The KYEOP is envisioned to take 5 years to and aimed to increase employment and earning opportunities to the targeted youth. The project is demand driven , hence after the initial awareness raising and sensitization across the country, interested youth will apply for the various services provided by the project. The Directorate of youth that has national network right up to the sub-county level will be instrumental in raising awareness about the project as well as guiding and counseling youth to make choices on the services provided by the project . Since the scope of the KYEOP is national it therefore implies that all the communities described as vulnerable and marginalized as per the Kenyan Constitution are likely to be affected by this project especially in view of the fact that the actual sub project locations remain unknown for the present. The annex 6 of this report describes all the vulnerable and marginalized communities in Kenya as described by the Constitution of Kenya. However, even though the GOK’s constitution spells out communities categorized as vulnerable and marginalized, OP. 4.10 expressly defines the criteria within which a group is considered or qualifies to be vulnerable and or marginalized. During screening, groups categorized as vulnerable and marginalized by GOK will be subjected to the Bank’s threshold screening of indigenous groups before they are qualified to meet the Bank’s criteria and trigger OP.4.10 (some groups, such as the Ogiek, Sengwer, Maasai, Wakifundi, have met the criteria for OP 4.10 in other Bank-financed projects).
Collation of baseline data on the Vulnerable and Marginalized youth in Kenya including demographic, education for age bracket 16-29 years, national identification documents, communication channels, institutionalization, economic opportunities and supportive stakeholders to youth affairs;
Documentation of Proposed Grievances Handling Mechanism in project implementation and management
Formulation of monitoring and evaluation plan.
Provision of indicative budget for the implementation of VMGF
Sample terms of reference for development of a VMGF are attached as annex 3.
Detailed and in-depth literature review
Literature review was undertaken and helped in gaining a further and deeper understanding of the project. Among the documents that were reviewed in order to familiarize and deeply understand the project included:
World Bank Indigenous Peoples Operational Policy OP 4.10
Public Consultation with key stakeholders to deliberate on the draft VMGF and the social assessment was carried out from 14th to 22nd December in sampled four counties with VMG presence including Nakuru, Tranzoia, Isiolo and Kwale. Among VMGs communities consulted included the sengwer of Tranzioa, Ogiek of Mau Nakuru, Wakifundi and Tswkka of kwale, Turkana and the Sakuye of Isiolo County. A total of 401 people were consulted. Public disclosure workshops were done on January 8, 2016 and issues raised documented and incorporated in the final VMGF.
The objectives of the consultation were to disclose information on KYEOP and provide an opportunity for VMG youth and other stakeholders to voice their opinions and concerns on different aspects of the project. Their concerns informed the development of VMGF.
Discussions were held with project staff as well as the World Bank relevant staff as part of the consultation. Direct consultation with the already identified KYEOP Executing Agencies was also held in regard to vulnerable and marginalized groups. The key institutions to implement the KYEOP were consulted and additional consultation will be undertaken as they continue to prepare and operationalize project implementation documents in order to ensure VMGs issues are mainstreamed across the various project components.
Feedback was overall positive and stakeholders were supportive of the objectives of the project to increase access to youth employment. Most stakeholders applauded the project targeting of the vulnerable youth who they reported had long been forgotten.”At last the Government has targeted the real youth in need, who have been a major challenge in our administration” remarked one chief in Kwale. They were also broadly satisfied with the proposed safeguard instruments and the mitigation measures provided for in the instruments. The main concerns raised were around ensuring the project addressed issues of (a) accessibility and inclusion of VMGs most of whom live in remote and inaccessible villages and with hardly any voice to influence intakes; (b) ensuring benefits accrue to young married women who most VMG communities consider their being married as form of employment especially in Northern Eastern Kenya; (c) the challenge of addressing gender – based violence in the context of youth employment which remain rampant in these communities and especially in the Northern Counties of Isiolo and Turkana which may deny young women an opportunity to participate in the project ; and (d) initiatives targeting VMG in conflict prone regions such as the North Eastern counties and the coast must embrace conflict sensitive approaches to ensure project initiatives to not escalate existing tensions.