Mar 8 - 15 -
MOONday 03 12 2012 = 11MORE BLOOD FOR ALLAHcompliments of theVATICAN TALIBAN.US SOULdier kills 16 civilians.NOW THE VATICAN TALIBAN can turn on USA for REVENGEand attackaMERIca according to BELLial MEDIApopestaliban
Taliban Vows Revenge for Killing of 16 ( 7 SUN) Afghan Civilians- The Taliban ( VATICAN funded) has vowed to seek revenge against what it called"American savages" after a U.S. Army sergeant went on an apparent shooting spree in southern Afghanistan, killing 16 Afghan villagers, many of them children. U.S. and Afghan officials say the U.S. soldier walked off his base and attacked homes in the Panjwai district of Kandahar province early Sunday, shooting and killing civilians. Villagers say he set some of the bodies on fire, voa Panjwai district, Kandahar, Afghanistan U.S.-forces stepped up security a day later, as the American embassy warned U.S. citizens in Afghanistan of the possibility of reprisals. The Taliban said Monday it would avenge the death of every Afghan who was killed.
(VATICAN TALIBANdetonates their ownCIVILIANS. They call themSUICIDE BOMBERS)