(R) Madhya Pradesh Rural Connectivity project: To improve the sustainability of rural connectivity of the smallest selected villages of Madhya Pradesh and enhance RES's capacity to manage MP's rural roads more efficiently. Concept completed on 8 July 2016. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P157054. US$350.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Madhya Pradesh Panchayat and Rural Development Department; Ministry of Finance.
Capacity Augmentation of the National Waterway -I: The PDO for the project is to enhance the transport capacity and reliability of National waterway 1 and augment institutional capacity for the development and management of India's inland waterway transport system. Concept completed on 8 April 2015. Environmental Assessment Category A. Project: P148775. US$375.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Department of Economic Affairs, Government of India, Contact: Rishikesh Singh, Director (MI), Department of Economic Affairs, GoI; Inland Waterways Authority of India, Contact: Pravir Pandey, Project Director.