Housing Finance Project: The revised PDO is as follows: To facilitate the development of the housing finance market through the provision of medium and long-term liquidity to lenders. Approval completed on 24 February 2015. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 60.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. BANK OF TANZANIA Tel: 2550222235583, E-mail: avmkenda@bot.go.tz, Contact: Albert Mkenda, Program Manager (PIU).
Citizen-Centric Judicial Modernization and Justice Service Delivery: The project development objective is to improve the efficiency and transparency of, and access to, selected citizen-centric justice services. Approval completed on 6 April 2016. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P155759. US$ 65.0 (IDA Credit). Consulting services to be determined. Judiciary Tel: 255222123897, E-mail: hakattanga@gmail.com, Contact: H Kattanga, Chief Court Administrator - Judiicial Branch; Ministry of Finance and Planning Tel: 255784308631, E-mail: cca@judiciary.go.tz, Contact: H Kattanga, Chief Court Administrator - Judicial Branch.