(R) Regional Cancer Care Modernization Project: The proposed Project Development Objective (PDO) is to contribute to Regional government's effort to improve early access to detection and quality treatment of cancer care services in Tyumen Oblast. Concept completed on 6 July 2016. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P151953. US$250.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Federal Ministry of Health Tel: 7-495-627-2400, E-mail: KramarovMV@rosinzdrav.ru, Contact: Mikhail Kramorov, Head of Division, Dept. of Organization of Medical Care; RUSSIAN FEDERATION Tel: 7-495-987-97-50, E-mail: abokarev@dmfo.ru, Contact: Andrei A. Bokarev, Director, Dept. for International Financial Relations, MOF.