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אֲמֶרִיקָנִי adj. & n. nh (also, less exactly, אֲמֶרִיקָאִי) American. [Formed with suff. □ִי from אֲמֶרִיקָה (= America). The נ in אֲמֵרִיקָנִי is euphonic. cp. שֵׁלנִי (Num. 26:20), patronymic formed from שֵׁלָה. cp. also אָפֽיָנִי. The form אֲמֵרִיקָאִי, as un-Hebraic, should be avoided.]

אֲמַרְכָּל m.n. 1 pbh officer of the Temple. 2 nh administrator, treasurer. [Prob. a Pers. loan word. The word אֲמַרְכָּל was folk-etymologically explained as אָמַר־כֹּל (= he who commands everything).] Derivative: אֲמַרֽכָּלוּת. cp. מַרְכּוֹל.

אֲמַרְכָּלוּת f.n. nh administration; treasurer’s office. [Formed from אֲמַרֽכָּל with suff. □וּת.]

אמרק to americanize. [Denominated from אֲמֶרִיקָה (= America).] — Pi. אִסֽרֵק nh he americanized. — Hith. הִתֽאַמְרֵק nh was americanized.

אֶֽמֶשׁ adv. last night. [Related to Arab. amsi (= last night), Akka. ina amshat (= in the evening of yesterday), amshala (= yesterday), mushu or mushītu (= night), mushamma (= in the night of yesterday), and to Ethiop. mesēt (= evening, twilight). According to most scholars, these words derive from a base משׁה, whence Arab. masā (= evening).] Derivatives: אמשׁ, אָמֵשׁ.

אמשׁ to become dark, darken. [Derived from אֶמֶשׁ.] — Pi. אִמֵּשׁ intr. v. mh it became dark, darkened. — Hiph. הֶאֱמִישׁ mh (of s.m.).

אָמֵשׁ adj. nh dark. [From אֶמֶשׁ.]

אֱמֶת f.n. 1 stability, sureness. 2 faithfulness. 3 certainty. 4 truth. [Prob. from אמנת, from אמן.] Derivatives: אמת, אֲמִתָּה, אֲמִתּוּת, אֲמִתִּי.

אמת to verify. [Denominated from אֱמֶת.] — Pi. אִמֵּת tr. v. mh he verified, confirmed, authenticated. — Pu. אֻמַּת mh was verified, was confirmed, was authenticated. — Hith. הִתְאַמֵּת mh was verified, was confirmed, came true, was proved true. — Hiph. הֶאֱמִית mh he verified, proved, authenticated. Derivatives: אִמּוּת, הַאֲמָתָה, הִתְאַמּֽתוּת, מְאֻמָּת.

אַמָּת m.n. nh verifier of weights. [Coined from אַמָּהI (= cubit), after the pattern פַּעָל, which serves to form nomina opificum.]

אֲמִתָּה f.n. 1 mh truth, truthfulness. 2 nh axiom. [Formed from אֱמֶת with first suff. □ָה.]

אֲמִתּוּת f.n. mh truthfulness, veracity. [Formed from אֱמֶת with suff. □וּת.]

אַמְתַּֽחַת f.n. bag, sack. [Formed from מתח (= to spread out), with prosthetic א□ and suff. □ַת.]

אֲמִתִּי adj. mh 1 true, real, genuine, authentic. 2 sincere. [Formed from אֱמֶת with suff. □ִי.] Derivative: אֲמִתִּיּוּת.

אֲמִתִּיּוּת f.n. mh truthfulness, genuineness. [Formed from אֲמִתִּי with suff. □וּת.]

אֲמַתְלָה f.n. pbh plausible reason, excuse, pretext. [Aram. אֲמַתֽלָא, a secondary form of מְתַל, the equivalent of Heb. מָשָׁל (= parable). The א□ in אֲמַתְלָה is prosthetic.] Derivative: אֲמַתְלָן.

אֲמַתְלָן m.n. nh pretext finder. [Formed from אֲמַתְלָה with suff. □ָן.]

אָן, אָֽנָה pron. where? whither? [Prob. not related to אַיִן (= where), as generally assumed, but standing for אָ־ן, resp. אָ־נָה, i.e. formed from interrogative pref. ’a and pron. base -n, -an. Accordingly Heb. אָנָה and Arab. annay (= where? where… from? why?) correspond to each other derivatively.]

אָנָpref. fw (before a vowel אָנ□) ana-, resp. an-. [Gk. ana-, resp. an- (= up to, upward, up, toward; exceedingly; back, backward; against), from ana (= up, on, upon; throughout; again), which is related to ano (= above), from ie base *anō- (= on, upon, above). cp. ‘on’, an ‘a’ (on) in my cedel.]

אָנָּא, אָֽנָּה interj. ah! now! I (or we) beseech, I (or we) pray. [Compound of the interjections אַהָהּ and נָא (q.v.).]

אֲנָא pron. pbh I (occurring in phrases quoted from Talmud or Midrash). [Related to Heb. אֲנִי (= I).]

אַנְאוֹרְגָּנִי adj. fw inorganic. [Formed from privative pref. an- and Gk. organon (= instrument). cp. Gk. anorganos (= without instruments) and see אוֹרֽגָנִי.]

אַנְאַלְפָבֵּית adj. fw analphabetic. [Formed from privative pref. an- and alphabet, from L. alphabētum, compounded of Gk. alpha and beta (names of the first two letters of the Gk. alphabet).] Derivative: אַנְאַלֽפָבֵּיתִיּוּת.

אַנְאַלְפָבֵּיתִיּוּת f.n. nh illiteracy. [Formed from אַנְאַלְפָבֵּית with suff. □ִי and suff. □וּת.]

אִנְבָּה f.n. pbh egg of a louse, nit. [Aram. אִנֽבָּא, of uncertain origin.]

אִנְגּוּל m.n. nh anglicization. [Verbal n. of אנגל.]

אַנְגִּינָה f.n. angina (disease). [L. angina (= quinsy), prob. a loan word from Gk. agchone (= a throttling, strangling, hanging), which derives from agchein (= to squeeze, esp. the throat, strangle, throttle, hang), a derivative of ie base *anĝh (= to narrow, compress). The form angina (instead of ancina) is due to the influence of the related angere (= press together, throttle). See ‘anger’ in my cedel.]

אנגל to anglicize. [Denominated from אַנֽגְּלִי.] — Pi. אִנְגֵּל tr. v. nh he anglicized. — Hith. הִתְאַנְגֵּל nh was anglicized.

אַנְגְּלִי adj. nh English. [Back formation from אַנֽגְּלִיָּה (= England). For the ending see adj. suff. □ִי.] Derivative: אנגל.

אַנְגְּלִיָּהI f.n. nh England. [Med. L. Anglia, from L. Anglī (= the Angles, in Late L. ‘the English’), which is of Teutonic origin, properly ‘the people coming from Angul’, a hook shaped district in Schleswig, from angul (= fishhook, angle), which is related to anga (= hook). See ‘angle’ (fishhook), and ‘angle’ (corner) in my cedel.]

אַנְגְּלִיָּהII f.n. nh English-woman. [Properly f. of אַנְגּֽלִי, used as a noun.]

אַנְגְּלִית f.n. nh English (language). [Properly f. of אַנְגְּלִי, used as a noun.]

אַנְגַּרְיָה f.n. pbh forced labor; seizure for public works. [L. angaria (= service to a lord), from Gk. aggareia (= impressment for the public service), [[pg-38]]from aggaros (= mounted, courier, messenger), which is ultimately of Sem. origin. cp. Akka. agarru (= hireling, hired laborer), from agāru (= to hire), which is related to Aram. אֲגַּר, אֶגַּר (= he hired), whence Arab. ‘’ajara’ (of s.m.).]

אֲנַגְרָמָּה m.n. fw anagram. [Modern L. anagramma, from Gk. anagrammatismos (= a transposition of letters), from anagrammatizein (= to transpose the letters of a word), which is formed from ana (= back), and gramma (= written character, letter). See גּֽרַם.]

אֶנְדוֹסְפֶּרְם m.n. fw endosperm. [Eng. endosperm, compounded of endo- (= within), and sperm. The first element derives from Gk. endo-, from endon (= within; lit.: ‘in the house’) from en (= in) and the base of domos (= house); see ‘dome’ (a building) in my cedel. The second element derives from Gk. sperma (= seed, germ, sperm); see ‘sperm’ in my cedel.]

אֶנְדֶּמִי adj. fw endemic. [From Gk. endemios, endemos (= dwelling in a place, native), from en (= in) and demos (= district, country, land, people), which stands for *dāmos (lit.: ‘a division of the people’), from ie base *-, *dāi- (= to cut off, separate, divide), whence also Gk. daimon (= god, goddess; lit.: ‘divider, distributor (of men’s destinies)’. See ‘demon’ in my cedel and cp. ‘demos’ ibid. cp. אֶפִּידֶמִי.]

אַנְדַּנְטֶה adj. & adv. fw andante (music). [It. andante, pres. part. of andare (= to go), which is related to Sp. and Portuguese andar (= to go), from VL ambītāre (= to go round), from L. ambītus, p. part. of ambīre (= to go round), which is compounded of ambi- (= about, around) and īre (= to go). See אִינִיצְיָאטוֹר and cp. אַמְבִּיצְיָה.]

אַנְדַּנְטִינוֹ adj. & adv. andantino (music). [It. andantino, dimin. of andante.]

אַנְדְּרוֹגִינוֹס m.n. nh hermaphrodite. [Gk. androgynos (= man-woman, hermaphrodite), from anes, gen. andros (= man), and gyne (= woman). See ‘androgynous’ and ‘gynandrous’ in my cedel.]

אַנְדְּרוֹלוֹמוּסְיָא, אַנְדְּרוֹלוֹמוּסְיָה f.n. 1 pbh pestilence. 2 nh confusion, chaos. [Gk. androlempsia, for androlepsia (= seizure of men in reprisal of the murder of a citizen abroad), compounded of aner, gen. andros (= man), and the stem of lambanein (= to take). See ‘andro’ and ‘lemma’ in my cedel.]

אֵנְדְּרוֹמֶדָה f.n. fw Andromeda (astronomy). [From Gk. Andromeda, daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia in Greek mythology, who was placed as a constellation in heaven. Lit. meaning ‘mindful of her husband’; compounded of aner, gen. andros (= man), and medesthai (= to be mindful of, give heed to, think of), which is related to medon, medeon (= guardian, ruler), properly pres. part. of the ancient verb medein (= to protect, rule over). See ‘meditate’ in my cedel.]

אַנְדַּרְטָא, אַנְדַּרְטָה pbh, resp. nh f.n. statue, image, bust. [Gk. andrias, gen. andriatos (= the image of a man, statue), from aner, gen. andros (= man), which is cogn. with Old I. náram (= man), na’ryaḥ (= virile). cp. דֶּנֽדִּי and the first element in אַנְדּֽרוֹלוֹמוּסְיָא, אַנְדּֽרוֹמֶדָה and in אַנְתּֽרוֹפּוֹלוֹגֽיָה.]

אנהI to lament, mourn, groan. [Related to the bases אנן, אנח, אנק.] — Qal אָנָה intr. v. he lamented, mourned (in the Bible it occurs only in the perf. form וְאָנוּ, Is. 3:26 and 19:8). Derivatives: אֹנִי, אֲנִיָּה, תַּאֲנִיָּה. cp. יוֹנָה.

אנהII prob. base of אֳנִי, אֳנִיָּה (= ship). [cp. Ugar. a̧ny (= fleet), a̧nyt (= ship), Arab. inā, Akka. unūtu (= furniture), Aram. מָאנָא, מָנָא, Syr. מָאנָא (= vessel, utensil, instrument, garment). The first meaning of אֳנִי, etc. was ‘vessel, utensil, receptacle’, whence developed the meaning ‘ship’. cp. Old Fren. vaisse (= vessel), whence Fren. vaisseau (= vessel, vase, ship), from Late L. vāscellum, dimin. of vāsculum, itself dimin. of vās (= vessel, dish), and its derivative Eng. vessel, which show the same sense development. The first ships were simple ‘vessels’ and ‘receptacles’.]

אנהIII to bring about, cause. [Related to Arab. ’ana (= the right time), ’ina (= has come).] — Pi. אִנָּה he brought about, caused (in the Bible occurring only Ex. 21:13). — Pu. אֻנָּה was brought about, befell, happened (in the Bible occurring only Ps. 91:10 and Pr. 12:21). — Hith. הִתְאַנָּה he found a pretext for a quarrel, sought a quarrel with (in the Bible occurring only Kin. II 5:7). Derivatives: הִתֽאַנּוּת, תְּאֻנָּה, תּוֹאֲנָה, prob. also תַּאֲנָה. cp. אֵתII.

אנהIV to deceive, overreach. [Back formation of אוֹנָאָה.] — Qal אָנָה tr. v. mh he deceived, overreached. — Pi. אִנָּה pbh (of s.m.). — Nith. נִתְאַנָּה pbh was deceived, was overreached.

אָֽנָה (pron.) see אָן.

אָֽנָּה (interj.) see אָנָּה.

אֻנָּה see אוּנָה.

אָֽנוּ pers. pron. we (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Jer. 42:6 as the Kethib, with the corresponding Qere אֲנַחְנוּ). [A secondary form of אֲנַחְנוּ. In the Mishnah, אָנוּ is the usual form. According to Nöldeke, Brockelmann and several other scholars, אנו was formed on the analogy of אֲנִי (= I). On the basis of this analogy אנו should be punctuated אֲנוּ in the context and אָנוּ in the pause, in correspondence to אֲנִי (in the context), אָנִי (in pause). For an analogous formation cp. Talmudic Aram. אֲנַן (= we). See אֲנַחֽנוּ.]

אָנוֹד m.n. fw anode (electricity). [Eng. anode, from Gk. anodos = way up), from ana (= up to) and odos (= way), for whose etymology see מֶתּוֹדָה. The term anode was introduced into electricity by the English physicist and chemist Michael Faraday (1791–1867). cp. קָתוֹד, אֵלֶקְטְרוֹד, סִינוֹד.]

אִנּוּךְ m.n. nh soldering. [Verbal n. of אִנֵּךְ. See אנך.]

אֲנוֹמָלִי adj. anomalous. [Formed with adj. suff. □ִי from Gk. anomalos (= unequal), which is formed from privative pref. an and omalos (= even), from omos (= one and the same), which derives from ie base *sem- (= one, together). See ‘same’ in my cedel and cp. ‘anomalous’ ibid. cp. אֲנוֹרְמָלִי.]

אֲנוֹמַלְיָה f.n. fw anomaly. [L. anōmalia, from Gk. anomalia (= inequality), from anomalos (= unequal). See אֲנוֹמָלִי and suff. □יָה.]

אָנוּן adj. mh mournful, sad, gloomy. [Pass. part. of אָנַן. See אנן.]

אַנּוֹנָה f.n. pbh 1 pbh annual produce; annual tax. 2 pbh provision, ration. 3 nh annuity. [L. annōna, from annus (= year), which stands for atnos and is cogn. with Old I. átati (= goes, moves on, wanders).]

אֲנוֹנָה f.n. fw Anona (botany). [Sp. anona (= custard apple), anón (= custard-apple tree), of Caribbean origin.]

אֲנוֹנִימִי adj. fw anonymous. [Formed with suff. □ִי from L. anōnymus, from Gk. anonymos (= without a name), from privative pref. an and onyma, dialectal form of onoma (= name). See נוֹמִינָלִי.] Derivative: אֲנוֹנִימִיּוּת.

אֲנוֹנִימִיּוּת f.n. fw anonymity. [Formed from אֲנוֹנִימִי with suff. □וּת.]

אָנוּס adj. 1 pbh forced, compelled. 2 mh Marrano. [Pass. part. of אָנַס, Pi. of אנס.]

אִנּוּס m.n. nh 1 compulsion. 2 violation, rape. [Verbal n. of אִנֵּס, Pi. of אנס.]

[[pg-39]]אֲנוּסָה f.n. pbh a raped woman. [f. of אָנוּס (q.v.).]

אֲנוֹפֶלֶס m.n. fw Anopheles (a genus of mosquitoes). [Modern L., from Gk. anopheles (= useless, hurtful, harmful), from privative pref. an and ophelos (= use, help, advantage), whence opsellein (= to increase, enlarge), ophelma (= advantage), which derives from ie base *phel- (= to swell).]

אֲנוֹרְמָלִי adj. fw abnormal. [Med. L. anōrmālis (= irregular, anomalous), a blend of L. anōmalus and nōrmālis (= normal). For the etymology of L. anōmalus see אֲנוֹמַלְיָה, for that of L. nōrmālis see נוֹרְמָלִי.]

אָנוּשׁ adj. severe, incurable, mortal. [From אנשׁ; formally, pass. part. of the (otherwise non-existing) Qal of אנשׁ.]

אֱנוֹשׁ m.n. (coll.) people, mankind. [Related to Aram. אֱנָשׁ, Syr. אֲנָשָׁא, Ugar. a̧nsh (= to be manly), Arab. ’ins (= mankind), ’unas, nas (= men), Akka. nishu (= people, nation), nishē (= people), tēnishēti, pl. (= human race, mankind). The above words are prob. related to אנשׁI (= to be weak).] Derivatives: אנשׁII, אֱנוֹשׁוּת, אֱנוֹשִׁי. cp. אֲנָשִׁים, אֱנָשֵׁי, נָשִׁים.

אִנּוּשׁ m.n. nh 1 personification. 2 anthropomorphism. [Verbal n. of אִנֵּשׁ. Pi. of אנשׁII.]

אֱנוֹשׁוּת f.n. mh humanity, mankind. [Formed from אֱנוֹשׁ with suff. □וּת.]

אֱנוֹשִׁי adj. human; humane. [Formed from אֱנוֹשׁ with suff. □ִי. cp. Arab. ’insāniyy (= human) from ’insan (= man).] Derivative: אֱנוֹשִׁיּוּת.

אֱנוֹשִׁיּוּת f.n. mh humanity; humaneness. [Formed from אֱנוֹשִׁי with suff. □וּת. cp. Arab. ’insāniyyah (= humanity), from ’insāniyy (= human).]

אֶנְזִים m.n. fw enzyme (biochemistry). [Ger. Enzym, coined by the German physiologist Wilhelm Kühne in 1878 from Med. Gk. enzymos (= leavened), from Gk. en (= in), and zyme (= leaven, ferment), which stands for ie *yūsmā and is related to Gk. zomos (= broth), from ie base *yūs (= broth). See ‘juice’ in my cedel.]

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