Emergency Public Services Response Project: The project development objective is to re-establish an operational government payroll and related financial management systems. Approval completed on 19 May 2015. Environmental Assessment Category C. Project: P154304. US$ 10.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance and Budget/ CS REF, Contact: Remy Yakoro, Minister of Finance.
(N) Data for Decision Making: To strengthen the capacity of the national statistics organization, the Institut National de la Statistique des Etudes Economiques et Demographiques (INSEED), to conduct living standards surveys that meet international quality standards and to publicly release resulting anonymized microdata. Identification completed on 24 June 2016. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 10.0 (IDA Grant). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Economy and Planning; ICASEES.