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אפהI to bake. [Related to Aram. אֲפָא, Syr. אֱפָא (= he baked), Ugar. a̧py, Akka. epū (= to bake), Arab. mīfan, Ethiop. mōfeṭ (= oven). Egypt. ’apa (= something baked, pastry), is a Heb. loan word.] — Qal אָפָה tr. v. he baked. — Niph. נֶאֱפָה was baked. — Hith. הִתְאַפָּה pbh was baked. Derivatives: אָפוּי, אִפּוּי, אֲפִיָּה, אֲפִיפִית, מַאֲפֶה, מַאֲפִיָּה.

אפהII to characterize. [Back formation from אֹפִי.] — Pi. אִפָּה tr. v. nh he characterized. — Pu. אֻפָּה nh was characterized.

אַפּוֹfw pref. in words of Greek origin meaning ‘from, away from, asunder, separate’. [Gk. apo (= from, away from), cogn. with Old I. ápa (= away from), L. ab (= away from, from). See ‘of’ in my cedel and cp. אַבְּ□. cp. also פּוֹסְט.]

אֵפוֹא, אֵפוֹ, אֵיפוֹ adv. then, now, so. [Of uncertain origin. Possibly compounded of אֵי (= where) and פֹּה (= here), hence derivatively identical with אֵיפֹה (= where). According to Barth it is related to Ethiop. ’efō (= how).]

אֵפֹוד m.n. ‘ephod’. [cp. Syr. פֶּדְתָּא (= ephod). cp. also אֲפֻדָּה. According to Müller, Coptic ephut (= mantle) is perhaps a loan word from אֵפוֹד. אֵפוֹד stands for אֱפוֹד. See אֵבוּס and cp. words there referred to.]

אָפוּד adj. mh girded; encircled, encompassed. [Pass. part. of אָפַד. See אפר.]

אָפוּי adj. pbh baked. [Pass. part. of אָפָה. See אפהI.]

אִפּוּיI m.n. pbh baking. [From אפה; formally, verbal n. of the (otherwise not used) Pi. of אָפָה. See אפהI.]

אִפּוּיII m.n. nh characterization. [Verbal n. of אִפָּה. See אפהII.]

אִפּוּל m.n.nh 1 darkening. 2 blackboard. [Verbal n. of אִפֵּל, Pi. of אָפַל (= was dark). See אפל.]

אַפּוֹלוֹ m.n. fw Apollo (Greek mythology). [L. Apollō, from Gk. Apollon, which, according to Usener is related to an obsolete Greek verb meaning ‘to drive away (scil. evil)’, and cogn. with L. pellere (= to beat, strike; to drive). See ‘pulse’ (= throb) in my cedel and cp. ‘Apollo’ ibid.]

אַפּוֹלוֹגְיָה f.n. fw apology. [L. apologia, from Gk. apologia (= a speech in defense), from apologos (= story, tale, fable, apologue, account; lit.: ‘that which comes from a speech’), from apo (= from) and logos (= word, speech, discourse, account). See אַפּוֹ□ and □לוֹגְיָה.]

אָפוּן m.n. pbh a collateral form of אֲפוּנָה (q.v.).

אַפּוֹן m.n. nh a small nose. [Formed from אַף (= nose), with dimin. suff. □וֹן.]

אִפּוּן m.n. mh torturing on the wheel. [Verbal n. of אִפֵּן. See אפן.]

אֲפוּנְדָּה, אֲפֻנְדָּה f.n. pbh money belt. [Formed with prosthetic אֲ□ from L. funda (= sling; casting net; purse), which is perhaps cogn. with, or derives from, Gk. sphendone (= sling). L. funda was influenced in form by L. fundere (= to pour, shed). See ‘sphendone’ in my cedel.]

אֲפוּנָה f.n. pbh (pl. אֲפוּנִים) pea. [Of uncertain origin. cp. אָפוּן.]

[[pg-46]]אֶפּוֹס m.n. fw epos. [Gk. epos (= word, speech, tale, song; in pl. ‘epic poetry’). Related to Gk. ops (= voice), ossa (= voice tale), and cogn. with L. vox (= voice). cp. אֶפִּי, אֶפִּיקָה and the first element in אֶפּוֹפֵּיָה.]

אִפּוּס m.n. nh 1 annihilation, nullification. 2 zeroing. [Verbal n. of אִפֵּס, Pi. of אפס.]

אָפוּף adj. nh wrapped round, surrounded, encircled. [Pass. part. of אָפַף. See אפף.]

אֶפּוֹפֵּיָה f.n. epopee. [Fren. épopée, from Gk. epopoia (= an epic poem, epic poetry), from epopoios (= an epic poet), which is compounded of epos (see אֶפּוֹס) and poiein (= to make, produce, create). See פִּיּוּט.]

אָפוּץ adj. pbh closed tightly; crowded. [Pass. part. of אָפַץ. See אפץ.]

אִפּוּק m.n. nh restraint, abstinence, self control. [Verbal n. of אִפֵּק, Pi. of אפק.]

אַפּוֹקָלִיפְּטִי adj. fw apocalyptic(al). [Gk. apokalyptikos, from apokalyptein. See אַפּוֹקָלִיפְּסָה and adj. suff. □ִי.]

אַפּוֹקָלִיפְּסָה f.n. fw apocalypse. [L. apocalypsis, from Gk. apokalypsis (= revelation), from apokalyptein (= to uncover, disclose, reveal), from apo (= from; see אַפּוֹ□), and kalyptein (= to cover), which is related to kalypso (= Calypso, a sea nymph), kalybe (= cabin). See אֵיקָלִיפְּטוּס.]

אַפּוֹקְרִיפִי adj. fw apocryphal. See אַפּוֹקְרִיפִים and suff. □ִי.]

אַפּוֹקְרִיפִים m.n. pl. fw Apocrypha, books excluded from the number of the sacred books of the Bible. [L. Apocrypha, neuter pl. of apocryphus, from Gk. apokrypsos (= hidden away, kept secret), from apokryptein (= to hide away), from apo (= from; see אַפּוֹ□), and kryptein (= to hide) which derives from ie base *qrū-bh-, enlargement of base *qrū (= to hide).]

אָפוֹר see אָפֹר.

אִפּוּר m.n. nh (theatrical) make-up. [Verbal n. of אִפֵּר. See אפר.]

אֲפוֹרִיזְם m.n. fw aphorism. [Fren. aphorisme, from Med. L. aphorismus, from Gk. aphorismos (= definition), from aphorizein (= to define), from apo (= from; see אַפּוֹ□), and orizein (= to bound, limit), from oros (= boundary, limit, border), from ie base *weru- (= to draw). cp. ‘horizon’ in my cedel.]

אַפּוֹתֵאוֹזָה f.n. fw apotheosis. [L. apotheōsis, from Gk. apotheosis (= deification), from apo (= from; see אַפּוֹ□), and theos (= god). See אַפּוֹ□ and תֵּאוֹלוֹג.]

אַפּוֹתֵיקָה f.n. fw storehouse. [Gk. apotheke (= granary, storehouse; lit.: ‘a place wherein to lay up something’), from the stem of apotithenai (= to put away), from apo (= away from, from; see אַפּוֹ□) and tithenai (= to put, place). See תִּיק and cp. אִפּוֹתֵיקָה and דִּיָּתֵקֵי. cp. also הֶפְתֵּק.]

אִפּוֹתֵיקָה, אָפּוֹתֵיקֵי f.n. pbh pledge, mortgage. [Gk. hypotheke (= deposit, pledge, mortgage), from the stem of hypotithenai (= to put under, lay down, pledge), from hypo (= under) and tithenai (= to put, place). See אַפּוֹתֵיקָה and cp. הִיפּוֹתֵיזָה.]

אַפְטָרָה f.n. 1 pbh farewell-address. 2 nh epilogue. 3 nh dessert. [Aram., corresponding to Heb. הַפְטָרָה.]

אַפִּי adj. nh nasal. [Formed from אַף (= nose), with suff. □ִי.]

אֶפִּי adj. fw epic. [Formed with suff. □ִי from Gk. epos (see אֶפּוֹס).]

אֶפִּיfw pref. meaning ‘on, beside, among, above, anterior’. [Gk. epi-, ep-, aph-, from epi (= on, upon; up to, over, after; at; beyond, besides, in addition to). Cogn. with Old I. api (= also, besides), Avestic aipi (= also; to, toward). cp. ‘ob-’ in my cedel.]

אֹפִי, אוֹפִי m.n. character, nature. [Related to Aram. אוֹפִיתָא (= nature, disposition). In spite of the attempts of the lexicographers to find the origin of these words, their etymology is still unknown.] Derivatives: אפהII, אָפְיָנִי, אִפְיֵן.

אֶפִּיגוֹן m.n. fw epigone. [L. Epigonī (= the sons of the Seven who went against Thebes), from Gk. epigonoi (lit.: ‘born after’), pl. of epigonos, from epigignesthai (= to be born after), from epi — see אֶפִּי□ (= on, upon; after), and gignesthai (= to be born), which derives from ie base *ĝen-, *ĝenē-, *ĝenō-, *ĝn- (= to beget, bear, bring forth, produce), whence also L. genus (= birth, descent, origin, race, sort, kind, class, sex, gender). See ‘genus’ in my cedel.]

אֶפִּיגְרַם m.n. fw epigram. [Fren. épigramme, from L. epigramma, from Gk. epigramma (= inscription; epigram), from epigraphein (= to write upon), from epi (= on, upon), and graphein (= to write). See אֶפִּי□ and גְרַם.]

אֶפִּיגְרָף m.n. fw epigraph. [Gk. epigraphe (= inscription), from epigraphein. See אֶפִּיגְרַם.]

אֲפִידָה f.n. mh girding on the ‘ephod’. [Verbal n. of אָפַד. See אפד and first suff. □ָה.]

אֶפִּידֵמִי adj. fw epidemic (adj.) [Back formation from אֶפִּידֶמְיָה. For the ending see suff. □ִי.]

אֶפִּידֶמְיָה f.n. fw epidemic (n.). [Fren. épidémie, from Med. L. epidēmia, from Gk. epidemia, for epidemia vosos (= disease prevalent among the people), f. of epidemios (= among the people), from epidemos (= at home, current, prevalent), from epi (= among), and demos (= people). See אֶפִּי□ and אֶנְדֶּמִי.]

אֶפִּידֶמְיוֹלוֹג m.n. fw epidemiologist. [Back formation from אֶפִּידֶמֽיוֹלוֹגְיָה.]

אֶפִּידֶמְיוֹלוֹגִי adj. epidemiological. [Back formation from אֶפִּידֶמְיוֹלוֹגֽיָה. For the ending see suff. □ִי.]

אֶפִּידֶמְיוֹלוֹגְיָה f.n. fw epidemiology. [Compounded of Gk. epidemios (= prevalent among the people), and logia. See אֶפִּידֶמֽיָה and □לוֹגְיָה.]

אֶפִּידֶרְמִיס m.n. fw epidermis, the outer skin (anatomy). [Eng. epidermis, from Late L., from Gk. epidermis (= the outer skin; lit.: ‘that which is on the skin’), from epi (= on, upon), and derma (= skin). See אֶפִּי□. Derma was first used by the English philosopher Francis Bacon (1561–1626).]

אֲפִיָּה f.n. pbh baking. [Verbal n. of אָפָה. See אפהI and first suff. □ָה.]

אִפְיוּן m.n. nh characterization. [Verbal n. of אִפְיֵן. See אפין.]

אֶפִּיזוֹדָה f.n. fw episode. [Gk. epeisodion (= addition, episode), properly neuter of the adj. epeisodios (= coming in, besides, adventitious), from epi- (= at, on, in addition to), eis, es (= into), and odos (= way). See אֶפִּי□. See also ‘en’ and ‘odograph’ in my cedel.]

אֶפִּיזוֹדִי adj. fw episodic(al). [See אֶפִּי־זוֹדָה and adj. suff. □ִי.]

אֶפִּיטְרוֹפּוֹס m.n. pbh (pl. אֶפִּיטֽרוֹפְּסִים or אֶפִּיטְרוֹפְּסִין) guardian, procurator, administrator. [Gk. epitropos (= guardian, trustee, governor; properly ‘one to whom a charge is entrusted’), from epitrepein (= to turn to or toward, to entrust to one’s charge), from epi (= on, upon; see אֶפִּי□), and trepein (= to turn), which derives from ie base *trep- (= to turn). cp. טְרוֹפִּי and the first element in טְרוֹפּוֹסְפֵירָה.] Derivative: אֶפִּיטְרוֹפּֽסוּת.

אֶפִּיטְרוֹפְּסוֹת f.n. pbh guardianship, administration. [A hybrid coined from אֶפִּיטְרוֹפּוֹס and suff. □וּת.]

אָפִיל adj. ripening late (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ex. 9:32 in the form אֲפִילוֹת). [Related to [[pg-47]]Akka. ap̄atu (= to be late).]

אֶפִּילוֹג m.n. fw epilogue. [Ultimately from Gk. epilogos (= peroration; concluding part of a play, lit.: ‘a saying in addition’), from epilegein (= to say in addition), from epi (= on, upon; see אֶפִּי□), and legein (= to say, speak), which is related to L. legere (= to read, recite). See לִגְיוֹן and cp. פְּרוֹלוֹג.]

אֶפִּילֶפְּסְיָה f.n. fw epilepsy. [Ultimately from Gk. epilepsia (= liability to seizure, epilepsy), which is related to epilambanein (= to lay hold of, seize, attack), from epi (= on, upon), and the future stem of lambanein (= to take, grasp, seize). See אֶפִּי□ and דִּילֶמָּה. For the ending see suff. □יָה.]

אַפַּֽיִם m.n. pl. 1 nostrils. 2 anger, wrath. 3 region of the nose; face, countenance. [Dual of אַף (= nose). cp. כּֽלַפֵּי.]

אפין to characterize. [Back formation from אָפְיָנִי.] — Pi. אִפְיֵן tr. v. nh he characterized. — Pu. אֻפְיַן nh was characterized. Derivatives: אִפֽיוּן, מֽאֻפֽיָן.

אָפְיָן m.n. nh characteristic. [From אָפְיָנִי (q.v.).]

אָפְיָנִי adj. nh characteristic; typical. [Formed from אֹפִי with suff. □ִי. The נ in אָפֽיָנִי is euphonic. cp. שֵׁלָנִי (Num. 26:20), formed from שֵׁלָה; cp. also אֲמֵדִיקָנִי.] Derivatives: אפין, אָפְיָן.

אָפְיָנִיּוּת f.n. nh characteristics; typicalness. [Formed from אָפְיָנִי with suff. □וּת.]

אֲפִיסָה, אֲפִיסוּת f.n. mh cessation; absence. [אֲפִיסָה is verbal n. of אָפַס; see אפס and first suff. □ָה. אֲפִיסוּת is formed from אפס with suff. □וּת.]

אֶפִּיסְטִילָה f.n. fw architrave, epistyle. [Gk. epistylion, from epi (= on, upon; see אֶפִּי□), and stylos (= pillar, column), which is related to styein (= to make stiff, erect; to place, set). These words derive from ie base *st(h)āu-, *st(h)ū-, (= stiff, upright, post, pillar).]

אֲפִיסִי adj. nh zero-th (mathematics). [Formed from אֶפֶס (= zero), with suff. □ִי.]

אֲפִיפָה f.n. mh wrapping round, surrounding, encircling. [Verbal n. of אָפַף. See אפף and first suff. □ָה.]

אַפִּיפְיוֹר m.n. mh Pope. [Of uncertain origin. According to Kraus the word derives from Aram. אַפִּיפֽיוֹרָא (prob. meaning ‘dignitary’), which he regards as a corruption of Gk. papias (= keeper or janitor of the palace).] Derivatives: אַפִּיפֽיוֹרוּת, אַפִּיפְיוֹרִי.

אַפִּיפְיוֹרוּת f.n. nh papacy. [Formed from אַפִּיפְיוֹר with suff. □וּת.]

אַפִּיפְיוֹרִי adj. nh papal. [Formed from אַפִּיפֽיוֹר with suff. □ִי.]

אֲפִיפִית f.n. nh waffle. [Formed from אָפָה (= he baked; see אפה), through reduplication of the third radical. For the ending see first suff. □ִית.]

אָפִיק m.n. riverbed, channel. [From אפק. cp. Syr. אַפְקָא, Ugar. a̧pq (= stream), a̧pq thmtm (= the stream of the two deeps). cp. also אָבִיק (n.).]

אֶפִּיקָה f.n. fw epic. [From Gk. epikos (= epic, adj.), which derives from epos (= word, song; in pl., ‘epic, poetry’). See אֶפּוֹס.]

אֲפִיקוֹמָן m.n. pbh ‘afikoman’, a piece of ‘matzah’ broken off from the central of the three ‘matzoth’, used at the end of the meal at the Seder service (Jewish religion). [Gk. epikomion (= festal procession after the meal), properly subst. use of the neuter of the adj. epikomios (= of, or at, a festal procession), from epi (= on, upon; at; see אֶפִּי□), and komos (= banquet, merrymaking, revel). See קוֹמֶדְיָה.]

אֶפִּיקוֹרוֹס m.n. pbh (pl. אֶפִּיקוֹרוֹסִים, אֶפִּיקוֹרְסִים) 1 Epicurean. 2 atheist, heretic. [An appellative noun formed from the proper name Epicurus (341–270 B.C.E.), a Gk. philosopher.]

אֶפִּיקוֹרְסוּת f.n. pbh 1 Epicureanism. 2 atheism, heresy. [Formed from אֶפִּיקוֹרוֹס with suff. □וּת.] Derivative: אֶפִּיקוֹרְסִי.

אֶפִּיקוֹרְסִי adj. nh 1 Epicurean. 2 atheistic, heretic. [Formed from אֶפִּיקוֹרוֹס with adj. suff. □ִי.]

אִפְּכָא see אִיפּֽכָא.

אפל to be dark. [Related to Arab. afala (= it set — said of the sun, the moon, and the stars), and to Akka. apālu (= to be late).] — Qal אָפַל intr. v. mh was dark. — Niph. נֶאֱפַל mh became dark. — Pi. אִפֵּל darkened, blacked out. — Pu. אֻפַּל mh was darkened, was blacked out. — Hiph. הֶאֱפִיל pbh he darkened (tr.), obscured, darkened (intr.). — Hoph. הָאֳפַל mh was made dark, was darkened. — Pil. (see אפלל). Derivatives: אִפּוּל, אַפֽלוּל, אפלל, הַאֲפָלָה, מַאֲפִיל, מַאֲפֵל, מֽאֻפָּל, מַאֲפֵלָה, מַאְפֵּלְיָה.

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