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אַרְגְּוָן m.n. purple (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Chron. II 2:6). [cp. Aram. אַרְגְּוָנָא and see אַרֽגָּמָן.] Derivative: אַרְגְּוֶנִית.

אִרְגּוּנִי adj. nh organizational. [Formed from אִרֽגּוּן with suff. □ִי.]

אַרְגְּוָנִית f.n. nh purple mantle. [Formed from אַרֽגּֽוָן with suff. □ִית.]

אַרְגָּז m.n. box, chest. [Related to Aram. אַרְגַּז, Syr. אַרְגָּזְתָּא, רְגָזְתָּא (= wallet), Arab. rijāzah (= counterweight). Prob. derived from base רגז, and possibly meaning ‘that which sways’.]

אַרְגָּזוֹן m.n. nh a small case. [Formed from אַרְגָּז with dimin. suff. □וֹן.]

אַרְגִּֽיעָה m.n. moment (used only in the phrase עַד אַרֽגִּיעָה, ‘instantly’). [Together with רֶגַע (= moment), prob. derived from רגעII.]

אֶרְגַּלְיָה f.n. pbh tools, instruments. [Gk. ergalia, pl. of ergaleion (= tool, instrument), from ergon (= work). See אֶרְגּֽ and cp. words there referred to.]

אַרְגָּמָן m.n. purple, red purple. [Prob. a loan word from Akka. argamannu, whence also Aram.–Syr. אַרְגְּוָנָא, whence Arab. ’urjuwān. For the change of m to w in words of Akka. origin cp. מַרְחֶשֽׁוָן, כִּסְלֵו. Gk. argemone (= a kind of poppy), is prob. a loan word from Heb. אַרְגָּמָן; see ‘Argemone’ in my cedel. cp. אַרְגְּוָן.] Derivatives: אַרֽגְּמָנִי, אַרֽגָּמָנָית.

אַרְגְּמָנִי adj. mh purple. [Formed from אַרְגָּמָן with suff. □ִי.]

אַרְגְּמָנִית f.n. nh Thais haemastoma (a kind of sea snail). [Formed from אַרְגָּמָן with suff. □ִית.]

ארגן to organize. [Denominated from Gk. organon (= instrument).] — Pi. אִרְגֵּן tr. v. nh he organized; he arranged. — Pu. אֻרְגַּן nh was organized; was arranged. — Hith. הִתֽאַרְגֵּן (of s.m.). Derivatives: אִרְגּוּן, הִתֽאַרְגּֽנוּת, מֽאַרְגֵּן, מֽאֻרְגָּן.

אַרְגָּעָה f.n. nh 1 quieting, calming. 2 (signal of) ‘all clear’. [A secondary form of הַרְגָּעָה. For the force of nouns of the form אַפְעָלָה in nh see אַבְחָנָה and cp. words there referred to.]

אָרָד m.n. nh bronze. [Coined by Eliezer ben Yehudah (1858–1922) from Akka. urdu (= bronze), which derives from Sumerian urud.] Derivative: אָרֹד.

אָרֹד adj. nh bronze. [From אָרָד.]

אִרְדּוּעַ m.n. nh croaking (of frogs). [From Aram. אוּרֽדְעָא (= frog).]

אַרְדִּיכָל m.n. pbh architect. [Together with Aram.–Syr. אַרְדִּיכְלָא, Syr. אַרְדֵּכְלָא, אַרְדִּיכֽלָא, prob. derived from Akka. aradēkal. cp. אַדְרִיכָל. Derivatives: אַרֽדִּיכָלוּת, אַרְדִּיכָלִי.

אַרְדִּיכָלוּת f.n. nh architecture. [Formed from אַרְדִּיכָל with suff. □וּת.]

אַרְדִּיכָלִי adj. nh architectural. [Formed from אַרְדִּיכָל with suff. □ִי.]

ארהI to gather, pluck. [Prob. related to Akka. arū (= storehouse, granary), Ethiop. ’aráya, ’arára, Tigre ’arā (= he [[pg-54]]gathered, reaped, harvested).] — Qal אָרָה tr. v. he plucked, picked, gathered fruit (in the Bible occurring only Cant. 5:1 and Ps. 80:13). Derivatives: אוֹרֶה, אָרוּי, אֲרִיָּה.

ארהII to burn; to kindle. [Arab. warā(y) (= he kindled), ’arā(y) (= it caught fire), whence ’iryah (= hearth, fireplace), ’arrā(y) (= he struck fire). See אֲרִיאֵלII.]

אֲרוּבָה f.n. pbh breadboard. [Of uncertain origin.]

אָרוּג adj. mh woven. [Pass. part. of אָרַג. See ארג.]

אָרוֹג m.n. nh webbing. [From ארג (= to weave).]

אָרוֹגַנְטִי adj. fw arrogant. [Fren., from L. arrogantem, accusative of arogans, pres. part. of arrogāre (= to claim as one’s own, to arrogate to oneself), from L. ad– pref. expressing direction towards or addition to) and rogāre (= to ask).]

אֶרוּדִיצְיָה f.n. fw erudition. [L. ērudītiō (= instruction, education), from ērudītus, p. part. of ērudīre (= to polish, instruct), from e– (= out of, from) and rudis (= rough).]

אֻרְוָה f.n. 1 crib, manger. 2 stall, stable. [Together with Aram. אוּרְיָא, Syr. אוֹרְיָא (= crib, stall, manger), whence Arab. ’iry, ’āriyyah (= stall, stable), prob. borrowed from Akka. urū (= enclosure, fence), which itself is a Sumerian loan word. cp. the secondary formations Akka. urē (= horses), urati (= mares).] Derivatives: אֻרֽוָן, אֻרְוֽתָן.

אָרוּז adj. 1 firm, solid, tight (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 27:24 in the form אֲרֻזִים). 2 nh packed (properly ‘held firmly together’). [Pass. part. of אָרַז. See ארז.]

אֵרֽוּחַ m.n. nh 1 accomodation. 2 hospitality. [Verbal n. of אֵרַח, Pi. of אָרַח. See ארח.]

אֲרוּחָה, אֲרֻחָה f.n. meal, food, dish. [Prob. formed from ארח with first suff. □ָה and orig. meaning ‘food for the journey’. It is also possible, however, to connect it with Akka. arāḥu (= to consume).]

אֶרוֹטִי adj. fw erotic. [Gk. erotikos (= caused by love; referring to love), from eros (= love, sexual desire), which is related to eran, erathai (= to love). Of uncertain etymology. For the ending see suff. □ִי.]

אָרוּי adj. mh plucked. [Pass. part. of אָרָה. See ארהI.]

אֲרוּכָה f.n. 1 healing, cure, recovery. 2 restoration. [Properly, ‘new flesh growing at the wounded spot’, from ארך. cp. the related Arab. ’arīkah (of s.m.), which derives from ’arika (= it began to heal — said of a wound), and shows the same sense development as אֲרוּכָה.]

אֲרוֹמָה f.n. fw aroma. [Gk. aroma (= fragrance, odor, spice), of uncertain origin.] Derivative: אֲרוֹמָתִי.

אֲרוֹמָתִי adj. fw aromatic. [Gk. aromatikos, from aroma. See אֲרוֹמָה with suff. □ִי.]

אֲרוֹן m.n. (pl. אֲרוֹנוֹת) 1 chest, box. 2 Ark. 3 coffin. [Related to Phoen. ארן, Aram. אַרְנָא, אֲרוֹנָא, Arab. ’īran, Akka. arānu (= chest). The form אָרוֹן in Heb., given by Even Shoshan in his מִלּוֹן חָדָשׁ, is wrong. Such a form does not exist. The form both for the undetermined abs. st. and the c. st. is אֲרוֹן and for the determined abs. st. הָאָרוֹן (see Kin. II 12:10 and Chron. II 24:8, the only passages in the Bible where the undetermined abs. st. occurs.] Derivative: אֲרוֹנִית.

אֻרְוָן m.n. nh stableboy, ostler. [Formed from אֻרְוָה with agential suff. □ָן.]

אֲרוֹנִית f.n. nh small bedside cupboard. [Formed from אֲרוֹן with dimin. suff. □ִית.]

אָרוּס m.n. pbh betrothed, fiancé, bridegroom. [From ארס; formally, pass. part. of the (otherwise not used) Qal.]

אֲרוּסָה f.n. pbh betrothed, fiancée, bride. [f. of אָרוּס.]

אֵרוּסִין m.n. pl. pbh betrothal, engagement. [Properly pl. of the verbal n. of אֵרַס (= he betrothed). See ארס.]

אֵרֽוּעַ m.n. mh happening, incident, event. [Properly verbal n. of אֵרַע, Pi. of ארע. The word אֵרוּעַ was coined by Rashi (1040–1105).]

אָרוּר adj. cursed, damned, damnable. [Pass. part. of אָרַרI. See ארר.]

אֵרוּשִׂים m.n. pl. nh betrothal, engagement. [A var. of אֵרוּסִין.]

אֻרְוְתָן m.n. nh stableboy, stableman. [Formed from אֻרְוָה with suff. □תָן. A collateral form of אֻרְוָן.]

ארז to be firm. [Arab. ’araza (= was firm), ’ariz (= firmly rooted). Base of אָרוּז, possibly also of אֶרֶז.] — Qal אָרַז nh he packed (in the Bible occurring only in the pass. part. אֲרֻזִים, meaning ‘firm, solid, light’).] — Niph. נֶאֱרַז nh was packed. Derivatives: אֲרִיזָה, אוֹרֵז. See אָרוּז.

אֶֽרֶז m.n. cedar. [Related to Aram.–Syr. אַרְזָא Ugar. a̧rz (= cedar). Arab. ’arzah, and Ethiop. ’arz are prob. Aram. loan words. Perhaps from base ארז.] Derivative: אַרְזָה.

אֹֽרֶז, אֽוֹרֶז m.n. pbh rice. [Hebraization of Gk. oryza (= rice), which derives from Old Pers. brīzi, from Afghan vrižē, ultimately from Old I. vrīhí (= rice). See ‘rice’ and cp. ‘Oryza’ in my cedel. cp. also אָרְזִית.]

אַרְזָה f.n. cedar panel (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Zeph. 2:14). [Formed from אֶרֶז with third suff. □ָה.]

אָרְזִית f.n. nh risotto. [Formed from אֹרֶז (= rice), with dimin. suff. □ִית, as loan translation of It. risotto, dimin. of riso (= rice).]

ארח to travel, journey. [Arab. rāḥa (= he went away), Tigre marḥa (= he showed the way, led, conducted). Base of אֹרַח, אוֹרְחָה. cp. ירח.] — Qal אָרַח intr. v. wandered, journeyed. — Pi. אֵרַח pbh he accommodated. — Hith. הִתְאָרַח pbh he stayed with. — Hiph. הֶאֱרִיחַ mh (of s.m.). — Hoph. הָאֳרַח nh was accommodated. Derivatives: אוֹרְחָה, אֵרוּחַ, אֹרַח, הַאֲרָחָה, מְאָרֵחַ.

אֹֽרַח m.n. (pl. אֳרָחָוֹת) 1 path, way, route. 2 mode, manner. 3 way of life. [From ארח. cp. BAram. אָרְחָא, Aram. אֹורֽחָא, OSArab. ארח, Akka. urḥu (= way).]

אֹרְחָא see אוֹרְחָא.

אֹרְחָה see אוֹרְחָה.

אַרְטֵזִית f. adj. artesian. [Formed with f. adj. suff. □ִית, from Fren. artésien (= of Artois), from Old Fren. Arteis, from L. Atrebatēs, a people that lived in the northwest of Gallia. cp. ‘arras’ in my cedel. Artesian well owes its name to the circumstance that the first such wells were established by Bélidor (1698–1761) in the province of Artois, who therefore called them puits artésiens.]

אַרְטִילֶרְיָה f.n. fw artillery. [Fren. artillerie, from Old Fren. artillier (= to provide with engines of war), from Med. L. articula (= engine of war), dimin. of ars (= art). cp. אַרֽטִיסְט. For sense development cp. Eng. engine, from L. ingenium (= nature, disposition, capacity).]

אַרְטִיסְט m.n. fw artist; artiste. [Fren. artiste, from It. artista, from arte (= art), from L. ars, gen. artis (= art), which is related to artus (= joint), and derives from ie *art–, enlargement of base *ar– (= to join). cp. אַרֽטִילֶדְיָה, אַרְמָדָה, אֲרִיתְמֶטִיקָה, and the first element in אֲרִיסְטוֹקְרַטְיָה, הַרְמוֹנְיָה, רִיטוּאָל. cp. also אוֹרְדִּינָטָה and the first element in רָטִיפִיקַצְיָה.]

אַרְטִיקוּלַצְיָה f.n. fw articulation. [Fren., from L. articulātiō (= separation into joints), from articulātus, p. part. of articulāre (= to separate into joints; to utter distinctly), from articulus (= joint).]

אַרְטִישׁוֹק m.n. fw artichoke. [Northern It. articiocco, altered from It. carciofo, [[pg-55]]from Sp. alcachofa, from Arab. alkarshū́f, from al- (= the) and karshū́f (= artichoke).]

אַרְטֶרְיָה f.n. fw artery. [L. artēria, from Gk. arteria (= windpipe, artery), prob. contracted from aerteria, which is a derivative of aeirein, airein (= to lift, raise, bear). See אָאוֹרְטָה and cp. the second element in מֵטֵאוֹר.]

אֲרִי, אַרְיֵה m.n. (pl. אֲרָיוֹת, also אֲרָיִים) lion. [Related to BAram. אַרְיֵה, Aram.–Syr. אַרְיָא (= lion), Ethiop. ’arwē (= wild beast), Akka. arū (= eagle). cp. Arab. ’arwā (= ibexes). cp. also the first element in אֲרִיאֵלI, אֲרִיאֵלIII,, and the first element in אֲרִינָמָל.]

אֲרִיאֵלI m.n. hero (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Sam. II 23:20). [Prob. stands for אֲרִיאֵל and lit. meaning ‘lion of God’. cp. אֶרְאֵל.]

אֲרִיאֵלII m.n. hearth of the altar in the Sanctuary (see Ezek. 43:15). [Of uncertain origin; possibly related to Arab. ’iryah (= hearth, fireplace). See ארהII and cp. הַרְאֵל.]

אֲרִיאֵלIII m.n. name of Jerusalem in Is. 29:1, 2, 7. [Prob. meaning lit. ‘lion of God’, and identical with אֲרִיאֵלI.]

אָרִיג m.n. pbh web, fabric, cloth. [From ארג.]

אֲרִיגָה f.n. pbh weaving. [Verbal n. of אָרַג. See ארג and first suff. □ָה.]

אַרְיֵה see אֲרִי.

אֲרִיָּה f.n. mh plucking, picking, gathering (of fruit). [Verbal n. of אָרָה. See ארהI and first suff. □ָה.]

אַרְיָה f.n. fw aria (music). [It. aria (= air, melody), from L. āērea, f. of the adj. āēreus (= pertaining to air), from āēr (= air), which derives from Gk. aer (= air), which is of uncertain origin. cp. the second element in מָלָרְיָה. cp. also ‘air’ (atmosphere) and ‘air’ (melody) in my cedel.]

אֲרִיזָה f.n. nh packing. [Verbal n. of אָרַז. See ארז and first suff. □ָה.]

אָרִֽיחַ m.n. pbh 1 a narrow brick. 2 a small bar. 3 square bracket. [Together with Aram.–Syr. ארחא (= half-brick), borrowed from Akka. arḥu.]

אָרִיךְ adj. nh long. [Aram. אֲרִיךְ. See ארך.]

אֲרִיכָא adj. pbh (pl. אֲרִיכִין) long (occurring esp. in phrases quoted from Talmud and Midrash, as in יוֹמָא אֲרִיכָא, ‘a long day’). [Aram., emphatic case of אָרִיךְ (= long). See ארך.]

אֲרִיכָה f.n. pbh 1 length, lengthiness. 2 patience, forbearance. [Formed from ארך with first suff. □ָה.]

אֲרִיכוּת f.n. pbh length, lengthiness, long life. [Formed from ארך with suff. □וּת.]

אֲרִינָמָל m.n. nh ant lion. [Compounded of אֲרִי (= lion), and נָמָל (= ant).]

אָרִיס m.n. pbh land tenant (who tills the owner’s soil for a share in the produce), lessee. [cp. עָרִיסII. From Aram. אָרִיסָא, which is a loan word from Akka. irrishū (= tiller of the soil, land tenant), from erēshu (= to till the soil). Arab. irrīs is an Aram. loan word.] Derivative: אֲרִיסוּת.

אֲרִיסוּת f.n. pbh land tenancy. [Formed from אָרִיס with suff. □וּת.]

אֲרִיסְטוֹן m.n. pbh a solemn feast, festive banquet. [Gk. ariston (= morning meal, breakfast; later ‘the midday meal’), formed from the locative a(i)eri (= in the morning). The suff. –sto–n in ariston stands for *d-to-, zero degree of root ed- (= to eat), whence Gk. edein, esthiein, L. edere (= to eat).]

אֲרִיסְטוֹקְרָט m.n. fw aristocrat. [Fren. aristocrate, back formation from aristocratie. See אֲרִיסְטוֹקְרַטְיָה.]

אֲרִיסְטוֹקְרָטִי adj. fw aristocratic. [From אֲרִיסְטוֹקֽרָט and suff. □ִי.]

אֲרִיסְטוֹקְרַטְיָה f.n. fw aristocracy. [Fren. aristocratie, from L. aristocratia, from Gk. aristokratia (= rule or govenment of the best), which is compounded of aristos (= best) and –kratia (= rule of), from kratos (= strength, power, rule). Aristos is superlative to areion (= better), and related to arete (= virtue), areskein (= to make good, conciliate). These words derive from ie base *ar- (= to join), whence also Gk. arthron (= a joint), L. artus (= joint, limb), ars (= art). See אַרְטִיסְט. For the etymology of kratos see □קֽרַטְיָה.]

אֲרִירָה f.n. pbh cursing, imprecation. [Verbal n. of אָרַר (= he cursed). See ארר and first suff. □ָה.]

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