Aaby, Peter 1984 Epidemics Among Amerindians and Inuit: a preliminary Interpretation

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Cook, Della Collins 1994 Dental Evidence for Congenital Syphilis (and Its Absence) Before and After the Conquest of the New World. In: Olivier Dutour, György Pálfi, Jacques Berato, and Jean-Pierre Brun, eds. L'Origine de la Syphilis en Europe: Avant ou Après 1493? Paris: Editions Errance-Centre Archéologique du Var, pp. 169-175. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, EUROPE, NEW WORLD, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1996-37:560]
Cook, Della Collins, and Jane E. Buikstra 1974 Circular Caries: A New Tool in Nutritional Assessment in the Past. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 40(1):133. DENTAL CARIES, CIRCULAR, DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, NUTRITION, WOODLAND, ILLINOIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cook, Della Collins, and Jane E. Buikstra 1979 Health and Differential Survival in Prehistoric Populations: Pre-Natal Dental Defects. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 50(3):429-430. DENTAL DEFECT, PRE-NATAL, HEALTH, DIFFERENTIAL SURVIVAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cook, Della Collins, and Jane E. Buikstra 1979 Health and Differential Survival in Prehistoric Populations: Prenatal Dental Defects. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 29:16.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 51(4):649-664. DENTAL CARIES, DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, CIRCULAR PATHOLOGY, PRIMARY DENTITION, LOWER ILLINOIS VALLEY, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Della Collins, and Jane E. Buikstra n.d. Sex Determination in Hopewell Crania from Illinois: A Discriminant Function Analysis. SEX ASSESSMENT, SKULL, HOPEWELL, ILLINOIS, [GILBERT-&-MIELKE-1985:412]
Cook, Della Collins, Jane E. Buikstra, C. Jean DeRousseau, and D. Carl Johanson 1983 Vertebral Pathology in the Afar Australopithecines. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1983, 42:11.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 60(1):83-101. VERTEBRAL PATHOLOGY, SCHEUERMANN'S DISEASE, AUSTRALOPITHECINE, AFAR, [JRNL]
Cook, Della Collins, and K. D. Hunt 1995 Sex Differences in Trace Elements: Status or Self-Selection? [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 20:78. TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, SEX DIFFERENCE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cook, Della Collins, and G. Rusch-Behrend n.d. Calibration of the Gustafson Dental Age Estimation Method in a Prehistoric Amerindian Sample: A Perspective on the Need for Population-Specific Standards. AGE ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, GUSTAFSON METHOD, NEED FOR POPULATION-SPECIFIC STANDARD, [RATHBUN-&-BUIKSTRA-1984:327]
Cook, F. A. 1894 Medical Observations Among the Esquimaux. New York Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 4:282-286. MEDICAL OBSERVATION, ESKIMO, [LSG2-Eskimo]
Cook, J. 1986 The Application of Scanning Electron Microscopy to Taphonomic and Archaeological Problems. In: Derek A. Roe, ed. Studies in the Upper Palaeolithic of Britain and Northwest Europe. Oxford: BAR International Series, Number 296, pp. 143-162. ARCHAEOLOGY, TAPHONOMY, SEM, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHEOL-1993-3:176]
Cook, J. 1986 Marked Human Bones from Gough's Cave. Proceedings of the University of the Bristol Spelaeological Society 17:275-285. BONE, MARKED, GOUGH'S CAVE, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHEOL-1993-3:176]
Cook, J. 1991 Preliminary Report on Marked Human Bones from the 1986-1987 Excavations at Gough's Cave, Somerset, England. Anthropologie (Brno) 29(3):181-187. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MARKED HUMAN BONE, GOUGH'S CAVE, SOMERSET, ENGLAND, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1994-32:52]
Cook, James, and James King 1784 A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean for Making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere Performed Under the Direction of Captains Cook, Clerke and Gore. London: Stockdale. VOYAGE, PACIFIC OCEAN, COOK; JAMES, [HART-HANSEN-J-P-1989:128 & MELVYL]
Cook, Jill 1991 Comment on "The Question of Ritual Cannibalism at Grotta Guattari." [See Tim D. White, and Nicholas Toth, 1991.]. Current Anthropology 32(2):126-127. CANNIBALISM, RITUAL, GROTTA GUATTARI, [JRNL]
Cook, Jill 1994 Prehistoric Cannibalism at Mancos 5MTUMR-2364. By Tim D. White. 1992. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. [Review]. Antiquity 68(258):157-158. REVIEW OF, WHITE, TIM D., 1992, [JRNL]
Cook, Megan, Joseph Eldon Molto, and Colin Anderson 1988 Possible Case of Hyperparathyroidism in a Roman Period Skeleton from the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt, Diagnosed Using Bone Histomorphometry. [Published erratum appears in American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 1988 April, 75(4):577.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1988, 62:11.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(1):23-30. HISTOMORPHOMETRY, ARCHAEOLOGICAL BONE, RESORPTION SURFACE, [JRNL]
Cook, Megan, Joseph Eldon Molto, and Colin Anderson 1989 Fluorochrome Labelling in Roman Period Skeletons from Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 68:17.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 80(2):137-143. BONE, HISTOMORPHOMETRY, HISTOMORPHOMETRY, INFECTION, [JRNL]
Cook, Noble David 1981 Demographic Collapse: Indian Peru, 1520-1660. Cambridge Latin-American Studies, 41, 14/22. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [See review by Carmelo Sáenz de Santa María, 1982.]. DEMOGRAPHY, COLONIAL, PERU, [REFF-1991:294 & REV-INDIAS-1982-42:703]
Cook, Noble David 1992 Impact of Disease in the Sixteenth-Century Andean World. In: John W. Verano, and Douglas H. Ubelaker, eds. Disease and Demography in the Americas. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 207-213. DISEASE, DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICA, ANDES, [BOOK]
Cook, Noble David, and W. George Lovell 1991 Editors' Preface. In: Noble David Cook, and W. George Lovell, eds. "Secret Judgments of God": Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America. Norman, Oklahoma and London: University of Oklahoma Press, pp. xv-xx. DISEASE, OLD WORLD DISEASE, COLONIAL SPANISH AMERICA, [BOOK]
Cook, Noble David, and W. George Lovell 1991 Unraveling the Web of Disease. In: Noble David Cook, and W. George Lovell, eds. "Secret Judgments of God": Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America. Norman, Oklahoma and London: University of Oklahoma Press, pp. 213-242. DISEASE, OLD WORLD DISEASE, COLONIAL SPANISH AMERICA, [BOOK]
Cook, Noble David, and W. George Lovell, eds. 1991 "Secret Judgments of God": Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America. Norman, Oklahoma and London: University of Oklahoma Press. [See reviews by Daniel Reff, 1993; John Cashman, 1994.]. DISEASE, OLD WORLD DISEASE, COLONIAL SPANISH AMERICA, [BOOK]
Cook, Noble David, José Hernández Palomo, María Luz Peña Fernández, and Alexandra Parma Cook 1988 Epidemics in the Parish of Santa Ana de Triana, 1665-1850. Paper presented at the 46th International Congress of Americanists, Amsterdam. DISEASE, EPIDEMIC DISEASE, PARISH OF SANTA ANA DE TRIANA; 1665-1850, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:252]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1935 Diseases of the Indians of Lower California in the Eighteenth Century. California and Western Medicine 43:432-434. DISEASE, BAJA CALIFORNIA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:253]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1937 The Extent and Significance of Disease Among the Indians of Baja California 1697-1773. Ibero-Americana 12:1-39. DISEASE, BAJA CALIFORNIA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1939 The Smallpox Epidemic of 1797 in Mexico. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 7:937-969. SMALLPOX, EPIDEMIC, MEXICO 1797, [REFF-1991:294]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1939 Smallpox in Spanish and Mexican California, 1770-1845. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 7:153-191. SMALLPOX, CALIFORNIA 1170-1845, [REFF-1991:294]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1940 Population Trends Among the California Mission Indians. Ibero-Americana 17:1-48. DEMOGRAPHY, CALIFORNIA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1941 Francisco Xavier de Balmis and the Introduction of Vaccination to Latin America. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 11:543-560. VACCINATION, AMERICA, LATIN AMERICA, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:253]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1941 Francisco Xavier de Balmis and the Introduction of Vaccination to Latin America. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 12:70-101. VACCINATION, AMERICA, LATIN AMERICA, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:253]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1941 The Mechanism and Extent of Dietary Adaptation Among Certain Groups of California and Nevada Indians. Ibero-Americana 18:1-59. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, CALIFORNIA, NEVADA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1943 The Conflict Between the California Indian and White Civilization: I. Ibero-Americana 21:1-194. AMERICA, INDIAN, WHITE, CONFLICT BETWEEN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1943 The Conflict Between the California Indian and White Civilization: II. Ibero-Americana 22:1-55. AMERICA, INDIAN, WHITE, CONFLICT BETWEEN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1943 The Conflict Between the California Indian and White Civilization: III. Ibero-Americana 23:1-115. AMERICA, INDIAN, WHITE, CONFLICT BETWEEN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1943 The Conflict Between the California Indian and White Civilization: IV. Ibero-Americana 24:1-29. AMERICA, INDIAN, WHITE, CONFLICT BETWEEN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1945 Demographic Consequences of European Contact with Primitive Peoples. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 237:107-111. DEMOGRAPHY, EUROPEAN CONTACT, EFFECT OF, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1980-21:276]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1946 Human Sacrifice and Warfare as Factors in the Demography of Pre-Colonial Mexico. Human Biology 18(2):81-102. SACRIFICE, HUMAN, WARFARE, DEMOGRAPHY, PRECOLONIAL, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1946 The Incidence and Significance of Disease Among the Aztecs and Related Tribes. Hispanic American Historical Review 26:320-335. DISEASE, AZTEC AND RELATED TRIBES, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1966-7:446 & COURY 1969:336 & ARME]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1947 Survivorship in Aboriginal Populations. Human Biology 19(2):83-89. SURVIVORSHIP, ABORIGINAL POPULATION, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1955 The Aboriginal Population of the San Joaquin Valley, California. University of California Publications, Anthropological Records 16(2):31-78. DEMOGRAPHY, SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY, CALIFORNIA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1955 The Epidemic of 1830-1833 in California and Oregon. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 44(3):303-326. EPIDEMIC OF 1830-1833, CALIFORNIA AND OREGON, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:458]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1956 The Aboriginal Population of the North Coast of California. University of California Publications, Anthropological Records 16(3):81-129. DEMOGRAPHY, NORTH COAST, CALIFORNIA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1957 The Aboriginal Population of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, California. University of California Publications, Anthropological Records 16(4):131-154. DEMOGRAPHY, ALAMEDA COUNTY, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1960 Dating Prehistoric Bone by Chemical Analysis. In: Robert F. Heizer and Sherburne F. Cook, eds. The Application of Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology 28:223-239. BONE, PREHISTORIC, DATING, CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1960 Reconstruction of Extinct Populations. Revista Mexicana de Estudios Antropológicos 16:173-182. POPULATION RECONSTRUCTION, EXTINCT, [ARME]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1964 The Aboriginal Population of Upper California. Proceedings of the 35th International Congress of Americanists (Mexico, 1962) 3:397-403. DEMOGRAPHY, UPPER CALIFORNIA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1966 Comment on "Estimating Aboriginal American Population: 1. An Appraisal of Techniques with a New Hemispheric Estimate," and "2. A Technique Using Anthropological and Biological Data." [See Henry F. Dobyns, 1966, and H. Paul Thompson, 1966.]. Current Anthropology 7(4):427-429. DEMOGRAPHY, POPULATION ESTIMATE, ABORIGINAL, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1966 Discussion: Palaeoepidemiology. In: Saul Jarcho, ed. Human Palaeopathology. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, pp. 112-116. SYMPOSIUM; 1966, HUMAN PALEOPATHOLOGY, PALEOEPIDEMIOLOGY, DISCUSSION, [BOOK]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1968 The Destruction of the California Indian. California Monthly 79(3):14-19. DEMOGRAPHY, DEPOPULATION, CALIFORNIA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [NATIVE-POP-AMER-1492-DENEVAN-WM-1976:306]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1972 Prehistoric Demography. McCaleb Modules in Anthropology 16:1-42. DEMOGRAPHY, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1976-05:374]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1973 Interracial Warfare and Population Decline Among the New England Indians. Ethnohistory 20(1):1-24. WARFARE, INTERRACIAL, DEPOPULATION, NEW ENGLAND, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1973 The Significance of Disease in the Extinction of the New England Indians. Human Biology 45(3):485-508. DISEASE, EXTINCTION, NEW ENGLAND, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1976 The Conflict Between the California Indian and White Civilization. Ibero-Americana Volume 21 to Volume 24. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. DEMOGRAPHY, CONFLICT, CALIFORNIA, INDIAN, WHITE, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:137 & MELVYL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1976 The Indian Population of New England in the Seventeenth Century. University of California Publications in Anthropology, Volume 12. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. POPULATION, SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, NEW ENGLAND, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1976 The Population of the California Indian, 1769-1970. Berkeley, California. University of California Press. DEMOGRAPHY, CALIFORNIA 1769-1970, AMERICA, INDIAN, [YEAR-BOOK-PHYS-ANTHROPOL-1994-37:145]
Cook, Sherburne F. 1978 Historical Demography. In: Handbook of North American Indians. Volume 8, California. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, pp. 91-98. DEMOGRAPHY, HISTORICAL, AMERICA, INDIAN, [BOOK]
Cook, Sherburne F., comp. 1976 Bibliography of Sherburne Friend Cook. Journal of California Anthropology 3(1):5-12. BIBLIOGRAPHY, COOK; SHERBURNE FRIEND, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F., and Woodrow Borah 1960 The Indian Population of Central Mexico: 1531-1610. Ibero-Americana 44:1-109. DEMOGRAPHY, CENTRAL MEXICO 1531-1610, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F., and Woodrow Borah 1966 On the Credibility of Contemporary Testimony on the Population of Mexico in the Sixteenth Century. In: Summa Antropológica en Homenaje a Roberto J. Weitlaner. Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, pp. 229-239. DEMOGRAPHY, MEXICO, SIXTEENTH CENTURY, [NATIVE-POP-AMER-1492-DENEVAN-WM-1976:306]
Cook, Sherburne F., and Woodrow Borah 1968 The Population of Mixteca Alta, 1520-1960. Ibero-Americana 50:1-89. DEMOGRAPHY, MIXTECA ALTA, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F., and Woodrow Borah 1971-1979 Essays in Population History: Mexico and the Caribbean. Three Volumes. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. DEMOGRAPHY, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:212 & MELVYL]
Cook, Sherburne F., and Woodrow Borah 1977-1980 Ensayos sobre Historia de la Poblacion. Coleccion America Nuestra, 2, 13, and 29. México, D.F.: Siglo Veintiuno. DEMOGRAPHY, [MELVYL]
Cook, Sherburne F., Sheilagh T. Brooks, and H. E. Ezra-Cohn 1962 Histological Studies on Fossil Bone. Journal of Paleontology 36:483-494. BONE, FOSSIL, HISTOLOGY, [BODDINGTON-GARLAND-JANAWAY-1987:124]
Cook, Sherburne F., and Robert F. Heizer 1947 The Quantitative Investigation of Aboriginal Sites: Analysis of Human Bone. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 5(2):201-219. BONE, HUMAN BONE, ABORIGINAL SITE, ANALYSIS OF, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F., and Robert F. Heizer 1951 The Physical Analysis of Nine Indian Mounds of the Lower Sacramento Valley. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology. 40(7):281-312. BURIAL MOUND, SACRAMENTO VALLEY, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F., and Robert F. Heizer 1959 The Chemical Analysis of Fossil Bone: Individual Variation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 17(2):109-115. BONE, FOSSIL, VARIATION, CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Cook, Sherburne F., and Cesar Marino 1988 Roman Catholic Missions in California and the Southwest. In: Handbook of North American Indians. Volume 4, History of Indian-White Relations. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, pp. 472-480. ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSIONS, CALIFORNIA, SOUTHWEST, [BOOK]
Cook, Sherburne F., and Lesley Byrd Simpson 1948 The Population of Central Mexico in the Sixteenth Century. Ibero-Americana 31:1-241. DEMOGRAPHY, CENTRAL AMERICA SIXTEENTH CENTURY, [JRNL]
Cook, T. 1936 Supernumerary Teeth. Annals of Dentistry 3:140 DENTITION, TEETH, SUPERNUMERARY, [ARME]
Cooke, C., and T. C. Rowbotham 1968 Dental Report. In: L. P. Wenham. The Romano-British Cemetery at Trentholme Drive, York. London: H.M.S.O. DENTITION, CEMETERY, ROMANO-BRITISH, YORK, [HART 1983:154]
Cooke, R. G. 1981 [Food Habits of the Pre-Columbian Natives of Panama.]. [Spanish with English Abstract]. Revista Médica de Panama 6(1):65-89. NUTRITION, PRECOLUMBIAN, PANAMA, [NDX-Paleontology-22-12-11010]
Cooley, T. 1927 Cooley's Anemia and Bone Change. American Journal of Diseases of Children 34:347. ANEMIA, COOLEY'S ANEMIA, BONE CHANGE, [ARME]
Coombs, Isabel, and D. W. T. Crompton 1991 A Guide to Human Helminths. London and New York: Taylor and Francis. [See review by Charles W. Kim, 1992.]. PARASITISM, HELMINTHS, [QRTLY-REV-BIOL-1993-68:312]
Coon, Carleton S. 1950 Three Skulls from Tell Hassuna. Sumer 6:93-96. SKULL, TELL HASSUNA, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:162]
Coon, Carleton S. 1967 Comment on "On Pestilence, Deit [sic], Natural Selection, and the Distribution of Microbial and Human Blood Group Antigens and Antibodies." [See Charlotte M. Otten, 1967.]. Current Anthropology 8(3):217. PLAGUE, BLOOD GROUP, ANTIGEN, ANTIBODY, [JRNL]
Coon, Carleton S. 1971 A Fossilized Human Mandibular Fragment from Kangatotha, Kenya, East Africa. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 34(2):157-163. MANDIBLE, MANDIBULAR FRAGMENT, FOSSIL, KENYA, [JRNL]
Coon, Carleton S., and J. Lawrence Angel 1953 Interpretations of the Hotu Skeletons. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 11(2):256. REMAINS, SKELETAL, HOTU, INTERPRETATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Cooney, J. P., and E. H. Crosby 1944 Absorptive Bone Changes in Leprosy. Radiology 42(1):14-19. LEPROSY, BONE CHANGE, [JRNL]
Cooper, Alan 1992 Removal of Colorings, Inhibitors of PCR, and the Carrier Effect of PCR Contamination from Ancient DNA Samples. Ancient DNA Newsletter 1:32. DNA, ANCIENT, CONTAMINATION, REMOVAL OF, [HUM-BIOL-1996-68:196]
Cooper, Alan 1994 DNA from Museum Specimens. In: Bernd Herrmann, and Susanne Hummel, eds. Ancient DNA: Recovery and Analysis of Genetic Material from Paleontological, Archaeological, Museum, Medical, and Forensic Specimens. Paperback edition. New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 149-165. DNA, ANCIENT, MUSEUM SPECIMEN, RECOVERY AND ANALYSIS, [BOOK]
Cooper, Alan, and Hendrik N. Poinar 1994 Contamination and Negative Results in Ancient DNA Studies and Amber Research. Ancient DNA 2:5-7. DNA, ANCIENT DNA STUDY, CONTAMINATION, NEGATIVE RESULTS, [AM-J-HUM-BIOL-1994-6:792]
Cooper, Donald B. 1965 Epidemic Disease in Mexico City, 1761-1813. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press. EPIDEMIC DISEASE, MEXICO CITY 1761-1813, [REFF-1991:294]
Cooper, Donald B. 1986 The New "Black Death": Cholera in Brazil 1855-1856. Social Science History 10:467-488. CHOLERA, BRAZIL 1855-1856, [CWHM-1987-133-#0408]
Cooper, J. 1936 Ancient Egyptian Mummification. West Virginia Medical Journal 32:117. MUMMIFICATION, EGYPT, [ARME]
Cooper, J. 1937 Total Absence of Both Lower Permanent Central Incisors. Dental Items of Interest 59:1088. DENTITION, INCISOR, ABSENCE, [ARME]
Cooperman, E. M. 1975 Marfan's Syndrome and Sherlock Holmes. [Letter]. Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Médicale Canadienne 112:423. ARACHNODACTYLY, MARFAN'S SYNDROME, SHERLOCK HOLMES, LETTER, [CWHM-1975-087-#0069]
Cootjans, G. 1971 La Canine dans la Literature Greco-Latine. Revue Belge de Médecine Dentaire 26:387-392. DENTITION, CANINE, GRECO-LATINE LITERATURE, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Cope, J. C. 1980 Roman Medical Instruments. Missouri Medicine 77(9):574. INSTRUMENT, MEDICAL, ROMAN, [NDX-Surgical Instruments history-22-14-12580]
Copeman, P. W. M. 1995 The Creation of Global Dermatology. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1995, 92:16.]. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 88(2):78-84. DERMATOLOGY, WORLD WIDE, [JRNL]
Copeman, P. W. M., and W. S. C. Copeman 1970 Dermatology in Tudor & Early Stuart England. Part 1. British Journal of Dermatology 82(1):78-88. MEDICAL HISTORY, DERMATOLOGY, ENGLAND, TUDOR AND STUART, [JRNL]
Copeman, P. W. M., and W. S. C. Copeman 1970 Dermatology in Tudor & Early Stuart England. Part 2. British Journal of Dermatology 82(2):182-191. MEDICAL HISTORY, DERMATOLOGY, ENGLAND, TUDOR AND STUART, [JRNL]
Copeman, P. W. M., and W. S. C. Copeman 1970 Dermatology in Tudor & Early Stuart England. Part 3. British Journal of Dermatology 82(3):303-310. MEDICAL HISTORY, DERMATOLOGY, ENGLAND, TUDOR AND STUART, [JRNL]
Copeman, W. S. C. 1960 Doctors and Disease in Tudor Times. London: Dawson's of Pall Mall. MEDICAL HISTORY, ENGLAND, TUDOR, [J-ROY-SOC-MED-1995-88:84 & MELVYL]
Copeman, W. S. C. 1964 A Short History of the Gout and the Rheumatic Diseases. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. MEDICAL HISTORY, GOUT, RHEUMATIC DISEASE, [MELVYL & BR-J-DERMATOL-1970-82:309]
Copeman, W. S. C. 1967 The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London: A History 1617-1967. Oxford and New York: Pergamon Press. MEDICAL HISTORY, WORSHIPFUL SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES OF LONDON, [J-ROY-SOC-MED-1995-88:84 & MELVYL]
Copeman, W. S. C. 1970 Historical Aspects of Gout. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 71:14-22. GOUT, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Copeman, W. S. C., and M. Winder 1969 The First Medical Monograph on the Gout. Medical History 13:288-293. GOUT, MEDICAL MONOGRAPH, [NDX-Gout history-10-02-06387]
Coppa, Alfredo, Roberto Macchiarelli, and G. Biondi 1980 L'Omogeneita Biologica degli Inumati delle Necropoli Protohistoriche de Katelai e Loebanr (Swat, Pakistan Occ.): Lo Studio di Varianti Morfologiche Discontinue del Cranio. [Italian with English Abstract]. Antropologia Contemporanea 3(3):405-408. CRANIOLOGY, PROTOHISTORIC, PAKISTAN, [ANTHROPOL-LIT-1982-4(2):#05091]
Coppa, Alfredo, D. Mancinelli, P. Petrone, and R. Vargiu 1989 Paleodemography of Iron Age Populations in South-Central Italy. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):206. DEMOGRAPHY, IRON AGE, ITALY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Coppa, Alfredo, and A. M. Palmieri 1988 Changing Dietary Patterns at Geili. In: I. Caneva, ed. El Geili: The History of a Middle Nile Environment 7000 B.C.-A.D. 1500. BAR International Series 424. Cambridge: Cambridge Monographs in African Archaeology No. 29, pp. 275-302. DIETARY PATTERN CHANGE, GEILI, AFRICA, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:322]
Coppa, Alfredo, R. Vargiu, A. Cucina, D. Mancinelli, and J. Calcagno 1996 Dental Anthropology of Iron Age Populations in Central-Southern Italy. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:89. DENTAL ANTHROPOLOGY, IRON AGE, ITALY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Coppi, A. 1832 Cenni Storici di Alcune Pestilenze. [Historical Signs of Some Plagues.]. Rome. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:270]
Corbett, M. Elisabeth, and J. L. Hardwick 1981 The Investigation of Dental Disease in Exhumed Remains. Journal of Dentistry 9:302-310. FORENSIC DENTISTRY, [CWHM-1982-114-#0616]
Corbett, M. Elisabeth, and William J. Moore 1970 The Dentition of a Romano-British Skeleton. British Dental Journal 129:571-572. DENTITION, SKELETON, ROMANO-BRITISH, [NDX-Paleodontology-12-02-07163]
Corbett, M. Elisabeth, and William J. Moore 1976 The Distribution of Dental Caries in Ancient British Populations. 4. The 19th Century. Caries Research 10(6):401-414. DENTAL CARIES, ANCIENT, BRITISH, [NDX-Dental Caries history-17-05-06855 & HART 1983:154]
Corbett, T. H. 1968 Iron Deficiency Anemia in a Pueblo Village. Journal of the American Medical Association 205:186. ANEMIA, IRON DEFICIENCY, AMERICA, INDIAN, PUEBLO, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Cordell, Linda S. 1989 Durango to Durango: An Overview of the Southwest Heartland. In: David Hurst Thomas, ed. Columbian Consequences. Volume 1. Archaeological and Historical Perspectives on the Spanish Borderlands West. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 17-40. COLUMBIAN CONSEQUENCE, SPANISH BORDERLAND, [YEAR-BOOK-PHYS-ANTHROPOL-1994-37:146]

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