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did.. :)
Name: ToolkiT
Sent: 2.13 AM - 9/6 2002


Your logic makes no sense at all:"the only ones that are guilty are the "experts" that configured the server my friend.. wich themselves should be blamed for this shit ..
Thats like saying I have no responsebility of wrecking a car because I hotwired it and ran it into a tree, but hey the guy didnt lock the boot and I could get in the though the backdoor....
Or I can't be blamed for torching the place because I got in through a window that was left slightly open...
Because something has a weak spot in its security (or no security at all for that matter) does not give you the right to get in...
That you live in a poor country does not change that 1 bit. Non of this gives you the right to break the law..

How about using your skills for something constructive? If you are such a Unix/security expert go find a job using those skills...dont use it to trash other peoples machines...

Trust me that will backfire on you...

"I never judged anywone my entire life .."

Yes you did, you Judged, sentenced and executed Ramon because of the security loophole on his server...

"I also could of mailed Ramon.. and i have right after i /hack the server! "

Why AFTER you hacked his system??? you could send him an email before you broke the law..

"I wanted a legit shell at the server" the only 'legit' way to get that is to contact Ramon and ask him for one... if you would have emailed him instead of hacking him he may have offered you a (unpaid) 'job' as his security advisor... which would look very good on your resume increasing your chances in the real world...

Hacking a server of somebody who's on the road all the time and can't keep up with every security exploid is not the biggest achievement as a hacker, but thats off topic...

As for my Unix skills, you dont know me so you cant judge my Unix skills at all...

Please realize that hacking in this way is a destructive way of life, use your skills and energy for something positive...

p.s. using a spellchecker, you 'l33t' talk makes you sound like a scriptkiddie...

Name: Brian B
City, Country: Raleigh, NC
Sent: 6.52 PM - 9/5 2002

Ramon, hope this server mess doesn't cause you too much worry. At least it came at the end of your Australian trek instead of in the middle of it. Have a relaxing break.

Brian B
Name: airforce
City, Country: nowhere
Sent: 6.23 PM - 9/5 2002

To Tollkit,

scriptkiddie my friend??
u have no ideea what i can do ...what harm i could do to so manny servers in this gawd damned world ..
after all i donno why the heck i am condemned for this shit ..
the only ones that are guilty are the "experts" that configured the server my friend.. wich themselves should be blamed for this shit ..
and about what i used to hack this server .. is something that i made myself ..
btw .. u call u`reself a guy that knows shit right??
why couldn`t you prevent this to happen??
tell me ... all of you ..
Ask ramon .. nothing was erased... nothing was damaged by me ..
My only mistake was makin` a psy on the server... a psy that was heavily flooded ... thats all ..
So dont "scriptkiddie" my friend .. when u have no ideea what unix means ..
One more time .. i tell to all of you !
Do not judge me too hard .. i have my guilt, but i have to live with that ..u have no phukin` ideea how bad i feel for doing this ..
so dont lecture me about what good or bad .. u dont have this right!
i live from this shitty internet, i worked so hard to get here ..
I know stuff that u guys will never know .. becouse knowledge is power in our days ..
But i live in a country where i cant eaven afford a PC .. Dont talk to me about what is wrong or right when u guys dont eaven give a shit ...
I have done wrong to Ramon .. and i know that ... it is my mistake and i am willing to accept the consequences!
So dont judge me!
I never judged anywone my entire life ..

P.S.: and yes .. i can be a guys friend ... but what chance do i have??

I also could of mailed Ramon.. and i have right after i /hack the server!
You can ask him!
I wanted a legit shell at the server .. g33z ppl ... think before u say something!
Name: donatella
City, Country: milano, italy
Sent: 3.06 PM - 9/5 2002

hello ramon, after all the mess with the hacker (smart people everywhere...) I'd like to wish you a good relaxing and funny time at your own home. stay well!

ciao, donatella
ps: also a greet to all the readers who often write on here (the so-called "supporters") - ciao* dona
Name: Menno
City, Country: Beaumaris VIC Australia
Sent: 11.29 AM - 9/5 2002

Hey Ramon,

We crossed paths between Europe and Australia! I just returned from Holland this morning, only to find that I can't read your post-Tassie reports at the moment. Bugger....

Anyway, I reckon you must be happy now to be able to "recharge your batteries" for a while, after all those travels, faces, life stories and having to adapt in your daily role as guest. No place like home....

I have a deep respect for what you achieved and the way you achieved it, *your* way! And I am glad to be part of that little community that helped make it possible.



"The way to stay sane is to be crazy now and then...."

Name: Ron from Dutch On-Line
City, Country: Sydney
Sent: 10.44 AM - 9/5 2002


Thanks for visiting Oz
I think raising $675 for the make a wish foundation is a good amount
Hope you enjoyed the whole country
Sally from Make a wish in Sydney send your info on the the Dutch Make a wish foundation
The charity night was nice and relaxing
But do come back we have so many bitterballen, frikandellen en Grolsch beer left over.

Have a safe trip home


Ron Ellen Bradley and all those nice people at the Let me stay for a day charity night

PS Did you leave the Novotel mini bar on your last night as is or will I get a bill haha

as you would say .......Its Good Night from Sydney ..........

Name: Perth Sales - McCaffertys & Greyhound Pioneer
City, Country: Perth, Australia
Sent: 8.57 AM - 9/5 2002

Hi Ramon,

Firstly, I must say how saddened I was to hear about this 'airforce' character and what occured with your web page.

Secondly, ditto for what Brian B - North Carolina says.

I hope your Charity night was a success. The kids at 'Make A Wish' will no doubt be wishing for more 'stars' like Ramon. "when you wish upon a star..."

Safe journeys on your way home.

By the time you get home you will probably need a holiday.

Nice to have met you and maybe we will meet again someday.

Kind Regards
From All The Team At McCaffertys and Greyhound Pioneer.
Name: Marc Howard
City, Country: Sydney, Australia
Sent: 7.36 AM - 9/5 2002

Hi Ramon,

All the best for your coming journeys!
Was great to meet someone that has such a confidence in their own ability to achieve your goals even in such a inhospitible place as the Australian Outback.
Will send you through a few cards soon!
Name: KlergyC
City, Country: Perth, Australia
Sent: 7.04 AM - 9/5 2002

Hey Dude. Sorry Some Di**Head Fu**ed Your Site Up. Hope Your Up Soon.

Safe Travels...
Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Sydney, Australia
Sent: 4.54 AM - 9/5 2002

From the postings below you might be able to understand what happened with the original content of this website. Hopefully the backup will be up and running again after the coming weekend.

At the moment I am about to board the plane from Sydney to Hong Kong and to arrive in The Netherlands again on Friday.

See ya back on the real website soon. ;-)


Name: ToolkiT
City, Country: Australia
Sent: 2.06 AM - 9/5 2002

To Airforce, who posted below:

With friends like that who needs enemies? :/
If you wanted to 'to show you was that you`re server is vulnerable' you could have emailed him telling him what the weak spot was...
To me you are a cracker not a hacker... probably not even that, just a scriptkiddie...

If you are a man you expose your identity and face the concequeses of you actions... you really put Ramon in a shitty situation by your wanna be hacking...

Name: Jo Neller
City, Country: Erina, NSW, Australia
Sent: 11.54 PM - 9/4 2002


Have a safe trip home. Thank you for your support and advice when you stayed at my place. I have given Graham the flick. He was definately not worth the trouble. I have been going out with a lovely gentleman for 5 days. His name is Gary. He treats me well and with respect. It has taken four since my divorce and I'm really happy. Thank you once again. I hope all your dreams come true. I hope you and Irena can patch things up. Life is too short. Your living your dream and I have learnt alot from your stay. My motto in life now is to be happy and live life to the fullest. Hopefully we can catch up in the future. I'm going to Europe next year. Thanks again. Have a safe trip. Jo
Name: stefan purucker
City, Country: vienna, austria
Sent: 10.43 PM - 9/4 2002

well, you have been here already, i guess.

so it´s hard to invite you again.
but we look at your route. keep on going.
a brilliant idea, but how do you feel meeting all
these people every day?
how many families have you met?
wish you all the best!

Hey Stefan, lots of questions, less time right now. I have only stayed one day in Austria until now, so I will certainly come back there again ... one day...
Name: Aila Karppinen
City, Country: Sweden
Sent: 7.32 PM - 9/4 2002

Hi Ramon!Thank You for your ansver,it was nice to here from You?Are You still in Australia??My favorite place on Earth(one of favorites.)You are a wery speciall person,and brave, for doing what many people are dreaming about,to travel around our Beautiful Planet!Hope to here from You.God Bless on Your Journey!

Name: airforce

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