Research Impact
Current funded project
Hirst, A., Kakavelakis, K. Research evaluating management development for Milton Keynes Community Health Trust. The aim is to produce useful feedback for the organisation, create a case study for teaching use and possibly a publication on consultancy and organisational change in the NHS.
Perkins, S., Arvinen-Muondo, R., Ocler, R. And Naudi, D., BMRI University of Bedfordshire – Luton Borough Council Project on Change: Management: The University of Bedfordshire is engaged in strategic partnership working with Luton Borough Council, where mutual benefit is derived from dispassionate, evidenced based strategic evaluation and challenge supportive of the programme of transformational change LBC is currently undergoing. Pro bono time investment of UoB researcher time during this phase offers insights from accessing the specifics of an exemplar public services change programme inform ongoing applied scholarship and case based research informed teaching.
Completed funded project
Independent Evaluation of Regional Cities East, RCE, Hirst, A., Kakavelakis, K.
Reward Management Survey 2011, CIPD, Perkins, SJ., Jones S.
Jones, S. E., Marriott, E. Perkins, S.J., Shields, J. (2011), CIPD Annual Reward Management Survey, 2011 London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. The report was aimed at an audience of 135,000 CIPD members in 120 countries who are largely HR / Reward practitioners but will also include academic and student communities. The report was published on the CIPD website so is readily available to all members. Impact will be high in terms of providing information which will be of practical use to practitioners for benchmarking and policy / practice guidance.
White Papers issued for the official CLI launch in London on April 5th, 2011
Perkins, S. and Kakavelakis, K. (2011) What Leaders Do
Isles, N and Sharpe, R. (2011) The Leadership Challenges of the Next Economy
Warwick, R. (2011) Reflexivity – an innovative leadership research methodology and an ongoing means to develop personal effectiveness
Dive, B. And Wright, C. (2011) Balancing the Leadership Equation - Good organization and holding leaders to account
Nangle, M., Schwabenland, C. and Springett, N. (2011 forthcoming) Questioning Leadership
Bidding Activities
Details on bidding activities are provided in BMRI summary table.
Research Environment
Current students
Raisa Arvinen-Muondo, Identity, culture and consequences of context: Angolan perspectives on career development and international living from the oil industry
Nahid Rozalin, Transplanting Western HRM practices within subsidiary multinational company operations: comparative evidence based on operational managers’ perspectives within European MNCs’ subsidiaries in Bangladesh and Singapore
Kshama Srinivasan, Entrepreneurial leadership: A comparative study of small, medium and large Indian entrepreneurs
Faisal Iqbal, The Impact of Reforms on the Functioning of Pakistan’s Public Sector Organisations
Majd Megheirkouni, Leadership development in Arab countries: the case of Syria
Hakim Mahesar, Employee Dysfunctional Turnover: Empirical evidence from Pakistan Banking Industry
Muhammad Shahid Tufail, Title to be confirmed
John Bell, Title to be confirmed
Faculty members doing PhD
Caroline Bolam, Employee performance management in contemporary UK higher education.
Janice Johnson, Performance Management in UK Higher Education Institutions
Sarah Jones, Strategic alignment of employee reward and resulting employee attitudes:
Is there a link between reward equity, satisfaction and work effort?
Research seminar Sept 2010 – July 2011
Qi Wei
Kostas Kakavelakis
The impact of HR management on turnover, productivity and corporate financial performance
Are There No Limits to Authority?': TQM and Organizational Power
16 December 2010, Luton
14 April 2011 Luton
Other activities
Christina Schwabenland
Lead convenor of paper stream Shaping the Spaces Between State and Market International Critical Management Studies Conference, 2011, Naples
Unfolding the Dilemmas of Diversity Management, presentation for the Comparative Organisation and Employment Research Centre's research seminar series, London Metropolitan University, January 2011, (with Frances Tomlinson)
guest lecturer for Birkbeck in November 2010, lecturing on Stories, Visions and Values in Voluntary Organisations
Qi Wei
Referee for British Association of Management conference 2010
Plan for next year
New joiners with REFable profiles replacing non-REFable retirees
International partnerships
Charles Sturt, NSW, Australia
Loyola University Chicago, USA
University of Sydney – SJP collaboration and visiting scholarship awarded 2010
University of Saskatchewan – like Loyola and Sydney for ARC project work
EIASM – membership of organising committee for European Reward Management Conference series – engaged in book editing and an edited special issue journal published May 2010 headquartered in the USA
We are encouraging overseas academics in our field to visit and work with us.
Schwabenland, C. (2012) Metaphor and Dialectic in Managing Diversity Palgrave: Research Monograph
Schwabenland, C. (2011) ‘Swachh Narayani: the creation of a goddess as an organisational intervention’ in Against the Grain: advances in postcolonial organisation studies A. Prasad (ed.) Liber/ Copenhagen Business School Press
Submitted: awaiting results
Hirst, A. and Humphries, M. 'New Sites, New Sights: Exploring the White Spaces of Organization' submitted to Organization Studies
Kakavelakis, K. and Edwards, T. (2011). ‘Situated Learning Theory and Agentic Orientation: A Relational Sociology Approach’. Original submission in October 2010, a revised version of the article was submitted to Management Learning on 1 July 2011.
In progress
Schwabenland, C. ‘Discursive Strategies Mapping the Terrain Between Sacred and Profane’: In preparation for submission to Human Relations
Schwabenland, C. ‘The Use of Poetics in Management Education’, chapter for 'Creativity in the Classroom: Case Studies in Using the Arts in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.' Warren, D. And McIntosh, P. (eds): probable publication date in 2012
Wilson, K. Y. ‘Managing a multicultural workforce: An integrative framework’. In preparation for submission to Human Relations.
Wilson, K. Y. and Beugre, C. ‘Implicit bias in performance appraisal’. In preparation for submission to Academy of Management Executive.
Beugre, C. and Wilson, K. Y. ‘Assessing the fairness of multiple source feedback: Lessons for procedural justice theories’. In preparation for submission to: Human Resource Management Review.
Research funding
SHRM and CLI will continue to work with:
commercial partners on research informed organisation and leadership development projects such as Regional Cities East, Marsh Farm, Luton Borough Council, NHS Bedfordshire
research partners internationally such as Charles Sturt University and University of Sydney in pursuit of funding from academic research councils
research partners in UK institutions such as the Centre for Corporate Governance at Cass Business School, City University, where the department head is a visiting professor.
We will continue to identify successful opportunities for research funding.
Improving the research environment
Dr Alison Hirst successfully defended her own thesis. Dr Schwabenland was appointed to a Readership that further enhanced our capacity to achieve targeted review and offers to PhD applicants. The appointment of Dr Rodolphe Ocler, Dr Debbie Naudi, Dr Kathlyn Wilson and Dr Ai Yu has further increased our capacity for PhD supervision and will for sure boost the Centre’s research activity.
In the last year, we have been contacted by more than 30 applicants for PhDs, and have interviewed many of them. Among these applicants, 16 students have registered and 11 students have been informally accepted subject to revising their proposals. It is likely that we will have around 20 PhD students registered in SHRM by January 2012.
In addition to the two PhD completions so far in this REF period, we expect one further student to complete over the coming six month period.
Discussion of support for papers presented at refereed academic conferences and keynote presentations at external events. Also ongoing collaboration with institutions such as CIPD and London School of Economics and EIASM.
Staff development
Building on a regular research seminar programme, we will be meeting monthly to undertake focused ‘forensic’ analysis of papers published in highly ranked academic journals in the business and management literature, to enable lessons to be drawn to inform SHRM faculty members’ own submissions. Regular meetings will also be held to discuss our approach to the REF, and for the purposes of developing junior researchers as well as existing staff members through discussion/review of, for example: grant application plans and drafts and work-in-progress research publications.
We are actively encouraging and supporting all staff and students to present at conferences and will continue to do so.
3.4. CRELLA Report
This report will provide an overview of CRELLA research activities from 1 August 2010 to 31 July 2011. They include;
3 authored/edited books (+ 13 forthcoming authored books)
18 book chapters (+ 16 forthcoming chapters)
7 journal papers (+ 8 papers under review)
8 working papers/reports
23 conference presentations
22 talks at workshops/seminars/courses
32 bidding activities for research projects (22 successful, 6 pending, 4 unsuccessful bids)
6 academic visitors
23 PhD students (4 completed during the last academic year, 19 current students)
At the end of this report, a brief plan for next year will be presented.
Research output
Publications 2010-11
Books and monographs
Bax, S. (2010) Learning through English: Researching Impact in Thailand, Indonesia and South Korea. London: British Council.
Bax, S. (2010) Discourse and Genre. Palgrave Macmillan.
Green, A.B. (2011) Language Functions Revisited: Theoretical and empirical bases for language construct definition across the ability range. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Book chapters
Bax, S. (2011) “Web 2.0 in language education”, in Thomas, M. (ed.) Digital Education: Opportunities for social collaboration Palgrave Macmillan.
Bax, S. (2010) ‘Magic Wand or Museum Piece? The Future of the Interactive Whiteboard in Education’ in Thomas, M & E. Cutrim Schmid (eds.) Interactive Whiteboards for Education: Theory, Research and Practice Pennsylvania: Global IGI
Field, J. (2011) “Auditory processing” and “Psycholinguistics” in Hogan, P.C. (ed.) The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge: CUP
Field, J. (2011) “Psycholinguistics”, in Simpson, J. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics. Abingdon: Routledge.
Field, J. (2011) “Listening”, in Burns, A. and Richards, J. C. (Eds.). The Cambridge Guide to Pedagogy and Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Green, A. B. (2011) “Selecting or writing texts for listening and reading tasks”. In Kunnan, A. (ed.) The Companion to Language Assessment. Wiley-Blackwell.
Green, A. B. (2011) “Placement Testing” in Coombe, C., O’Sullivan, B., Davidson, P., and Stoynoff, S. (eds.) The Cambridge Guide to Language Assessment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Green, A. B. (2011) “A Case of Testing L2 English Reading for Class Level Placement” in O’Sullivan, B. (ed.) Language Testing: Theories and Practices, Basingstoke: Palgrave ‘Advances in Linguistics’ series.
Green, A. B. (2011) “Conflicting Purposes in the use of Can Do Statements in Language Education”. In Schmidt, M., Naganuma, N., O’Dwyer, F., Imig, A. and Sakai, K. (eds.) Can do statements in language education in Japan and beyond. Tokyo: Asahi Press, pp. 35-48.
Green, A. B. (2011 forthcoming) CEFR and ACTFL crosswalk: a text based approach. In Tschirner, E. (ed.) ACTFL-CEFR Alignment. Leipzig: University of Leipzig.
O’Sullivan, B. and Green, A. B. (2011 forthcoming) “Test taker characterisitcs”. In Taylor, L. (ed.) Examining Speaking: Theory, practice and research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Green, A. B. and Hawkey, R. A. (2011) “Marking, Rating Scales and Rubrics” in Coombe, C., O’Sullivan, B., Davidson P., and Stoynoff S. (eds.) The Cambridge Guide to Language Assessment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Green, A. B. and Hawkey, R. A. (2011) “An empirical investigation of the process of writing Academic Reading test items for the International English Language Testing System”. In IELTS Research Reports, Volume 11. London: The British Council.
Hamp-Lyons, L. (2011) “English for Academic Purposes” in Hinkel, E. (ed.) Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning, Vol. II. New York: Routledge. Ch.7: 89-105.
Hamp-Lyons, L. (2011) “Linking Writing and Speaking in English as a Second Language Assessment” in Elliot, N. and Perelman, L. (eds.) Writing Assessment in the 21st Century: Essays in Honor of Edward M. White, Ridgefield NJ: Hampton Press. pp.407-430.
Hamp-Lyons, L. and Tavares, N. (2011) “Interactive assessment: A Dialogic and Collaborative Approach to Assessing Learners’ Oral Language” in Tsagari, D. and Csepes, I. (eds.) Classroom-based language assessment. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. pp.29-46.
O’Sullivan, B. and Nakatsuhara, F. (2011) “Quantifying Conversational Styles in Group Oral Test Discourse” in O’Sullivan, B. (ed.) Language Testing: Theories and Practices, Basingstoke: Palgrave ‘Advances in Linguistics’ series.
O’Sullivan, B. and Weir, C. J. (2011) “Language Testing = Validation” in O’Sullivan, B. (ed.) Language Testing: Theories and Practices, Basingstoke: Palgrave ‘Advances in Linguistics’ series.
Field, J. (2011). “Into the mind of the academic listener”. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 10/2. Special issue on academic listening
Field, J. (2011) ‘Editorial introduction’. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 10/2. Special issue on academic listening
Green, A. B. (2011) “Requirements for Reference Level Descriptions for English”. English Profile Journal. 1(1).
Galaczi, E. ffrench, A., Hubbard C., and Green, A.B. (2011) Developing assessment scales for large-scale speaking tests: a multiple-method approach. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 18(3).
Green, A. B. and Hawkey, R. A. (2011) Re-fitting for a different purpose: A case study of item writer practices in adapting source texts for a test of academic reading. Language Testing, 28(4)
Saville, N and Hawkey, R. A. (2011) “The English Profile Programme – the first three years”. English Profile Journal, 1(1).
Nakatsuhara, F. (2011) “Effects of Test-taker Characteristics and the Number of Participants in Group Oral Tests” Language Testing (volume to be confirmed; published on-line ahead of print)
Others (working papers, reports, etc)
Bax, S. (2011) Cognitive processes underlying the academic reading construct as measured by CAE items in an onscreen test: insights from eye-tracking - Report for Cambridge ESOL Research grant
Green, A.B. (2011) Calibrating Can Do statements for reference level descriptions for English Language learning. English Profile funded study.
Green, A.B. (2011) Development of a C1 level test of Macedonian as a Foreign Language. EU TEMPUS Report.
Hawkey. R. A. (2011) Recommendations and draft data collection instruments for the exam impact study in Spain by Cambridge ESOL and the Federation of Spanish Religious Schools.
Hawkey. R. A. and Harrison. J. (2011) Glossary for the English Profile Programme
Nakatsuhara, F. (2011) The relationship between test-takers’ listening proficiency and their performance on the IELTS Speaking test, IELTS joint-funded research program research report.
Zegarac, V. (2011) Review of Harris, Roy Rationality and the Literate Mind. New York: Routledge. Writing & Pedagogy, Vol 3, No 1 pp. 169-174.
Weir, C. J., Bax, S., Green, A. B. and Nakatsuhara F. (2011) Report on English language standards and attitudes amongst academic and non-academic staff at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) Taiwan.
Conference presentations
Bax, S. (2010) Keynote: Revisiting Normalisation: Technology in Language Education, LET Japan (Language Education and Technology) 50th Conference, Yokohama, Japan, August 2010.
Bax, S. (2010) Main plenary speaker at the Technology Special Interest Group pre-conference event IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) Harrogate
Field, J. (2011) “What are we testing when we think we are testing listening?” Invited plenary, IATEFL TEA SIG Pre Conference Event, ‘Testing listening’, Brighton, April 2011
Field, J. (2011) “The elusive skill: how can we test second language listening validly?” Invited plenary presentation, ‘New Directions’, British Council regional conference on language testing, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 2011.
Field, J. (2011) “From sound wave to meaning: perceptual and conceptual cues in second language listening”. AILA 2011, Beijing, China
Green, A.B. (2011) Criterial features in textual input across CEFR levels. 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics. Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China. August 23-28, 2011
Green, A.B. (2011) Washback, academic writing, and test preparation efficacy. 7th Korea English Language Testing Association Conference. Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. August 20, 2011
Green, A.B. (2011) Keynote: From Common European Framework to Classroom Application: the English Profile solution. 16th Conference of the Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 8-10 August, 2011
Green, A.B. (2011) The impact of the CEFR on a test of grammar and vocabulary. 4th International Conference of the Association of Language Testers in Europe. Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. 7-9 July, 2011
Green, A.B. (2011) From framework to scale: Integrating the CEFR into an operational rating scale. 33rd Language testing Research Colloquium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. 23-25 June, 2011.
Green, A.B. (2011) Keynote: Tests and Teaching: Strengthening the links or casting off the chains? 9th Annual English Language Teachers Association Conference. Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad, Serbia. 8-9 April, 2011
Green, A.B. (2011) Keynote: Washback: What is it and what should we do about it? 14th Current Trends in English Language Testing Conference, Dubai Men’s College, UAE 4-5 November 2010
Hamp-Lyons, L. Is assessment always language teachers’ worst enemy? Professional development programmes in language assessment, with Bordin Chinda, Thai TESOL, Chiang Mai, Thailand. January 2011.
Hamp-Lyons, L. Challenges and opportunities in EAP assessment, Plenary talk at the BALEAP Professional Issues Meeting on Assessment in EAP, Nottingham, UK. November 2010.
Hamp-Lyons, L. "Weeding out those who do not deserve to be allowed in" - The place of language proficiency in UK visa policy, with Diane Schmitt, the Language Testing Forum, University of Lancaster, UK. November 2010.
Hawkey, R. A. (2010) Keynote: Building language assessment effectively into curriculum design, Autumn 2010 3rd English Research Symposium: The Common European Framework of Reference and its impact on learning, teaching and assessment, Beijing, China, November 2010.
Hawkey, R. A. (2010) Keynote: Achieving positive backwash with communicative language tests, 3rd Annual IELTS Conference, Beijing, China, November 2010.
Nakatsuhara, F. (2011) How much does test-takers’ listening proficiency matter in oral interview tests?, The 8th EALTA conference, Siena, Italy, May 2011.
Nakatsuhara, F. and Nitta, R. (2010) Pre-task planning effects on beginning learners, JALT 2011, Nagoya, Japan, November 2010.
Nakatsuhara, F. and Nitta, R. (2010) Effects of pre-task planning on paired oral test performance: A case of beginning EFL learners, 43rd BAAL Annual Conference, University of Aberdeen, September 2010.
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