Dan’s Course on Islam

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Islamic software products

  • Alim - contains translations of Quran (Abdullah Yusuf Ali, M. Maududi, Muhammed Asad, Farukh Malik, M. Pickthall and Shakir), Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Al-Thirmidhi, Abu Dawood, and Hadith Qudsi, Fiqh-us-Sunnah and Al-Muwatta. See full feature list.


Women & Sex*

(Woman*, Sex*)


Abortion is Forbidden
Abortion is strictly forbidden, although in Tunesia today it is leagally possible, and in many other countries it is practiced clandestinely.
Colin Chapman, Cross and Crescent, p. 166.

Abuse of Women
By abuse, we mean sexual, physical, emotional, financial abuse – conduct labeled domestic violence, family violence, spousal assualt, dating violence, battering. Battering can take mayny forms including, but not limited to:
Physical Abuse: may include, but is not limited to: pushing, slapping, punching, choking, kicking, and breaking bones; throwing objects; abandoning her in an unsafe place; deprivation of food, water, clothing; confinin her in a closet, room or building; locking her out of her home; using weapons against her; murder.
Sexual Abuse: may include, but not limited to: forced, coerced or unwanted touching or sex with partner; withholding of sex or affection; demaning that she wear more/less provocative clothing; forced sex with objects, friends, animals, or other sexual practices that make her feel humiliated or degraded; insisting that she act out pornographic fantasies; denial of her sexualtiy, sexual feelings or desirability as a sex partner; rape.
Emotional Abuse: may include, but is not limited to: withdrawal of affection; jealousy; denial of her right to feelings or emotions; putdowns, constant criticism; name calling; isolating her from friends and family; controlling her activities; denying her any personal pleasures or outside interests; destruction of property, pets or treasured objects; threats to harm friends of family; forcing her to watch her children being abused without being allowed to intervene; making her account for every minute, every action; controlling her with fear, theats of suicide, threats on her life.
Economic Abuse: may include, but is not limited to: allowing a woman to have no money of her own, no money for emergencies, not even her own earnings; forcing her to account for and justify all money spent; not allowing her to earn money or improve her earning capacity.
Spiritual Abuse: may include, but is not limited to: breaking down one’s belief system (culutral or religious); being punished or ridiculed for one’s belief’s; preventing the practice of beliefs.

Originally in the shari’a a male adulterer’s punishment was limited to a flogging, while the woman was to be imprisoned until death. This law was later mitigated to eighty strokes for the man and one hundred strokes for the woman.

Dr. Ergun & Emir Caner, Unveiling Islam, p. 137.


Advice on How to Interact with Muslim Woman

  1. When engaged in conversation, maintain a generous distance.

  2. Islam does not permit physical contact with the opposite sex such as through shaking of hands.

  3. Keep conversations focused, short, and to the point. Intimate, suggestive or recreational conversations are not well received.

  4. Use common language and avoid inappropriate, explicit, and vulgar words or topics.

  5. During the conversation, staring or looking directly at the Muslim soman’s face may make her feel uncomfortable.

  6. Never ask a Muslim female for a date, offer any type of liquor, or food containing pork/lard/bacon/ham. This is also a religious mandate.

Gihan EdGindy, Seeing Through the Veil, as quoted in

Dr. Ergun & Emir Caner, Voices Behind the Veil, p. 17.

A Man Cannot Pray After Intercourse until Washed
Nisa 4:43.....O you who believe! do not approach prayers... when you are in a state of impurity (following sexual relations and before bathing)... (if) you have touced women (lain with them), and you find not water, then take yourselves to clean earth and rub your faces and your hands.

A Muslim Man’s View of Women
“God has assigned a specific duty for men and women. Women are created for procreation, nothing else! Kareem, come now, who can deny that by nature all women are exhibitionists? This tendancy cannot be changed, but it is a man’s duty to keep her away from all men, otherwise, she will squander her beauty and give her charms to any man who asks...” In my own country, women are considered nothing more than objects of beauty, sexual toys for the enjoyment of our men.
“To call women the weaker sex is a libel; it is man’s injustice to women. You will guard your wife’s honor and not be her master, but her true friend. Let not either of you regard another as the object of his or her lust.” Mahatma Gandhi
“A girl possesses nothing but a veil and a tomb.”

Saudi Arabian Proverb

Jean Sasson, Princess Sultana’s Daughters, pp. 90, 97, 181 & 193.

Apostate Marriages are Dissolved
15.7410 Al-Risala (Maliki manual), 32.11, “Effects of Change of Religion”: “If either of a couple apostasies, according to the view of the jurists, such a marriage is to be dissolved without a divorce.”
Robert Spencer, The Myth of Islamic Tolerance, p. 86.

A Woman’s Daily Maintence Requires Giving Sex
İmam İbn Hanbal: The wife’s daily maintence is due upon the husband if the wife surrenders herself to her husband completely... for the daily maintenance is given to the woman in return for the husband’s sexual enjoyment, so when the wife surrenders herself her daily maintenance is obligatory as she had reached nine years old... so if she was physically and surrendered herself for the enjoyment of the husband but without sexual intercourse, she has no right for the daily maintenance. So if the wife refuses to surrender herself so that the husband might have sex with her; her daily maintenance is denied. So if she then has a problem that prevents her from having sex with her husband, but surrenders herself to her husband after that, her daily maintenance is not given to her as long as she is sick, as a punishment for her because she refused to surrender to her husband when she was well.
İmam Shafi’i: The conditions of the man’s maintenance for the woman are as follows:
1) She must avail herself by offering herself to him, such as saying to him ‘I surrender myself to you.’ The important thing is that she must notify him in advance that she is ready for his meeting with her, and of his entrance upon her no right of maintenance, even if she is does not notify him that she is ready, she has no right of maintenance, even if she does not refuse his request to meet with her. So maintenance is conditional upon the woman’s notification to her husband that she is ready for his meeting anytime he wishes. So if she be denied.

2) She must be capable of having sexual intercourse. If she was a small girl, that cannot cope with intercourse, she is not entitled to the maintenance.

3) She must not be rebellious, that is, disobeying her husband, which can take the form of preventing him from enjoying her by refusing his touch and his kisses and refusing to have sex.
If she denies him any of the above, her maintenance will be canceled for that day, because maintenance is due day by day... and the rebelliousness of one day cancels his provision for clothing her for a whole season.
İmam Malik: The condition for the man’s maintenance of the woman is that she should avail herself to the man for the sexual intercourse, so that if he requested it from her she would not refuse. Otherwise, she would have no right to the maintenance.
İman Abu Hanifa: There is no support of the woman (nafaqa) if she is:

1) Rebellious (Nashiz) that is the woman goes outside the house of the husband without his permission and without a justifiable reason, or refuses to surrenduring herself to him so she does not enter his house. But if she refuses to have sex with him (even though that is unlawful) that refusal is not a reason for stopping her support because the qualifying reason for the support does exist and that is her being locked up in his house.

2) The renegade woman.

3) The woman who obeys the husband’s son or father or kisses either with lust or anything that might put her relation with her husband on a prohibited degree.

4) The woman whose marriage contract is imperfect, and the woman who had sex with someone by mistake, the man thinking she was his wife.

5) The wife who is too young to have sex. (the Islamic law knows no minimum age for a legal marriage.) (Encyclopedia of Islam).

6) The wife who is imprisoned, even if she is innocent, if (the husband) cannot have access to her (as a wife).

7) The sick wife who, due to sever illness, did not move after the ceremony to the husband’s house, because she did not surrender herself to her husband.

8) The wife who was raped by another man.

9) The wife who goes to perform pilgrimage... There is no support for her because she is not locked up.

W.L. Cati Married to Muhammad, pp. 64-67.

A Woman’s Inheritance is

Half that of a Man’s
Nisa 4:11.....Allah thus commands you concerning (the division for) your children: to the male, a portion equal to that of two females, and if there be women more than two, then their share is two-thirds of the inheritance; and if only one her share is half.
Razi: commenting on 4:11 said:
...Man is more perfect than the woman in creation, and intelligence, and in the religious sphere, such as the suitablity to be a judge, and a leader in worship. Also the testimony of the man is twice that of the woman (see also 2:282)... As the Woman is deficient in intelligence and of great lust, if she is given much money, much corruption will be the result.”


A Woman’s Mind is Deficient and Inferior
Bukhari 2.24.541: Muhammad speaking to a group of women: “I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you.”
Bukhari 3.48.826: Muhammad said that women are genetically and legally inferior: “Muhammad asked some women, ‘Isn’t the witness of a woman equal to half that of a man?’ The woman said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is because of the deficiency of the woman’s mind.’

“Arabs are by nature sensous, yet we live in a puritanical socitey. The topix of sex is of interest to everyone, including our Saudi government, which spends enormous amounts of money employing countless censors. These men sit in government offices, searching out what they deem to be odious references to women and sex in every publication allowed into the kingdom. Rarely does a magazine or newspaper make it past the censors without losing a number of pages, or having sentences or paragraphs blacked out by the censor’s ever-reay pen.

This form of extreme censorship against all conventional social behavior affects every aspect of our lives, and the lives of those who compete to claim our business.

Asad, who is the younger brother of my husband and the husband of my sister Sara, once contracted with a foreign film company to make a simple food commercial for Saudia Arabian television. The manager of that foreign company was forced to adhere to a list of restrictions that would have been amusing had it not been authentic. The list of restrictions read:
1. There can be no attractive females in the commercial.

2. If a female is included, she cannot wear revealing clothing

such as short skirts, pants, or swimming suits. No flesh can

be exposed other than face and hands.

3. No two people can eat from the same dish, or drink from the

same cup.

4. There can be no fast body movement. (It is suggested in the

contract that if a female is used, she has to sit or stand

without moving at all.)

5. There can be no winking.

6. Kissing is taboo.

7. There can be no burping.

8. Unless it is absolutely necessary to sell the product (it is

suggested) there should be no laughter.

Jean Sasson, Princess Sultana’s Daughters, pp. 44-45.

Children May Also Be Beaten
Figh-us-Sunnah, Figh 1.80.....Although it is not obligatory for a child to pray, it is a must that his guardian order him to do so when he is seven, and he should beat him if he does not pray after he reaches the age of ten. And have them sleep separately. A minor should practice praying until he reaches puberty.
W.L. Cati Married to Muhammad, p. 76.


(Female Circumcision)
In countries like Saudia Arabia, a woman must wear a veil when she goes out. She can’t drive a car. If she wants to travel abroad, the government requires her husband’s permission. She can’t manage a business without men as intermediaries. She can be divorced on a whim, no matter how good a wife she’s been – and she may loose her children in the process. She has to accept wives and concubines, unless she ruled this out in her marriage contract. Dr. Miriam Adeney, Daughters of Islam, pp. 112-113.
A young girl lies on the ground. One old woman pins down her shoulders. Another grabs her feet. The girl’s legs are spread apart. With a knife, a third woman slices the girl’s genitals. First she cuts off part of the clitoris. Then she razors away the lips of tissue surrounding the genital area. Finally, she stiches the bloody area together, leaving only a narrow opening through which urine can pass.

This is radical clitoridectomy, or femal genital mutilation (FGM). It produces scar tissue which must be broken on the girl’s wedding night, and broken even more at childbirth. After delivering a baby, the mother must be resewn. Sometimes infections occur, leading to pain, incontinence, sterility, and death.

An alternative, minimal clitoridectomy, involves chopping off part of the clitoris. This reduces sexual pleasure. The rationale is that a girl or woman will be less likely to seek sex outside of marriage.
While the prophet Muhammad did not require it, this procedure has become Muslim tradition in some places, especially in East Africa. Most governments have issued statements against it, but common loyalty to the custom remains strong. In some places it is increasing as people struggle to reconnect with their roots. Dr. Miriam Adeney, Daughters of Islam, p. 186.
Female circumcision is yet another source of misery for women in some Islamic countires. This is not a specifically Islamic custom, for it’s found among a number of cultural and religious groups in Africa and South Asia. Among Muslims, it’s prevalent mainly in Egypt and the surrounding lands. Yet despite the fact that there is scant (at best) attestation in the Qur’an or Hadith for this horrific practice, the Muslims who do practice it invest it with religious significance. An Islamic legal manual states that circumsision is required “for both men and women.” (‘Umdat al-Salik, e4.3.)
To Sheikh Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi, the grand sheikh of Al-Azhar, female circumsision is “a laudable practice that (does) honor to women.” As the grand imam of Al-Azhar, Tantawi is, in the words of BBC report, “the highest spiritual authority for nearly a billion Sunni Muslims.” Perhaps in the eyes of Sheik Tantawai, the pain that female circumcision causes its victims is worth the result; most authorities agree that female circumcision is designed to diminish a woman’s sexual response, so that she will be less likely to commit adultery.
Robert Spencer, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (And the Crusades), pp. 76-77.

Corporate Salvation
Educated or not, nearly all Muslim women are gripped by the conviction that salvation is not just an individual matter. It is a corporate responsibility.
Dr. Miriam Adeney, Daughters of Islam, p. 35.

Divorce is Hateful
Abu Dawud 13.3.....It is reported that Muhammad said, “Of all things permitted by Law, divorce is the most hateful in the sight of Allah.”

Divorce is Easy; Pronounced 3 X
Bukhari 7.63.194..... If a husband wishes to divorce his wife, he simply says, “I divorce you, I divorce you. I divorce you.” If a husband divorces his wife in a moment of anger, the divorce is legal. A decree of divorcement, which is thought and not uttered, is null.”
Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar: A woman was my wife and I loved her, but Umar hated her. He said to me: Divorce her, but I refused. Umar then went to the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) and mentioned that to him. The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Divorce her.  (Book #41, Hadith #5119)

Divorce is the Easy Perogative of the Man
Divorce is both abhorent to Allah, and also lawful. The Hadith states, “The most detestable of lawful things near Allah is divorce”... The power to divorce usually resides in the hand of the man. Bukhari reported a Hadith that shows how easy the detestable and lawful act can be. A “man may say to his brother (in Islam), ‘Have a look at either of my wives (and if you wish), I will divorce her for you.’”
Dr. John Ankerberg, Fast Facts on Islam, p. 60.

Divorce Rates
In one sample of a rural Moroccan village, 55 percent of the marriages evaporated in divorce. Divorce, separation and widowhood propel women into the job market, especially if they have to support small children. Dr. Miriam Adeney, Daughters of Islam, p. 26.

Don’t Marry An Unbeliever
Bakara 2:221.....states that neither a man nor a woman is to marry an unbeliever.

God Will Reward

Both Men and Women in Paradise
Al-i İmran 3:195.....Never will I suffer to be lost the work of any of you, whether male or female; you are (the offspring) of one another.

Nahl 16:97.....Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has faith, We shall assuredly give him to live a goodly life, and We will bestow upon them their rewards according to the best of what they used to do.

Grounds for Divorce
Divorce (talaq) is allowed on the grounds of incompatability, cruelty, injustice, prolonged absence, adultery, insanity and incurable or contagious disease. Although in the past Muslim women have not generally been allowed to divorce their husbands, it is now allowed in many Muslim countries.
Colin Chapman, Cross and Crescent, p. 166.
Under Muslim law, a man’s freedom to divorce his wife is justified in the Kor’an. This system of the threat of divorce constantly looming over her security is most unsettling to women in my land. It is intolerable that many men stretch this flexible ruling to the uttermost, demanding divorce for the most trivial causes, causing the continous social degradation of their women.
Jean Sasson, Princess Sultana’s Daughters, pp. 194-195.

Hadith on Women
Bukhari 4:250.....Then he heard the prophet saying: “It is not permissible for a man to be alone with a woman, and no lady should travel except with a Muhram, i.e, her husband or a person whom she cannot marry.”
Bukhari 7:132.....None of you should flog his wife as he flogs a slave then then have sexual intercourse with her in the last part of the day.
STOP B-24-27

“Muslims are taught that love and sex between two of the same is wrong, and the Kor’an forbids experimenting: ‘Do not follow what you do not know.’ In Saudi Arabia, love and sex are considered distasteful, even between those of opposite sexs, and our socitey pretends that relationships based on sexual love do not exist. In this atmosphere of shame, Saudi citizens respond to social and religious expectations by saying exactly what is expected. What we do is another matter altogether...

When the normal is forbidden, people fall into the abnormal. That I believe is what happened to my daughter.

In my country it is prohibited by religious laws for single men and women to see each other. While inside the country, men socialize with men, and women with women. Since we are prevented from engaging in traditional behavior, the sexual tension between those of the same sex is palpable. Any foreigner who has lived in Saudi Arabia for any length of time becomes aware that homosexual relations are rampant within the kingdom.” Jean Sasson, Princess Sultana’s Daughters, pp. 44-45.

In Case of Divorce,

the Children Go to the Husband
In Islam, children must be raised according to the Muslim father’s religion. If the couple divorces, the husband gets custody of the children and the woman will not be able to see the children again. The Sharia (Islamic Law) states that in mixed marriages “the children will follow the better of the two religions of their parents,” which in your case is Islam. The Qur’an states that Islam is the only true religion. “The religion before God is Islam.” (Al-i İmran 3:19) Non-Muslims cannot act as protectors to Muslims. “O, ye who believe; take not for friends (protectors) unbelievers rather than believers.” Nisa 4:144)
W.L. Cati Married to Muhammad, pp. 75-76.

In Paradise,

Men Will Enjoy Sex with Perfect Women

Another Hadith makes the number of wives seventy-two. Seventy females are specially created, and two are human females. His earthly wife may be included among his “huris,” but in Paradise there will be additional women for him, even up to seventy-two.
Dr. John Ankerberg, Fast Facts on Islam, p. 59.

Is it OK to Marry a Small Girl?
Bukhari Vol. 7, Book 62, Num. 18.....Narrated ‘Ursa: The Prophet asked Abu Bakr for ‘Aisha’s hand in marriage. Abu Baker said, “But I am your brother.” The Prophet said, “You are my brother in Allah’s religion and His Holy Book, but she (Aisha) is lawful for me to marry. (Aisha was only 6 years old when Muhammad married her, and only 9 years old when he consumated it!)

Is Sex with a Nine Year Old Girl OK ?
Bukhari Vol.7, 60:88.....Narrated ‘Urwa: The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with ‘Aisha while she was six years old and consumated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).

Marrying Slave Girls
Bukhari 7.62.20.....Muhammad said, “Any man who has a slave girl whom he educates properly, teaches good manners, manumits (liberates) and marries her will get a double reward.”

Men Are Superior to Women
Bakara 2:228.....And women shall have rights similar to the rights of men, according to what is equitable; but men have degree (of advantage) over them.
Nisa 4:34.....Men are superior to women on account of the qualities with which God hath gifted the one above the other, and on account of the outlay they make from their substance for them.
İbn Kathir, the prominent commentator, said of this verse, “Men are superior to women, and a man is better than a woman.”
Even in our own time (1985) a Muslim writer, Ahmad Zaky Tuffaha, seriously and reverently quotes the following hadith:
“If a woman offered one of her breasts to be cooked and the other to be roasted, she still will fall short of fulfilling her obligations to her husband. And besides that if she disobeys her husband even for a twinkling of an eye, she would be thrown in the lowest part of Hell, except she repents and turns back.” (p. 48)
Indeed, the rights of the husband are so vast that:
“If blood, suppuration, and pus, were to pour from the husband’s nose and the wife licked it with her tongue, she would never be able to fulfill his rights over her. (49)
This hadith is repeated, also with great reverence, five times by commentator Imam Suyuti who is regarded as one of the greatest of all Muslim scholars.
(Source: http://debate.domini.org/newton/women.html) as cited in W.L. Cati Married to Muhammad, pp. 57-58.

Men May Have Sex with their Slave Girls
“If a man purchases a slave girl, the purchase contract includes his right to have sex with her.” This contract is primarily to own her and secondarily to enjoy her sexually.”
The commentator Qortobi sees in Nisa 4:3 that slave girls used as such by the free Muslim men “have neither sexual rights, nor financial rights.”
W.L. Cati Married to Muhammad, p. 73.

Mensturating Women Cannot Pray
Mensturating women cannot pray: God will not hear them. Pregnant and nursing women do not fast. Given a high birth rate, a woman may miss fasts for years. But every missed prayer and fast adds to a person’s spiritual indebetedness. All in all, then, somen are always “behind” spiritually. And this (required) abstention from worship is a proof of their deficiency in faith. Even though they may try to “make up” days of prayer and days of fasting, they never really catch up with what God requires. Dr. Miriam Adeney, Daughters of Islam, p. 116.

Most of the People in Hell are Women
Bukhari 7:30: Muhammad said, ‘I was shown Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers are women.’
Bukhari 1.2.28.....The Prophet said: “I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers were women who were ungrateful.” It was asked, “Do they disbelieve in Allah?” (or, “Are they ungrateful to Allah?”) He replied, “They are ungrateful to their husbands and are ungrateful for the favors and the good (charitable deeds) done to them.”
This Hadith can also be found in:
Bukhari: 29, 304, 1052, 1462, 3241, 5197, 5198, 6449, 6546 (Fath Al-Bari’s numbering system)
W.L. Cati Married to Muhammad, p. 85.

The Majority in Hell are Women

The following observation is to me one of the clearest evidences of the inequality of men and women under Islam.

Mohammed said, "I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers are women."

This hadith can be found in:-

SaHeeH Bukhari: 29, 304, 1052, 1462, 3241, 5197, 5198, 6449, 6546 (FatH Al-Bari's numbering system)
SaHeeH Muslim: 80, 885, 907, 2737, 2738 (Abd Al-BaQi's numbering system)
Sunan Al-Tarmithi: 635, 2602, 2603, 2613 (AHmad Shakir's numbering system)
Sunan Al-Nasa'i: 1493, 1575 (Abi Ghuda's numbering system)
Sunan Ibn Majah: 4003 (Abd Al-BaQi's numbering system)
Musnad AHmad: 2087, 2706, 3364, 3376, 3559, 4009, 4027, 4111, 4140, 5321, 6574, 7891, 8645, 14386, 27562, 27567, 19336, 19351, 19415, 19425, 19480, 19484, 20743, 21729, 26508 (IHya' Al-Turath's numbering system)
Muwata' Malik: 445 (Muqata' Malik's numbering system)
Sunan Al-Darimi: 1007 (Alami and Zarmali's numbering system)

On the web you might consult these: Sahih Bukhari: Vol. 1:28, 301; Vol. 2:161; Vol. 7:124-126.

I've read this Hadeeth when I started researching Islam a year ago, and I found it to be the strongest evidence that men and women are not equal. Let me explain:-

Let's say we have two classes in a certain school, they both have the same number of students, and that number is a huge number. Say we gave them both a test. The majority of Class A passed the test while the majority of Class B failed. If both classes have the same mental capabilities, same degree of education, same test, same incentives then they should get very close results. Else, it means that something was not right. That either Class B are not as well educated as A, or that B's exam was harder, etc.... Thus the examiner isn't a fair examiner.

The above applies to the Hadeeth. If both men and women are equal then the number of men relative to women in hell should be almost equal too. If not, then it means that either women are more subject and tempted by sin (a harder exam), or that they don't have the same opportunities men do (less level of education). Which in the end indicated that God either wasn't fair in testing them, or he wasn't fair in creating them.

Add to this observation that there are naturally more boys are born than girls (about 5% more), i.e. more men than women have lived on this earth (even though they die younger), then this issue becomes even stronger.

Even though it seems quite clear what Muhammad meant, a possible objection could be raised from the English translation. What is the meaning of the word "majority" in the Arabic? Is it possible to interpret it as 50.1% to 49.9% or does the Arabic indicate a vast difference in numbers?

The word in Arabic is "akthar", and is usually used when there's a great difference in size, number, etc... That Hadeeth is understood by all Sheikhs and taken for granted that it means the "vast majority". I even once heard someone saying that it means two-thirds of the people of hell are women. From the context, it is impossible to interpret it as 50.1% to 49.9%.

Another reason for that is that Mohammed "saw" with his eyes the vast difference, he didn't do a survey, and God didn't tell him the number. So if the difference is seen then it cannot possibly be just a 1% or 2% difference.

I did a further search and this Hadeeth appears lots of time. I found another Hadeeth in Bukhari which says something along the line of "the general public of hell's dwellers are women". The Arabic phrase used makes it very clear that Mohammed is talking about a VAST majority here.

Volume 7, Book 62, Number 124:

Narrated Usama:

The Prophet said, "I stood at the gate of Paradise and saw that the majority of the people who entered it were the poor, while the wealthy were stopped at the gate (for the accounts). But the companions of the Fire were ordered to be taken to the Fire. Then I stood at the gate of the Fire and saw that the majority of those who entered it were women."

This hadith is found in

SaHeeH Bukhari: 5196, 6547 (FatH Al-Bari's numbering system)
SaHeeH Muslim: 2736 (Abd Al-BaQi's numbering system)
Musnad AHmad: 21275, 21318 (IHya' Al-Turath's numbering system)

The Arabic word used for "the majority" here is 'Aammah (or 3ammah), and it indicates beyond any shred of a doubt (in Arabic) the *vast majority*. You see, I don't think that "the majority" is a good translation. The translation for 3amah that I found was "the general public". So Mohammed was actually saying that the "general public" of the people of hell are women.

Number of occurrences in Bukhari (both Hadeeths): 11 times
Number of occurrences in Muslim (both Hadeeths): 6 times
Number of occurrences in Ahmad (both Hadeeths): 27 times
Total number of occurrences (of both Hadeeths in ALL nine books): 53 times

Based on it being reported in many of the authentic books and also by many different chains of narrators, it is not possible to argue that this hadith is not authentic in its essential meaning.



Muslim Men Cannot Marry Polythiests
Bakara 2:221.....Do not marry polytheist women unless they believe (in Islam). A believing slavegirl is better than an idolatressi though the latter please you. Nor mayyr your daughters to polytheists unless they believe in Islam.

Muslim Men May Marry

Jewish or Christian Wives
Maide 5:5.....The virtuous women of the believers, and the vrituous women of those who receieved the Scripture before you (are lawful for you) when you give them their marriage portions and live with them in honour, not in fornication, nor taking them as secret concubines.


Men are Permitted Multiple Wives
Nisa 4:3.....If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, marry women of your choice, two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with multiple wives), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess.

Rape: Four Witnesses needed
Nur 24:13.....If only they had brought four witnesses of it (to prove their charge). Since they failed to bring the witnesses, they verily are the liars in the sight of Allah.
Rape in most Muslim countries usually results in execution for the offender where the vicitim is a Muslim. Where the victim is a non-Muslim and the perpetrator is a Muslim, this is not the case. Thus, the honor of a Christian woman is not considered equal to that of a Muslim woman. This ruling is quite chilling... 7520 Al-Risala (Maliki manual), 37:27, “A Christian Rapist”: “If a Christian rapes a Muslim woman he is to be killed immediately by any Muslim. But a Muslim cannot be executed on account of a non-believer.”
Robert Spencer, The Myth of Islamic Tolerance, p. 75 & 82.
In cases of sexual misbehavior, four male witnesses are required. These witnesses must be able to do more than simply testify that an instance of fornication, adultery, or rape happened; they must have seen the act itself. This peculiar and destructive stipulation had its genesis in an incident in Muhammad’s life, when his wife Aisha, was accused of infidelity. The accusation particularly distressed Muhammad, since Aisha was his favorite wife. But in this case, as in many others, Allah came to the aid of his Prophet: He revealed Aisha’s innocence in instituted the stipulation of four witnesses for sexual sins: (24:13)
Robert Spencer, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (And the Crusades), p. 74.

Reasons for Marrying a Woman or a Girl
Bukhari 7.62.27......The Prophet said, “A woman is married for four things, i.e., her wealth, her family status, her beauty and her religion.”
Bukhari 7.62.17.....Narrated Jabir bin ‘Abdullah: When I got married, Allah’s Apostle said to me, “What type of lady have you married?” I replied, “I have married a matron.” He said, “Why don’t you have a liking for the virigins and for fondling them?” Jabir also said: Allah’s Apostle said, “Why don’t you marry a young girl so that you might play with her and she with you.”

Rules of Remarriage

After Divorcing Your Wife
Bukhari 7.63.249.....Whenever ‘Abudllah (bin ‘Umar) was asked about that, he would say to the questioner, “If you divorced her thrice, she is no longer lawful for you unless she marries another man (and the other man divorces her in his turn.)” Ibn ‘Umar further said, “Would that you (people) only give one or two divorces, because the Prophet has ordered me so.”
Bakara 2:226.....Those who swear to abstain from their wives must wait four months, and if they change their minds, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Bakara 2:229.....Divorce may be pronounced twice, (and then a woman must be) retained in honour or allowed to go with kindness.
Bakara 2:230.....If a man divorces his wife (for the third time), then she is not lawful to him until she has married another man. If (the later) divorce her, in which case it is no sin for either of them to return to the other, if they think that they can keep the limits set by Allah. Such are the limits of Allah. He makes them plain to people who have knowledge.
Bakara 2:231.....When you have divorced your wives, and they have reached the end of their waiting periods, then either retain them in kindness or let them go with kindness.
Bakara 2:231.....When you divorce women and they reach the end of their waiting-periods, do not prevent them from remarrying their husbands if it is agreed between them in kindness.

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