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clearing procedure: a series of Scientology processes designed to take a preclear up to the state of Clear. This procedure is fully covered in "Scientology: Clear Procedure, Issue One" which can be found in the appendix of this volume. Male voice: I don't suppose you have any data since this clearing procedure's gotten into full swing, so to speak, but do you think it would be possible to clear a person who had had brain surgery? How to Get Started: Question and Answer Period (7 Feb. 58)

co-auditing: short for cooperative auditing. It means a team of any two people who are helping each other reach a better life with Dianetics or Scientology auditing. But the normal reaction in the HGC is what makes HGC processing a little bit different than our co-auditing here or staff co-auditing or something of the sortis people are coming in there and sitting down and it's just one long "Wow, gee, for Christ's sakes, my god," and other blasphemies, you know? How to Get Started: Question and Answer Period (7 Feb. 58)

cognition: as-ising aberration with a realization about life. A cognition is an increased understanding of something, usually voiced by the preclear with a "Well, what do you know!" type of statement. It goes up a sufficient distance and it produces quite ordinarily and routinely in any preclear somewhere along the linejust a problem of comparable magnitude to anythingit'll produce the cognition that he's making up all the problems so that he'll have something to do. —Help—How to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

command: a statement that the preclear is to do something; a certain and exact instruction which the preclear can follow and perform. He'll run into an aberration that will be so thorough that he'll just boggle at the question for five, ten commands. Conduct of Clear: Question and Answer Period (10 Feb. 58)

Comm Course: short for Communication Course, a Scientology course which covers beginning TRs, through which one gains the ability to effectively




communicate with others. Male voice: . . . and my intention is to run a Comm Course and Upper Indoc...The Key Processes of Clearing: Question and Answer Period (11 Feb. 58)

communication formula: the interchange of ideas across space. Its full definition is the consideration and action of impelling an impulse or particle from source-point across a distance to receipt-point, with the intention of bringing into being at the receipt-point a duplication and understanding of that which emanated from the source-point. The formula of communication is cause, distance, effect, with intention, attention and duplication with understanding. Have him make the somatic say "Hello" and he says, "Okay" to it; say "Hello" to the somatic and have it say "Okay" to him the old communication formula run on a somatic. HelpHow to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

Connectedness: a Scientology process with the purpose of providing havingness, unsticking the needle and directing the pc's attention. The command is "You get the idea of making that (object) connect with you." For more information, see HCOB 14 July 58, 20TH ACC TRAINING PROCEDURE, in Technical Bulletins Volume IV. So we must assume that if your basic processes which put him under control did not come out at the end of the line of the control series and Connectedness with a preclear with no field and able to mock things up, we must assume that he never left Omaha. HelpHow to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

Creative Processing: exercises by which the preclear is actually putting up the physical universe. It consists of having the preclear make, with his own creative energies, a mock-up. See also mock (something) up in this glossary. Male voice: As a preclear, I had rather peculiar phenomena this morning on Creative Processing. Havingness, Anaten, Flows in Relation to Clearing: Question and Answer Period (12 Feb. 58)

dead in his head: a Scientology slang reference to a case which totally associates all thought with mass. Thus he reads peculiarly on the meter. As he is audited he frees his thinkingness so that he can think without mass connotations. In view of the fact the control mechanisms of the body are not at all dependent upon the brain it's the shock of the engram itself, somebody trying to reach him, a thetan dead in his head, that is a shock to himnot what happens to the tissue. How to Get Started: Question and Answer Period (7 Feb. 58)

determinism: power of choice; power of decision; ability to decide or determine the course of one's actions. It's all very well if you, on your determinism, could get the idea of being anything you saw. You'd be in pretty good shape. -The Key Processes of Clearing (11 Feb. 58)

devil, going to the: going to ruin. His marriage was going to pieces and everything was going to the devil. —Other Processes, the Help Button: Question and Answer Period (13 Feb. 58)

devil's own time, the: (informal) a very difficult time. Because every time I have had one of these people who had to do it all in the next five minutes, it has taken me the devil's own time to get the case into some kind of shape to sit still to get audited. Responsibility for Mock-Ups (14 Feb. 58)

Diana: Diana Hubbard, one of the daughters of L. Ron Hubbard. It's like Diana. — Other Processes, the Help Button: Question and Answer Period (13 Feb. 58)

Dianazene: a formula combining nicotinic acid with other vitamins and minerals which was developed to make the intake of nicotinic acid more effective in handling radiation. Female voice: Would taking Dianazene help in making faster progress? Responsibility for Mock-ups: Question and Answer Period (14 Feb. 58)

Dianetics: Dianetics technology. It addresses and handles the effects of the spirit on the body and can alleviate such things as unwanted sensations and emotions, accidents, injuries and psychosomatic illnesses (ones that are caused or aggravated by mental stress). Dianetics means "through the soul" (from Greek dia, through, and nous, soul). It is further defined as "what the soul is


doing to the body." Cybernetics, by the way, of many, many lost years ago, by a fellow by the name of Norbert Wiener up at MIT who is almost psychotically violent on the subject of DianeticsWiener traced the fact that there were energy flows up and down the neurons of the nervous system; that there was current running there. Conduct of Clear (10 Feb. 58)

dicalcium phosphate: a substance consisting of calcium and phosphorus used as a mineral supplement in the Dianazene formula. If you feed him some B1, at the rate of every 50 milligrams of B1 he must have a minimum of 20 to 25 grains of dicalcium phosphate and must have a minimum of 250 milligrams of ascorbic acid. Responsibility for Mock-ups: Question and Answer Period (14 Feb. 58)

Director of Processing: the head of the Hubbard Guidance Center (HGC) in a Scientology organization, under whom come all individual cases. The Director of Processing is responsible for auditors, assignment of preclears to auditors and states of cases. Director of Processing, somebody like that, he can actually have people on staff, sometimes, that he just steers. How to Get Started: Question and Answer Period (7 Feb. 58)

dog soldier: (army) a common soldier. I've seen the most amazing thing. I've seen a corpsman working like mad giving blood transfusions, you know, bottle after bottle, and sewing somebody up, and working like mad and working like mad and working like mad and trying to pick up this dog soldier he fished out of the landing craft, you know? HelpHow to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

doingness: the action of creating an effect. By doing is meant action, function, accomplishment, the attainment of goals, the fulfilling of purpose or any change of position in space. Male voice: Regardingoh, quick thing on this: One of the definitions we had was a postulate is a decision regarding beingness, doingness or havingness. That was one of the old definitions. Havingness, Anaten, Flows in Relation to Clearing: Question and Answer Period (12 Feb. 58)

"Do not send to find for whom the bell tolls .. .": reference to the religious essay "Devotions upon Emergent Occasions" by English poet John Donne (1572-1631). The section of the work containing this line is: "No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, . . . any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." To toll is to cause a large bell to sound with single strokes slowly and regularly, especially for announcing a death. If you're not at the barricades, the jig is up." "Do not send to find for whom the bell tolls, you've had it, son." HelpHow to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

doodle-dads: aimless or foolish actions. No reason for him to be upset to this degree every time he finds out that he can touch something extrasensorily. Now, when we say extrasensorily we do not mean Rhinesque doodle-dads. Conduct of Clear (10 Feb. 58)

downseale: down the Tone Scale; in or into a state of decreased awareness; in or into the lower-level emotions of the Tone Scale, such as apathy, anger, etc. See also Tone Scale in this glossary. He was going downseale as he talked about it. —Conduct of Clear (10 Feb. 58)

Dulles, John Foster: (1888-1959) US diplomat and secretary of state (1953-1959). His policy was that of "brinkmanship" (pursuing a hazardous course of action to the edge of catastrophe, such as "to the brink of war"), and once stated, "The ability to get to the verge without getting into the war is the necessary art." He also encouraged the development of nuclear weapons capable of "massive retaliation." The United States when it built an atomic weapon got in trouble and has been in trouble ever since. It even came up to a point of getting John Foster Dulles. I mean, a cataclysm to end all cataclysms. — The Key Processes of Clearing (11 Feb. 58)

dynamics: the eight urges (drives, impulses) in life. They are motives or motivations. We call them the eight dynamics. These are urges for survival as




or through (1) self, (2) sex and family, (3) groups, (4) all mankind, (5) living things (plants and animals), (6) the material universe, (7) spirits and (8) infinity or the Supreme Being. In other words, the four dynamics the thetan, the mind, the body and the physical universeare just too many opponents. —Help—How to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

Effect Scale: a scale which tells one how much cause an individual dare be, by measuring how much effect he's willing to suffer. At the top of the scale the individual can give or receive any effect, and at the bottom of the scale he can receive no effects but still feels he must give a total effect. For more information, see Scientology 0-8: The Book of Basics by L. Ron Hubbard. There's another scale like this called the Effect Scale, which is equally important to you today. Havingness, Anaten, Flows in Relation to Clearing (12 Feb. 58)

8-C: a Scientology process in which the auditor has the preclear look at a wall, walk over to it, touch it and turn around, on a repetitive basis. The purpose of the process is to give the preclear reality on the environment, control in following directions and havingness. The term 8-C is also used to mean simply "good control." For more information, see HCOB 11 June 57, TRAINING AND CCH PROCESSES, in Technical Bulletins Volume IV. And in addition to that, you have good old 8-C. Other Processes, the Help Button (13 Feb. 58)

E-Meter: short for electrometer, an electronic device for measuring the mental state or change of state of Homo sapiens. It is not a lie detector. It does not diagnose or cure anything. It is used by auditors to assist the preclear in locating areas of spiritual distress or travail. See also preclear in this glossary. By the way, we had to run this for ten hours on a preclear in the HGC not very long ago, right in midflight, because the pc was so nervous and scratching and jumping around that he couldn't hold the E-Meter cans. HelpHow to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

engram bank: a colloquial name for the reactive mind. See also reactive mind in this glossary. The engram bank and the reactive mind are obsessive, unknowing energy manifestations for which the person is taking no responsibility. — Conduct of Clear (10 Feb. 58)

Expanded GITA: a process whereby the preclear is first tested to see if he can get a mock-up that he can see, no matter how vague, then is made to waste, accept under duress, desire and finally be able to take or leave alone each of the items on a list of certain isolated factors—these factors being those which are more important to minds than others. The term GITA comes from Give and Take Processing. For more information, see Journal of Scientology Issue 16-G, THIS IS SCIENTOLOGY, THE SCIENCE OF CERTAINTY, section "Step IV: Expanded GITA," in Technical Bulletins Volume II. Supposing you took the Expanded GITA list in Scientology 8-8008 and item by item had the individual waste and desire these items. Other Processes, the Help Button (13 Feb. 58)

Explorers Club: a private club based in New York City and founded in 1904 with the main object of promoting the science of exploration and dedicated to the search for new knowledge of the Earth and outer space. Now, the fact is that the only bracelet which has been contracted fortwo bracelets, actually, been contracted for, and one is as massive as this Explorers Club bracelet I am wearing here, which is a pretty massive braceletsterling silver. Responsibility for Mock-Ups (14 Feb. 58)

exteriorization: the act of moving oneself (as a spirit) out of the body; placing distance between oneself and the body. Male voice: Well, one of the sort of things that's confusing me at this particular time is where exactly does exteriorization, withI mean, real 3-D present time visio . . . How to Get Started: Question and Answer Period (7 Feb. 58)

facsimile: a three-dimensional color picture with sound and smell and all other perceptions, plus the conclusions or speculations of the individual. It's just a


mass of ridges filled full of facsimiles, and he's keeping it all mocked up very neatly and very nicely. HelpHow to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

field: any thing interposing between a preclear (thetan) and something he wishes to see, whether mest or mock-up. Fields are black, gray, purple, any substance or invisible. You'll notice in early lectures I talked about fields. HelpHow to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

field auditor: an auditor who professionally audits preclears in the field (the general areas, individuals and groups serviced by Scientology organizations). Male voice: What would you recommend for a Clear projectfor a clearing project for a field auditor? How would you recommend as a stable datum for setting it up? How to Get Started: Question and Answer Period (7 Feb. 58)

flat: in a condition of no longer producing change or a reaction. When you're going to leave it flat? Conduct of Clear: Question and Answer Period (10 Feb. 58)

flatten: to run (something) until it is no longer producing change or a reaction. You could flatten totally each side of the bracket and never touch it again that's improper. —Conduct of Clear: Question and Answer Period (10 Feb. 58)

flicker-flak: a coined term from flicker, move rapidly or jerkily. Used figuratively in the lecture. Operating Thetan looks at a vase, says, "Wonder how it would be if that blew up," and it blows up. Get the idea? He just flicker-flak bang!

Conduct of Clear (10 Feb. 58)

flow: a progress of energy between two points; an impulse or direction of energy particles or thought or masses between terminals; the progress of particles or impulses or waves from point A to point B. These are extreme considerations and these are imbalances in terms of flows. How to Get Started: Question and Answer Period (7 Feb. 58)

flub: a stupid blunderer. One of these days you're going to see this old flub that's been running around and giving you a bad time, arguing with youone of your wife's relations or one of your husband's distant relatives or something of the sortsneering at you. Other Processes, the Help Button (13 Feb. 58)

Foundation: any one of the first organizations of Dianetics in the early 1950s. But as long as we just handed processes out and everything out, just wholesale, you see, auditors had preclears, the Foundation was jammed and so forth.

Other Processes, the Help Button: Question and Answer Period (13 Feb. 58)

Fundamentals of Thought, The: a book written by L. Ron Hubbard in 1956,

containing basic Scientology principles and procedures. That's why in The Fundamentals of Thought it says create and then create—create—create and then no create, as the cycle of action. HelpHow to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

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