Annual Research Institutes Reports

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Randhawa, G., Kaur-Bola, K. and Waqar, M. Department of Health/Organ Donation Taskforce Implementation GroupPromoting an improved understanding of organ donation amongst the UK’s multi-ethnic and multi-faith population: The potential contribution of Faith and Belief Leaders, £130,000, 2010-12

Morgan, M., Jones, R., Sque, M., Grieve, A., Newton, T, Farsides, B Randhawa, G., MCguire, A., Scoble, J., Banerjee, D., Rudge, C. and Weaver, P. NHS National Institute for Health Research Applied Programme Grant – Increasing the acceptability and rates of organ donation among ethnic groups, £731,741, 2009-2013

Randhawa, G. and Wilkinson, E. Big Lottery Fund/Kidney Research UK – Research Dissemination: Improving access for the UK’s South Asian population with Type 2 diabetic renal disease, £25,598, 2009-10
Randhawa, G. and Wilkinson, E. Kidney Research UK/Big Lottery Fund Developing culturally competent End-of-life care services for renal patients, £249,910, 2008-11.
Randhawa, G. NHS Direct – PhD Studentship - Investigating the geographical and socio-demographic characteristics of users of NHS Direct. £30,000, 2009-12
Randhawa, G. POhWER – PhD Studentship - Developing a critical understanding of the existing and potential role of advocacy in enabling social inclusion, £30,000, 2009-12
Randhawa, G., Wilkinson, E. and Kaur-Bola, K. NHS Blood & Transplant – A national study examining the reasons and circumstances in which individuals make gifts and donations and exploring the relevance to increasing organ donation among the UK's multi-ethnic and multi-faith community, £130,000, 2009-2011
Green, G., Harvey, I., Done, J., Rein, M., Barton, G., Randhawa, G., Halliday, D., Brooksby, I., Farrington, K., Driver, R., Palmer, C., and Bradley, J. NHS National Institute for Health Research – East of England NHS Research Design Service, £5,000,000, 2008-2013
Roberts, P., Ertubey, C., Robertson, I. (2008) Application of CANTAB (Neuropsychological assessment) to child and adult populations, RiT funded project, (£13,000) in progress
Sinclair, A.J. Member, Steering Group for Manor House Pharmacy Diabetes Project, funded by Department of Health, approx £25,000 start-up funds
Sinclair, A.J. Department of Health - Older Peoples Initiative in Diabetes, £60,000, 2009-10
Sinclair AJ. Appointed Principal Investigator, 3L Study: Levermir in Later Life Study Novo Nordisk, > 40 centres, Anglo-French study, 2008-10
Sinclair, A.J. Diabetes UK – start up grant, co-applicant with Dr K Asimakopoulo, Kings College, London, Empowerment in Diabetes, £10,000
Sinclair, A.J. Various Industry/Pharmaceutical grants for the Institute of Diabetes for Older People (IDOP), £125,000
Sinclair AJ. Takeda UK – funding over 3 years to support the Institute of Diabetes for Older People (IDOP), £75,000
Stein, S.M. Excalibur: Multi-Agency Intervention and Support Barometer, SEPT, £100,000, 2011


  1. Matiti, M., Baillie, L. (Eds) (2011) Dignity in Healthcare: a practical approach for nurses and midwives, Radcliffe Publishing.

  2. Johns, C. (2010) Guided reflection: a narrative approach to advancing practice [2nd edition] Wiley-Blackwell

Book Chapters

  1. Matiti, M., Baillie, L. (2011) “The concept of dignity”, in: Matiti, M., Baillie, L. (Eds) Dignity in Healthcare: a practical approach, Radcliffe Publishing

  2. Baillie, L. (2011) “Staff behaviour and attitudes which promote dignity in care”, in Matiti, M., Baillie, L. (Eds) Dignity in Healthcare: a practical approach, Radcliffe Publishing

  3. Baillie, L. (2011) “Dignity in acute and critical care”, in Matiti, M., Baillie, L. (Eds) Dignity in Healthcare: a practical approach, Radcliffe Publishing

  4. Baillie, L., Matiti, M. (2011) “Dignity in care: the way forward”, in Matiti, M., Baillie, L. (Eds) Dignity in Healthcare: a practical approach, Radcliffe Publishing

  5. Burden, B. (2011) “Dignity in Maternity Care”, in Matiti M & Baillie L (eds.) Dignity in Healthcare: a practical approach for nurses and midwives, London, Radcliffe

  6. Burden, B. and Sapsed, S. (2010) “Fetal Skull” in Mayes Midwifery 14th edition, editors Sue Mac Donald & Julia Magill-Cuerden, London, Elsevier Ltd

  7. Burden, B. and Simons, M. (2010) “Anatomy of female and male reproduction”, in MacDonald S, Magill-Cuerden J (eds.) Mayes Midwifery, 14th Edition, London, Elsevier

  8. Burden, B. and Preston-Shoot, M. (2010) “Legal Frameworks for the Care of the Child”, in MacDonald S, Magill-Cuerden J (eds.) Mayes Midwifery, 14th Edition, London, Elsevier

  9. Burden, B. and Jones, P. (2010) “Preconception Care”, in MacDonald S, Magill-Cuerden J (eds.) Mayes Midwifery, 14th Edition, London, Elsevier

  10. Roberts, P. and Ertubey, C. (2010) “Engaging students in research: Developing a student research community”, Abstract in Atlay, M. and Coughlin, A. (eds) Creating communities: developing, enhancing and sustaining learning communities across the University of Bedfordshire

  11. Johns, C. (2010) “Reflection as a way-of-being in practice”, in H Erickson [Eds] Exploring the interface between the philosophy and discipline of holistic nursing: modelling and role-modelling at work, Unicorms Ublimited, Cedar Park, Tx, p311-328

  12. Kaur-Bola K & Randhawa G. (2011) Is Gifting a relevant concept to promote organ donation? The views of UK faith leaders. In: W. Weimar, M.A. Bos, J.J. van Busschbach (Eds): Organ Transplantation: Ethical, Legal and Psychosocial Aspects. Pabst Publishers.

  13. Grant, L. and Kinman, G. (2010) “The challenge of equipping social work students with resilience to ensure employability” in Atlay, M. and Coughlin, A. (Eds.) Creating Communities: developing, enhancing and sustaining learning communities across the University of Bedfordshire:  University of Bedfordshire Internal Publication

  14. Leggetter, S. and Sapsed, S. (2011) Identifying the challenges of developing research skills in e-learners: an action research study of Masters level public health students in the UK - Refereed Program of the E-Leader Conference at HCMC University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, ISSN 1935-4819, Chinese American Scholars Association, New York, New York, USA (January)

  15. Leggetter, S. & Sapsed, S. (2010)Identifying the challenges of developing research skills in e-learners: an action research student of Masters level public health students in the UK’”, in Atlay, M. (Ed.) Creating Bridges: A collections of articles relating to implementing the Curriculum Review 2008 (CRe8) from practitioner across the University of Bedfordshire, University of Bedfordshire Internal Publication

  16. Makaza, M. (2010) “Inspiring Registered Nurse Mentors through Creative Teaching and Learning” in Atlay, M. and Coughlin, A. (Eds) (2010) Creating Communities - Developing, enhancing and sustaining learning communities across the University of Bedfordshire, University of Bedfordshire Internal Publication

  17. McGrath, A. (2010) “Abdominal Assessment” in Cox, CL (Ed) Physical Assessment for Nurses, Blackwell Science Oxford

  18. McGrath, A., “Male Genitalia Assessment” in Cox, CL (Ed) Physical Assessment for Nurses, Blackwell Science Oxford

  19. Morris, C. (2011) “Developing effective approaches to learning during foundation training” in McKimm, J and Forrest, K. Professional Practice for Foundation Doctors, Exeter: Learning Matters

  20. Morris, C. (2011) Learning and Teaching in McKimm, J and Forrest, K. (Eds) Professional Practice for Foundation Doctors, Exeter: Learning Matters

  21. Morris, C. and Blaney, D. (2010) Work-based learning in Swanwick, T.(Ed) Understanding Medical Education: Evidence, Theory and Practice, Wiley-Blackwell with ASME

  22. Randhawa, G. (2011) “Organ donation and transplantation – meeting the needs of a multi-ethnic and multi-faith UK population” in Farrell A, Price D, Quigley M. Organ Shortage: Principles Pragmatism and Practice Cambridge University Press.

  23. Randhawa, G. (2010) “A specific approach in a multi-cultural context”, in Caille, Y. and Doucin, M. Ethical reflections on organ transplantation in Europe, Harmattan Publishers

  24. Sapsed, S. and Mathew, D. (2011) The Growth of the Public Health Masters at the University of Bedfordshire - Refereed Program of the E-Leader Conference at Faculty Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, ISSN 1935-4819, Chinese American Scholars Association, New York, New York, USA, (June)

  25. Sapsed, S. (2010) “Beyond Competency: Spirituality and Failing Mental Health” in Atlay, M. (Ed.) Creating Bridges: A collections of articles relating to implementing the Curriculum Review 2008 (CRe8) from practitioner across the University of Bedfordshire, University of Bedfordshire Internal Publication

  26. Sharp, C. and Randhawa, G. (2011) “Social capital and deceased organ donation”, in Randhawa, G. (ed) Organ Donation, InTech, ISBN: 978-953-307-1032-7

  27. Wilkins, C., Randhawa, G. and Kaur-Bola, K. (2011) “Gift exchange theory, organ donation and religion – what is the connection?” in W. Weimar, M.A. Bos, J.J. van Busschbach (Eds): Organ Transplantation: Ethical, Legal and Psychosocial Aspects, Pabst Publishers.

Refereed Journal Articles

  1. Craig, G. Adamson, S. Ali, N. and Demsash, F. (2010) Mapping rapidly changing minority ethnic populations: A case study of York, Joseph Rowntree Foundation

  2. Hamamy, H., Antonarakis, S. E., Cavalli-Sforza, L. L., Temtamy, S., Romeo, G., Ten Kate, L. P., Bennett, R. L., Shaw, A., Megarbane, A., Van Duijn, C., Bathija, H., Fokstuen, S., Engel, E., Zlotogora, J., Dermitzakis, E., Bottani, A., Dahoun, S., Morris, M. A., Arsenault, S., Aglan, M. S., Ajaz, M., Alkalamchi, A., Alnaqeb, D., Alwasiyah, M. K., Anwer, N., Awwad, R., Bonnefin, M., Corry, P., Gwanmesia, L., Karbani, G. A., Mostafavi, M., Pippucci, T., Ranza-Boscardin, E., Reversade, B., Sharif, S. M., Teeuw, M. E. & Bittles, A. H. (2011) Consanguineous marriages, pearls and perils: Geneva International Consanguinity Workshop Report, Genetics in Medicine, 13, 9, 841-847

  3. Smith,M., Ash, P., Austin,T. and Robinson,P.G. (2011) Outreach training: the special interest group’s report, European Journal of Dental Education, Vol.15, (2), pp. 85-89

  4. Baillie, L., Gallagher, A. (2011) Respecting dignity in care in diverse care settings: strategies of UK nurses, International Journal of Nursing Practice 17, 336–341

  5. Baillie, L. and Gallagher, A. (2010) The RCN Dignity campaign: exploring enablers and challenges, Journal of Research in Nursing 15:1, 15-28
    Baillie, L. and Illott, L. (2010) Promoting the dignity of patients in perioperative practice, Journal of Perioperative Practice 20(8), 278-282

  6. Chater, A. and Cook, E. (2010). In pursuit of control and happiness: The psychological way to a lower BMI, but hold the dieting! International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 17 (Supplement 1), 240

  7. Cook., E and Barrett, E. (2011) An interview with Eric Barrett. Health Psychology Update, 20 (1), 34-35

  8. Cook, E. and Wilkins, C. (2011) DHP PsyPAG Workshop Review, Health Psychology Update, 20 (1), 29-30

  9. Cook, E., Large, S., Guppy, A. and Randhawa, G. (2010) Who uses NHS Direct? Geographical and socio-demographic characteristics of NHS Direct users. PsyPAG Quarterly, 76, 25-27

  10. Cook, E. and Chater, A. (2010) Are happier people, healthier people? The relationship between perceived happiness, personal control, BMI and health preventive behaviours, International Journal of Health Promotion and Education 48 (2), 58-64

  11. Cook, E., Gaitán, A. and Chater, A. (2010) From unhelpful to helpful: The role of implementation intentions in a weight-loss intervention, Health Psychology Update 19 (1), 11-17

  12. Cook, E. and O’Carroll, R. (2010) An interview with…Professor Ronan O’Carroll, Health Psychology Update, 19 (1), 40-41

  13. Johns, C., Blake, D., Sinclair, A. (2010) Can reflexology maintain or improve the well-being of people with Parkinson’s Disease? Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 16(2) 96-100

  14. Leggetter, S. and Sapsed, S. (2011 in press) Developing, enhancing and sustaining research skills in a diverse population of students undertaking a Masters in Public Health: an action research study, Refereed Program of the E-Leader Conference at Ho Chi Minh Vietnam, Chinese American Scholars Association, New York, USA

  15. Leggetter, S. and Sapsed, S. (2010) Identifying the Challenges of Developing Research Skills in e-learners: an Action Research Study of Masters level Public Health Students in the UK, ISSN 1935-4819, Chinese American Scholars Association, New York, New York, USA, January Reflecting on the creation of on-line Distance Learning teaching & learning materials

  16. Leggetter, S. and Sapsed, S. (January 2010) Identifying the Challenges of Developing Research Skills in e-learners: an Action Research Study of Masters level Public Health Students in the UK, Refereed CD-ROM of the E-Leader Conference at Singapore Management University, ISSN 1935-4800, Chinese American Scholars Association, New York, New York, USA

  17. Thomas, E.L., Parkinson, J.R., Frost, G.S., Goldstone, A.P., Dore, C.J., McCarthy, J.P., Collins, A.L., Fitzpatrick, J.A., Durighel, G., Taylor-Robinson, S.D., Bell, J.D. (2011) The missing Risk: MRI and MRS Phenotyping of Abdominal Adiposity and Ectopic Fat, Obesity, June 9. Doi: 10.1038/oby.2011.142. [Epub ahead of print]

  18. Thomas, E.L., Collins, A.L., McCarthy, J., Fitzpatrick, J., Durighel, G., Goldstone, A. P. and Bell, J.D. (2010) Estimation of abdominal fat compartments by bioelectrical impedance: the validity of the Viscan measurement system in comparison with MRI, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 64, 525-533

  19. Watson, R., Pride, N., Thomas, E.L., Fitzpatrick, J., Durighel, G., McCarthy, J., Morin, S., Ind, P.W. and Bell, J. (2010) Reduction of total lung capacity in obese men: comparison of total intrathoracic and gas volumes, Journal of Applied Physiology, 108: 1605-161

  20. Mehta, S.R., Thomas, E.L., Patel, N., Crofton, M.E., McCarthy, J., Eliahoo, J., Morin, S.X., Fitzpatrick, J., Durighel, G., Goldston, A.P., Johnstone, D.G., Bell, J.D. and Taylor-Robinson, S.D. (2010) Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy and ultrasound for hepatic fat quantification, Hepatology Research, 40 (4) 39-406

  21. Nastro, P., Knowles, C. H., McGrath, A., Heyman, B., Porrett, T.R.C. and Lunniss, P. J. (2010) Complications of intestinal stomata, British Journal of Surgery 97(12) 1885-1889

  22. Milligan, F., Krentz, A.J., and Sinclair, A.J. (In press) Diabetes medication patient safety incident reports to the National Reporting and Learning Service (NRLS) - the care home setting: short report, Diabetic Medicine

  23. Morris, C. and McKimm, J. (2010) Approaches to medical education research, British Journal of Hospital Medicine, 71(4) 404-408

  24. Swanwick, T and Morris, C. (2010) Shifting Conceptions of Learning in the Workplace, Medical Education, 44:6, 538-539

  25. Borkett-Jones, H. and Morris, C. (2010) Managing the Trainee in Difficulty, British Journal of Hospital Medicine 71(5), 286-289

  26. Morris, C. (2010) Facilitating Learning in the workplace, British Journal of Hospital Medicine, 71(1): 48-50

  27. Murphy, S. and Faulkner, D. (2011) The relationship between bullying roles and children's everyday dyadic interactions, Social Development 20(2), 272-293

  28. Agius, M., Talwar, A., Murphy, S. and Zaman, R. (2010) Issues regarding the delivery of early intervention psychiatric services to the South Asian population in England, Psychiatria Danubina, 22(2), 266 – 269

  29. Littlejohn, C., Pang, D., Power, C., Macfarlane, G.J. and Jones, G.T. (2011) Is there an association between preterm birth or  low birthweight and chronic widespread pain? Results from the 1958 Birth Cohort Study, European Journal of Pain, 2011 Jun 17, [Epub ahead of print]

  30. Linklater, G., Barton, S., Lawton, S. and Pang, D. (2011) The use of the Palliative Performance in individuals with dementia and frailty.

  31. Pang, D., Jones, G., Power, C. and MacFarlane, G.J. (2010) Influence of childhood behaviour on the reporting of chronic widespread pain in adulthood: results from the 1958 British Birth Cohort Study, Rheumatology, 49(10)1882-8.

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