Annual Research Institutes Reports

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Annual Research Institutes Reports

2010 - 2011


  1. BMRI Business and Management Research Institute 3

  1. IRAC Institute for Research in Applicable Computing 47

  1. LIRANS Institute of Research in the Applied Natural Sciences 58

  1. IASR Institute of Applied Social Research 70

  1. IHR Institute for Health Research 92

  1. ISPAR Institute of Sports and Physical Activity Research 108

  1. IREd Institute for Research in Education 117

  1. RIMAD Research Institute for Media Arts and Design 125

Business and Management Research Institute

1. Structure and Research Areas
The Business and Management Research Institute (BMRI) sits within the Business School and manages all of the research activity within the School. Within the BMRI there are currently six Research Centres: Business and Information Systems Research Centre, Centre for Research in Marketing, Centre for Leadership Innovation, Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment, Research Centre for Contemporary Accounting and Finance and Centre for Research in Law. Outside the Research Centres, there is considerable research activity by individuals and smaller research clusters in the areas of Finance and Banking, Branding and Marketing, Entrepreneurships and SMEs, International Business, teaching and learning.
Business and Information Systems Research Centre (BISC) - has two research groups: Research in ICT Business Applications (RICTA) and Operations and Knowledge Management (OKM). The research interests of the members cover a broad range of research strands.
Centre for Research in Marketing (CAM) - concentrates on streams of research into branding, cross-cultural marketing and marketing communications.
Centre for Leadership Innovation (CLI) - aims to explore the nature of leadership needed for healthy, effective, high performing and sustainable organisations, stimulate research and research-related activity within the sphere of management, in particular with regard to the strategic direction of organizations and the management and development of human resources
Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment (CRELLA) - focuses on the nature and measurement of English language proficiency.
Research Centre for Contemporary Accounting and Finance (ResCAF) - aims to maintain a continuing enhancement of the research profile of the Division of Accounting and Finance.
Centre for Research in Law (CRiL) – is the focal point for the School of Law rapidly developing research activities.
A current total of 19 research themes associated with disciplinary specialism and research centres have started taking shape under the guidance of departmental research leaders, summarised as follows:
Business and Information Systems Research:

  • Information Systems and Knowledge Management

  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management

  • Operations Management

  • Project Management

English Language Learning and Assessment Research:

  • Assessing Academic Proficiency in English

  • Defining and Implementing English as a Second Language Proficiency Levels

HR Management and Leadership Research:

  • Agency, Corporate Governance, Employee Performance and Reward

  • Innovation in Small Companies

  • Leadership and Innovation in Enterprise and Organisation

  • Innovative Learning Practices (Pedagogy research)

Marketing Research:

  • Consumer and Cross-cultural Behaviour

  • Contexts: Entrepreneurship and international organisation
  • Marketing Strategy (Branding)

Finance & Accounting Research:

  • Financial & Managerial Systems

  • Finance and Banking

  • Financial Reporting and Corporate Governance

  • Management Accounting

Law Research:

  • Human rights and terrorism

  • Investment Treaty Arbitration

2. Summary of the Activities in 2010/2011
The major aim of the Faculty in 2010/11 was to continue the process of improving its research and publication performance, ahead of delivering an improved assessment in the next REF. A major element of this was to recruit new, research active staff, including senior academics (Professors and Readers), in order to change the culture of the Faculty. This process has started in 2009 and continued with the new staff recruitment round for 2010/11, increasing staff numbers by almost 50%. All departments now have at least one Professor and have a Departmental Research Leader (Professor or Reader) working with the HoD to embed research into Departmental activities through new staff review practises and procedures.
Intended actions building on activity in 2010/11

Assure a portfolio of research centres and themed ‘research presence’ facing both inward to engage faculty members (including colleagues located across the University generally in academic and academic support areas, as appropriate) and through capitalizing on and extending external networks the wider community with a stake in those activities grouped within the Business and Management Faculty (incorporating English Language and Law) and their potential to have a positive impact on all those with whom the Faculty interacts.

Critical success factors

  • Research outputs on track to achieve a strong Faculty return at the time of the Research Excellence Framework census (measured in terms of the quantity of research reported within highly rated publications – in particular the ABS journal rankings or other discipline appropriate journal lists).

  • A clear sense that research and scholarship is widely acknowledged among members and positioned as a prerequisite for all the Faculty’s activities, contributing to achievement of a quality ‘research environment’ with the potential to develop over several years in ways likely to be judged distinctive.

  • Income generated by research and research-informed outreach activity increased consistent with targets established by University leadership.

  • Research student numbers at levels consistent with targets established by University leadership, and where students are integrated within one of the relevant themed team areas within the Faculty and demonstrating progression against award achievement milestones.

  • Research dissemination among the community of practise (e.g. policy makers, organization leaders and members) increasing in ways that demonstrate that the Faculty’s research activity is having an impact in terms of informing decision making and action by this community. This is consistent with informing the impact agenda for the REF.

3. Individual Centre’s Reports
3.1. BISC Report

Business and Information Systems Research Centre (BISC) sits within the Department of Business Systems. It has two research groups:

  • Research in ICT Business Applications (RICTA)

  • Operations and Knowledge Management (OKM)
  1. Research Output
Publication in 2011

Book Chapters

  1. Duan, Y., Xu, M, and Feng, W. 2011. “Transnational knowledge transfer”. In Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management (2nd edition. Schwartz, D. (ed.). IGI Publishing, 1512-1524. 10.4018/978-1-59904-931-1.ch144, ISBN13: 9781599049311

  2. Williams, N., Ridgman, T. and Shi, Y (2011). "Internationalization from Small States", Cultural Variations and Business Performance, IGI global

  3. Williams, N. and Ferdinand, N. (2011) "Staging Events: A project Management Approach", Handbook of Event Management

  4. Williams, N. (2011), Event Project Management, Event Management: An International Approach. Sage, London

Journal articles

  1. Bentley, Y. & Clarke, S. (2011) “Evaluation of Information Strategy - a Critical Approach”. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, Vol 23(1): 1-17. IGI Global. (DOI: 10.4018/joeuc. 2011010101) ISSN: 1546-2234 EISSN: 1546-5012)

  1. Chen, H and Papazafeiropoulou, A. (2011). ‘Supply Chain Integration in the IT Manufacturing Sector: How integration technologies adoption can improve efficiency’, International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies (IJASS), Accepted.

  2. Chen, H, Papazafeiropoulou, A. and Wu, C, F. (2011). ‘An E-Government Initiative to Support Supply Chain Integration for Small to Medium Sized Enterprises: Successes and Challenges’, Database. Accepted.

  3. Cao, G., Wiengarten, F. and Humphreys, P. (2010) Towards a Contingency Resource-Based View of IT Business Value, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 24(1): 85-106.

  4. Cao, G. (2010) A four-dimensional view of IT business value, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 27(3): 267-284.

  5. Duan, Y.; Nie, W. and Coakes, E. 2011, “Identifying Key Factors Affecting Transnational Knowledge Transfer”. Information and Management. 47(7), 356-363..

  6. He, Q., Gallear, D., and Ghobadian, A. (2011). Knowledge transfer: The facilitating attributes in supply chain partnerships. Information Systems Management, 28(1), 57-70.

  7. Ramanathan, R. (2011), "An empirical analysis on the influence of risk on relationships between handling of product returns and customer loyalty in e-commerce", International Journal of Production Economics, 130(2), 255-261.

  8. Ramanathan, R. (2011), "The Impact of Operational Criteria on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in E-commerce Environments: An Exploratory Study of Customer Ratings and Risk", MIS Review: An International Journal, 16 (2), 33-54.

  9. Ramanathan, R. and Karpuzcu, H. (2011) “Comparing Perceived and Expected Service using an AHP Model: An Application to Measure Service Quality of a Company engaged in Pharmaceutical Distribution", Opsearch: Indian Journal of Operational Research, 48 (2), 136-152.

  10. Ramanathan, R. and Ramanathan, U. (2010), “A Qualitative Perspective to Deriving Weights from Pairwise Comparison Matrices”, Omega – The International Journal of Management Science, 38 (3-4), 228–232.

  11. Ramanathan, R. and Ramanathan, U. (2011), “A performance measurement framework combining DEA and Balanced Scorecard for the UK health sector”, International Journal of Operational Research, 12 (3), 257-278.

  12. Ramanathan, U. “Supply chain collaboration for improved forecast accuracy of promotional sales”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management (Accepted in June 2011).

  13. Ramanathan, U. and Muyldermans, L. (2011), “Identifying the underlying structure of demand during promotions: A structural equation modelling approach”, Expert Systems with Applications 38(5), 5544-5552.

  14. Ramanathan, U. and Muyldermans, L. (2010), “Identifying demand factors for promotional planning and forecasting: A case of a soft drink company in the UK”, International Journal of Production Economics 128 (2), 538-545.

  15. Ramanathan, U. Gunasekaran, A. and Subramanian, N. (2011), “Performance metrics for collaborative supply chain: A conceptual framework from case studies”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, 18 (6).

  16. Ramanathan, U. and Ramanathan, R. (2011), “Guests’ perceptions of factors influencing customer loyalty: An analysis for UK hotels”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 23 (1), 7-25.

  17. Ramanathan, U. and Ramanathan, R. (2011), “An Investigation into Rank Reversal Properties of the Multiplicative AHP”, International Journal of Operational Research, 11 (1), 54-77.

  18. 1. Taroun, A. And Yang, J.B. (2011), “Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence: Potential Usage for Decision Making and Risk Analysis in Construction Project Management”, Journal of Built and Human Environment Review, 4 (1), 155-166.

  19. 2. Taroun, A., Yang, J.B. and Lowe, D. (2011), “Construction Risk Modelling and Assessment: Insights from a Literature Review”, Journal of Built and Human Environment Review, 4 (1), 87-97.

  20. Wiengarten, F., Humphreys, P. and Cao, G. (2010) Collaborative supply chain practices and performance: Exploring the key role of information quality, Supply Chain Management, 15(6): 463-473.

  21. Williams, N., Ridgman, T. and Shi, Y. (2011) "Stages to Phases", Advances in International Management 2011

  22. Zhu, J., Ramanathan, R. and Ramanathan, U. (2011), “Measuring Service Quality using SERVQUAL and AHP: An Application to a Chinese IT Company and Comparison”, International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 8 (4), 418-432.

Conference Proceedings:

  1. Bentley, Y. Selassie, H. & Shegunshi, A. (2011) “Student-focused e-Learning Design and Evaluation”, the 6th International Conference on e-Learning, University of British Columbia Okanagan, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, 27-28 June 2011.

  2. Castro-Boluarte, J., Bentley, Y. (2011) “Using Case Studies to Explore Companies’ Strategies in Addressing Carbon Emission Issues in Logistics Activities”. Proceedings of the Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, CILT_UK, 7-9 September 2011, University of Southampton, UK.

  3. Castro-Boluarte, J., Bentley, Y. Crabbe, J. & M. Christoper (2011) “Using Case Studies to Determine Company Attitudes to Carbon Reduction in Logistics Operations”. The 18th EurOMA Conference, Cambridge UK, 3-6 July 2011.

  4. Cao, G. (2011) The Benefits and Limitations of Pairwise Understanding of IT Business Value, Proceedings of International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2011). August 12-14, Wuhan, China.

  5. Chen, H, Papazafeiropopulou, A, Wu, C. F and Huang, T. Y. (2011). ‘Studying RFID Adoption by SMEs in the Taiwanese IT Industry’, European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS), May 30-31, Athens, Greece.

  6. Eze, S.; Duan, Y. and Jackson, S. 2011. “Understanding the dynamic process of emerging ICT adoption in SMEs”. 2011 Annual Conference of UK Academy of Information Systems (UKAIS 2011). 11-13 April 2011, Oxford, UK.

  7. He, Q. (2011). The role of knowledge management in sustainable supply chain management: Propositions and experts' views. British Academy of Management (BAM) 2011 Conference, Aston, UK.

  8. He, Q., Ghobadian, A., Gallear, D., and O'Regan, N. (2011). Power distribution and supply chain knowledge transfer: A study of a Chinese steel manufacturer. Academy of Management (AOM) 2011 Annual Conference, San Antonio, USA.

  9. Li, Y; Duan, Y.; Fu, Z and Feng, W. 2010, “understanding behavioural intention of e-learning system re-use”. International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS 2010), 25-28 October, Valencia, Spain.

  10. Markus, H. and Duan, Y. 2011. “Understanding Personal Knowledge Development in Online Learning Environments: An Instrument for Measuring Externalisation, Combination and Internalisation”. Proceedings of 12th European Conference on Knowledge Management, 1-2 September, Passau, Germany.

  11. Miao, M.; Duan, Y., Fu, Z.; Liu, X and Wnag, R. 2011. “Critical Success Factors for Implementing Traceability Systems in Chinese Food Enterprises”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information System and Management (ISM 2011) which is a special track within 5th International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2011). 12-14 August 2011, Wuhan, P.R. China.

  12. Nagaraju, R.A., Philpott, E., (2011) “A Framework Relating Innovation Strategy and Business Growth in Small to Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs)”, 6th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship,15-16 September, Aberdeen, UK

  13. Ong, V.; Duan, Y. and Mathews, B. 2010, “Using Interpretive Research and CAQDAS to Explore and Identify Executive Criteria for Intelligent Executive Information Systems Design”, Proceedings of IADIS International Conference Information Systems 2010 (IS 2010), March 18-20, 2010 - Porto, Portugal.

  14. Poorkavoos M., Duan Y. & Edwards J. (2011) “Impacts of network characteristics on innovation performance”, 7th UK Social Network Conference, University of Greenwich, UK.

  15. Poovavoos, M.; Duan, Y. and Edwards, J. 2011. “Understanding Inter-firm networks and types of innovation in SMEs: A social network perspective”. Proceedings of 12th European Conference on Knowledge Management, 1-2 September, Passau, Germany.

  16. Wang, R.; Duan, Y. and Fu, Z. 2011. “Understanding ICTs Adoption from an Evolutionary Process Perspective”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information System and Management (ISM 2011) which is a special track within 5th International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2011). 12-14 August 2011, Wuhan, P.R. China.

  17. Williams, N., Bentley, Y., Owen, D., Philpott, E., (2011), Market Made: Manufacturing Capabilities and Export Markets for Developing Country Firms, EuROMA, Cambridge, UK.

  18. Yogesh, K. Dwivedi, NP Rana, Chen, H. and Micheal D. Williams. (2011). ‘A Meta-Analysis of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)’, IFIP WG8.6 Conference, September 22-24, Hamburg, Germany.

Other Articles

  1. Duan, Y and Coakes, E. 2011. “Knowledge across boundaries: how can we share?” published in CMI top management articles.

  1. He, Q. (2011). Building sustainable supply chains: A message to chief knowledge officers. Published in CMI Top Management Articles.

  2. Williams, N. ( 2011), Defining Organizational Project Management, OPM Virtual COP (

  3. Williams, N. (2011). Maturity Models and OPM, OPM Virtual COP (

  4. Williams, N. (2011) Research Perspectives on OPM, OPM Virtual COP (


  1. Eze, S.; Duan, Y and Jackson, S. 2011 "Understanding the critical factors influencing the dynamic process of emerging ICT adoption in UK service SMEs" Presentation at University of Bedfordshire Conference 2011: Outcomes and Impact. 5-6 July, 2011.

  2. He, Q., Ghobadian, A., and Gallear, D. (2011). Interfirm knowledge transfer in strategic alliances: A review of research methodologies. Presentation at University of Bedfordshire Conference 2011: Outcomes and Impact. 5-6 July, 2011.

  3. He, Q., Richardson, D., Philpott, E., Bentley, Y., Owen, D., Kapofu, D., et al. (2011). A systematic review of contemporary development in logistics and supply chain management: A RIT project. Presentation at University of Bedfordshire Conference 2011: Outcomes and Impact. 5-6 July, 2011.

  4. Kapofu, D. “Exploring the practice of feedback to Higher Education students”. Presentation at University of Bedfordshire Conference 2011: Outcomes and Impact. 5-6 July, 2011.

  5. Poorkavoos M., Duan Y. & Edwards J. (2011) “Inter-organisational relationships and firms’ innovation in SMEs”, University of Bedfordshire Conference (poster and paper presentation)

  6. Win, S, Abdel-Kader, M., Sermpinis, G., Bentley, Y. (2011) “Study of banks' lending practices from an institutional theoretical perspective: a case of Myanmar”. Presentation at University of Bedfordshire Conference 2011: Outcomes and Impact. 5-6 July, 2011.
Publication in 2010

Book Chapters

  1. Bentley, Y., Richardson, D., Philpott, E., Owen, D., He, Q., Duan, Y., & Ong, V. (2010) “A Research Informed Curriculum Design: the Development of an MSc Course in Project Management”. Creating Communities: Developing, Enhancing and Sustaining Learning Communities across the University of Bedfordshire, University of Bedfordshire.

  2. Haag, M; Duan, Y and Mathews, B, 2010. “The impact of culture on the application of the SECI model”. In Cultural Implications of Knowledge Sharing, Management and Transfer: Identifying Competitive Advantage. D. Harorimana (ed). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. 26-47, 10.4018/978-1-60566-790-4.ch002, ISBN13: 9781605667904.

  3. Ramanathan, R. (2010) “Environmental Sustainability at Tesco PLC., UK”, A case study included in Chapter 7 of the international edition of Operations Management by Heizer and Render, Pearson Education.

  4. Ramanathan, R. (2010) “BASF’s Verbund”, A OM-in-Action feature included in Chapter 6 of the international edition of Operations Management by Heizer and Render, Pearson Education.

Journal articles

  1. Chen, H, Papazafeiropoulou, A. and Dwivedi, Y. K. (2010). ‘Maturity of Supply Chain Integration within Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs): Lessons from the IT Manufacturing Sector’, International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 9(4), 325-347.

  2. Duan, Y.; He, Q.; Feng, W.; Li, D. and Fu, Z. 2010, “A study on e-learning take-up intention from an innovation adoption perspective: A case in China”, Computers & Education, 55(2), 237-246

  3. Feng, W.; Duan, Y.; Yan, Q. and Fu, Z. 2010, “Factors of e-Knowledge Project Success for Rural Development”, Sensor Letters, 8(1), Special Issue, 203-207.

  4. Feng, W.; Li, D.; Duan, Y. and Fu, Z. 2010, “A Survey of Stickiness of Agriculture Knowledge Acquisition in China”, Sensor Letters, 8(1), Special Issue, 198-202.

  5. Jackson, S. and Philip, G. (2010) “A techno-cultural emergence perspective on the management of techno-change”, International Journal of Information Management, 30(5), 445-456.

  6. Nath, P., Nachiappan, S. and Ramanathan, R. (2010), “The Impact of Marketing Capability, Operations Capability and Diversification Strategy on Performance for Logistics Service Providers: A Resource-Based View”, Industrial Marketing Management, 39 (2), 317–329.

  7. Ramanathan, R. (2010), "E-Commerce Success Criteria: Determining which Criteria count most,” Electronic Commerce Research Journal, 10 (2), 191-208.

  8. Ramanathan, R. (2010), "The Moderating Roles of Risk and Efficiency on the Relationship between Logistics Performance and Customer Loyalty in E-Commerce", Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 46E (6), 950-962.

  9. Ramanathan, R., Subramanian, G. and Chaudhuri, D. (2010), “Quantitative Assessment of Stakeholder Perceptions for Tourism Development”, Tourism Economics, 16(1), 99-116.

  10. Wong, M., Jackson, S. and Philip, G. (2010) “Cultural issues in developing E-government in Malaysia”, Behaviour and Information Technology, 29 (4), 423-432.

  11. Xu, M.; Ong, V.; Duan, Y and Mathews, B. 2010, “Intelligent agent systems for executive information scanning, filtering, and interpretation: perceptions and challenges” Information Processing and Management. 47 (2). 186-201

  12. Yang, L. and Duan, Y. 2010, “Research on Culture-Based Model of TV Home Shopping Development”, Information Technology Journal. 9(4), 698-703.

Conference Proceedings

  1. Bentley, Y. & Selassie, H. (2010) “E-Learning Expectations and Experiences of Executive MBA Students”. The 9th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL 2010), 4-5 November, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Porto, Portugal (accepted).

  2. Bentley, Y. (2010) “The Student Voice of Blended Learning”, Proceedings of the Fifth International Blended Learning Conference “Developing Blended Learning Communities”. 16th-17th June 2010, University of Hertfordshire, UK.

  3. Bentley, Y. He, Q. & Castro Boluarte, J. (2010) “Logistics and Supply Chain Strategies in Difficult Times”. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems (SCMI2010): Logistics Systems and Engineering. 6-8 October, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China (accepted).

  4. Bentley, Y. He, Q. & Castro Boluarte, J. (2010) “Managing Logistics in a Challenging Economic Environment”. Proceedings of the Logistics Research Network Annual Conference (LRN 2010) – “Towards the Sustainable Supply Chain: Balancing the Needs of Business, Economy and the Environment”’. 8th-10th September 2010, University of Leads, Harrogate, Yorkshire, UK.

  5. Bentley, Y., Shegunshi, A. & Scannell, M. (2010) “Evaluating the Impact of Distance Learning Support Systems on the Learning Experience of MBA Students in a Global Context”. Electronic Journal of eLearning (EJEL) Vol. 8 (2) 2010: 51-62. Academic Conferences Limited, England.

  6. Chen, H (2010). ‘Investigating Integration Technologies Adoption in Organisations:
    The Case of Large and Small to Medium Sized Enterprises’, In Proceedings of 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Aug 12-15, Lima, Peru.

  7. He, Q. (2010). Balanced power and supply chain knowledge acquisition: A structural equation model. In Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on APBITM (Asian Pacific Business Innovation and Technology Management), Beijing, China.

  8. Jackson, S. (2010) “A Cultural TheoryAnalysis of Information Systems Adoption”, AMCIS2010 Proceedings. Lima, Puru, 12-15, 2010. p.275.

  9. Ong, V., Duan Y., and Mathews, B. (2010) "Using Interpretive Paradigm andCAQDAS in Executive Information Systems Research", IADIS Information Conference. Porto, Portugal, 18-20 March 2010.

  10. Owen, D. and Beaumont-Kerridge, J (2010) "Relevance of Operations Management to Practising Managers in Emerging Economies", 21st Annual POMS Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 7-10 May 2010.

  11. Philpott, E. “SMEs as future partners: Lessons learnt from EU Projects for SMEs and HEIs”, (2010), Higher Education Academy conference, Hatfield, conference proceedings, June,, access date 090610.

  12. Williams, N., Ridgman, T., Shi, Y. and Ferdinand N. (2010) "Micro, Meso, Macro: A process approch to research in International Business", CIM conference, September 2010

  13. Williams, N. and Rong, K (2011) "Shanzhai vs Soca", CIM conference, September 2010

  14. Williams, N., Bentley, Y., Phillpot, E. and Owen, D. (2011), "Market Made", EUROMA, May 2011


  1. Duan, Y. and He, Q. (2010). “Understanding e-learning take-up intention from an innovation adoption perspective”. Presentation at University of Bedfordshire Conference 2010: Bridging the Gaps. 6-7 July.

  2. He, Q. Ghobadian, A. and Gallear, D. (2010). “Knowledge Transfer: The Facilitating Attributes in Supply Chain Partnerships” Presentation at University of Bedfordshire Conference 2010: Bridging the Gaps. 6-7 July.

  3. Philpott, E. (2010). “SMEs as future partners: Lessons learnt from EU Projects for SMEs and HEIs”. Presentation at University of Bedfordshire Conference 2010: Bridging the Gaps. 6-7 July.

  4. Philpott, E., (2010), Accessing EU funding in eHealth, LARCI Fellowship presentation as part of project LEVER-SME, working with the local authorities to promote economic vitality to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) through involvement in EU projects in areas that are important for the local economy.

  5. Richardson, D., Bentley, Y., Duan, Y., Philpott, E., He, Q. & Owen, D. (2010) “The Outcome of a Research-Informed-Teaching Project: The Design and Development of an MSc Course in Project Management”. Presentation at the Conference on Research Informed Teaching, Delivering Participation, Engagement, and Enquiry, Staffordshire University, UK, 14th July 2010.

  6. Richardson, D., Bentley, Y., Philpott, E., Duan, Y., He, Q. & Owen, D. (2010) “A Research Informed Curriculum Design: the Development of an MSc Project Management Course”. Presentation at University of Bedfordshire Conference 2010: Bridging the Gaps. 6-7 July.
  1. Research Impact

Current funded project

  1. “Development and test of a modular ECVET system in the field of professional further training (M-ECVET-S)”. European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), Leonardo Da Vinci sub-programme. Neville Hunt and Yanqing Duan.

  2. Supporting institutional decision making with an intelligent student engagement tracking system. JISC BI Programme 2011 (co-applicant). Yanqing Duan and Vincent Ong.

Completed funded project

  1. “An Explorative Study of the Role of Knowledge Management in Sustainable Supply Chain Management”, Dean’s Research Grant 2010. University of Bedfordshire Business School. Qile He.

  2. “An Exploratory Study of Mobile Communication Devices for Supporting Learning and Teaching in Higher Education”, Dean’s Research Grant 2010. University of Bedfordshire Business School. Vincent Ong and Stephen Jackson.

  3. A Systematic Review of Contemporary Development in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Funded by University of Bedfordshire "Research Informed Teaching" Program. Qile He (leader), Yongmei Bentley, Desmond Kapofu, Elly Philpott, Diane Richardson.

  4. Department RIT Strategy. Funded by University of Bedfordshire "Research Informed Teaching" Program. Diane Richardson (leader).

  5. LARCI Fellowship, May to October 2010, Elly Philpott.

  6. Quantitative Research Analysis Video. Funded by University of Bedfordshire "Research Informed Teaching" Program. Simon Reilly.

Bidding Activity

Details on bidding activities are provided in BMRI summary table.
  1. Research Environment
Research Degree Awarded

  1. Markus Haag – PhD, Knowledge Development in Online Learning Environments: A Personal Value Perspective, Director of Studies (DoS): Yanqing Duan, second supervisor: Brian Mathews, external supervisor: John Edwards, Aston Business School, Aston University.

  2. Meiyin Miao. MSc by Research, Development and use of traceability systems in food supply chain. DoS: Yanqing Duan.

Current students

  1. Abid Ahmad, PhD, ICT infrastructure for supporting environment for business growth: an investigation into online business communities coordinated by universities. DoS: Elly Philpott, 2nd supervisor: Carsten Maple.

  2. Husam Mohamed Karama Mohame Alameri, PhD. Portfolio Project Management in Developing Countries: Resource Based Perspective. DoS: Nigel Williams, 2nd Supervisor: Guangming Cao.

  3. Jimmy Castro Boluarte, PhD, Examining Carbon Emissions Strategy In Logistics in the UK, DoS: Yongmei Bentley, 2nd Supervisor: James Crabbe, External supervisor: Martin Christopher (Cranfield University).

  4. Meng Chen. MSc by Res. Applications of Business Intelligence in Education Sector. DoS: Yanqing Duan.

  5. Meysam Poorkavoos. PhD. Knowledge transfer and Innovation in SMEs – a social network perspective. DoS: Yanqing Duan, second supervisor: Brian Mathews, external supervisor: John Edwards, Aston Business School, Aston University.

  6. Mudar Zahran – PhD, Strategic Information Management Systems in Jordanian Banking Sector, DoS: Vincent Ong, 2nd supervisor: Yanqing Duan, external supervisor: Dr Mark Xu.

  7. Obaid Almalki, PhD. Developing a Framework for Evaluating e-Government Success. DoS: Yanqing Duan. 2nd supervisor: Ingo Frommholz.

  8. Qiang Wu, Building Sustainable Supply Chains: The Role of Interfirm Knowledge Transfer. DoS: Qile He, 2nd supervisor: Yanqing Duan.

  9. Qing Wu MSc by Res. Supporting Institutional Decision Making with Business Intelligence in HEIs. DoS: Yanqing Duan.

  10. Roopa Nagaraju, PhD, Role of Innovation Strategy in High Tech SMEs and It's Effect on Regional Employment. DoS: Elly Philpott.

  11. Sunday Eze, PhD. Research on the adoption and development of emerging ICTs in SMEs. DoS: Yanqing Duan, 2nd supervisor: Stephen Jackson.

Research Degree Examinations

  1. Yanqing Duan, PhD examination, March 2011, Aston Business School, Aston Univeristy.

  2. Yongmei Bentley, examination of MSc by Research (Meiyin Miao), Development and use of traceability systems in food supply chain. University of Bedfordshire Business School.

Research seminar Sept 2010 – July 2011




Markus Haag

Maria Obesso

Personal Knowledge Development In Online Learning Environments: A Personal Value Perspective
In & Out Succession Model: The Founder’s Legacy and the Successor’s Involvement in Family Businesses

6 Oct 2010

2pm H204, Luton

Visiting Scholar

Research students

Title: An empirical study on factors affecting e-loyalty in China.
Presenter: Dr Ruimei Wang, Academic visiting scholar from China Agricultural University. 
Title: the adoption and development of emerging technologies in UK service SMEs, Presenter: Sunday Eze - Research student


Title: Inter-firm knowledge transfer and innovation in SMEs: A social network perspective. Presenter: Meysam Poorkavoos - Research student


Title: Critical success factors for implementing traceability systems in Chinese food enterprises, Presenter: Meiyin Miao - Research student

3 Nov 2010,



Dr Hsin Chen
Dr. Guangming Cao

Title: The study of information technology adoption


Title: The Business Value of Information Technology

22 Feb 2011,



Dr. Yongmei Bentley
Dr Nigel William

Title: Logistics and Supply Chain Managers’ Responses to the Economic Downturn
Title: Organizational Project Management: Existing Research perspectives

17 May 2011,


Dr. Horace He

Dr. Vincent Ong and

Dr. Stephen Jackson

Dean’s Research Grant presentation

Title: Exploring the Role of Knowledge Management in Building Sustainable Supply Chains


Title: Key factors influencing the acceptance of mobile learning

13 July 2011,



Academic Visitor

  • Professor Ruimei Wang, College of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University.

  • Maria Obesso, EU PhD student, University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain
External Activity

Guangming Cao

  • Reviewer for Systemic Practice and Action Research

Yongmei Bentley:

  • Visiting professor, Yizhun University, Jiang Xi Province, China.

  • Member of European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL) Committee since 2006.

  • Conference reviewer for ECEL since 2006, SCMIS 2010 (The 8th International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems), and ICEL 2011 (International Conference on e-Learning).

Hsin Chen

  • Editorial board member for the International Journal of Social and Organisational Dynamics in IT.

  • Reviewer of three international conferences

  • Reviewer of three international journals

  • Collaborating with academics from Brunel University, Swansea University and two Taiwan Universities on research publications, which resulted in two journal papers published, one other journal paper under review and three journal papers in progress.

Yanqing Duan

  • Visiting Professor, College of Informatics, China Agricultural University, China.

  • Yanqing Duan, PhD examination, March 2011, Aston Business School, Aston University.

  • Invited Research Seminars: “Supporting institutional decision making with Business Intelligence (BI) in HEIs”, August 2011, College of Informatics, China Agricultural University.

  • Member of editorial board of International Journal of E-Business Research (from 2008), Journal of Knowledge Based Organisations and Journal of Information Systems and Small Business (from 2006).

  • Reviewer of six journals and conferences in 2010/2011.

  • Members of six conference committees.

  • Session chair, European Conference on Knowledge Management, Passau, Germany, 12 September 2011.

  • Session Chair, International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2011), Wuhan, China, 12-14 August 2011.

  • Session Chair, International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS2010), Valencia, Spain, 24-27 Oct, 2010.

Qile He

  • Member of the International Advisory Board for the 11th Global Conference on Flexible Systems Management 2011.

  • Reviewer of three international journals

  • Collaborating with international partnering organizations on three FP7 bids.

  • Collaborating with Top Group International, Netherland on Teaching and Research development opportunities.

  • Collaborating with academics from Brunel University, Reading University, and Middlesex University on research publications, which resulted in one journal paper published and two other journal papers under review.

Stephen Jackson

  • Editorial board member for the International Journal of Social and Organizational Dynamics in IT.

  • Reviewer for the Americas Conference on Information Systems (2010).

Desmond Kapofu

      • Guest Speaker Royal Docks Business School, University of East London

      • Consulting with First Group on Knowledge sharing and operational improvement

Vincent Ong

  • Acted as Reviewer of The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems (2011)

  • Reviewer of the World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (from 2009)

Elly Philpott

  • Guest lecturer at CUT Poland and Charles University in Prague.

  • Provided input to the European Commission Policy Officer on FP7.

      • Factor judge

  • Innovation day speaker

  • Established good working relationships with Central Beds, Beds Borough and Luton Borough Councils.

  • Published various press releases on project activities.

  • Raised £1700 for local Luton charities with MSc PM students.

Ramakrishnan Ramanathan

  • Area Editor in the field of Multi-Criteria Decision Making for the journal ‘OPSEARCH’, the official journal of the Operational Research Society of India.

  • Member of Editorial Board of the International Journal of Quality and Standards, Journal of Advanced Operations Management and Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling.

  • Assessor, Commonwealth Scholarship (Mr. Syed Mithun Ali from Bangladesh BDCA-2011-3) for Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom, February 2011.

  • Reviewer for articles submitted for publication in 38 international journals.

  • Membership of14 Professional Bodies.

Nigel Williams

  • Knowledge Management Team Leader, Organizational Project Management Community of Practice (OPM COP), Project Management Institute (7300 members)

  • Council Chair, Organizational Project Management Community of Practice

  • Webinar for OPM COP, Defining Organizational Project Management, June 2011 (400 attendees)

  • Webinar for Innovation COP , Defining Organizational Project Management, June 2011 (200 attendees)

Prize and Award

  • Qile He - Dean’s Prize for Research 2010, University of Bedfordshire Business School.

Action Plan for 2011-12
BISC has welcomed three new staff members (Dr. Guanging Cao, Dr. Hsin Chen and Dr Nigel Williams) in January 2011 and two new members (Professor Ram Ramanathan and Dr Usha Ramanathan) in September 2011. All of them have good publication record. Their joining to BISC has significantly enhanced our research profile and REF entry level. Their research expertise also enables BISC to provide new research areas for attracting external funds and recruiting new PhD students.
2011-2012 academic year will be a very critical year for our research submission to REF. Therefore, the top priority for action plan is to improve our research portfolio for REF in the following three areas:
Research output

The total number of publications has been increased over the last year, but we still need to increase the number of highly ranked REF eligible outputs. There are currently over 20 papers under review and over 30 papers to be submitted in 2011-2012. The priority will focus on the quality rather than the quantity.


BISC members will continue working on maximise the research impact of the past and current projects and research outcomes. Staff will actively disseminate their research results through various channels, such as conferences, seminars, guest speakers, networking events, consultancy opportunities, etc.

BISC has received grant from JISC to work on enhancing university’s student engagement tracking system with business intelligence tools. It is expected that the outcome of the project will have impact on enhancing student experience by making better use of student data with the BI toolkit.

With joining of Professor Ramanathan and other research active staff, we will be able to provide supervisory capacity in a wider range of topics in business and information systems field to attract more PhD applications.

In summary, the centre will:

  • Help new members to integrate and further develop.

  • Continue to raise awareness on the importance of producing good quality publications for REF and increase the proportion of the submissions to higher-ranking academic journals.

  • Be active in publishing centre’s profile to attract invitations from international partners, and encourage more members to participate in bidding.

  • Preparing supporting documents for impact statement and case studies.

  • Help new research students to settle down and ensure timely progression and completion of all registered students.

  • Increase research student numbers and help new research supervisors to develop supervisory skills.

  • Hold regular research seminars to exchange information and share knowledge.

    1. CAM Report

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