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AYDIN, N., COŞKUN, F., BALCI, Ö., TURAN, H., SONGUR, D., AKIN, M., ÖZÇIRPICI, B., ÖZGÜR, S., Gaziantep Üniversitesi tıp fakültesi araştırma görevlilerinin iş ortamına ilişkin değerlendirme ve beklentileri. Sendrom, 19(10), 71-74, 2007.

Tıpta Uzmanlık Tezi
BALCI, Ö.,Gaziantep İl Merkezindeki Bankaların Büro Ergonomisine Uygunluk Durumları ve Banka Çalışanlarının Bazı Sağlık Yakınmaları, Gaziantep Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Halk Sağlığı AD, Tıpta Uzmanlık Tezi, 102 sayfa, 2007. (Danışman: Yrd.Doç. Dr. Birgül ÖZÇIRPICI )

AKSOY, M., AKSOY, N., BAGCI, C., GERGERLİOĞLU, H.S., ÇELİK, H., HERKEN, E., YAMAN, A., TARAKÇIOĞLU, M., SOYDİNÇ, S., SARI, İ., DAVUTOĞLU. V., Pistachio intake increases high density lipoprotein levels and inhibits low density lipoprotein oxidation in rats, Tohoku Journal Experimental Medicine, 212, 43-48 2007.
DAVUTOĞLU, V., ADALETLİ, I., KURUĞOĞLU, S., ÖZER, H., BESİRLİ, K., SAYIN, A.G., Pseudocoarctation, The Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 23(8), 675-676, 2007.
DAVUTOĞLU, V., BURMA, O., ÜSTÜNSOY, H., CELKAN, M.A., KAZAZ, H., ATİK, C., Predictive risk factors for early mortality in operative treatment for chronic ischemic mitral insufficienc Heart Surgery Forum, 10(2), 95-98, 2007.
DAVUTOĞLU, V., BURMA, O., ÜSTÜNSOY, H., CELKAN, M.A., KAZAZ, H., PEKTOK, E., Initial clinical experience with a novel biodegradable ring in patients with functional tricuspid insufficiency: Kalangos Biodegradable Tricuspid Ring, The Journal of Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgey, 55(5), 284-287, 2007.
DAVUTOĞLU, V., SARI, İ., The triangle of valve calcificatiom-cytokine-bone resorption: Propose of novel potential pathophysiolgical link, American Journal of Cardiology, 99, 1024, 2007.
DAVUTOĞLU, V., YILMAZ, N., CİÇEK, H.K., ÇELİK, A., MERAM, I., KOCABAŞ, R., Diagnostic value of homocysteine, C-reactive protein and bilirubin for coronary artery disease, East Mediterranean Health Journal, 13(3), 522-535, 2007.
ÖZER, O., HOBİKOĞLU, G.F., NORGAZ, T., AKSU, H., ERTÜRK, M., DESTEGÜL, E., AKYÜZ, U., ÜNAL D.S., NARİN, A., The effect of acetylsalicylic acid resistance on prognosis of patients who have developed acute coronary syndrome during acetylsalicylic acid therapy, The Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 23(3), 201-206, 2007.
SARI, İ., ACAR, Z., NURKALEM, Z., USLU, N., DAVUTOĞLU, V., ATEŞ, M., ÖZER, O., EREN, M., AKSOY, M., Preoperative clinical status but not waiting time predicts in-hospital outcomes of surgery in patients with left main coronary artery stenosis, Tohoku Journal Experimental Medicine, 213, 173-80, 2007.
SARI, İ., DAVUTOĞLU, V., Enoxaparin-induced reversible pancytopenia, Clinical Applied Thrombosis Hemostasis, 13, 453-454, 2007.
SARI, İ., DAVUTOĞLU, V., ÖZER, O., SUCU, M., Tuberculosis as aetiology of so-called idiopathic pericarditis. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 61, 1766, 2007.
SARI, İ., DAVUTOĞLU, V., SOYDİNÇ, S., ÖZER, O., A case of misdiagnosed interrupted aortic arch as primary hypertension for almost two decades, New Zeland Medical Journal, 120, U2635, 2007.
SARI, İ., GÖKTEKİN. G., Hastanın koroner anjiyografiye hazırlanması, koroner anjiyografi teknikleri ve özelliği olan koroner anjiyografi uygulamaları, Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Internal Medical Sciences, 3, 24-37, 2007.
SARI, İ., GÖRGÜLÜ, Ş., ÖZER, O., USLU, N., DAVUTOĞLU, V., EREN, M., AKSOY, M., Sağ ventrikül doluş parametrelerinin sağ atriyum basıncı ile ilişkisi, M.N. Kardiyoloji, 14, 235-240, 2007.

SARI, İ., HOBİKOĞLU, G.F., NORGAZ, T., AKSU, H., ÖZER, O., KARABULUT, A., ÖNTÜRK, E., NARİN, A., Kreatinin düzeyi hafif yüksek olan hastalarda koroner anjiyografiden üç saat önce uygulanan oral N-asetilsisteinin kontrast nefropatisini önlemedeki etkisi, Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Arşivi, 35, 9-12, 2007.
SARI, İ., ONAT, A., HERGENÇ, G., KARABULUT, A., CAN, G., Elevated LDL-cholesterol level predicts diabetes in centrally obese women but not men: Relative roles of ınsulin resistance and central obesity, Circulation Journal, 71, 1463–1467, 2007.
SARI, İ., ONAT, A., HERGENÇ, G., KARABULUT, A., CAN, G., Santral obeziteli kadınlarda diyabet gelişiminin öngördürücüsü olarak LDL kolesterol yüksekliği. 23. Ulusal Kardiyoloji Kongresi, 19-23 Ekim, Antalya, Türkiye, 35, 2007
SARI, İ., ONAT, A., HERGENÇ, G., YAZICI, M., UYAREL, H., CAN, G., SANSOY, V., Predictors of abdominal obesity and high susceptibility of cardiometabolic risk to its increments among Turkish women: A prospectivepopulation-based study, 76th Congress of the European Atherosclerosis Society, June 10–13, Helsinki, Finland, 173, 2007.
SARI, İ., ONAT, A., HERGENÇ, G., YAZICI, M., UYAREL, H., CAN, G., SANSOY, V., Predictors of abdominal obesity and high susceptibility of cardiometabolic risk to its increments among Turkish women: a prospective population-based study, Metabolism, 56, 348– 356, 2007.
SARI, İ., SOYDİNÇ, S., KERVANCIOĞLU, S., DAVUTOĞLU, V., DÜNDAR, A., AKSOY, M., Mitral anuler kalsifikasyon ve intima-media kalınlığı ilişkisi, M.N. Kardiyoloji, 14, 77-81, 2007.

SOYDİNÇ, S., DAVUTOĞLU, V., SARI, İ., High serum levels of adiponectin improve coronary collateral development in patients with coronary artery disease, Tohoku Journal Experimental Medicine, 211, 347-352, 2007.


ARAZ, M., AKARSU, E., ERBAĞCI, I., OKUMUŞ, S., KARTAL, M., Comparison of intravenous methylprednisolone therapy vs oral metylprednisolone therapy in patients with Graves ophthalmopathy, International Journal of Clinical Pract, 61, 45-51, 2007.
ARAZ, M., ARAZ, N., Okul çağındaki pediatrik populsyonda subklinik hipotiroidi sıklığı, Endokrinolojide Yönelişler, 9, 1-4, 2007.
OKAN, V., ARAZ, N., DEMİRCİ, M., ARAZ, M., Pseudolithiasis due to ceftriaxone treament for meningitis in children : report of 8 cases, The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 211(3), 285-290, 2007.
OKAN, V., YILMAZ, M., ÇİFÇİ, S., KİS, C., AKÇALI, A., SARI, İ., PEHLİVAN, M., Serebral hematom ile başvuran idiopatik trombositopenik purpuralı olgu, Turkish Journal of Hematology, 24(1), 167, 2007.
OKAN, V., YILMAZ, M., ÇİFÇİ, S., KİS, C., KILÇILSIZ, S., SARI, İ., PEHLİVAN, M., Multiple myeloma ve kronik myelositer lösemi birlikteliği : Olgu sunumu, Turkish Journal of Hematology, 24(1), 167, 2007.
OKAN, V., YILMAZ, M., KARTAL, M., ÇİFÇİ, S., GÜLŞEN, M., SARI, İ., PEHLİVAN, M., Kolitis ülseroza seyrinde gelişen akut myeloid lösemi olgusu, Turkish Journal of Hematology, 24(1), 96, 2007.
ONAT, A.M., BÜYÜKHATİPOĞLU, H., YILMAZ, M., GEYİK, R., ÇELİK, A., ÖZTÜRK, M.A., Immunoglobulin E : a new diagnostic clue for Behcet’s disease? : IgE and Behcet’s diaseae, Clinical Rheumantology, 26, 81-83, 2007.

ONAT, A.M., CAN, I., AYTEMİR, K., AKDOĞAN, A., ÜRETEN, K., KİRAZ, S., ERTENLİ, I., ÖZER, N., TOKGÖZOĞLU, L., OTO, A., Assessment of atrial conduction in patients with scleroderma by tissue doppler echocardiography and P weve dispersion, Cardiology, 108, 317-321, 2007.
ONAT, A.M., ÇİFTÇİ, I., YAVUZ, B., AKDOĞAN, A., AYTEMİR, K., TOKGÖZOĞLU, L., ŞAHİNER, L., DENİZ, A., ÜRETEN, K., KIZILCA, G.,, CALGUNERİ, M., OTO, A., Cardiac repolarization abnormalities and increased sympatheric activity in scleroderma, Journal of The National Medical Association, 99(3), 232-237, 2007.
ONAT, A.M., ÖZÇAKAR, L., ÖZTÜRK, M.A., UÇAR, G., ÜRETEN, K., DAĞLI, N., KİRAZ, S., ERTENLİ, I., CALGUNERİ, M., Plasma and platelet serotonin levels in familial nediterranean fever, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, 25(4), 16-20, 2007.
ONAT, A.M., ÖZTÜRK, M.A., ÖZÇAKAR, L., ÜRETEN, K., KAYMAK, S.U., KİRAZ, S., ERTENLİ, I., CALGUERİ, M., Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors reduce the attack frenquency in familial mediterranean fever, Tohoku Journal Experimental Medicine, 211, 9-14, 2007.
ONAT, A.M., PEHLİVAN, M., BÜYÜKHATİPOĞLU, H., ZİYA, Y., OKUMUŞ, S., ARIKAN, C., OĞUZKAN, S., Unusual presentation of trible a syndrome mimicking sjorgen’s syndrome, Clinical Rheumantology, 26(10), 1749-1751, 2007.
PEHLİVAN, M., ÇAĞIRHAN, S., DÖNMEZ, A., VURAL, F., SOYER, N.A., OCAKÇI, S., TOMBULOĞLU, M., Paroksismal nokturnal hemoglobinürili 2 hastada allojeneik hematopoetik kök hücre nakli, Turkish Journal of Hematology, 24(1), 103, 2007.

PEHLİVAN, M., ÇAĞIRHAN, S., DÖNMEZ, A., VURAL, F., TOMBULOĞLU, M., Primer amilodozlu 6 hastada otolog hematopoetik kök hücre desteğinde yüksek doz melfalan tedavisi, Turkish Journal of Hematology, 24(1), 79, 2007.
PEHLİVAN, M., ERGENE, U., ÇAGIRHAN, S., YILMAZ, M., TOMBULOĞLU, M., Factors influencing engraftment in autologous peripheral hematopoetic stem cell transplantation (PBSCT), Transfusion Apheresis Science, 36(1), 23-29, 2007.
PEHLİVAN, M., OKAN, V., YILMAZ, M., BAYRAM, A., KİS, C., ÇİFÇİ, S., Lenfoproliferatif hastalıklada HCV sıklığı, Turkish Journal of Hematology, 24(1), 103, 2007.
PEHLİVAN, M., OKAN, V., YILMAZ, M., KILIÇARSLAN, C., SERVER, T., PEHLİVAN, S., Multiple myelomalı olgularda tron-mboza yatkınlıkta rolu olan gen polimorfizmlerinin sıklığı, Turkish Journal of Hematology, 24(1), 164, 2007.
PEHLİVAN, M., ONAY, H., ALPER, S., ÖZKINAY, F., PEHLİVAN, S., Might there be a link between mannose binding lectin and vitiligo, Europen Journal of Dermatology, 17, 146-148, 2007.
PEHLİVAN, M., PEHLİVAN, S., BÜYÜKKEÇECİ, F., ÇAGIRHAN, S., YILMAZ, M., TOMBULOĞLU, M., KAVAKLI, K., Factor VIII intron 1 invension of haemophilia a patients in the west anatolia, Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics, 10, 49-51, 2007.
PEHLİVAN, M., PEHLİVAN, S., OKAN, V., GÜLER, E., YILMAZ, M., SERVER, T., DİKENSOY, E., KILIÇARSLAN, C., BALAT, Ö., Gaziantep ilinde talassemi mutasyonlarının sıklığı, Turkish Journal of Hematology, 24(1), 107, 2007.

USALAN, C., TİRYAKİ, O., BÜYÜKHATİPOĞLU, H., TAHTA, K., Inflammation as a risk factor for carotid intimal-medial thickening a measure of subclinical atheroscleros,s in haemodialysis patients : the role of chlamydia and cytomegalovirus infection, Nephrology (Carlton), 12(1), 25-32, 2007.
USALAN, C., TİRYAKİ, O., BÜYÜKHATİPOĞLU, H., KARAKÖK, M., Successful treatment of a rare complication of henoch-schönlein purpura in advanced age: pulmonary hemorrhage, Intermal Medicine, 46(12), 905-907, 2007.
YILMAZ, M., BAYRAKTAROĞLU, Z., DEMİRCİ, F., OKAN, V., Therapeutic plasa Exchange : experience of a single center, Blod Banking and Transfusion Medicine, 2007.
YILMAZ, M., DAĞDAŞ, S., ALLI, N., ERDOĞAN, S., AKI, Z., ÖZET, G., Weber christian disease presenting with pancytopenia and anticardiolipin antibodies : a case report, Gaziantep Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 13(2), 39-41, 2007.
YILMAZ, M., DEMİRHAN, O., KÜÇÜKOSMANOĞLU, E., PEHLİVAN, M., OKAN, V., BALAT, O., PEHLİVAN, S., Pregnancy in a patients with chronic myeloid leukemia treated with imatinib, Leukemia and Lymphoma, 48, 2454-2456, 2007.
YILMAZ, M., DEMİRHAN, O., KÜÇÜKOSMANOĞLU, OKAN, V., BALAT, Ö., PEHLİVAN, S., PEHLİVAN, M., İmatinib tedavisi altında kronik myelositik lösemili hastalarda gebelik, Turkish Journal of Hematology, 24(1), 73, 2007.
YILMAZ, M., OKAN, V., ÇİFÇİ, S., ASLAN, Y., SARI, İ., PEHLİVAN, M., HHV-8 pozitifliği gösteren plazma hücreli castleman hastalığı : Olgu sunumu, Turkish Journal of Hematology, 24(1), 155, 2007.

YILMAZ, M., OKAN, V., PEHLİVAN, M., ÖZKUR, A., PEHLİVAN, Y., BÜYÜKHATİPOĞLU, H., SARI, I., A case report of poems syndrome developing during the clinical course of immunethroöbocytopenic purpura, Platelets, 18(7), 540-542, 2007.
YILMAZ, M., TİRYAKİ, O., NAMİDURU, M., OKAN, V., OĞUZ, A., BÜYÜKHATİPOĞLU, H., KARAOĞLAN, I., YILMAZ, B., Brucellosis induced immune thrombocytopenia mimicking ITP: a report of seven cases, International Journal of Laboratory Hematology, 29(6), 442-445, 2007.

BÜYÜKBERBER, M., KORUK, S., SAVAŞ, M.C., PEHLİVAN, Y., DEVECİ, R., SEVİNÇ, A., GERGERLİOĞLU, S., Leptin leves in the differential diagnosis between bening and malignant ascites, World Journal of Gastroenterology, 13(3), 398-402, 2007.
BÜYÜKBERBER, S., SARI, I., CAMCI, C., BÜYÜKBERBER, M., SEVİNÇ, A., TÜRK, H.M., Adrenomedullin expression does not correlate with survival in lung cancer, Medical Oncology, 24, 245-249, 2007.
BÜYÜKHATİPOĞLU, H., SEVİNÇ, A., PEHLİVAN, Y., CAMCI, C., Is prophylactic cranial irradition a possible option for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-posivite breast cancer?, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 25, 1292, 2007.
KALENDER, M.E., SEVİNÇ, A., KÜÇÜKDURMAZ, Z., BALIK, A., SARI, I., CAMCI, C., Gastric and prostate adenocarcinoma in a patient with metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor, Onkologie, 30, 568-570, 2007.
KALENDER, M.E., SEVİNÇ, A., TUTAR, E., BÜYÜKBERBER, S., CAMCI, C., Metachronous non-Hodgkin’s iymphoma in a patient with localized prostate cancer, Medical Oncology, 24, 466-468, 2007.
KALENDER, M.E., SEVİNÇ, A., TUTAR, E., ŞİRİKÇİ, A., CAMCI, C., Effect of sunitinib on metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumar in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1: A case report, World Journal of Gastroenterology, 13, 2629-2632, 2007.
SEVİNÇ, A., ADI, M., KALENDER, M.E., CAMCI, C., Bening causes of increased serum CA-125 concentration, Lancet Oncology, 8, 1054-1055, 2007.

SEVİNÇ, A., CAMCI, C., BÜYÜKBERBER, S., AKGÜL, B., Intravenous gamaglobulin induced chronic renal failure in a patient with multiple myeloma, Medical Oncology, 24, 357-359, 2007.
SEVİNÇ, A., CAMCI, C., YILMAZ, M., BÜYÜKHATİPOĞLU, H., The Diagnosis of C-kit negative GIST by PDGFRA staining : clinical, pathological, and nuclear medicine perspective, Onkologie, 30, 645-648, 2007
SEVİNÇ, A., KALENDER, M.E., PEHLİVAN, Y., SARI, I., CAMCI, C., Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and bone marrow necrosis as the inital presentation of lung cancer, Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 13, 44-9-452, 2007.
ZİNCİRKESER, S., SEVİNÇ, A., KALENDER, M.E., CAMCI, C., Early detection of response to imatinib therapy for gastointestinal stromal tumor by using 18F-FDG position emission tomography and computed tomography imaging, World Journal of Gastroenterology, 13, 2261-2262, 2007.

ZİNCİRKESER, S., HALLAC, M., ŞAHİN, E., SAGER, S., Standart value (SUV) of Normal organs on FDG-PET imaging, Journal of International Medical Research, 35, 231-236, 2007.

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