(R) Regional Disease Surveillance Systems Enhancement (REDISSE): The objectives of the Project are: (i) to strengthen national and regional cross-sectoral capacity for collaborative disease surveillance and epidemic preparedness in West Africa, thereby addressing systemic weaknesses within the animal and human health systems that hinder effective disease surveillance and response; and (ii) in the event of an Eligible Emergency, to provide immediate and effective response to said Eligible Emergency. Approval completed on 28 June 2016. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P154807. US$ 70.0/40.0/4.1 (IDA Credit/IDA Grant/CIDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Finance and Economic Development of Sierra Leone Tel: 232 22 222 211, E-mail: acole@mofed.gov.sl, Contact: Momodu L. Kargbo, Minister; Ministry of Economics, Finance and Planning of Senegal Tel: 221-33-823-70-92, E-mail: mayediouf@hotmail.com, Contact: M. Maye Diouf, ChargÃe de programme; Ministry of Economy and Finance of Guinea Tel: +244-43108230, E-mail: sp.srp@sotelgui.net, Contact: Madame Malado Kaba, Minister; WAHO Tel: (226) 20 97 57 72, E-mail: wahooas@wahooas.org, Contact: Dr Xavier Crespin, Director General.