Emergency Electricity and Water Rehabilitation Project - Additional Financing: This Additional Financing of $2.1m will aim to (i) cover any cost over-run on the 5 MW of thermal power plus fuel oil reservoir planned under the EEWRP with a budget of $6m, and/or (ii) cover any needed scale up of TA for reform/transformation of utility EAGB into a well-managed commercial entity, which has a budget of $1.5m under EEWRP. Both of these components were constrained due to limited IDA CRW funds under emergency operation. Bids for 5 MW thermal power are expected in February 2011, by which time it will become clear to what extent there is a shortage of funds for this component. Approval completed on 17 May 2011. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P125374. US$ 2.2 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Economy, Planning, and Regional Integration Tel: (245) 320-7286, E-mail: hembalo@hotmail.com, Contact: Luis Alberto Gomes, Coordinator.