(R) Trade and Logistics Services Competitiveness Project: The proposed project aims to improve the quality and cost of transport services in Togo. The project intends to support selective, targeted, and integrated interventions to improve the business environment for the logistics services sector, and strengthen the capacity of both public and private sector actors in the industry.Approval completed on Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 7.0 (IDA Grant). Consulting services to be determined. Republic of Togo Tel: (228) 22213554, E-mail: minifintogo@yahoo.fr, Contact: S.E.M. Adji Oteth Ayassor, Ministre de l'Economie et des Finances; Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Development Planning Tel: 22282220, E-mail: minesenergie@yahoo.fr, Contact: Adji Oteth Ayassor, Minister of Finance.