Draft Import Risk Analysis Report for Fresh Apple Fruit from the People’s Republic of China

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Unrestricted risk estimate

Unrestricted risk is the result of combining the probability of entry, establishment and spread with the estimate of consequences. Probabilities and consequences are combined using the risk estimation matrix shown in Table 2.5.

Unrestricted risk estimate for pear white scale

Overall probability of entry, establishment and spread




Unrestricted risk

Very low

As indicated, the unrestricted risk for pear white scale has been assessed as ‘very low’, which achieves Australia’s ALOP. Therefore, specific risk management measures are not required for this pest.

    1. Mealybugs - Phenacoccus aceris and Pseudococcus comstocki

      1. Introduction

Phenacoccus aceris (apple mealybug) and Pseudococcus comstocki (Comstock’s mealybug) belong to the mealybug family Pseudococcidae which are small, oval, soft-bodied insects that are covered with a white, cottony or mealy wax secretion that is moisture repellent and protects them against desiccation (CUES 2007). Mealybugs are sucking insects that injure plants by extracting large quantities of sap. Feeding weakens and stunts plants, causing leaf distortion, premature leaf drop, dieback and even plant death (Lindquist 2000).

Females and males of mealybugs have a different life cycle. Female mealybugs develop from an egg through three nymphal (immature instar) stages before undergoing a final moult into the adult form (CAB International 2008). Adult females are 3–4 mm long, slow-moving and oval-shaped. Males develop from eggs through first and second feeding instars, and third and fourth non-feeding instars, before moulting into tiny winged adults, which possess a pair of long wax terminal filaments (CUES 2007). Although the nymphs and adults live mainly on the bark of apple trees, they can also be found on fruit and in such cases tend to live either around or in the calyx of the fruit. Phenacoccus aceris has one generation per year (Beers 2007) and Pseudococcus comstocki reproduces three generations a year in China (Liu 2004).

The risk scenario of concern for mealybugs is the presence of nymphs and/or adults on apple fruit.

Phenacoccus aceris (apple mealybug) was included in the existing import policy for pears from Korea (AQIS 1999a). Pseudococcus comstocki was included in the existing import policy for pears from China (AQIS 1998b; Biosecurity Australia 2005b) and Fuji apples from Japan (AQIS 1998a). The assessment of mealybugs presented here builds on these existing policies.

      1. Probability of entry

The probability of entry is considered in two parts, the probability of importation and the probability of distribution, which consider pre-border and post-border issues respectively.

Probability of importation

The likelihood that Phenacoccus aceris and Pseudococcus comstocki will arrive in Australia with the importation of the commodity: HIGH.

  • Pseudococcus comstocki is widely spread in China and apple is one of the main hosts (AQSIQ 2005; CAB International 2008).

  • Phenacoccus aceris is reported in Shanxi (Ben-Dov 2005b) which is one of the main apple production areas in China.

  • Phenacoccus aceris attacks various host plant parts including fruit, twigs and leaves (Beers 2007).

  • In China, the first generation nymphs of P. comstocki usually attack the young leaves of the tree, but the second and third generation nymphs mainly attack the fruit (Liu 2004).

  • As the mealybugs can be concealed within the stem end or calyx of apple fruit, the sorting and packing processes may not remove them effectively.

  • No data are available as to whether P. aceris and P. comstocki will survive transportation of apples from China to Australia. However, another species of mealybug (Pseudococcus calceolariae) belonging to the same genus has been detected at on-arrival inspection in the USA on New Zealand apples exported to the USA (USDA-APHIS 2003) and it is feasible that P. aceris and P. comstocki would also survive during transportation.

The association of mealybugs with fruit, their inconspicuousness and the presence of a protective coating allowing them to withstand sorting and packing processing, all support a risk rating for importation of ‘high’.

Probability of distribution

The likelihood that Phenacoccus aceris and Pseudococcus comstocki will be distributed in Australia as a result of the processing, sale or disposal of the commodity: MODERATE.

  • Apple fruit is intended for human consumption and the mealybugs may remain on the fruit during retail distribution. The unconsumed calyx of infested fruit is likely to end up in fruit waste, which may further aid distribution of viable mealybugs. Disposal of infested waste fruit is likely to be via commercial or domestic rubbish systems or discarded where the fruit is consumed.

  • The ability of mealybugs to disperse is limited. Mealybugs lack active mechanisms for long range dispersal, but as shown for a similar species, Pseudococcus longispinus (longtailed mealybug), the first- and second-instar nymphs can be carried by wind (Barrass et al. 1994). Adult females are slow moving.

  • Mealybugs can enter into the endangered area through distribution of fruit, by crawling, dispersal on wind currents or by other human activities.

  • Pseudococcus comstocki has a wide host range. Ben-Dov (2005b) reported 39 families, 55 genera and at least 65 species or subspecies of host plants. Musaev & Bushkov (1977) found that this species infested over 300 plant species in Turkmenistan. Apart from apples, it also attacks other fruit crops such as banana, peach, pear, lemon, apricot, cherry and mulberry (Ben-Dov 2005b).

  • Ben-Dov (2005b) listed 27 families and over 100 species or subspecies of host plants for Phenacoccus aceris.

The evidence that mealybugs have limited mobility but a wide host range supports a risk rating for distribution of ‘moderate’.

Overall probability of entry (importation  distribution)

The overall probability of entry is determined by combining the probability of importation with the probability of distribution using the matrix of rules shown in Table 2.2. The likelihood that mealybugs will enter Australia as a result of trade in the commodity and be distributed in a viable state to the endangered area: MODERATE.

      1. Probability of establishment

The likelihood that Phenacoccus aceris and Pseudococcus comstocki will establish based on a comparison of factors in the source and destination areas that affect pest survival and reproduction: HIGH.

  • Pseudococcus comstocki feeds on many host plants including several horticultural crops such as banana, peach, pear, lemon, apricot, cherry, catalpa and mulberry. Phenacoccus aceris infests a broad range of host plants such as apple, cherry, pear, plum and apricot (Ben-Dov 2005b).

  • Pseudococcus comstocki is believed to be of Asian origin, possibly indigenous to Japan, where it was initially described infesting maple (Kuwana 1902). It has been reported from a number of countries throughout both Asia and Europe (Ben-Dov 2005b). Phenacoccus aceris is believed to be of European origin but currently its distribution is cosmopolitan (Beers 2007). This indicates both species have the ability to adapt to new environments. Climatic conditions in many parts of Australia are similar to these countries.

  • Both mealybugs are bisexual species (meaning that both male and female are required for reproduction).

  • Beers (2007) reported that P. aceris has one generation per year. The second instar nymphs overwinter in the bark, twigs or leaves of the host plant in the autumn and emerge in early spring. They mature, mate and begin egg-laying on twigs in mid-spring. Eggs hatch early summer and the nymphs disperse and attack host plant parts including fruit, twigs and leaves. (Beers 2007).

  • Pseudococcus comstocki has three generations a year in China (Liu 2004). Females of P. comstocki produce overwintering eggs in the autumn. Each female lays 100-300 yellow eggs which are protected in a wax-like sac attached to the female's abdomen. The females usually move to the bark for protection in the cracks and crevices. The eggs hatch in the spring and the young nymphs initially migrate to, and settle on, the underside of the leaves to feed.

  • An integrated approach using chemicals and biological control agents resulted in the successful elimination of P. comstocki in orchards and vegetable fields in Russia (Nikitenko and Ponomarev 1981).

Polyphagy, adaptability over a wide climatic range and relatively high fecundity support a risk rating for establishment of ‘high’.

      1. Probability of spread

The likelihood that Phenacoccus aceris and Pseudococcus comstocki will spread, based on a comparison of factors in the area of origin and in Australia that affect the expansion of the geographic distribution of the pest: HIGH.

  • Pseudococcus comstocki and Phenacoccus aceris occur in many parts of Asia, Europe, Africa and North and South America, indicating the Australian environment would be suitable for its spread.

  • The commercial fruit crop hosts of these mealybug species such as apples, bananas, peach and apricot, citrus and pears are grown in many parts of Australia. Widely distributed suitable hosts grown in home gardens, parks and along roads would aid the spread of these mealybugs.

  • With natural barriers such as arid areas, climatic differentials and long distances present between production areas, it would be difficult for these mealybugs to disperse from one area to another unaided. Crawling is the main means of dispersal on a host plant, from leaf to leaf and eventually spreading over the whole tree (CAB International 2008). The insect may also crawl from tree to tree, or to a neighbouring field.

  • The first- and second-instar nymphs of Pseudococcus longispinus can be dispersed by wind over longer distances (50 m) (Barrass et al. 1994). Adult males have wings, but are very fragile and shortlived and only travel for short distances.

  • Apples and other fruit hosts would be distributed around the country. Such distribution would aid the spread of these mealybugs on infested fruit.

  • Natural enemies such as parasitoids and general predators are reported as being associated with these mealybugs (CAB International 2008; Morimoto 1976) but their potential effectiveness in Australia is difficult to assess.

Polyphagy, dispersal of first and second instar nymphs by wind, and the past history of spread in other countries all support a risk rating for spread of ‘high’.

      1. Overall probability of entry, establishment and spread

The overall probability of entry, establishment and spread is determined by combining the probabilities of entry, of establishment and of spread using the matrix of ‘rules’ for combining qualitative likelihood shown in Table 2.2.

The overall likelihood that Phenacoccus aceris and Pseudococcus comstocki will enter Australia as a result of trade in the commodity from the country of origin, be distributed in a viable state to suitable hosts, establish in that area and subsequently spread within Australia: MODERATE.

      1. Consequences

The consequences of the establishment of Phenacoccus aceris and Pseudococcus comstocki in Australia have been estimated according to the methods described in Table 2.3.

Based on the decision rules described in Table 2.4, that is, where the consequences of a pest with respect to one or more criteria are ‘D’, the overall consequences are estimated to be LOW.

Reasoning for these ratings is provided below:




Plant life or health

D – Significant at the district level

Pseudococcus comstocki is occasionally a serious pest in apple, pear and citrus orchards and is also damaging to several ornamental and shade trees (CAB International 2008). Liu (2004) indicates that, in recent years, Pseudococcus comstocki has become an important pest for apple orchards in China and the number of infected trees usually reaches 2.3-9.7%, but can be as high as 17.6%.

Phenacoccus aceris feeds on apple, cherry, pear, apricot, grape, blueberry and many other hosts (Beers 2007). It is also reported as the vector of little cherry virus (Beers 2007).

Other aspects of the environment

B – Minor significance at the local level

There are no known direct consequences of this species on the natural or built environment, but its introduction into a new environment may lead to competition for resources with native species.


Control, eradication, etc.

D – Significant at the district level

Programs to minimise the impact of this pest on host plants may be costly and may include additional pesticide applications and crop monitoring.

Existing control strategies in place for other economically important mealybug species (e.g. longtailed mealybug, Pseudococcus longispinus) may have impacts on apple mealybug and Comstock’s mealybug in Australia. Acceptable control of P. comstocki and P. aceris may be obtained by implementing one or two chemical applications timed to coincide with each generation of immature scales (CAB International 2008). However, existing IPM programs may be disrupted due to possible increases in the use of insecticides. Costs for crop monitoring and consultant’s advice regarding management of this pest may be incurred by the producer.

Domestic trade

D – Significant at the district level

If the mealybugs become established in part of Australia, it is likely to result in interstate trade restrictions on many commodities such as apples, pears and citrus, potential loss of markets and significant industry adjustment.

International trade

C – Significant at the local level

The presence of these mealybugs in commercial production areas of a wide range of commodities (e.g. apples, pears and citrus) might limit access to overseas markets which are free from these pests.


B – Minor significance at the local level

Pesticide applications or other control activities would be required to control this pest on susceptible crops, which could have minor indirect impacts on the environment.

      1. Unrestricted risk estimate

Unrestricted risk is the result of combining the probability of entry, establishment and spread with the estimate of consequences. Probabilities and consequences are combined using the risk estimation matrix shown in Table 2.5.

Unrestricted risk estimate for mealybugs

Overall probability of entry, establishment and spread




Unrestricted risk


As indicated, the unrestricted risk for mealybugs has been assessed as ‘low’, which exceeds Australia’s ALOP. Therefore, specific risk management measures are required for this pest.

    1. Citrophilus mealybug - Pseudococcus calceolariae

      1. Introduction

Pseudococcus calceolariae (citrophilus mealybug) is not present in Western Australia and is a pest of regional quarantine concern for that state.

Pseudococcus calceolariae belongs to the mealybug family Pseudococcidae which are small, oval, soft-bodied insects that are covered with a white, cottony or mealy wax secretion that is moisture repellent and protects them against desiccation (CUES 2007). Mealybugs are sucking insects that injure plants by extracting large quantities of sap. Feeding weakens and stunts plants, causing leaf distortion, premature leaf drop, dieback and even plant death (Lindquist 2000). Pseudococcus calceolariae is a serious pest of citrus in South Australia (Smith et al. 1997).

Females and males of mealybugs have a different life cycle. Female mealybugs develop from an egg through three nymphal (immature instar) stages before undergoing a final moult into the adult form (CAB International 2008). Adult females are 3–4 mm long, slow-moving and oval-shaped. Males develop from eggs through first and second feeding instars, and third and fourth non-feeding instars, before moulting into tiny winged adults, which possess a pair of long wax terminal filaments (CUES 2007). Although the nymphs and adults live mainly on the bark of apple trees, they can also be found on fruit and tend to live either around or in the calyx of the fruit. Pseudococcus calceolariae reproduces three to four generations per year (CAB International 2008).

The risk scenario of concern for P. calceolariae is the presence of nymphs or adults on apple fruit.

Pseudococcus calceolariae was assessed in the Final Import Risk Analysis Report for Apples from New Zealand (Biosecurity Australia 2006a) and New Zealand stone fruit to Western Australia (Biosecurity Australia 2006b). The assessment of P. calceolariae presented here builds on the previous assessment.

The probability of importation for P. calceolariae was rated as ‘high’ in the assessments in the New Zealand apple IRA (Biosecurity Australia 2006a) because this species is widespread in New Zealand.

The distribution of P. calceolariae with a commodity after arrival in Australia, its establishment and spread in Australia, and the consequences it may cause will be the same for any commodity in which the species is imported into Australia. Accordingly, there is no need to re-assess these components. However, differences in commodities, horticultural practices, climatic conditions and the prevalence of the pest between previously export areas (New Zealand) and China make it necessary to re-assess the likelihood that P. calceolariae will be imported to Australia with apples from China.

      1. Reassessment of probability of importation

The likelihood that P. calceolariae will arrive in Western Australia with the importation of the commodity: MODERATE.

  • Wang (1985) reports P. gahani Green (a synonym of P. calceolariae (Ben-Dov 2005b)) in Hebei and Henan provinces although the main apple export areas of Shaanxi and Shandong are not listed.

  • AQSIQ (2007; 2008c) claims that P. calceolariae has only been recorded in southern China from Taiwan, Yunnan and Guangxi, which are not apple production areas, and has not been reported from northern China (apple-growing area), and that there is no report of P. calceolariae occurring on apples in China, probably overlooking the synonymy between P. calceolariae and P. gahani.

  • Pseudococcus calceolariae has been recorded in China on apple (Ben-Dov 2005b).

  • This mealybug species usually occurs on leaves, but can also be found on fruit, including the calyx (CAB International 2008).

  • As the mealybugs can be present in the calyx of apple fruit, they are likely to be overlooked during pre-export sorting and packing processes.

  • Pseudococcus calceolariae overwinter under the bark of deciduous pipfruit trees, and on a range of other host plants associated with the crop, including shelter-belts (HortResearch 1999). It is likely that temporary cold storage may not be effective in killing this mealybug.

  • Pseudococcus calceolariae has been detected at on-arrival inspection in the USA on New Zealand apples exported to the USA (USDA-APHIS 2003), indicating that it can survive on apples during transportation.

    The distribution of this pest in Hebei and Henan but not in Shaanxi and Shandong, its association with fruit, including the calyx, and its inconspicuousness support a risk rating for importation of ‘moderate’.

      1. Probability of distribution, of establishment and of spread

As indicated above, the probability of distribution, of establishment and of spread for P. calceolariae will be the same as those assessed for apples from New Zealand (Biosecurity Australia 2006a). The ratings from the previous assessments are presented below:

Probability of distribution: MODERATE

Probability of establishment: HIGH

Probability of spread: HIGH

      1. Overall probability of entry, establishment and spread

The overall probability of entry, establishment and spread is determined by combining the probabilities of entry, of establishment and of spread using the matrix of ‘rules’ for combining qualitative likelihood shown in Table 2.2.

The overall likelihood that P. calceolariae will enter Western Australia as a result of trade in the commodity from the country of origin, be distributed in a viable state to suitable hosts, establish in that area and subsequently spread within Western Australia: LOW.

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