KH - Livelihood Enhancement and Association of the Poor Project (LEAP): The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to help improve livelihoods of targeted poor households in selected provinces and communities. Concept completed on 19 April 2016. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P153591. US$ 20.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA, Contact: Vanndy Hem, Under Secretary of State; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Contact: Thaveak Amida Prak, Deputy Secretary General; Ministry of Interior (MOI), Contact: Younell Hay, Deputy Secretary General; Phnom Penh Capital Hall (PPCH), Contact: Huot Hay, Deputy Director of Administration; Siem Reap Provincial Municipality, Contact: Bunsong Khim, Provincial Governor.