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אֲפַרְפַּר adj. nh grayish. [Formed on the analogy of יְרַקְרַק (= greenish), from אָפֹר (= ash-gray).]

אַפְּרַקְדָן adv. pbh lying on one’s back, supine. [Aram., see פְּרַקְדָּן.]

אפרר to incinerate. [Denominated from אֵפֶר.] — Pi. אִפְרֵר nh he incinerated. — Pu. אֻפֽרַר nh was incinerated. Derivative: אִפֽרוּר.

אֶפְרָתִי adj. 1 Ephraimite. 2 mh aristocrat, nobleman. [Formed with suff. □ִי from אֶפְרָת, secondary form of אֶפְרַיִם.]

אֶֽפֶשׁ m.n. pbh wish, desire. [Together with Syr. אֶפֶשׁ of uncertain origin. According to Fleischer both these words are borrowed from Gk. ephesis (= a throwing at; appeal — a law term; permission; desire). This latter word derives from ephienai (= to send to, send against, hurl at, impose upon), from epi (= on, upon; at; see אֶפִּי□), and ienai (= to send, throw, hurl), which stands for yi-ye-nai, and is cogn. with L. jacēre (= to throw).]

אִפְשׁוּר m.n. nh making possible. [Verbal n. of אִפְשֵׁר. See אפשׁר.]

אֶפְשָׁר adv. pbh possibly, maybe, perhaps. [Of uncertain origin. The usual connection with פָּשַׁר (= it melted, dissolved), must be rejected for semantic reasons.] Derivatives: אפשׁר, אֶפְשָׁרוּת, אֶפְשָׁרִי.

אפשׁר to make possible. [Back formation from אֶפְשָׁר.] — Pi. אִפְשֵׁר tr. v. he made possible. — Pu. אֻפְשַׁר nh was made possible. — Nith. נִתְאַפֽשֵׁר nh (of s.m.). Derivative: אִפְשׁוּר.

אֶפְשָׁרוּת f.n. mh possibility. [Formed from אֶפְשָׁר with suff. □וּת.]

אֶפְשָׁרִי adj. mh possible. [Formed from אֶפְשָׁר with suff. □ִי.]

אַפָּתִי adj. fw apathetic. [Back formation from אַפָּתְיָה.]

אַפַּתְיָה f.n. fw apathy. [Ultimately from Gk. apatheia (= freedom from suffering, impassibility), from apathes (= without suffering, impassible), from privative pref. a- and pathos (= feeling, suffering, passion). See פָּתוֹס and cp. ‘apathy’ in my cedel.]

אַפְתָּעָה f.n. nh surprise. [A secondary form of הַפְתָּעָה. For the difference of meaning between these two words see אַבְחָנָה.]

אָץ adj. hurrying, hastening. [Part. of אוּץ (= to make haste). See אוץ.]

אִצְבּֽוּעַ m.n. nh digitation. [Verbal n. of אִצֽבַּע. See אצבע.]

אֶצְבַּע f.n. (pl. אֶצֽבָּעוֹת) 1 finger, toe. 2 pbh index finger. 3 nh inch. [Related to JAram. אֶצֽבַּע, אֶצֽבּֽעָא, Ugar. u̧ṣb, Syr. צֶבֽעָא, Egypt.-Aram. צבע, OSArab. אצבע, Ethiop. ’aṣbā‘t, Akka. iṣbittu, Mand. צבאתא (= finger). cp. Egypt. ṣb (= finger). The א in אֶצֽבַּע is prosthetic.] Derivatives: אצבע, אֶצְבָּעוֹן, [[pg-50]]אֶצֽבּֽעוֹנִי, אֶצֽבּֽעוֹנִית, אֶצֽבָּעִי, צבעII.

אצבע to finger. [Denominated from אֶצֽבַּע.] — Pi. אִצֽבַּע tr. v. nh he fingered. — Pu. see מְאֻצְבָּע. Derivatives: אִצֽבּוּעַ, מֽאֻצֽבָּע.

אֶצְבָּעוֹן m.n. nh thimble. [Formed from אֶצְבַּע (= finger), with subst. suff. □וֹן.]

אֶצְבְּעוֹנִי adj. nh dwarfish, midget. [Formed from אֶצֽבַּע (= finger) with suff. □וֹנִי.]

אֶצְבְּעוֹנִית f.n. nh Digitalis (a genus of plants); foxglove. [Formed with suff. □ִית from אֶצְבַּע (= finger) as loan translation of Modern L. Digitālis, which was coined by the German botanist Leonard Fuchs in 1542 from L. digitālis (= pertaining to the fingers). Modern L. Digitālis itself is a loan translation of Ger. Fingerhut (= thimble; foxglove); so called in allusion to the fingershaped corollas.]

אֶצְבָּעִי adj. very small, tiny, dwarfish. [Formed from אֶצֽבַּע (= finger), with suff. □ִי.]

אַצָּה f.n. pbh alga, seaweed. [Perhaps from Gk. oisun, oisuon (= a kind of a willow), which are related to itea, eitea (= willow).]

אַצְוָה f.n. pbh batch of loaves baked together. [From Aram.-Syr. אָצוּתָא (= dough; batch), which is of uncertain etymology.]

אִצּוּל m.n. nh ennoblement. [Verbal n. of אִצֵּל, Pi. of אצל.]

אָצוּר adj. pbh hidden, latent. [Pass. part. of אָצַר. See אצר.]

אִצְטַבָּה f.n. pbh (pl. אִצֽטַבּוֹת, also אִצֽטַבָּאוֹת) 1 colonnade. 2 portico. 3 balcony. 4 shelf. 5 bench (fixed to the wall). [Gk. stoa (= colonnade, porch, corridor), from ie base *sthōu-, *sthāu-, *sthū- (= upright; a post, pillar). See ‘steer’ (to direct) in my cedel and cp. ‘stauro-’ ibid.]

אִצְטַגְנִין m.n. pbh astrologer. [Of uncertain origin. All the attempts made to find the origin of this word lack probability.] Derivative: אִצְטַגְנִינוּת.

אִצְטַגְנִינוּת f.n. pbh astrology; horoscope. [A hybrid formed from אִצֽטַגֽנִין with the Heb. suff. □וּת.]

אִצֽטַדֽיוֹן m.n. pbh arena. [Formed with prosthetic אִ□ from Gk. stadion (= racecourse, stadium), which is a blend of stadion (= racecourse), and stadion, neuter of stadios (= fix, firm). See ‘stadium’ in my cedel. Stadion is a derivative of stan (= to draw, tear), from ie base *spē(i)-, *spe (= to draw, span, stretch, extend); see ‘space’ in my cedel. Stadios comes from ie base *stā- (= to stand); see סְטָטִי.]

אִצְטוֹמְכָה see אִסְטוֹמֽכָה.

אֲצֶטוֹן m.n. fw acetone (chemistry). [A hybrid coined from L. acētum (= vinegar), which derives from acēre (= to be sour) and Gk. suff. -one. See ‘acrid’ and suff. ‘-one’ in my cedel. cp. אֲצֶטָט. cp. also אַקְרָה.]

אִצְטְוָנָה f.n. mh cylinder. [From Pers. usṭūn (= column, pillar), whence also Arab. ustuwānah (of s.m.).] Derivative: אִצְטְוָנִי.

אִצְטְוָנִי adj. nh cylindrical. [Formed from אִצֽטְוָנָה with suff. □ִי.]

אֲצֶטָט m.n. fw acetate (chemistry). [Modern L. acetātum, from L. acētum (= vinegar). See אֲצֵטוֹן. For the ending ‘-ātum’ see chemical suff. ‘-ate’ in my cedel.]

אֲצֶטִילֶן m.n. fw acetylene (chemistry). [Fren. acétylène, coined by the French chemist Marcelin-Pierre-Eugène Berthelot (1823–1907) from acetyl, from Gk. Acetyl, a hybrid coined by the German chemist Justus von Liebig in 1839 from L. acētum (see אֲצֵטוֹן) and suff. ‘-yl’.]

אִצְטְלָא, אִצְטְלָה f.n. pbh robe, garment. [Formed with prosthetic אִ□ from stole (= equipment, garment), which stands in gradational relationship to stellein (= to set in order, arrange, equip; to send), stele (= a block of stone, gravestone). These words derive from ie base *st(hel)-, an enlargement of base *st(h)ā- (= to stand). See סֽטָטִי and cp. אַסְטֶלָה.]

אִצְטְרֻבָּל m.n. pbh 1 pine, cone. 2 cone (geometry). [Formed with prosthetic אִ□ from Gk. strobilos (= anything that spins round like a top, anything twisted; pine cone), from strobos (= a spinning round), which derives from IE base *streb- (= to turn, twist). Cp. ‘strobile’ and ‘strophe’ in my cedel.] Derivative: אִצֽטְרֻבָּלִי.

אִצְטְרֻבָּלִי adj. nh pineal. [Formed from אִצְטֽרֻבָּל with adj. suff. □ִי.]

אַצְטְרוֹלָב m.n. mh astrolabe. [Med. L. astrolabium, from Gk. astrolabon (organon), lit. ‘startaking (instrument)’, from astron (= star) and the stem of lambanein (= to take).]

אָצִילI m.n. side, part (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 41:9). [From אצלII.]

אָצִילII m.n. nobleman, aristocrat (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ex. 24:11). [Prob. derived from אצלI and lit. meaning ‘firmly rooted’. cp. Arab. ’aṣīl (= of noble origin), which derives from ’aṣl (= root), hence shows the same sense development.] Derivatives: אצלII, אֲצֻלָּה, אֲצִילוּת, אֲצִילִי.

אַצִּיל m.n. (also אַצִּילָה, f.n.) joint of the hand. [From אצלII.]

אֲצִילָהI f.n. noble woman. [See אָצִילII.]

אֲצִילָהII f.n. mh emanation. [Verbal n. of אצלI. For the ending see first suff. □ָה.]

אַצִּילָה see אַצִּיל.

אֲצִילוּת f.n. mh 1 aristocracy, nobility. 2 emanation. [Formed from אָצִיל with suff. □וּת.]

אֲצִילִי adj. mh aristocratic, noble. [Formed from אָצִילII with adj. suff. □ִי.]

אֲצִירָה f.n. nh accumulating, collecting. [Verbal n. of אָצַר. See אצר and first suff. □ָה.]

אצלI to lay aside, set apart, reserve, emanate. [Base of Arab. ’aṣl (= root, origin, source), ’aṣula (= was, or became, firmly rooted), Nabatean אצלא (= landed property), and prob. also of אֲצִילָהII.] — Qal אָצַל tr. v. 1 he laid aside, set apart, reserved. withheld, withdrew. 2 mh he emanated. he influenced. — Niph. נֶאֱצַל 1 was laid aside, was withdrawn. 2 mh was emanated; was influenced. — Hiph. הֶאֱצִיל mh 1 he withdrew; 2 mh he emanated. — Hoph. הָאֳצַל mh was influenced. — Hith. הִתֽאַצֵּל mh was laid aside. Derivatives: אֲצִילָה, הַאֲצָלָהI, הִתֽאַצְלוּת, נֶאֱצָל.

אצלII [Base of אַצִּיל (= joint of the hand) and of אֵצֶל (= be the side of); prob. denominated from אֵצֶל. Prob. related to Syr. יַצִּילָא (= joint, elbow), Phoen. יצלת (= joint). cp. Arab. waṣala (= he joined, connected, united), Akka. eṣēlu (= to bind).]

אצלIII to ennoble. [Denominated from אָצִילII.] — Niph. נֶאֱצַל nh was ennobled. — Pi. אִצֵּל nh he ennobled, raised to peerage. — Hiph. הֶאֱצִיל nh he ennobled, raised to peerage. — Hoph. הָאֳצַל nh was ennobled, was raised to peerage. Derivatives: אִצּוּל, הַאֲצָלָהII, הִתְאַצּֽלוּת, נֶאֱצָלII.

אֵֽצֶל prep. 1 by the side of, beside, near. 2 nh care of (postal address). [Properly a noun meaning ‘side’, derived from אצלII. אֶצֽלִי, etc., in the sense ‘of my opinion’, etc., is a loan translation of Arab. ‘indī(y), etc.]

אֲצֻלָּה f.n. nh nobility. [Formed from אָצִיל (= nobleman), with first suff. □ָה.]

אֶצְעָדָה f.n. bracelet. [Prob. meaning orig. ‘step chain’, and formed with prosthetic אֶ□ from צעד (= to step). cp. צְעָדָהII.]

אצר to store up. [Related to Aram. אֲצַר [[pg-51]](= he stored up), and prob. also to Arab. aṣara (= he shut up, confined).] — Qal אָצַר tr. v. he stored up, accumulated, collected. — Niph. נֶאֱצַר was stored up, was collected. — Pi. אִצֵּר pbh he stored up, accumulated, collected. Derivatives: אוֹצֵר, אֲצִירָה, prob. also אוֹצָר.

אֶקְדּוֹחָן see אֶקְדָּחָן.

אֶקְדָּחI m.n. carbuncle (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 54:12). [Lit. prob. meaning ‘flashing or sparkling stone’ and derived from קדח (= to kindle). cp. Arab. qaddāḥah (= fire steel, fire iron). cp. אֶקְדָּחII.]

אֶקְדָּחII, אֶקְדּוֹחַ m.n. nh revolver, pistol. [Lit.: ‘firearm’. Coined by Eliezer ben Yehudah (1858–1922) from קדח (= to kindle). cp. אֶקֽדָּחI.] Derivatives: אֶקֽדּוֹחָן, אֶקְדָּחוֹן, אֶקְדָּחָן.

אֶקְדָּחוֹן m.n. nh a small revolver. [Formed from אֶקְדָחII with dimin. suff. □וֹן.]

אֶקְדָּחָן, אֶקְדּוֹחָן m.n. nh pistoleer. [Formed from אֶקְדָּחII, resp. אֶקְדּוֹחַ with agential suff. □ָן.]

אַקְדָּמָה f.n. mh [A var. of הַקְדָמָה.]

אַקְדָּמוּת f.n. mh 1 beginning. 2 name of the Aram. liturgic poem composed by Rabbi Meir ben Isaac Nehorai (ca. 1060) and recited on the first day of Shavuoth before the reading of the Law. [Aram., ‘beginning’, from אַקְדֵּם (= he preceded, anticipated), from קְדַם (= he preceded), which is related to Heb. קדם (of s.m.).]

אֲקָדֵמִי adj. fw academic(al). (Back formation from אֲקָדֶמֽיָה.]

אֲקָדֶמְיָה f.n. fw academy. [L. acadēmia, from Gk. Akademeia, from earlier Ekademeia (= the Academy), a gymnasium near Athens where Plato taught. Akademeia orig. meant ‘the olive grove of Academus’.]

אַקּוֹ m.n. (pl. אֲקוֹיִם) (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Deut. 14:5 and prob. meaning ‘wild goat’ or ‘ibex’. [Of uncertain origin.]

אַקְוֶדוּקְט m.n. fw aqueduct. [L. aquae ductus (= a conduit; lit.: ‘a conveyance of water’), from aquae (= water), and ductus (= a leading), from ductus, p. part. of dūcere (= to lead). cp. אַקֽוַרְיוֹן and אַקְוָרֶל and see דֻּכָּס.]

אֶקְוָטוֹר m.n. fw equator. [Late L. aequator (= one who, or that which, equalizes), used in the sense of (circulus) aequātor diēi et noctis (= equalizer of day and night), from L. aequātus, p. part. of aequāre (= to make level or equal), from aequus (= level, equal, like), which is of uncertain origin.] Derivative: אֶקְוָטוֹרִי.

אֶקְוָטוֹרִי adj. fw equatorial. (Formed from אֶקֽוָטוֹר with suff. □ִי.]

אֶקֹולוֹגְיָה f.n. fw ecology. [Ger. Ökologie, coined by the German biologist Ernst Heinrich Haeckel (1834–1919) from oikos (= house) and -logia. See אֶקוֹנוֹמְיָה and □לוֹגְיָה.]

אַקּוּמוּלָטוֹר m.n. fw accumulator (now replaced by מַצְבֵּר). [L. accumulātor (= one who, or that which, accumulates), from accumulātus, p. part. of accumulāre (= to heap up), from ad (= to, toward), and cumulus (= heap), which prob. stands for *k̂u-me-los (= a swelling) and derives from ie base *k̂ew(e)-, *k̂ū- (= to swell), whence also Gk. kuein (= to become or be pregnant), L. cāvus (= hollow). See ‘cave’, verbal suff. ‘-ate’ and agential suff. ‘-or’ in my cedel.]

אֶקוּמֶנִי adj. fw ecumenic, ecumenical. [Late L. oecūmenicus, from Gk. oikomenikos (= open to the whole world), from oikumene (= the inhabited world), from oikein (= to inhabit), from oikos (= house, abode, dwelling).]

אֶקוֹנוֹמִי adj. fw economical. [Back formation from אֶקוֹנוֹמְיָה. For the ending see suff. □ִי.]

אֶקוֹנוֹמְיָה f.n. fw economy. [L. oeconomia, from Gk. oikonomia (of s.m.), from oikonomos (= the manager of a household, steward), which is compounded of oikos (= house, dwelling, place to live in), and nomos (= managing). cp. the first element in אֶקֹולוֹגְיָה. For the ending of אֶקוֹנוֹמְיָה see suff. □יָה.]

אֲקוּסְטִי adj. fw acoustic. [Gk. akoustos. See אֲקוּסְטִיקָה and suff. □ִי.]

אֲקוּסְטִיקָה f.n. fw [Fren. acoustique, from Gk. akoustikos (= pertaining to hearing), from akoustos (= heard, audible), verbal adj. of akouein (= to hear) which is prob. formed from copul. pref. a- and ie base *(s)qeu-, *(s)qēu- (= to look at, observe, perceive), whence also koein (= to mark, perceive, hear). See ‘hear’ in my cedel and cp. ‘acoustic’ ibid.]

אַקּוֹרְד m.n. fw accord. [Fren. accord, back formation from accorder (= to agree), from VL accordāre (= to agree), from L. ad (= to, toward), and cor (= heart). See קוֹרְדֽיָקוֹס and cp. אַקּוֹרֽדְּיוֹן.]

אַקּוֹרְדְּיוֹן m.n. fw accordion. [Ger. Akkordion, from Akkord, from Fren. accord (in the sense of ‘harmony’), with suff. -ion, on the analogy of clarion. See ‘-ion’ in my cedel.]

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