Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Practice
Tanzania Strategic Cities Project AF: The Government of the Tanzania (GoT) has asked for Additional Financing (AF) under OP/BP 10.00 in the amount of US$80 million to the Tanzania Strategic Cities Project. The requested additional support is needed to scale up the project's investments. The original project has been under satisfactory implementation since 2011.
The additional financing is sought to finance the following three board types of investments: (i) Enhancements to the functionality and sustainability of the works completed and ongoing under the current project, such as drainage/pedestrian amenities and additional land-fill cells and solid waste equipment. (ii) Investments -mainly urban roads and some storm drains- from the ‘long-list’ that were originally prepared and screened during original project appraisal in FY2010/11, but not included in the project due to limited IDA availability. (iii) Newly identified sub-projects which are also mostly urban roads and two new land-fills. Approval completed on 29 May 2014. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P148974. US$ 50.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. Prime Minister's Office - Regional Administration and Local Government Tel: (255-26) 232-1908/2848, E-mail: NA, Contact: Chandanie Wijayawardene, Director General.
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