Social Protection & Labor
Jobs for the Modern Economy: Improve administration of national labor and social programs through strengthening information management systems and integrating service provision at the district offices. Identification completed on 26 February 2015. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$30.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined.
Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Practice
Modernization of Real Property Registration and Cadastre: The Project’s Development Objective is to establish an efficient and accessible real property registration and cadastre system in the Republic of Uzbekistan as part of the national eGovernment structure and services.
The project will achieve this by: (i) improving business processes and customer orientation in the real property registry and cadastre; (ii) creating a fully digital real property registry and cadastre system (i.e. IISRPRC) accessible online to the public; (iii) improving the regulatory and operational environment of the real property registry and cadastre; (iv) facilitating spatial data access, exchange and sharing at national level; and (v) raising awareness on the importance of real property rights. Approval completed on 24 May 2016. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P151746. US$ 20.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance Tel: +998 71 2337073, E-mail:, Contact: Rustam Azimov, Minister; State Committee for Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography and State Cadastre, Gosgomzemgeodescadastre Tel: 998712777614, E-mail:, Contact: S. Arabov, Chairman.
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