Aaby, Peter 1984 Epidemics Among Amerindians and Inuit: a preliminary Interpretation

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Cohen, Mark Nathan 1994 The Osteological Paradox Reconsidered. [See James W. Wood, George R. Milner, Henry C. Harpending, and Kenneth M. Weiss, 1992; and James W. Wood, and George R. Milner, 1994.]. Current Anthropology 35(5):629-637. HEALTH, PREHISTORIC, OSTEOLOGICAL PARADOX, [JRNL]
Cohen, Mark Nathan 1995 Estimating the Health and Status of the Sexes from Skeletal Samples. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 20:77. HEALTH ASSESSMENT, STATUS ASSESSMENT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cohen, Mark Nathan 1995 On Paleopathology: Reply to Wood and Milner. [See James W. Wood, George R. Milner, Henry C. Harpending, and Kenneth M. Weiss, 1992; James W. Wood, and George R. Milner, 1994; Mark Nathan Cohen, 1994.]. Current Anthropology 36(3):495. OSTEOLOGICAL PARADOX, [JRNL]
Cohen, Mark Nathan, and George J. Armelagos 1984 Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture: Editors' Summation. In: Mark Nathan Cohen, and George J. Armelagos, eds. Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, Inc., pp. 585-601. AGRICULTURE, ORIGIN, PALEOPATHOLOGY, [BOOK]
Cohen, Mark Nathan, and George J. Armelagos 1984 Preface. In: Mark Nathan Cohen, and George J. Armelagos, eds. Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, Inc., pp. xix-xx. AGRICULTURE, ORIGIN, PALEOPATHOLOGY, [BOOK]
Cohen, Mark Nathan, and George J. Armelagos, eds. 1984 Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, Inc. [See reviews by Linda L. Klepinger, 1986; Philip L. Walker, 1986.]. AGRICULTURE, ORIGIN, PALEOPATHOLOGY, [BOOK]
Cohen, Mark Nathan, Carl W. Armstrong, Marie Elaine Danforth, Keith P. Jacobi, and Kathleen O'Connor 1992 Health Indicators on the Fringe of Spanish Influence: The Maya of Tipu, Belize. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 14:60. HEALTH INDICATOR, MAYA, BELIZE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cohen, Mark Nathan, Kathleen O'Connor, Marie Elaine Danforth, Keith P. Jacobi, and Carl W. Armstrong 1994 Health and Death at Tipu. In: Clark Spencer Larsen, and George R. Milner, eds. In the Wake of Contact: Biological Responses to Conquest. New York: Wiley-Liss, pp. 121-133. CONTACT, EUROPEAN CONTACT, NEW WORLD, BIOLOGICAL RESPONSE, HEALTH, DEATH, TIPU, [MELVYL & WILEY-LISS-FLYER]
Cohen, Sheldon G. 1989 The Pharaoh and the Wasp. Allergy Proceedings 10(2):149-151. ALLERGY, WASP, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Cohen, Sheldon G. 1992 Asthma in Antiquity: The Ebers Papyrus. Allergy Proceedings 13(3):147-154. ASTHMA, EBERS PAPYRUS, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Cohen, Sheldon G., and Ana Maria Saavedra-Delgado 1990 Through the Centuries with Food and Drink, for the Better or Worse VII. The Middle Ages. Allergy Proceedings 11(4):179-187. DIET, NUTRITION, [JRNL]
Cohen, Sheldon G., and Ana Maria Saavedra-Delgado 1990 Through the Centuries with Food and Drink, for the Better or Worse VIII. The School of Salerno. Allergy Proceedings 11(6):313-317. DIET, NUTRITION, [JRNL]
Cohn, Isidore, Jr. 1988 Honorary Fellows of the First Century. Annals of Surgery 207(5):509-516. SURGERY, FIRST CENTURY, [JRNL]
Cohn, N. 1975 Europe's Inner Demons: An Enquiry Inspired by the Great Witch-Hunt. London: Chatto-Heinemann. WITCHCRAFT, WITCH HUNT, EUROPE, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1995-36:337]
Coimbra, Carlos E. A., Jr. 1988 Human Settlements, Demographic Pattern, and Epidemiology in Lowland Amazonia: The Case of Chagas's Disease. American Anthropologist 90(1):82-97. PARASITISM, TRYPANOSOMIASIS, SLEEPING SICKNESS, TRYPANOSOMA RHODESIENSE, CHAGAS'S DISEASE, DEMOGRAPHY, EPIDEMIOLOGY, AMAZONIAN, [JRNL]
Coker, Scott 1995 Looking for a Correlation. [Correlation Between Enamel Hypoplasia and Harris Lines.] Internship paper on file at the San Diego Museum of Man. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, HARRIS LINES, CORRELATION BETWEEN, NEW MEXICO, AMERICA, INDIAN, PAA-KO, [JRNL]
Coker, W. S., and J. R. McNeill 1984 Dr. Tomas Romay's Unpublished Manuscript on Yellow Fever, 27 June 1804. Journal of the Florida Medical Association 71:456-462. YELLOW FEVER, MANUSCRIPT 1704, ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF, [CWHM-1985-123-#1985]
Colakova, R., and D. Bozkov 1981 Wahrscheinliche Helminthosen bei den Antiken Thrakern unter Berücksichtigung ihrer Nahrung und Lebensweise. In: V. Topouzov, ed. Actes du XXVIe Congres International d'Histoire de la Médecine. Sofia, pp. 211-212. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 55:15.]. PARASITISM, HELMINTHIASIS, [PPNL-1986-55:15]
Cole, A. 1960 An Anthropological View of Disease--Paleopathology of American Indians. University of Toronto Medical Journal 37(5):157-158. DISEASE, PATHOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cole, D. 1987 The Role of Women in the Medical Practice of Ancient Egypt. Discussions in Egyptology 9:25-29. MEDICAL PRACTICE, ROLE OF WOMAN, EGYPT, [STROUHAL-LIFE-IN-ANCIENT-EGYPT-1992:270]
Cole, David 1985 Clinical Hirudology: Revival of an Ancient Art. New Zealand Medical Journal 98(771):28-29. HIRUDOLOGY, LEECHING, [JRNL]
Cole, F. C. 1928 Skeletal Material from Mechta-el-Arbi. In: A. W. Pond. A Contribution to the Study of Prehistoric Man in Algeria, N. Africa. Logan Museum Bulletin, Number 1, pp. 166-189. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MECHTA-EL-ARBI, ALGERIA, [ARME]
Cole, Harold N. 1937 Congenital and Prenatal Syphilis. Journal of the American Medical Association 109:580-585, TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, CONGENITAL, PRENATAL, [STEINBOCK-1976:161]
Cole, Harold N., James C. Harkin, Bertram S. Kraus, and Alan R. Moritz 1955 Pre-Columbian Osseous Syphilis. Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology 71:231-238. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, OSSEOUS, PRECOLUMBIAN, [JRNL]
Cole, W. G. 1960 Sex and Love in the Bible. London: Hodder and Stoughton. SEX, LOVE, BIBLE, [CRAN]
Coleman, E. 1976 Infanticide in the Early Middle Ages. In: S. M. Stuard, ed. Women in Mediaeval Society. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 47-70. INFANTICIDE, MIDDLE AGES, [ANTIQUITY-1993-67:888]
Coleman, William 1984 Epidemiological Method in the 1860s: Yellow Fever at Saint-Nazaire. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 58:145-163. YELLOW FEVER, SAINT-NAZAIRE 1860, [CWHM-1985-123-#1986 & JRNL]
Coleman, William H. 1965 Anthropometric and Morphological Studies on Cranii of the Moundville Indian. [Thesis, Department of Biology, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa]. SKULL, MORPHOLOGY, MOUNDVILLE, INDIAN, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:212]
Coleman, William H. 1969 Sex Differences in the Growth of the Human Bony Pelvis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 31(2):125-151. SEX ASSESSMENT, INNOMINATE, [JRNL]
Coletti, F. 1881 L'Origine della Sefilide: Studii Storici ed Osservazioni Critiche. Gazzetta degli Ospitali (Milano) 2:64;112;154. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
Colin, Andrie, and James F. Fries 1976 An 'Experimental' Epidemic of Reiter's Revisited: Follow-up Evidence on Genetic and Environmental Factors. Annals of Internal Medicine 84(5):564-566. ARTHRITIS, REITER'S SYNDROME, EPIDEMIC, EXPERIMENTAL, [JRNL]
Colins, E. T. J. 1975 Dietary Change and Cereal Consumption in Britain in the Nineteenth Century. Agricultural History Review 23. DIETARY CHANGE, CEREAL, NINETEENTH CENTURY, [CWHM-1976-092-#0244]
Collections Research News 1995 NAGPRA Update. Collections Research News Summer 1995. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Collett, Margot 1933 A Study of Twelfth and Thirteenth Dynasty Skulls from Kerma (Nubia). Biometrika 25:254-284. CRANIOLOGY, KERMA, NUBIA, [JRNL]
Collier, Stephen, and Keith A. Hobson 1987 The Importance of Marine Protein in the Diet of Coastal Australian Aborigines. Current Anthropology 28(4):559-564. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, MARINE PROTEIN, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [JRNL]
Collilieux, A., and J. -F. Dousset 1980 Note sur la Pseudo-Pathologie Dentaire. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Third European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Caen, France, 26-28 September 1980, pp. C5-C6. DENTAL PSEUDOPATHOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Collilieux, Montserrat Sansilbano [See also Sansilbano-Collilieux, Montserrat] and Louis Bortuzzo 1995 A Case of Platyspondyly from the Middle Ages. [Poster]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):91. DWARFISM, PLATYSPONDYLY, SPONDYLOMETAPHYSEAL DYSOSTOSIS OF KOZLOWSKI, MIDDLE AGES, POSTER, [JRNL]
Collilieux, Montserrat Sansilbano [See also Sansilbano-Collilieux, Montserrat] and Louis Bortuzzo 1996 A Case of Platyspondyly from the Middle Ages. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 18. DWARFISM, PLATYSPONDYLY, SPONDYLOMETAPHYSEAL DYSOSTOSIS OF KOZLOWSKI, MIDDLE AGES, POSTER, [JRNL]
Collins, Douglas H. 1949 The Pathology of Articular and Spinal Diseases. London: Arnold. SPINAL DISEASE, ARTICULAR DISEASE, PATHOLOGY, [ARME]
Collins, Douglas H. 1956 Paget's Disease of Bone: Incidence and Subclinical Forms. Lancet (London) 2(6933):51-57. PAGET'S DISEASE, OSTEITIS DEFORMANS, [JRNL]
Collins, Douglas H. 1966 Pathology of Bone. London: Butterworths. BONE PATHOLOGY, [ORT 1981]
Collins, Douglas H., and J. M. Winn 1955 Focal Paget's Disease of the Skull (Osteoporosis Circumscripta). Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology 69:1. PAGET'S DISEASE, OSTEITIS DEFORMANS, OSTEOPOROSIS CIRCUMSCRIPTA, [ARME]
Collins, H. B., Jr. 1941 Relationships of an Early Indian Cranial Series from Louisiana. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 31:145-155. SKULL, LOUISIANA, INDIAN, [LSG4-Indian anthropology]
Collins, Matthew J., Michael S. Riley, Angela M. Child, and Gordon Turner-Walker 1995 A Basic Mathematical Simulation of the Chemical Degradation of Ancient Collagen. Journal of Archaeological Science 22(2):175-183. TAPHONOMY, BONE DIAGENESIS, COLLAGEN, CHEMICAL DEGRADATION OF, [JRNL]
Collins, Michael B., Thomas Roy Hester, Frank A. Weir, and Frederick Ruecking, Jr. 1969 Two Prehistoric Cemetery Sites in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society 40:119-157. CEMETERY, PREHISTORIC, RIO GRANDE VALLEY, TEXAS, [JRNL]
Collins, Newell E. 1943 Perforated Indian Skulls. Wisconsin Archeologist 24(3):49-53. TREPHINATION, PERFORATED SKULL, INDIAN, [WISCONSIN-ARCHEOL-1978-59:264 & PLAINS-ANTHROPOL-1996-41:90]
Collins, Sara L. 1986 Osteological Studies of Human Skeletal Remains from the Keopu Burial Site. In: Toni L. Han, Sara L. Collins, S. D. Clark, and A. Garland, eds. Moe Kau a Ho'oilo: Hawaiian Mortuary Practices at Keopu, Kona, Hawai'i. Departmental Report Series, Report 86-1. Honolulu, Hawai'i: Department of Anthropology, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, pp. 165-249. REMAINS, SKELETAL, OSTEOLOGY, KEOPU BURIAL SITE, KONA, HAWAII, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1995-5:338 & MELVYL]
Collins, Sara L. 1990 Palaeopathology in the Hawaiian Islands: A Case Study from Keopu. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):206. PATHOLOGY, KEOPU, HAWAII, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Collins, Sara L. 1992 Diet and Nutrition in Hawaiian Prehistory: A Study of the Nutritional Status Represented by the Keopu Burials. [Dissertation, University of Toronto, Ontario]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 53(12)4375A, University Microfilms order number DANN73906.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 83:15.]. DISSERTATION, NUTRITION, HAWAII, [PPNL-1993-83:15]
Colton, Harold S. 1936 The Rise and Fall of the Prehistoric Population of Northern Arizona. Science 84(2181):337-343. DEMOGRAPHY, NORTHERN ARIZONA, [JRNL]
Colton, Harold S. 1949 The Prehistoric Population of the Flagstaff Area. Plateau 22:(2):21-25. DEMOGRAPHY, POPULATION, PREHISTORIC, FLAGSTAFF, [JRNL]
Coltrain, J. B. 1993 Corn Agriculture in the Eastern Great Basin: A Pilot Stable Carbon Isotope Study. Utah Archeology 6(1):49-55. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, CORN AGRICULTURE, CARBON ISOTOPE, GREAT BASIN, [AJPA-1996-99:516]
Coltrain, J. B. 1994 The Great Salt Lake Wetlands: A Study in Prehistoric Diet. Paper presented at the 59th Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Anaheim, California. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, GREAT SALT LAKE WETLAND, [AJPA-1996-99:516]
Colyer, F. 1922 The Teeth of Londoners of the 17th and 18th Centuries. Dental Record 42:237-243. DENTITION, SEVENTEENTH TO EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, LONDON, [METRESS-1974:025]
Colyer, F. 1947 Study of Roman Skulls. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 40:837. SKULL, ROMAN, [ARME]
Colyer, S. 1917 Dental Caries Among Certain Central African Races. Dental Record 37:405-409. DENTAL CARIES, AFRICA, [ARME]
Colyer, S. 1919 Dental Caries Among Certain Southeast African Tribes. Dental Record 39:401-405. DENTAL CARIES, AFRICA, [ARME]
Comar, C. L. 1967 Some Principles of Strontium Metabolism: Implications, Applications, Limitations. In: J. M. A. Lenihan, et al., eds. Strontium Metabolism. London: Academic Press, pp. 17-31. METABOLISM, STRONTIUM METABOLISM, [JACKSON-BRYAN-1993:123]
Comaroff, J. 1978 Medicine and Culture: Some Anthropological Perspectives. Social Science and Medicine (Oxford) 12(4B):247-254. MEDICINE, CULTURE, ANTHROPOLOGY, [NDX-Anthropology cultural-20-07-05232]
Comas, Juan 1942 Contribution a l'Etude du Metópisme. Archives Suisses d'Anthropologie Générale 10:273-412. METOPISM, [SBEHP-146 & HANDBOOK OF MIDDLE AMER, PHYS. ANTHRO., p. 241]
Comas, Juan 1942 Contribution a l'Etude du Metópisme. Genève: Imprimérie Albert Kundig. METOPISM, [JAEN-ESQUIVEL-&-GUADARRAMA-1971:57 & MELVYL]
Comas, Juan 1942 El Hueso Interparietal en los Cráneos Mexicanos. Anales de la Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas (México) 2(4):469-490. SKULL, INCA BONE, MEXICO [ARME & DAVALOS-HURTADO-1965:39]
Comas, Juan 1943 El Metopismo: Sus Causas y Frecuencia in los Cráneos Mexicanos. Anales del Instituto de Etnografía Americana, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo 4:121. SKULL, METOPISM, MEXICO, [DAVALOS-HURTADO-1965:39 & AN-INAH-1971-EPOCA-7A-2:57]
Comas, Juan 1948 Bibliografía Morfológica Humana de América del Sud. Primera Parte: Texto. BIBLIOGRAPHY, MORPHOLOGY, SOUTH AMERICA, [CRAN]
Comas, Juan 1951 La Realidad del Trato Dado a los Indígenas de América entre los Siglos XV y XX. América Indígena 11(4):323-370. DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICA, INDIAN [JRNL]
Comas, Juan 1956 Historia y Bibliografía de los Congresos Internacionales de Ciencias Antropológicas: 1865-1954. Publicaciones del Instituto de Historia, Primera Serie, Número 37. México, D.F.: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. BIBLIOGRAPHY, HISTORY, ANTHROPOLOGY, [BOOK]
Comas, Juan 1958 La Deformación Cefálica Intencional en la Región del Ucayali, Perú. Miscellanea Paul Rivet, Octogenario Dicata [Proceedings of the 31st International Congress of Americanists (Mexico, 1958)] 2:109-119. SKULL, DEFORMATION, PERU, [JRNL]
Comas, Juan 1960 Datos para la Historia de la Deformación Craneal en Mexico. Historia Mexicana 9:509-520. SKULL, DEFORMATION, MEXICO, [ARME]
Comas, Juan 1965 Crânes Mexicaíns Scaphocéphales. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 69(3-4):273-301. SCAPHOCEPHALY, MEXICO, [ARME]
Comas, Juan 1966 La Escafocefalia en Cráneos Mexicanos. Anales de Antropología (México) 3:99-118. SCAPHOCEPHALY, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Comas, Juan 1968 Dos Microcéfalos Axtecas: Leyenda, Historia y Antropología. Cuaderno de Antropología, Número 22. México, D.F.: Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas. Universidad Nacional de México. [See review by Alonso Ortiz Rusell, 1971.]. MICROCEPHALY, LEGEND, HISTORY, ANTHROPOLOGY, AZTEC, [AN-ANTROPOL-MEX-1971-8:290 & ARME]
Comas, Juan 1969 Crânes Déformes de l'Ile de Sacrificios (Etat de Veracruz, Mexique). Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris Série 12 14(3):209-257. SKULL, DEFORMATION, VERACRUZ, [CRAN]
Comas, Juan 1972 La Supuesta Difusión Transatlántica de la Trepanación Prehistórica. Anales de Antropología (México DF) 9:157-173. TREPHINATION, TRANSATLANTIC DIFFUSION, [JRNL]
Comas, Juan 1974 Orígenes de la Momificación Prehispánica en América. Anales de Antropología (México DF) 11:357-382. MUMMIFICATION, AMERICA, PRECOLUMBIAN, ORIGIN, [JRNL]
Comas, Juan 1976 Human Skeletal Remains from Dzibilchaltun, Yucatan, Mexico, with a Review of Cranial Deformity Types in the Maya Region. Middle American Research Institute. Publication 31. By T. Dale Stewart. 1974. New Orleans, Louisiana: Tulane University, pp. 199-225. [Review]. Anales de Antropología 13:369-370. REVIEW OF, STEWART; T. DALE, 1974, [JRNL]
Comas, Juan 1976 El Metopismo: Sus Causas y Frecuencia en Cráneos Mexicanos. México, D.F.: Instituto de Investigaciones Antropólogicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Volume 4. METOPISM, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Comas, Juan, Samuel Fastlicht, María Teresa Jaén Esquivel, Sergio López Alonso, Arturo Romano, Javier Romero, and Carlos Serrano Sánchez 1974 Antropología Físca: Epoca Prehispánica. Panorama Histórico y Cultura, III. México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Departmento de Antropología Física, Secretaría de Educación Pública. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, PREHISPANIC, MEXICO, [BOOK]
Comas, Juan, and Paulette Marquer 1969 Cráneos Deformados de la Isla de Sacrificios, Veracruz, México. Cuadernos: Serie Antropológica, Número 23. México, D.F.: Instituto de Investigacione, Históricas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. [See reviews by T. Dale Stewart, 1970; Edward J. Clegg, 1971; Frank P. Saul, 1971.]. SKULL, DEFORMATION, VERACRUZ, [JRNL]
Comas, Juan, and Carlos Serrano Sánchez 1973 Craneología Cora-Huichol, México. Anales de Antropología (México DF) 10:311-328. CRANIOLOGY, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Comess, L. J., P. H. Bennette, M. B. Man, T. A. Burch, and M. Miller 1969 Congenital Anomalies and Diabetes in the Pima Indians. Diabetes 18:471. DIABETES, CONGENITAL ANOMALY, PIMA, INDIAN, [GPALEOBI.BIB]
Comiti, V. -P. 1981 Littré et l'Histoire des Epidémies. Histoire des Sciences Médicales 15:235-239. EPIDEMIOLOGY, [CWHM-1982-114-#0536]
Commission on Oral Health, Research and Epidemiology 1982 An Epidemiological Index of Developmental Defects of Dental Enamel (DDE Index). International Dental Journal 32(2):159-167. DENTITION, DENTAL DEFECT, DEVELOPMENTAL, EPIDEMIOLOGICAL INDEX OF, [JRNL]
Comode, Patrick 1975 Paléopathologie: L'Hypogée de Loisy-en-Brie, Civilisation Seine-Oise-Marne. [The Hypogaeum at Loisy-en-Brie, Civilization Seine-Oise-Marne.]. [Thèse, M.D., Faculté de Dijon, no. 4]. [See review by Jean Dastugue, 1977.]. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1975, 11:19.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 87:19.]. DISSERTATION, COMODE; PATRICK, [PPNL 1975-11:19 & PPNL-1994-87:19 & ZIMM]
Comode, Patrick 1992 Schématisation des Lésions Vertébrales. [Poster, three each]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, pp. 9-10. LESION, SPINAL, POSTER, [JRNL]
Comrie, J. D. 1910 Early Knowledge Regarding Phthisis. Edinburgh Medical Journal 5(n.s.):19-37. ASTHMA, PHTHISIS, [LSG2-Tuberculosis, history & statistics]
Comte, E. 1922 Anthropologie et Orthodontie. Odontologie: Revue de Thérapeutique, de Chirurgie et de Prothése Dentaire (Paris) 60:667-675. ODONTOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, [LSG3-Teeth in anthropology]
Comuzzie, Anthony G., Marianne Marek, and D. Gentry Steele 1986 Analysis of Human Skeletal Remains from the Palm Harbor Site (41AS80), a Mortuary Site on the Central Gulf Coast of Texas. Bulletin of the Texas Archaeological and Paleontological Society 55:213-249. REMAINS, SKELETAL, PALM HARBOR SITE (41AS80), TEXAS, [JRNL]
Comuzzie, Anthony G., and D. Gentry Steele 1987 Development of Expanded Occlusal Surfaces on First Molars as a Result of Severe Attrition and Hypercementosis: Examples from Prehistoric Coastal Populations of Texas. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 72(2):189. DENTAL ATTRITION, DENTITION, MOLAR, DENTAL OCCLUSAL SURFACE, HYPERCEMENTOSIS, PREHISTORIC, TEXAS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Comuzzie, Anthony G., and D. Gentry Steele 1988 Maxillary Lingual Anterior Tooth Wear in Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers from the Texas Coast. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):197-198. DENTAL WEAR, PREHISTORIC, HUNTER-GATHERER, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Comuzzie, Anthony G., and D. Gentry Steele 1989 Enlarged Occlusal Surfaces on First Molars Due to Severe Attrition and Hypercementosis: Examples from Prehistoric Coastal Populations of Texas. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 66:12.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(1):9-15. DENTAL ATTRITION, DENTITION, MOLAR, DENTAL OCCLUSAL SURFACE, HYPERCEMENTOSIS, PREHISTORIC, TEXAS, [JRNL]
Conant, Marcus A. 1974 Syphilis. Western Journal of Medicine 120(1):46-54. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, [JRNL]
Conard, A. R. 1988 Analysis in Dietary Reconstruction. In: J. M. Heilman, M. C. Lileas, and C. Turnbow, eds. A History of 17 Years of Excavation and Reconstruction: A Chronicle of 12th Century Human Values. Dayton, Ohio: Museum of Natural History, pp. 112-156. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, ANALYSIS IN, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:099]
Conard, Nicholas J. 1991 Comment on "The Question of Ritual Cannibalism at Grotta Guattari." [See Tim D. White, and Nicholas Toth, 1991.]. Current Anthropology 32(2):125-126. CANNIBALISM, RITUAL, GROTTA GUATTARI, [JRNL]
Conaway, E. B. 1937 A Dental Radiographic Study of Two Mummies. Radiography and Clinical Photography 13:21-22. MUMMIES, DENTITION, RADIOLOGY, [ARME & CRAN & QCIM-1937-22-0342]
Conde-Glez, Carlos J., Ernesto Calderón, Luis Juáez-Figueroa, and Mauricio Hernández-Avila 1993 Historical Account of Venereal Diseases in Mexico. Genitourinary Medicine 69(6):462-466. DISEASE, VENEREAL DISEASE, MEXICO, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Condon, James Knighton 1900 The Bombay Plague, Being a History of the Progress of Plague in the Bombay Presidency from September 1896 to June 1899. Compiled under the orders of Government, by Captain J. K. Condon. Bombay: Printed at the Education Society's Steam Press. PLAGUE, HISTORY, BOMBAY, 1896-1899, [MELVYL]
Condon, Keith W. 1981 Correspondence of Developmental Enamel Defects Between the Mandibular Canine and First Premolar. [Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville]. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, DENTITION, CANINE, PREMOLAR, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:212]
Condon, Keith W. 1984 Intratooth Associations of Developmental Enamel Defects. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 63(2):147. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Condon, Keith W. 1988 Histological Structure of Enamel Surface Defects. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):198. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, SURFACE, HISTOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Condon, Keith W., J. Becker, C. Condon, and J. R. Hoffman 1994 Dental and Skeletal Indicators of a Congenital Treponematosis. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 18:70. TREPONEMATOSIS, CONGENITAL, DENTAL AND SKELETAL INDICATOR, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Condon, Keith W., and D. K. Charles 1983 Evaluation of the Cemental Annulation Aging Technique. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 60(2):183. AGE ASSESSMENT, CEMENTAL ANNULATION TECHNIQUE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Condon, Keith W., Douglas K. Charles, James M. Cheverud, and Jane E. Buikstra 1986 Cementum Annulation and Age Determination in Homo sapiens. II. Estimates and Accuracy. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 71(3):321-330. DENTITION, CEMENTUM, AGE ASSESSMENT, FORENSICS, [JRNL]
Condon, Keith W., J. Henderson, and J. Becker 1993 Dental Analysis of Freedman's Cemetery. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:73. DENTAL ANALYSIS, FREEDMAN'S CEMETERY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
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