(R) Dar es Salaam Urban Transport Improvement Project: 10.The proposed Project Development objective (PDO) is to reduce delays at the Ubungo intersection, and improve the bus rapid transit operations and management capacity in Dar es Salaam city, to the benefit of all roads users. Concept completed on 29 June 2016. Environmental Assessment Category A. Project: P150937. US$ 225.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. TANROADS Tel: (255-22) 215-0932, E-mail: tanroadshq@tanroads.org, Contact: Eng. Patrick Mfugale, Chief Executive; Ministry of Finance (United Republic of Tanzania) Tel: 255222119190, E-mail: sblikwelike@yahoo.com, Contact: Dr. Servacius Likwelike, Deputy Permanent Secretary; Dar Rapid Transit Agency (DART) Tel: +255 22 2461093/4/6, E-mail: ce@dart.go.tz, Contact: Ronald Lwakatare, Ag. Chief Executive.
(N) Dar es Salaam Maritime Gateway Program - Improving access to Dar es Salaam Port: The Project Development Objective is to improve road access to Port of Dar es Salaam for the benefit of public and private stakeholders. Identification completed on 11 July 2016. US$ 70.0 (IDA Credit). Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined.