PE AF-Second Optimization of Lima Water & Sewerage: Objective to be Determined. Approval completed on 15 January 2015. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$55.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. SEDAPAL Tel: (51-1) 317-3095, E-mail:, Contact: Marco Vargas Medina, General Manager (a.i.).
Peru Integrated Water Resources Management: The proposed Project Development Objective (PDO) is to strengthen the Borrower's capacity for the management of water resources at the national level and in selected river basins. Concept completed on 14 June 2016. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P151851. US$40.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. National Water Authority of the Ministry of Agriculture - Autoridad Nacional del Agua (ANA), Contact: Juan Carlos Sevilla, Jefe de la ANA; REPUBLIC OF PERU, Contact: Edmundo Gregorio, Sectorista de Agricultura y Medio Ambiente (DGIP/MEF).