Model gpa objective X working Compendium

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2009-2012 Work Plan Number

GPA 4.21ae

GPA Objective

GPA objective 4: to protect and promote health at the workplace, priority 2.1: psychosocial risks

CC or NGO Name

Asociación Chilena de Seguridad

Project title

Study on perception of quality of life of Chilean workers


Quality of life, psychosocial risks

Project leader

Email address

Ps Alejandra Sallato

Partners (of the CC Network)


Other partners



Asociación Chilena de Seguridad

Objective of the project

To study the perception of quality of life of Chilean workers

Project outcome(s) and deadline(s) for completion of the project

Scientific paper with the results

Deadline December 2012

Target group and/or beneficiaries

Chilean workers

Summary of the project

The research will gather information through a perception survey which will be available at the website of the “Asociación Chilena de Seguridad”. Aspects that will be considered are work, education, health, housing and household appliances, quality of air, noise, drinking water, etc., family relationships, interpersonal relationships, leisure and entertainment, and other aspects of socio-political order, such as social participation, personal security, etc..


Paho's documents

Ciencia& Trabajo journal

Achs web site

Fundación Científica web site

Regional and International meetings

Impact (global or regional)



List of outcomes already achieved by this project

List of additional outcomes expected from this project by 2012

2009-2012 Work Plan Number


New Project


Work plan project number

Metals and health: Manganese and welding

GPA Objective and Action


Priority Initiative

WHO Euro

Responsible CC or NGO Name

NIOH Department of Medicine and Epidemiology

Project leader

Dag Ellingsen, dr Med, Phd, Director of department, Chemical and biological work environment,

Network partners

WHO Regions involved in this CONTRIBUTING project

Country ministries involved in this CONTRIBUTING project

External partners for this CONTRIBUTING project

North West Public Health Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. Valery Chachine

Contact: Ellingsen/Thomassen NIOH Norway

Summary of the project

Methodology on air exposure assessment and biological monitoring of manganese.

Extended neurological knowledge on health effects due to exposure to manganese.

Evidence based research and data from the Construction Sector (ship-yards).

Target group and/or beneficiaries

Government and labour inspectorate, Industry (ship-yards, welding, construction ecc), Labour unions, medical doctors and health workers

Events-opportunities for furthering the project


Expected results of this project by 2012 (outcomes)

3-5 scientific publications; 2-3 in 2010, 2-3 in 2011/2012

Indicators of achievement (impact)

The publication of the scientific articles

The dissemination to the target groups

Major Milestones (list up to three dates and milestones)

Manganese Health Research Programme: 24/06/09 USA

ICOH Conferences on Epidemiology

ICOH World Conference in Mexico 2012

Public health impact

To understand possible neurological systems effects related to a major work force world wide (and their families) on long terms. Improved understanding of women and iron deficiency.

Funding source(s)



Scientific publications, Popular publications, NIOH Web, other media, conferences and vocational training

List of outcomes already achieved by this project

List of additional outcomes expected from this project by 2012

2009-2012 Work Plan Number


New Project


Work plan project number

Psychological and social factors at work and participation in work-life

GPA Objective and Action


Priority Initiative


Responsible CC or NGO Name

NIOH Department of Medicine and Epidemiology

Project leader

Bjørn Lau, Director of Department; Dept of Organizational and Psychosocial work environment,

Network partners

Summary of the project

To provide new knowledge on psychosocial risks, work factors and their influences on health, sickness absence, work ability, work motivation and involvement, as well as retirement (early and regular) and sleep-deprivation. Evidence based evaluation and assessment.

Target group and/or beneficiaries

Employees and Employers, The Norwegian Government, Labour inspectorate, Labour Unions

Events-opportunities for furthering the project

Yearly conferences on the topic.
National and international conferences.

Expected results of this project by 2012 (outcomes)

15 scientic articles by research fellows

05 scientific articles by senior researchers

Indicators of achievement (impact)

Articles by Research Fellows: 4 articles in 2009, 5 articles in 2010, 5 articles in 2011 and 1 in 2012 (possibly more)

Articles by Senior Researchers within 2012.

Major Milestones (list up to three dates and milestones)

Summer 2009. Full coverage – Research Fellows.

End of 2009 – the first scientific publications from the project.

End of 2010 – phase III of the project has been initiated.

Public health impact


The companies involved in the projects will have direct feedback from the project. Activities are directly linked to the impact on different health aspects for the workers.

Funding source(s)



Scientifc and popular publications, NIOH Web, other media, OHS Web, vocational training, conferences

List of outcomes already achieved by this project

List of additional outcomes expected from this project by 2012

2009-2012 Work Plan Number


Formerly AA2:NP14

GPA Objective and Action

GPA Objective 4: To provide and communicate evidence for action and practice

Priority Initiative

4.2 Further develop the global research agenda for workers’ health

CC or NGO Name

Institute and Outpatient Clinic for Occupational and Environmental Medicine, University of Munich, Ziemssenstr. 1, D-80336 Munich

Project title

Risk factors and prevention of occupational asthma and rhinitis


occupational asthma, occupational rhinitis, European Community Respiratory Health Survey

Project leader

Email address

Dr. Katja Radon MSc,

Partners (of the CC Network)


Other partners




Objective of the project

The purpose of the project is to assess prevalence and distribution of exposure to asthmagenic agents. Furthermore it is intended to define differences in the exposures evoking asthma respectively rhinitis and then to develop adequate preventive strategies.

Project outcome(s) and deadline(s) for completion of the project

The project was funded by the NIH from 1999-2004. Papers on the results of the follow-up of the study are currently under preparation. The next meeting of the group will take place in February 2006 at Frauenchiemsee, Germany

Target group and/or beneficiaries

The target group of the survey was the European population aged between 20 and 44 in 1991/92. To enter the study subjects were selected at random from available population registries.

Summary of the project

About 10 % of all asthmatic disease is attributed to occupational factors. The prevalence and distribution of occupational exposure to various chemicals, fumes and gases within particular jobs (e.g., cleaning, nursing, metal workers) will be determined and described using standardised methods (for details see These matters of exposure (e.g., disinfectants, soldering fumes) are known or suspected to be of importance in the aetiology and prognosis of allergy and allergic disease. Better knowledge of exposure-response relationships will lead to improved preventive strategies for occupational asthma and rhinitis.


Scientific papers and presentations at international conferences, webpage

Impact (global or regional)

At the end of our study, we will be able to develop validated recommendations to reduce asthma and rhinitis risks associated with exposure to various chemicals, fumes and gases.

Progress on Project

6837 participants from 13 countries who previously took part in the European Community Respiratory Health Survey are followed prospectively. For the 2nd follow-up, an asthma-specific job exposure matrix with additional expert judgment was used. A significant excess asthma risk was seen after exposure to substances known to cause occupational asthma. Asthma risk was also increased in participants who reported an acute symptomatic inhalation event. The population-attributable risk for adult asthma due to occupational exposures ranged from 10% to 25%. Associations seen were much weaker with respect to rhinitis which might indicate a strong healthy worker survivor effect for this disease. Overall, occupational exposures account for a substantial proportion of adult asthma incidence.

List of outcomes already achieved by this project

As above

List of additional outcomes expected from this project by 2012

2009-2012 Work Plan Number


New Project


Work plan project number

Risk Assessment of Chemical Hazards

GPA Objective and Action

GPA Objective 4 : To provide and communicate evidence for action and practice

Priority Initiative

4.2 Further develop the global research agenda for workers’ health

Responsible CC or NGO Name

NIOH Department of Medicine and Epidemiology

Project leader

Dag Ellingsen, dr Med, Phd, Director of department, Chemical and biological work environment,

Network partners


WHO Regions involved in this CONTRIBUTING project

Country ministries involved in this CONTRIBUTING project

External partners for this CONTRIBUTING project

Summary of the project

Assessment and management of occupational risks related to exposure to chemicals. Documentation and scientific evaluation of occupational exposure to chemicals as a basis for setting national Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs). In addition scientists at NIOH participates in Scandinavian and European organizations with the same goals.

Target group and/or beneficiaries

Labour Inspectorate, Product Registry, Government, Industry (on and offshore), Labour Unions and Confederation of Norwegian Enterprises

Events-opportunities for furthering the project

REACH in Norway 2009

International and national Meetings and conferences

Expected results of this project by 2012 (outcomes)

Reports and Criteria Documents (3-6)

Indicators of achievement (impact)

The use of scientific articles in risk assessment

The use of criteria documents and reports in the setting of administrative norms.

Major Milestones (list up to three dates and milestones)

REACH in Norway by the end of 2009

Change of administrative norms in Norway – by the end of 2009

Public health impact

Increased understanding of chemical hazards in the general population and in the workplace in particular.

NIOH Norway acts as an advisor to the Norwegian Pollution Control Authority which works on a Public Health platform.

Funding source(s)



Reports, Criteria Documents, Scientific and popular publications, NIOH Web, Conferences, Vocational training

List of outcomes already achieved by this project

List of additional outcomes expected from this project by 2012

2009-2012 Work Plan Number


New Project


Work plan project number

Stress and fatigue in seafaring and other maritime industries

GPA Objective and Action

Objective 2; Actions 11-13

Priority Initiative

Responsible CC or NGO Name

Department of Maritime Medicine, Institute of Occupational Medicine and Maritime Medicine, Hamburg, Germany

Project leader

Marcus Oldenburg


Network partners

Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine, Gydnia, Poland Email:

Centre of Maritime Health and Safety, University of Southern Denmark Email:

External partners for this CONTRIBUTING project

Alf Magne Horneland, Centre for Maritime Medicine, Haukeland University Bergen, Norway


AP Smith, Centre for Occupational Health Psychology, Cardiff, UK


Summary of the project

Seafaring is associated with a high level of mental, psychosocial and physical stress. In this project, the currently most important stressors will be identified by a comprehensive risk assessment. A focus is seafarer’s fatigue as a consequence of shipboard conditions (monotony, long shift hours (especially in two-watch systems), probably also reduced visual capacity and shipboard electromagnetic fields). Suitable strategies to prevent stress on board shall be developed including health protection and health promotion of seafarers. This includes the improvement of medical training courses for ship officers, anti-smoking/ -alcohol/ -stress campaigns. To evaluate the efficiency of proposed prevention measures intervention studies are planned.

Target group and/or beneficiaries

Seafarers, health staff of health/labour institutions, ship owners, insurance agencies, trade unions of seafarers, medical education centres for ship officers

Events-opportunities for furthering the project

- Development of a WHO questionnaire to evaluate stress on board

- Cooperation with the International Maritime Health Association (IMHA)

Expected results of this project by 2012 (outcomes)

- Description of currently most important stress factors on board and development of suitable prevention strategies

Indicators of achievement (impact)

- Evidence-based recommendations of stress prevention on board

Major Milestones (list up to three dates and milestones)

- Measurement data on stressors on board (by 2010)

- Testing intervention strategies (by 2012)

Public health impact


Funding source(s)

No funds


Results and recommendations will be published at the IMHA as well as in an international journal.

List of outcomes already achieved by this project

2009-2012 Work Plan Number



The Australian National Hazard Exposure Worker Surveillance Survey (NHEWS)

GPA Objective

Objective 4: “To provide and communicate evidence for action and practice” Action 4.21: Encourage practical research on emerging issues.

Priority Number and Area (if applicable)

Priority 1(d): Conduct practical research to understand occupational health risks and their controls

Responsible CC or NGO Name

Safe Work Australia

Project leader(s)

Dr Jennifer Job

Network partners


WHO Regions involved in this project


Country ministries involved in this project


External partners for this project


Summary of the project

Data collected in the National Hazard Exposure Worker Surveillance (NHEWS) survey provides information on the current nature and extent of Australian workers’ exposure to selected occupational disease causing hazards as well as the controls used to manage them.

More in-depth research is now being conducted on the above self reported data to identify potential populations at risk. Supplementary work will also be carried out to determine the intensity of exposure through measured exposures in the areas of chemicals, airborne substances and noise. The findings of this research will inform initially a policy response then potential regulatory development.

Target group and/or beneficiaries

Australia, Asia and the Pacific Basin. Dr Job and her staff have also developed significant international networks, including with NIOSH

Major Milestones (list up to three dates and milestones)

Research to identify potential populations at risk by Dec 2009. Measured by Dec 2010. Policy response and the identification of any potential regulatory development by Dec 2012.

Dissemination plan

Results have been and will continue to be published on the Safe Work Australia research reports page of the website National Hazard Exposure Worker

Surveillance (NHEWS) Survey: 2008 Results

In Australia the Safe Work Australia Council members (tripartite as well as representative of every State and Territory of Australia) exchange research findings with their constituents.

Funding source(s)

Safe Work Australia

List of outcomes already achieved by this project

The National Hazard Exposure Worker Surveillance (NHEWS): Survey Handbook published in Nov 2008 describes the purpose of the NHEWS survey; sources of individual questions and rationale behind questions selected for inclusion in the final survey instrument. It also describes the sampling and analytical strategies for Wave 1 & 2 data collection undertaken in 2008.

List of additional outcomes expected from this project by 2012

Potential populations at risk identified. Data gather on measured exposures for chemicals, airborne substances and noise. Policy response including the identification of any potential regulatory development completed.

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