Aaby, Peter 1984 Epidemics Among Amerindians and Inuit: a preliminary Interpretation

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Burnett, B. A., A. M. Harmon, and Jerome C. Rose 1990 Bioarcheological Overview of the Trans-Mississippi South. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):201. BIOARCHAEOLOGY, TRANS-MISSISSIPPI, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Burnett, Catherine 1994 Eskimo Repatriation. Archaeology (New York) 47(3):18. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Burnett, J. 1968 Plenty and Want: A Social History of Diet in England from 1815 to the Present Day. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. NUTRITION, SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, MODERN, ENGLAND, [HART 1983:154]
Burnette, Barbara A., and Melissa D. Bittinger 1991 A Prehistoric Occupational Disease? Osteolysis of the Interior Sphenoid. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2-3 April 1991, p. 9. OSTEOLYSIS, INTERIOR SPHENOID, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, PREHISTORIC, POSTER, [JRNL]
Burns, G., and P. K. Lewin 1992 Eco-Archaeometry: The Development of Environmental Sciences in Archaeology and Paleopathology. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992,79:12.]. Journal of the Irish Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons 21(2):98-100. ARCHAEOLOGY, ARCHAEOMETRY, PALEOPATHOLOGY, [PPNL-1992-79:12]
Burns, H. A. 1936-1937 Indian Medicine. Centaur of Alpha Kappa Kappa 42:106-111. MEDICINE, INDIAN, [LSG4-Indian medicine]
Burns, Karen R., and William R. Maples 1976 Estimation of Age from Individual Adult Teeth. Journal of Forensic Sciences 21(2):343-356. AGE ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, ADULT, [JRNL]
Burns, Peter E. 1979 Log-Linear Analysis of Dental Caries Occurrence in Four Skeletal Series. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 29:16.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 51(4):637-647. DENTAL CARIES, LOG-LINEAR ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Burns, Peter E. 1979 Log-Linear Analysis of Dental Paleopathology Data. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 50(3):423-424. DENTAL PATHOLOGY DATA, LOG-LINEAR ANALYSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Burns, Peter E. 1980 A Multivariate Study of Dental Caries in Ancient Greece. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 52(2):209. DENTAL CARIES, ANCIENT, GREEK, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Burns, Peter E. 1982 A Study of Sexual Dimorphism in the Dental Pathology of Ancient Peoples. [Dissertation, Arizona State University, Tempe]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 40:13.]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 43(2):494A, University Microfilms order number DA8216427.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1987, 60:12.]. DISSERTATION, DENTAL PATHOLOGY, SEXUAL DIMORPHISM, ANCIENT POPULATION, [PPNL-1987-60:12]
Burns, R. 1992 The Donner Party, a Documentary Film. Santa Monica, California: Direct Cinema Limited. [Documentary Film]. CANNIBALISM, DONNER PARTY, DOCUMENTARY FILM, [WEST-J-MED-1994-160:342]
Burns, Robert Ignatius 1972 The Medieval Crossbow as a Surgical Instrument: An Illustrated Case History. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 48(8):983-989. INSTRUMENT, SURGICAL, MEDIEVAL CROSSBOW, [JRNL]
Burns, S. B. 1985 Clinical Reference Photography. Medical Heritage 1(4). AMPUTATION, BELOW KNEE 1865, [CWHM-1986-128-#1003]
Burns, S. D., and L. M. Rankin-Hill 1994 Bioarchaeology and Paleodemography of the Mackey Site. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 18:62. BIOARCHAEOLOGY, DEMOGRAPHY, MACKEY SITE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Burr, David B., and R. Bruce Martin 1983 The Effects of Composition, Structure and Age on the Torsional Properties of the Human Radius. Journal of Biomechanics 16:603-608. RADIUS, TORSIONAL PROPERTY, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:055]
Burr, David B., and R. Bruce Martin 1989 Errors in Bone Remodeling: Toward a Unified Theory of Metabolic Bone Disease. American Journal of Anatomy 186:186-216. BONE, METABOLIC DISEASE, REMODELING ERROR, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:046]
Burr, David B., R. Bruce Martin, Mitchell B. Schaffler, Robert D. Jurmain, E. James Harner, and Eric L. Radin 1983 Osteoarthritis: Sex-Specific Relationship to Osteoporosis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 61(3):299-303. ARTHROSIS, OSTEOARTHROSIS, OSTEOPOROSIS, BONE, MINERAL CONTENT, ESKIMO, [JRNL]
Burr, David B., Christopher B. Ruff, and David D. Thompson 1990 Patterns of Skeletal Histologic Change Through Time: Comparison of an Archaic Native American Population with Modern Populations. Anatomical Record 226:307-313. HISTOLOGIC CHANGE, AMERICA, INDIAN, ARCHAIC AND MODERN, COMPARISON OF, [AJPA-1995-98:170]
Burr, David B., M. B. Schaffler, R. Bruce Martin, and Robert D. Jurmain 1983 Osteoarthritis: Sex-Specific Relationship to Osteoporosis Among Eskimos. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 60(2):179. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, OSTEOPOROSIS, ESKIMO, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Burr, David B., M. B. Schaffler, and K. H. Yang 1988 Histomorphometric Analysis of Adaptive Bone Remodeling in Response to Elevated Mechanical Strain. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):192. BONE REMODELING, HISTOMORPHOMETRY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Burrell, Lydia L. 1988 A Diachronic Study of Sexual Dimorphism in a Series of Human Skeletal Populations from Ancient Nubia. [Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder]. DISSERTATION, SEXUAL DIMORPHISM, NUBIA, [DAVIES-W-VIVIAN-&-ROXIE-WALKER-1993:071]
Burrell, Lydia L., Mary C. Mass, and Dennis P. Van Gerven 1986 Patterns of Long-Bone Fracture in Two Nubian Cemeteries. Human Evolution 1(6):495 506. FRACTURE, EGYPT, [WIEN-KW & AM-ANTHROPOL-1995-97:479 & ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Burton, Frank A. 1920 Prehistoric Trephining of the Frontal Sinus. California State Journal of Medicine 18:321-324. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, SINUS, FRONTAL, [ARME]
Burton, Frank A. 1923-1924 Aural Exostosis. Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology 32:97-117. EAR, AUDITORY EXOSTOSIS, [JRNL-(XEROX-COPY-OF-JRNL-ARTICLE)]
Burton, Frank A. 1927 Some Cases of Prehistoric Nasal Pathology. Transactions of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology 27:373-392. NOSE, NASAL PATHOLOGY, [HRDLICKA-CATA:327]
Burton, Frank A. 1927 Some Considerations on Prehistoric Aural, Nasal, Sinus Pathology and Surgery. Santa Fe, New Mexico: El Palacio Press, pp. 1-38. SURGERY, AURAL, NASAL, SINUS, PREHISTORIC, [BOOK]
Burton, Irving F. 1979 History of Egyptian Mummies. By Thomas Pettigrew. 1834. Patenoster Row, London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman. [Review]. Paleopathology Newsletter 28:11-12. REVIEW OF, PETTIGREW; THOMAS, 1834, [JRNL]
Burton, Irving F., convener, and Joseph O. Reed, Julius Rutzky, Haide Sawaf, Jeanne Lusher, Paul Wooley, and Gerald D. Hart, panelists 1977 Panel Discussion. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Porotic Hyperostosis: An Inquiry. Detroit, Michigan: Paleopathology Association, Monograph Number 2, pp. 35-39. POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, [JRNL]
Burton, James H., and T. Douglas Price 1991 Paleodietary Applications of Barium Values in Bone. In: E. Pernicka, and G. A. Wagner, eds. Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Archaeometry, Heidelberg. Basel: Berkhauser Verlag AG, pp. 787-795. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, BARIUM VALUE IN BONE, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1994-21:184]
Burton, James H., and T. Douglas Price 1990 The Ratio of Barium to Strontium as a Paleodietary Indicator of Consumption of Marine Resources. Journal of Archaeological Science 17(5):547-557. NUTRITION, BONE CHEMISTRY, BARIUM, STRONTIUM, [JRNL]
Burton, James H., and Lori E. Wright 1995 Nonlinearity in the Relationship Between Bone Sr/Ca and Diet: Paleodietary Implications. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 96(3):273-282. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, BONE CHEMISTRY, [JRNL]
Burton, Richard F. 1864 Notes on Scalping. Anthropological Review 2(4):49-52. SCALPING, AFRICA, AMERICA, ASIA, EUROPE, [JRNL]
Burton, Richard F. 1866 Notes on an Hermaphrodite. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London 2:262-263. HERMAPHRODITE, [JRNL]
Burznski, N., and D. Bixlen 1973 Amelogenesis Imperfecta and Genetic Counseling. Journal of Oral Medicine 28:61-66. AMELOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, [ARME]
Busacchi, Vincenzo 1935 La Trapanazione del Cranio nei Popoli Preistorici (Neolitici e Precolumbiani) e nei Primitivi Moderni. Rassegna di Clinica, Terapia e Scienze Affini (Turin) 34(Supplement):64,128. TREPHINATION, NEOLITHIC, PRECOLUMBIAN, [LSG4-Cranium surgery prehistoric & primitive]
Busacchi, Vincenzo 1935 Le Trapanazione del Cranio nei Popolipreistorici (Neolitici e Precolombiani) e nei Primitivi Moderni. Atti e Memorie dell'Accademia di Storia dell'Arte Sanitaria 1(Serie 2):64,128. TREPHINATION, NEOLITHIC, PRECOLUMBIAN, [CRAN]
Buschan, Georg 1893 Künstlichen Augen Peruanischer Mumien. Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 25:265-266. MUMMIES, PERU, [JRNL]
Buschan, Georg 1900 Trepanation. In: Kustos P. Matschie (Herausgeber). Handwörterbuch der Zoologie, Anthropologie, und Ethnologie, b. 8, s. 97. Breslau: Eduard Trewendt. TREPHINATION, [CRAN]
Buschan, Georg 1901 Zur Pathologie der Neger. Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia (Florence) 31:?-?. PATHOLOGY, NEGRO, [ARME]
Buschan, Georg 1902 Chirurgisches aus der Völkerkunde. Reichs-Medicinal-Anzeiger 27:43;61;82;343;365;386. SURGERY, FOLKLORE, [LSG2-Surgery, prehistoric & primitive]
Buschan, Georg 1934 Über Primitive Trepanation. Psychiatrisch-Neurologische Wochenschrift 36:308. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Buschan, Georg 1936 Über Künstliche und Natürliche Veränderungen an den Zähnen, Pflege und Behandlung derselben bei den Natur-und Frühgeschichtlichen Völkern. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 86:874-879. DENTAL VARIATION, ARTIFICIAL, NATURAL, [CRAN]
Bush, Helen 1991 The Association of Vertebral Canal Size and Dental Enamel Hypoplasia in a Romano-British Population Sample. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 12:56. VERTEBRAL CANAL SIZE, DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, ROMANO-BRITISH, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bush, Helen 1991 Concepts of Health and Stress. In: Helen Bush, and Marek Zvelebil, eds. Health in Past Societies: Biocultural Interpretations of Human Skeletal Remains in Archaeological Contexts. Oxford: BAR International Series, Number S567, pp. 11-21. REMAINS, SKELETAL, HEALTH, BIOCULTURAL INTERPRETATION, CONCEPT OF HEALTH AND STRESS, [ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:206]
Bush, Helen, and Ann J. Stirland 1987 Osteological Evidence for Decapitations in Two British Roman Cemeteries. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, New York, New York, 1-2 April 1987, p. 12. DECAPITATION, ROMAN-BRITISH, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Bush, Helen, and Ann J. Stirland 1991 Romano-British Decapitation Burials: A Comparison of Osteological Evidence and Burial Ritual from Two Cemeteries. Anthropologie (Brno) 29(3):205-210. DECAPITATION BURIAL, ROMANO-BRITISH, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1994-32:52]
Bush, Helen, and Marek Zvelebil 1991 Pathology and Health in Past Societies: An Introduction. In: Helen Bush, and Marek Zvelebil, eds. Health in Past Societies: Biocultural Interpretations of Human Skeletal Remains in Archaeological Contexts. Oxford: BAR International Series, Number S567, pp. 3-9. REMAINS, SKELETAL, HEALTH, BIOCULTURAL INTERPRETATION, HEALTH, PATHOLOGY, [ANTHROL-PAPERS-AM-MUS-NATL-HIST-1995-77:154]
Bush, Helen, and Marek Zvelebil, eds. 1991 Health in Past Societies: Biocultural Interpretations of Human Skeletal Remains in Archaeological Contexts. Oxford: BAR International Series, Number S567. [See reviews by Charlotte A. Roberts, 1993; Joan W. Chase, 1994.]. REMAINS, SKELETAL, HEALTH, BIOCULTURAL INTERPRETATION, [ANTIQUITY-1993-67:693 & AM-ANTIQ-1994-59:170]
Bushnell, David I., Jr. 1920 Native Cemeteries and Forms of Burial East of the Mississippi. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 71:11-160. BURIAL FORM, CEMETERY, EASTERN, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Bushnell, G. E. 1920 A Study in the Epidemiology of Tuberculosis. New York: William Wood. TUBERCULOSIS, EPIDEMIOLOGY, [BUIKSTRA:1981:020]
Bushnell, G. H. S. 1957 Peru. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc. PERU, [BOOK]
Bushnell, G. H. S. 1970 Comment on "Depopulation of the Central Andes in the 16th Century." [See C. T. Smith, 1970.]. Current Anthropology 11(4-5):460. DEMOGRAPHY, DEPOPULATION, ANDES, [JRNL]
Bushnell, O. A. 1993 The Gifts of Civilization: Germs and Genocide in Hawai'i. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. [See review by Ilza Veith, 1994.]. DISEASE, GENOCIDE, HAWAII, [MELVYL]
Busk, G. 1866 An Account of the Discovery of a Human Skeleton Beneath a Bed of Peat on the Coast of Cheshire. Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London 4:101-104. BOG BODIES, SKELETAL REMAINS, CHESHIRE, [LINDOW MAN:204]
Busk, G. 1871 On the Discovery of Platycnemic Men in Denbighshire. Journal of the Ethnological Society of London 2(4):450-468. PLATYCNEMIA, DENBIGHSHIRE, [ISCAN-1989:157]
Busk, G. 1874 Notice of a Human Fibula of Unusual Form, Discovered in the Victoria Cave, near Settle, in Yorkshire. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 3:392-395. FIBULA, UNUSUAL FORM, VICTORIA CAVE, YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND, [JRNL]
Busoni, Carlo Alberto, B. Ceccanti, Gino Fornaciari, Francesco Mallegni, and E. Orsitto 1982 Lo Scheletro del Beato Monaldo da Capodistria: Analisi Antropologica e Paleopatologica. In: Beato Monaldo da Giustinopoli, 1210-1280 ca. Atti Raccolti in Occasione del VII Centenario del suo Transito, Trieste, pp. 97-128. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ITALY, [FORNACIARI-INPUT-FEB-1995:03]
Bustamente, A. 1875 Estudios Sobre el Orígen de la Sífilis. Gaceta Médica de Lima 1:39,55,81. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
Bustamente, M. E. 1978 El Maxilar de Vucub Caquix: Un Episodio del Popol Vuh. Boletín de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia y Filosofía de la Medicina 4(23):25-44. MEDICINE, MAYAN, [CWHM-1979-102-#0956]
Bustamente, Miguel E. 1958 La Fiebre Amarilla en México y su Origen en América. [Yellow Fever in Mexico and Its Origin in America.]. México, D.F.: Instituto de Salubridad y Enfermedades Tropicales. YELLOW FEVER, ORIGIN, [SORENSON 1990-B-480]
Busvine, J. R. 1976 Insects, Hygiene and History. London: Athlone Press. INSECT, HYGIENE, HISTORY, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:250]
Butler, B. H. 1969 Analysis of the Human Skeletal Remains. In: S. Alan Skinner, R. K. Harris, and K. M. Anderson, eds. Investigations at the Sam Kaufman Site, Red River County Texas. Southern Methodist University Contributions in Anthropology, Number 5, pp. 115-136. REMAINS, HUMAN, ANALYSIS, SAM KAUFMAN SITE, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:420]
Butler, B. M. 1988 Archaeological Investigations on the North Coast of Rota, Mariana Islands. Micronesian Archaeological Survey, Report Number 23, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Occasional Paper Number 8. Carbondale, Illinois. INVESTIGATION, ARCHAEOLOGY, MARIANA ISLANDS, [HANSON-NPT-1:048]
Butler, Carol Roetzel 1994 Sensitivities and Practical Considerations in the Return of Human Remains. In: Tamara L. Bray, and Thomas W. Killion, eds. Reckoning with the Dead: The Larsen Bay Repatriation and the Smithsonian Institution. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 163-165. REPATRIATION, LARSEN BAY, KODIAK ISLAND, ALASKA, [BOOK]
Butler, Charles S. 1936 Syphilis sive Morbus Humanus: A Rationalization of Yaws So-Called. Lancaster: The Science Press Printing Co. [See review by Ales Hrdlicka, 1936.]. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:211 AJPA-1936-22:172 & CRAN]
Butler, P. M. 1979 Some Morphological Observations on Unerupted Human Deciduous Molars. OSSA 6:23-37. DENTITION, TEETH, MORPHOLOGY, DENTAL ENAMEL THICKNESS, [JRNL]
Butler, Ronald J. 1969 The Helicoidal Pattern of Dental Attrition in a Protohistoric Arikara Skeletal Population from the Northern Plains. [Dissertation, University of Kansas, Lawrence]. DISSERTATION, DENTAL ATTRITION, HELICOIDAL, PROTOHISTORIC, ARIKARA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [ARME]
Butler, Ronald J. 1972 Age-Related Variability in Occlusal Wear Planes. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 36(3):381-390. DENTAL ATTRITION, DENTAL OCCLUSAL WEAR PLANE, AGE-RELATED, [JRNL]
Butler, Ronald J. 1973 The Lasanen Site: An Historic Burial Locality in Mackinac County, Michigan. Anthropological Series, Volume 1, Number 1. Edited by Charles E. Cleland. 1971. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University Museum. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 39(2):320-321. REVIEW OF, CLELAND; CHARLES E., 1971, [JRNL]
Butlin, N. G. 1983 Our Original Aggression. Sydney and Boston: George Allen and Unwin. SMALLPOX, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [WEBB-1995:299]
Butlin, N. G. 1985 Macassans and Aboriginal Smallpox: The "1798" and "1829" Epidemics. Historical Studies (Melbourne) 21:313-335. SMALLPOX, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [CWHM-1987-134-#0109]
Butterfield, William C. 1966 Tumor Treatment, 3000 B.C. Surgery 60(2):476-479. NEOPLASM, TUMOR, TREATMENT, THREE THOUSAND B.C., [JRNL]
Butterfield, William C. 1976 Medicine Depicted in Ancient Egyptian Art. Connecticut Medicine 40:459-466. MEDICINE, ART, EGYPT, [CWHM-1976-092-#0081]
Butzer, K. W. 1970 Physical Conditions in Eastern Europe, Western Asia and Egypt Before the Period of Agriculture and Urban Settlement. In: E. E. S. Edwards, C. J. Gadd, and N. G. L. Hammond. Cambridge Ancient History I. 3rd Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 35-69. PHYSICAL CONDITION, EUROPE, ASIA, EGYPT, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:070]
Buxton, L. H. Dudley 1924 Appendix: On the Human Remains Excavated at Kish. In: S. Langdon. Excavations at Kish 1923-24, Volume 1. Paris: P. Geunther. REMAINS, HUMAN, KISH, [ARME]
Buxton, L. H. Dudley 1924 Notes on a Skull, in the University Museum Oxford, from Aveline's Hole. Proceedings of the University of Bristol Spelaeological Society 2:115. SKULL, AVELINE'S HOLE, [ARME]
Buxton, L. H. Dudley 1928 Human Remains. In: Dorothy A. E. Garrod, L. H. Dudley Buxton, Grafton Elliot Smith, and Dorothea M. A. Bate. Excavation a of Mousterian Rock-Shelter at Devil's Tower, Gibraltar. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 58:57-85. REMAINS, HUMAN, MOUSTERIAN ROCK-SHELTER, DEVIL'S TOWER, GIBRALTAR, [JRNL]
Buxton, L. H. Dudley 1930-1931 Künstlich Deformierte Schädel von Cypern. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 7:236-240. SKULL, DEFORMATION, CYPRUS, [LSG4-Cranium deformities artifical]
Buxton, L. H. Dudley 1938 Platymeria and Platycnemia. Journal of Anatomy (London) 73:31-36. PLATYMERIA, PLATYCNEMIA, [ARME]
Buxton, L. H. Dudley, and D. Talbot Rice 1931 Report on the Human Remains Found at Kish. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 61:57-119. REMAINS, HUMAN, KISH, [JRNL]
Buyst, H. 1977 The Epidemiology of Sleeping Sickness in the Historical Luangwa Valley. Annales de la Société Belge de Médecine Tropicale 57:349-359. PARASITISM, TRYPANOSOMIASIS, SLEEPING SICKNESS, AFRICA, [CWHM-1978-099-#1737]
Buzhilova, Alexandra P., M. V. Kozlovskaya, and I. V. Ovchinnikov 1995 Cremated Bones from a Scythian Mound: Paleopathological Findings. [Poster]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):84. CREMATION, SCYTHIAN, POSTER, [JRNL]
Buzhilova, Alexandra P., M. V. Kozlovskaya, and I. V. Ovchinnikov 1996 Cremated Bones from a Scythian Mound: Paleopathological Findings. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 5. CREMATION, SCYTHIAN, POSTER, [JRNL]
Byard, Roger 1988 Traditional Medicine of Aboriginal Australia. Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Médicale Canadienne 139(8):792-794. MEDICINE, TRADITIONAL, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [JRNL]
Bycock, Jesse 1993 The Skull and Bones in Egil's Saga: A Viking, a Grave and Paget's Disease. Viator 24:23-50. PAGET'S DISEASE, [CWHM-1996-171-#0414]
Bye, Robert A., Jr. 1985 Ethnoecological Notes for Southwestern Chihuahua. In: Rose A. Tyson, and Daniel V. Elerick, eds. Two Mummies from Chihuahua, Mexico: A Multidisciplinary Study. San Diego Museum Papers Number 19. San Diego, California: San Diego Museum of Man, pp. 111-120. ETHNOECOLOGY, CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO, [BOOK]
Bye, Robert A., Jr. 1985 Medicinal Plants of the Tarahumara Indians of Chihuahua, Mexico. In: Rose A. Tyson, and Daniel V. Elerick, eds. Two Mummies from Chihuahua, Mexico: A Multidisciplinary Study. San Diego Museum Papers Number 19. San Diego, California: San Diego Museum of Man, pp. 77-104. PLANT, MEDICINAL, TARAHUMARA, [BOOK]
Byers, P. D. 1977 The Diagnostic Value of Bone Biopsies. In: L. V. Avioli, and S. M. Krane, eds. Metabolic Bone Disorders. New York: Academic Press, pp. 183-236. BONE, BIOPSY, DIAGNOSIS, [ZAGREB-1988:058]
Byers, Steven N. 1991 Technical Note: Calculation of Age at Formation of Radiopaque Transverse Lines. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 76:13.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 85(3):339-343. AGE ASSESSMENT, HARRIS LINE FORMATION, LONG BONE MEASUREMENT, [JRNL]
Byers, Steven N. 1994 On Stress and Stature in the "Osteological Paradox." [See James W. Wood, George R. Milner, Henry C. Harpending, and Kenneth M. Weiss, 1992.]. Current Anthropology 35(3):282-284. HEALTH, PREHISTORIC, OSTEOLOGICAL PARADOX, [JRNL]
Byers, Steven N., Kaoru Akoshima, and Bryan Curran 1989 Determination of Adult Stature from Metatarsal Length. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 79(3):275-279. STATURE ASSESSMENT, ADULT, METATARSAL, TERRY COLLECTION, [JRNL]
Byl, S. 1988 Rheumatism and Gout in the Corpus Hippocraticum. Antiquité Classique 57:88-102. RHEUMATISM, GOUT, CORPUS HIPPOCRATICUM, [CWHM-1989-142-#0736]
Bynum, C. W. 1985 Disease and Death in the Middle Ages. Essay Review of The Black Death. By R. S. Gottfried. 1983. New York: Free Press. [Review]. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 9:97-102. REVIEW OF, GOTTFRIED; R. S., 1983, [CWHM-1985-126-#1663]
Bynum, W. F. 1993 Medicine in Mozart's Europe. Dalhousie Review 73(2):187-201. MOZART, [CWHM-1995-166-#0374]
Bynum, W. F., and Roy Porter 1991 Introduction. In: W. F. Bynum, and Roy Porter. Living and Dying in London. Medical History Supplement 11:1-xviii. LIFE, DEATH, LONDON, [JRNL]
Bynum, W. F., and Roy Porter, eds. 1991 Living and Dying in London. Medical History Supplement 11:[i]-150. LIFE, DEATH, LONDON, [JRNL]
Byock, Jesse L. 1993 The Skull and Bones in Egil's Saga: A Viking, A Grave, and Paget's Disease. Viator 24:23-50. DISEASE, PAGET'S DISEASE, [SCI-AM-1995-272(1):87]
Byock, Jesse L. 1995 Egil's Bones. Scientific American 272(1):83-87. DISEASE, PAGET'S DISEASE, [JRNL]
Byrne, Kevin B., and David C. Parris 1987 Reconstruction of the Diet of the Middle Woodland Amerindian Population at Abbott Farm by Bone Trace-Element Analysis. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1988, 62:11.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 74(3):373-384. STRONTIUM, SODIUM, ZINC, [JRNL]
Bywaters, E. G. L. 1962 Gout in the Time and Person of George IV: A Case History. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 21:325-338. GOUT, GEORGE IV, [NDX-Gout-04-02-01298]
Bywaters, E. G. L. 1975 The Historical Evolution of the Concept of Connective Tissue Diseases. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. Supplement 12:11-29. COLLAGEN DISEASE, [JRNL]
Bywaters, E. G. L. 1979 Historical Aspects of Ankylosing Spondylitis. Rheumatology and Rehabilitation 18:197-203. SPINE, SPONDYLITIS, ANKYLOSING, HISTORY, [CWHM-1980-106-#1683]
Bywaters, E. G. L. 1983 Historical Perspectives in the Aetiology of Ankylosing Spondylitis. British Journal of Rheumatology 22(4 Supplement 2):1-4. SPONDYLITIS, ANKYLOSING, ETIOLOGY, [ROBERTS-CHAR-NPT:162]
Bywaters, E. G. L., E. B. Hamilton, and R. Williams 1971 The Spine in Idiopathic Haemochromatosis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 30:453-465. SPINE, IDIOPATHIC HAEMOCHROMATOSIS, [J-PPATHOL-1993-5:13]

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