Aaby, Peter 1984 Epidemics Among Amerindians and Inuit: a preliminary Interpretation

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Guiart, Jules 1932 Medical Incursion in Prehistoric Ages. Biologia Medica (Milan) 8:71. MEDICINE, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Guiart, Jules 1933 Histoire de la Peste à Bourge-en-Bresse. Annales de l'Université de Lyon, Nouv ser I Sciences Médecine, fasc 49. Lyon: A. Rey; Paris: J. B. Bailliere et Fils. PLAGUE, HISTORY, BOURGE-EN-BRESSE, [MELVYL]
Guiart, Jules, C. Garin, and M. Leger 1929 Précis de Médecine Coloniale: Maladies des Pays Chauds. Paris: J. B. Bailliere. MEDICINE, COLONIAL, [ARME]
Guidotti, A. 1984 Frequencies of Cribra Orbitalia in Central Italy (19th Century) Under Special Consideration of Their Degrees of Expression. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 42(1):11-17. CRIBRA ORBITALIA, NINETEENTH CENTURY, ITALY, [NDX-Craniology history-25-08-08451]
Guidotti, Tee L. 1978 American Indian Anthropology and Medicine. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1979, 27:15.]. [Letter]. Journal of the American Medical Association 240(4):348. ANTHROPOLOGY, MEDICINE, AMERICA, INDIAN, LETTER, [JRNL]
Guilbert, H. 1943 The Mayan Skulls of Copan. American Journal of Orthodontics and Oral Surgery 29:216-222. SKULL, MAYA, COPAN, [ARME]
Guillén, Sonia E. 1992 The Chinchorro Culture: Mummies and Crania in the Reconstruction of Coastal Adaptations in the South-Central Andes. [Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 53(11):3971A, University Microfilms order number #DA9308327.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1995, 91:19.]. DISSERTATION, MUMMIES, CHILE, CHINCHORRO, [LAT-AM-ANTIQ-1994-3:226 & PPNL-1995-91:19]
Guillén, Sonia E. 1992 Sinostosis Craneana Prematura en Momias Chinchorro del Morro 1-5, Chile. [Premature Cranial Synostosis in Mummies from Chinchorro de Morro 1-5, Chile.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 95. MUMMIES, CHILE, PERU, CHINCHORRO, SKULL, CRANIAL SYNOSTOSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Guillén, Sonia E. 1995 Sinostosis Craneana Prematura en Momias Chinchorro de Morro 1-5, Chile. [Premature Cranial Synostosis in Mummies from Chinchorro de Morro 1-5, Chile.]. In: Actas del I Congreso Internacional de Estudios sobre Momias, 1992. [Proceedings of the First World Congress on Mummy Studies, 1992]. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands: Museo Arqueológico y Etnográfico de Tenerife. MUMMIES, CHILE, PERU, CHINCHORRO, SKULL, CRANIAL SYNOSTOSIS, ABSTRACT, [ARRIAZA-B-T-BEYOND-DEATH-1995:166]
Guillén, Sonia E. 1996 The Icewoman of the Andes. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Third Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Durham, North Carolina, 9-10 April 1996, p. 6. MUMMIES, PERU, ANDES, INCA, ICEWOMAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Guillén, Sonia E., Carmen Gabe, and Nivel Comunicaciones 1992 Desenfardelamiento de una Momia Chancay. [The Unwrapping of a Chancay Mummy.]. [Video]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 208. MUMMIES, PERU, CHANCAY, VIDEO, UNWRAPPING, VIDEO, [JRNL]
Guillén, Sonia E., Lorenzo Huertas, Ana María Boza, Isabel Cornejo, and Elizabeth Isla 1992 Identificación y Estudio de los Restos del Virrey Conde de La Monclova en la Cripta Arzobispal de la Catedral de Lima, Perú. [Identification and Study of the Remains of the Viceroy Count of the Monclova in the Crypt of Lima Cathedral.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 108. BIOANTHROPOLOGY, IDENTIFICATION, PERU, LIMA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Guillén Guillén, Edmundo 1983 El Enigma de las Momias Incas. Boletín de Lima 28(5):29-42. MUMMIES, PERU, INCA, [DILLEHAY-TOM-D-1995:351]
Guilleré, C. 1984 La Peste Noire à Gérone (1348). Anales del Instituto de Estudi Girondenses (Gerona) 27:87-161. PLAGUE, GERONA, SPAIN 1348, [CWHM-1987-134-#1582]
Guillon, Mark 1990 Fouiller, Dessiner et Démonter avec Précision Plus de 1 000 Tombes en 12 Mois? L'Exemple de Cimetière Médiéval de Tournedos-sur-Seine. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 2(3-4):61-66. CEMETERY, MEDIEVAL, TOURNEDOS-SUR-SEINE, [JRNL]
Guillon, Mark 1993 Fiabilité de l'Estimation, sur le Terrain, de l'Age au Décès des Enfants Application à une Série de Tournedos-Portejoie. [Accuracy of Age Estimation of Children on the Field: Application to the Tournedos-Portejoie Sample.]. [French with English Abstract]. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 5(1-2):237-244. AGE ASSESSMENT, CHILD, TOURNEDOS-PORTEJOIE SAMPLE, NORMANDY, [JRNL]
Guillon-Metz, F. 1987 Ce que la Paléonutrition (et la Paléopathologie) Peuvent Apporter aux Etudes Archéologiques. In: Archéologie et Médecine. VIIèmes Rencontres Internationales d'Archéologie et d'Histoire d'Antibes, 23.24.25. Octobre 1986. Juan-les-Pins: Association pour la Promotion et la Diffusion des Connaissances Archéologiques, pp. 311-318. PALEOPATHOLOGY, PALEONUTRITION, ARCHAEOLOGICAL STUDY OF, [BHM-25:699 & MELVYL]
Guilmet, G. M., R. T. Boyd, D. L. Whited, and N. Thompson 1991 The Legacy of Introduced Disease. American Indian Culture and Research Journal 15:1-32. DISEASE, INTRODUCED DISEASE, LEGACY OF, AMERICA, INDIAN, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1993-22:290]
Guiyoule, Annie E., Francine Grimont, Isabelle Iteman, Patrick A. D. Grimont, Martine Lefevre, and Elisabeth Carniel 1994 Plague Pandemics Investigated by Ribotyping of Yersinia pestis Strains. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 32(3):634-641. PLAGUE, YERSINIA PESTIS STRAIN, DNA ANALYSIS OF, [JRNL]
Gülaçar, Fazil O., Alberto Susini, and Max Klohn 1990 Preservation and Post-Mortem Transformations of Lipids in Samples from a 4000-Year-Old Nubian Mummy. Journal of Archaeological Science 17(6):691-705. MUMMIES, NUBIA, KERMA MUMMY, LIPID DIAGENESIS, LIPID PRESERVATION, CARBOXYLIC ACIDS, KETOACIDS, HYDROXY ACIDS, STEROIDS, [JRNL]
Gülaçar, Fazil O., et al. 1989 Capillary Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry and Identification of Substituted Carboxylic Acids in Lipids Extracted from a 4000-Year-Old Nubian Burial. Journal of Chromatography 479(1):61-72. MUMMIES, NUBIA, CAPILLARY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY MASS SPECTROMETRY, IDENTIFICATION OF SUBSTITUTED CARBOXYLIC ACID, [NDX-Mummies-31-07-09044]
Güleç, Erksîn 1992 Trephinations in Ancient Anatolia. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, 31 March-1 April 1992, p. 16. TREPHINATION, ANATOLIA, ANCIENT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Güleç, Erksîn 1995 MIDAS: Cranial Features of a Phrygian King. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 20:102. SKULL, PHRYGIAN KING, CRANIAL FEATURE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Güleç, Erksîn 1995 Trephination in Ancient Anatolia: Six New Case Studies. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Oakland, California, 28-29 March 1995, p. 6. TREPHINATION, ANATOLIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Gulik, R. H. Van 1961 Sexual Life in Ancient China. Leiden: Brill. SEXUALITY, ANCIENT, CHINA, [CRAN]
Gullberg, J. E., and A. M. Burkitt 1924 An Abnormal Skull from New Guinea with Remarks on the Structure of the Mandible. Journal of Anatomy (London) 59:41. MANDIBLE, ABNORMAL, NEW GUINEA, [ARME]
Gullφv, Hans Christian 1994 Comment on "Disease and the Development of Inuit Culture." [See Robert McGhee, 1994.]. Current Anthropology 35(5):580-582. DISEASE, INUIT CULTURE, DEVELOPMENT OF, [JRNL]
Gullφv, Hans Christian, and Jφrgen Meldgaard 1991 Inuit and Norsemen. In: Jens Peder Hart Hansen, Jφrgen Meldgaard, and Jφrgen Nordqvist, eds. The Greenland Mummies. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 13-36. MUMMIES, GREENLAND, INUIT, NORSEMEN, [BOOK]
Gummerman, George J. 1988 Dietary Variation on the Scale of the Social Group: An Example from the Prehistoric Site of Pacatnamu, Peru. Phoenix, Arizona: Paper presented at the fifty-third Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. DIETARY VARIATION, PACATNAMU, PERU, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:384]
Gummerman, George J. 1991 Subsistence and Complex Societies: Diet Between Diverse Socio-Economic Groups at Pacatnamu, Peru. [Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles]. DISSERTATION, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, PACATNAMU, PERU, [MELVYL]
Gundara, Narindar, and S. Zivanovic 1967 Os Incae and Wormian Bones in East African Skulls. Uganda Journal 31:214-216. BONE, INCA, WORMIAN, AFRICA, [ZIVANOVIC-1982:274]
Gundara, Narindar, and S. Zivanovic 1968 Asymmetry in East African Skulls. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 28(3):331-337. SKULL, ASYMMETRY, [JRNL]
Gunn, Sisvan W. A. 1966 Totemic Medicine and Shamanism Among the Northwest American Indians. [Special Communication]. Journal of the American Medical Association 196(8):700-706. MEDICINE, NORTHWEST COAST, SHAMANISM AND TOTEMISM, [JRNL]
Gunn, Sisvan W. A. 1970 Medicine in Primitive Indian and Eskimo Art. Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Médicale Canadienne 102(5):513-514. MEDICINE, PRIMITIVE ART, ESKIMO, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Gunness-Hey, Michele E. 1977 The Vertebral Column of the Koniag Eskimo, Kodiak Island, Alaska. [Thesis, University of Connecticut, Storrs]. THESIS, SPINE, ALASKA, ESKIMO, KONIAG, [MARTIN & BUMSTED-1981:020]
Gunness-Hey, Michele E. 1978 The Vertebral Column of the Koniag Eskimos, Kodiak Island, Alaska. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 48(3):401. SPINE, KODIAK, KONIAG ESKIMO, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Gunness-Hey, Michele E. 1980 The Koniag Eskimo Presacral Vertebral Column: Variation, Anomalies and Pathologies. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 39:16.]. OSSA 7:99-118. SPINE, VERTEBRAL PATHOLOGY, KONIAG ESKIMO, [JRNL]
Gunness-Hey, Michele E. 1981 Bone Mineral and Histological Variation with Age and Vertebral Pathology in Two Human Skeletal Populations. [Dissertation, University of Connecticut, Storrs]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 41(9):4093-4093A, University Microfilms order number 8106696.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1987, 60:13.]. DISSERTATION, SPINE, VERTEBRAL PATHOLOGY, BONE MINERAL, HISTOLOGY, AGING, SKELETAL POPULATION, [PPNL-1987-60:13]
Gunness-Hey, Michele E. 1981 Spondylolysis in the Koniag Eskimo Vertebral Column. In: Debra L. Martin, and M. Pamela Bumsted, eds. Biocultural Adaptation: Comprehensive Approaches to Skeletal Analysis. Research Reports Number 20. Amherst, Massachusetts: Department of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, pp. 16-23. SPONDYLOLYSIS, KONIAG ESKIMO, [BOOK]
Gunness-Hey, Michele E. 1985-1986 Age-Related Bone Loss in a Prehistoric Koniag Eskimo Population. OSSA 12:41-47. BONE LOSS, PREHISTORIC, KONIAG ESKIMO, [JRNL]
Guozhang, Z., F. Wenhui, B. Yiheng, X. Jinian, and Y. Yunshu 1979 Microscopic and Submicroscopic Studies on the Peripheral Nerve and Skeletal Muscle of the Female Cadaver Found in the Han Tomb No. 1. Scientia Sinica 22:1095-1098. MUMMIES, CHINA, HAN TOMB 1, NERVE, MUSCLE, STUDY OF, [BOGMAN-&-ARCHAEOL-OF-PEOPLE-BROTHWELL-1987:125]
Gupta, Mahabir P., et al. 1993 Medicinal Plant Inventory of Kuana Indians. Part 1. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 40(2):77-109. MEDICINAL PLANT, KUANA INDIAN, [CWHM-1994-161-#0085]
Gupta, P., A. Basu, and P. C. Dutta 1970 Ancient Human Remains. Memoirs of the Anthropological Survey of India 20:1-33. REMAINS, HUMAN, INDIA, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:425]
Gupta, P., and P. C. Dutta 1962 Human Remains Excavated from Megaliths at Yelleswaram (Andhra Pradesh). Man in India 42:19-34. REMAINS, HUMAN, ANDHRA PRADESH, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:425]
Gupta, P., P. C. Dutta, and A. Basu, eds. 1962 Human Skeletal Remains from Harappa. Memoirs of the Anthropological Survey of India 9:13-188. REMAINS, HUMAN, HARAPPA, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:425 & COHEN&GJARM-1984:187]
Gupta, Ranjan 1993 A Short History of Neuropathic Arthropathy. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 296:43-49. ARTHROPATHY, NEUROPATHIC, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Gupta, S. P. 1972 Disposal of the Dead and Physical Types in Ancient India. Delhi: Oriental Publishers. DEAD, DISPOSAL OF, INDIA, [BHM-10:569 & MELVYL]
Gurdjian, E. Stephen 1973 Head Injury from Antiquity to the Present with Special Reference to Penetrating Head Wounds. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas. [See review by Kent Wilson, 1973.]. WOUND, INJURY, HEAD, ANTIQUITY, PRESENT, [BOOK & DRY BONES:217]
Gurdjian, E. Stephen 1973 Prevention and Mitigation of Head Injury from Antiquity to the Present. Journal of Trauma 13(11):931-945. SKULL, TRAUMA, PREVENTION, MITIGATION, [JRNL]
Gurdjian, E. Stephen 1974 The Treatment of Penetrating Wounds of the Brain Sustained in Warfare: A Historical Review. Journal of Neurosurgery 40(2):157-167. WARFARE, WOUND, PENETRATING, BRAIN, TREATMENT, [JRNL]
Gurfinkel, D. M. 1987 The Analysis of Blood on Artefacts, or Did the Tool Maker Need a Bandage? Archaeological Newsletter of the Royal Ontario Museum 2(21):1-4. BLOOD ANALYSIS, ARTIFACT, [CWHM-1988-138-#0222]
Gurfinkel, D. M., and V. M. Franklin 1988 A Study of the Feasibility of Detecting Blood Residue on Artifact. Journal of Archaeological Science 15(1):83-98. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, BLOOD RESIDUE, ARTIFACT, DETECTION OF, [JRNL]
Gurría Lacroix, Jorge 1968 Eusebio Dávalos Hurtado. [Obituary]. Boletín del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia 31:1-4. OBITUARY, D┴VALOS HURTADO; EUSEBIO, 1909-1968, [JRNL]
Gurría Lacroix, Jorge 1968 Eusebio Dávalos Hurtado, 1909-1968. [Obituary]. América Indígena 28(2):563-566. OBITUARY, D┴VALOS HURTADO; EUSEBIO, 1909-1968, [JRNL]
Gürtler, J. 1942 Study of Tissue from Mummies of Thebes. Anatomischer Anzeiger 93:185. MUMMIES, EGYPT, THEBES, TISSUE, [ARME]
Gürtler, L. G., V. Jäger, W. Gruber, I. Hillmar, R. Schobloch, P. K. Müller, and G. Ziegelmayer. 1981 Presence of Proteins in Human Bones 200, 1200 and 1500 Years of Age. Human Biology 53(1):137-150. BONE, ANCIENT, PROTEIN, [JRNL]
Gusi Jener, F. 1970 Enterramientos Infantiles Ibéricos en Vivienda. Pyrenae: Crónica Arqueológica 6:65-70. BURIAL RITUAL, INFANT, IBERIA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:41]
Gusinde, M. 1917 Las Enfermedades y la Higiene de los Mapuches. Publicaciones del Museo de Etnología y Antropología de Chile (Santiago de Chile) 1:177 293. MEDICINE, HYGIENE, DISEASE, ARAUCANO, MAPUCHE, CHILE, [WIEN-KW]
Gusinde, M. 1917 Medicina e Higiene de los Antiguos Araucanos. Publicaciones del Museo de Etnología y Antropología de Chile (Santiago de Chile) 1:87 120. MEDICINE, HYGIENE, DISEASE, ARAUCANO, MAPUCHE, CHILE, [WIEN-KW]
Guskin, P. J. 1981 The Context of Witchcraft: The Case of Jane Wenham (1712). Eighteenth-Century Studies 15(1):48-71. WITCHCRAFT, [CWHM-1984-120-#1954]
Gussow, Z., and G. S. Tracy 1968 Status, Ideology and Adaptation to Stigmatised Illness: A Study of Leprosy. Human Organization 27(4):316-324. LEPROSY, ILLNESS, STIGMATIZED ILLNESS, STATUS; IDEOLOGY; ADAPTATION TO, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1989-21(2):271]
Gustafson, B. E., and G. Koch 1974 Age Estimation Up to 16 Years of Age Based on Dental Development. Odontologisk Revy 25:297-306. AGE ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, DENTAL DEVELOPMENT, [AM-ANTIQ-1994-59:099]
Gustafson, Gösta 1950 Age Determinations on Teeth. Journal of the American Dental Association 41(1):45-54. AGE ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, [JRNL]
Gustafson, Gösta 1966 Forensic Odontology. New York: Elsevier. FORENSIC ODONTOLOGY, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1982-11:130]
Gustav, B. 1972 Sexual Dimorphism in the Adult Boney Pelvis of a Prehistoric Human Population from Illinois. [Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst]. DISSERTATION, PELVIS, DIMORPHISM, PREHISTORIC, ILLINOIS, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:042]
Gusterson, Hugh 1995 Tattoo, Torture, Mutilation, and Adornment: The Denaturalization of the Body in Culture and Text. Edited by Frances E. Mascia-Lees, and Patricia Sharpe, eds. 1992. SUNY Series: The Body in Culture, History, and Religion. Albany: State University of New York Press. [Review]. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 9(4):513-515. REVIEW OF, MASCIA-LEES; FRANCES E., AND PATRICIA SHARPE, EDS, 1992, [JRNL]
Güterbock, Hans G. 1962 Hittite Medicine. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 36(2):109-113. MEDICINE, HITTITE, ANCIENT, [JRNL]
Guthe, Alfred K. 1973 The Lasanen Site: An Historic Burial Locality in Mackinac County, Michigan. Publications of the Museum-Michigan State University, Anthropological Series, Volume One, Number One. Edited by Charles E. Cleland. 1971. East Lansing, Michigan: Museum-Michigan State University. [Review]. American Anthropologist 75(4):1127-1128. REVIEW OF, CLELAND; CHARLES E., 1971, [JRNL]
Guthrie, Douglas 1958 A History of Medicine, 2nd. ed. London: Thomas Nelson. MEDICINE, HISTORY, [CRAN]
Guthrie, G. J. 1993 Patterns of Trauma in the Central and Lower Illinois Valley. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:101. TRAUMA PATTERN, ILLINOIS VALLEY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Gutiérrez, H. 1986 La Mortalité des Evêques Latino-Américains aux XVIIe et XVIIIe Siècles. Annales de Démographie Historique 1986:29-39. DEMOGRAPHY, MORTALITY, BISHOPS, LATIN AMERICA, [CWHM-1987-134-#1248]
Gutiérrez González, F. 1986 Variaciones Anatómicas y Patologia Orbitaria de la Población Prehispánica de las Islas Canarias. [Tesis Doctoral, Universidad de La Laguna]. DISSERTATION, ANATOMICAL VARIATION, ORBITAL PATHOLOGY, CANARY ISLANDS, [DAVIES-W-VIVIAN-&-ROXIE-WALKER-1993:135 & ETXEBERRIA-FRANCISCO-BIBLIOGRAPHY-1993-ON-DISK]
Guy, H., P. Dabon, and F. Guillon 1989 Deux Crânes Trépanés de la Sépulture Collective Mégalithique de la Chaussée-Tirancourt (Somme). [Two Trephined Skulls from the Megalithic Tomb, at Chaussée-Tirancourt (Somme).]. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 1(1-2):119-128. TREPHINATION, MEGALITHIC, FRANCE, [JRNL]
Guy, W. B. 1955 Psychosomatic Dermatology Circa 400 B.C. Archives of Dermatology (Chicago) 71:354. DERMATOLOGY, PSYCHOSOMATIC, 400 B.C, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Guye, P. 1918 L'Hygiène Dentaire à Carthage au IIme Siècle. Un Philosophie Accusé de Magie et de Moeurs Corrompues pour s'être Servi de Poudre Dentifrice. Revue Trimestrielle Suisse d'Odontologie 28:81-85. DENTAL HYGIENE, CARTHAGE, [LSG3-Dentistry history]
Guyot, and G. Jeanneney 1913 A Propos de Quelques Ossements Anormaux Décoverts à Bordeaux. Journal de Médecine de Bordeaux 43:422-424. REMAINS, SKELETAL, BORDEAUX, [LSG3-Skeleton prehistoric remains]
Guyot-Daubès, M. 1888 Les Anomalies Dactyles. Revue d'Anthropologie (Paris) 17:554-559. ANOMALY, FINGER, [JRNL]
Guzmán, H. 1973 Craneotomías Prehispánicas en México. [Prehistoric Craniotomies in Mexico.]. [Spanish]. Gaceta Médica de México 106:489-492. SKULL SURGERY, CRANIOTOMY, HISTORY, MEXICO, [NDX-Craniotomy history-15-05-04854 & CWHM-1974-83-#0296]
Guzmán, M. G., et al. 1988 Dengue en Cuba: Historia de una Epidemia. Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical 40(2):29-49. PARASITISM, MOSQUITO, DENGUE, CUBA, [CWHM-1990-143-#0516]
Gwei-Djen, Lu, and Joseph Needham 1967 Records of Diseases in Ancient China. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 222-237. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, ANCIENT, CHINA, [BOOK]
Gwei-Djen, Lu, and Joseph Needham 1976 Records of Diseases in Ancient China. American Journal of Chinese Medicine 4(1):3-16. DISEASE, ANCIENT, CHINA, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-17-06-08276]
Gwilt, J. R. 1986 Biblical Ills and Remedies. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 79(12):738-746. DISEASE, REMEDY, BIBLE, [JRNL]
Gwilt, J. R. 1987 Biblical Ills and Remedies. [Letter]. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 80(8):535. DISEASE, REMEDY, BIBLE, LETTER, [JRNL]
Gwilt, J. R. 1987 Public Health in the Bible. Journal of the Royal Society of Health 107(6):247-248. PUBLIC HEALTH, BIBLE, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-29-10-12432]
Gwinnett, A. J., and L. Gorelick 1979 Inlayed Teeth of the Ancient Mayans: A Tribological Study Using the SEM. Scanning Electron Microscopy 3:575-580. DENTAL INLAY, ANCIENT, MAYA, [NDX-Dental Instruments occurrence-21-09-06978]
Gyorgyi, G. 1938 X-Ray Exams of Egyptian Mummies. Magyar Röntgen Közlöny 12:181. MUMMIES, EGYPT, RADIOLOGY, [ARME]
Györik, J. 1895 Dr. Schimko Dániel Féle érem és régiség gyüjteményeinek Katalógusa. [Hungarian]. Pozsony 1. a2. sv. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Gyory, Tibor 1912 Der Morbus Brunogallicus (1577): Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der

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Gysel, C. 1967 Terminology of "Supernumerary Teeth." Information Dentaire 49(21):2183-2185. DENTITION, SUPERNUMERARY, TERMINOLOGY OF, [ARME]
Gysel, C. 1970 Frequency of the Simultaneous Presence of a Mesiodens and a Supernumerary Maxillary Lateral Incisor. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde 77:355-356. DENTITION, INCISOR, MAXILLARY LATERAL, SUPERNUMERARY, MESIODENS, [ARME]
Gysel, C. 1979 Anomalies, Mélanodontie et Orthodontie dans le Traité de Pathologie Dentaire (1778) de Joseph Jakob Plenck (1732-1807). Orthodontie Française 50:769-788. DENTITION, ANOMALY, PLENCK; JOSEPH JAKOB, 1732-1807, [CWHM-1982-111-#1993]
Gysel, C. 1979 Daubenton (1716-1800) et Ses Recherches sur le Trou Occipital. Orthodontie Française 50:377-392. OCCIPITAL BONE, [CWHM-1982-111-#1357]
Gysel, C. 1985 Les Sandifort et la Pathologie Cranio-Faciale à l'Aube du XIXe Siècle. Orthodontie Française 56:671-692. SKULL, CRANIO-FACIAL PATHOLOGY, [CWHM-1987-134-#0650]
Gysel, C. 1990 Toothache in the XVII Century: Classical Therapy and New Medicines. Bulletin of the History of Dentistry 38:3-7. DENTITION, TOOTHACHE, SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, [CWHM-1991-148-#2308]
Gysi, A. 1919 Importance des Mouvements Lateraux de Mastication. Schweizerische Vierteljahrsschrift fuer Zahnheilkunde MASTICATION, IMPORTANCE, LATERAL, MOVEMENT, [ARME]
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