'Make food for the family of Ja'far, for they are grieved with the news (of the death of Ja'far).'(Saheeh al-Jami) *It is praiseworthy for one to offer condolences to those who are afflicted, and to remind them to be patient. One may say: 'In'na lil-laa'hee maa a'kha'dha wa la who ma' aa'taa wa kol'lo shai'in in'da-who be'a'jalin mo'sam'ma fal-tasbir wal-tahtasib.'
Meaning: Indeed to Allah belongs whatever he has given and whatever He has taken. And all things last only for a period of time. Be patient and seek the reward of Allah.' This is the best format for condolences, it is better than what some say: