(R) Mongolia Export Development Project: The development objective of the project is to support Mongolian Small and Medium size firms (SMEs) in the non-mining sectors to strengthen their export capabilities and expand access to export markets. Approval completed on 7 July 2016. Environmental Assessment Category F. Project: P147438. US$ 20.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. Government of Mongolia Tel: 976-51-267273, E-mail: Manduul_n@mof.gov.mn, Contact: Manduul Nyamandeleg, Head, Financial Policy Department; Ministry of Finance Tel: (976-51) 267-273, E-mail: manduul_n@mof.gov.mn, Contact: Manduul Nyamandeleg, Head, Financial Policy Department; Agricultural Reinsurance Company Tel: 976-75770002, E-mail: enkhtaivan@agreinsurance.mn, Contact: Enkhtaivan Ganbold, CEO.