Dau Giay-Phan Thiet Expressway PPP Pilot Project: The Development Objective is to support the Government of Vietnam develop the Dau Giay-Phan Thiet Expressway leveraging private sector expertise and capital. This would be the first transaction under the GoV Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Pilot Program for infrastructure investments. Identification completed on 23 March 2016. US$350.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined.
Central Highlands Connectivity Improvement Project: To (i) contribute to the Asian Highway system connection with neighbor countries; (ii) strengthen transport and logistics connectivity along the East-West corridor from the Central Highlands to the Central Coast Provinces; and (iii) develop a road safety corridor on National Highway No. 19 (NH19) that meets international traffic safety standards including Vietnam’s Traffic Safety Strategy requirements of a minimum of iRAP 3-star rating. Identification completed on 30 March 2016. US$150.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined.