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אֶֽרֶר m.n. mh curse (poetical). [From ארר.] ארשׂ

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אֶֽרֶר m.n. mh curse (poetical). [From ארר.]

ארשׂ to betroth. [Among the many attempts to find the origin of this word the most probable is the one which connects it with Akka. ērishu (= bridegroom), irshitu (= betrothal), which, according to Haupt, derive from Akka. erēshu (= to desire). See אֲרֶשֶׁת and cp. אֵרַס. cp. also Arab. ‘arus (= bridegroom). For the change of א to ע see the introductory article to letter א.] — Pi. אֵרַשׂ tr. v. he betrothed. — Pu. (f.) אֹרְשָׂה she was betrothed. Derivatives: אֵרוּשִׂים, מְאֹרָשָׂה.

אֶֽרֶשׁ m.n. expression. [Back formation from אֲרֶשֶׁת.]

אֲרֶֽשֶׁת f.n. expression (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ps. 21:3 in the phrase שְׂפָתָיו אֲרֶשֶׁת, which is usually rendered by ‘the request of his lips’. Most Jewish commentators, however, render אֲרֶשֶׁת שְׂפָתָיו by ‘expression of his lips’. [Prob. related to Akka. erēshu (= to desire), erishtu (= desire, request).] Derivative: אֶרֶשׁ.

אֵשׁ f.n. (pl. אִשִּׁים) fire. [Related to BAram. אֶשָּׁא, JAram. אִשָּׁא, emphatic st. אִשָּׁתָא, Ugar. i̧sht, Ethiop. ’esāt (= fire), Akka. ishatu (= fire, fever). Syr. אֶשָּׁתָא (= fever), is prob. an Akka. loan word. cp. אִשֶּׁא.] Derivative: אִשִּׁי.

אֶשְׁבּוֹל m.n. nh spadix. [A blend אֶשְׁכּוֹל (= cluster), and שִׁבֹּלֶת (= ear of corn).] Derivative: אֶשְׁבּוֹלִי.

אֶשְׁבּוֹלִי adj. nh spadiceous (botany). [Formed from אֶשְׁבּוֹל with adj. suff. □ִי.]

אֶשְׁבּֽוֹרֶן, אַשְׁבֹּֽרֶן m.n. pbh 1 level country. 2 flat place, where water gathers: pool. [Prob. related to Arab. mushābir (= swamp). According to B. Gross אַשְׁבֹּרֶן is borrowed from Gk. symphoreon, pres. part. of symphorein (= to bring together), or from symphors (= a bringing together), which both derive from sympherein, antonym of katapherein (= to bring down). Accordingly, symphora/ē, *sybborē, *sybore, *sborē, *asboren (with prosthetic a). Gk. sympherein is formed from syn (= with, together with; see סִינְ□) and pherein (= to bear, carry). See אֲנָפוֹרָה.]

אֶשְׁגָּר m.n. nh despatch, consignment. [Formed from שׁגר.]

אַשְׁגָּרָה f.n. pbh 1 habit, routine. 2 slip of the tongue; slip of the pen. [A collateral form of הַשְׁגָּרָה. cp. Aram. אַשְׁגַּרְתָּא (= current phrase).]

אשׁד to pour. [Aram. אשׁד (= to pour), Syr. אֱשַׁד (= he poured out), Arab. ’asada (= he pursued). Base of אֶשֶׁד and אֲשֵׁדָה. The orig. meaning of these words prob. was ‘he rushed, plunged’. cp. the Arab. root ’a–s–d (= rush) and the n. ’asad (= lion).]

אֶֽשֶׁד m.n. waterfall, cascade. [From אשׁד.]

אֲשֵׁדָה f.n. 1 slope of a mountain. 2 waterfall. [Formed from אשׁד with first suff. □ָה.]

אַשְׁדּוֹדִית f.n. 1 language of the Ashdod people (Neh. 13:24). 2 nh a foreign language. 3 nh pidgin, jargon. [Formed from אַשְׁדּוֹד (= Ashdod).]

אִשָּׁה f.n. (pl. נָשִׁים, also, very rare, אִשּׁוֹת) woman, wife. [Related to Aram. אִנְתְּתָא, אִתְּתָא, Syr. אַתְּתָא, Nab. אתתה, Ugar. a̧tt, Arab. ’unthā, Ethiop. ’anest, Akka. ashshatu, OSArab. אנתת (= woman, wife). The origin of these words is uncertain. They are not related to אִישׁ and אֱנוֹשׁ.]

אִשֶּׁה m.n. (pl. אִשִּׁים) burnt offering. [Prob. nomen unitatis formed from אֵשׁ and lit. meaning ‘offering made by fire’.]

אַשְׁוָה f.n. pbh spool, reel. [Prob. lit. meaning ‘that which is placed’ and derived from the base of שִׁוָּה (= he put, placed); see שׁוה. cp. Syr. שׁוּוַיְתָא (= spool, reel), which is prob. formed form Aram.–Syr. שַׁוִּי (= Heb. שִׁוָּה). cp. אַשְׁוָיָה.]

אַשּֽׁוּחַ m.n. pbh fir (tree). [Related to Aram.–Syr. אַשּׁוּחָא, Arab. shuḥ (= fir).]

אַשְׁוָיָה f.n. pbh spool, reel. [A collateral form of אַשְׁוָה.]

אִשּׁוּם m.n. nh accusation, charge, indictment. [From אָשַׁם. Formally, verbal n. of אִשֵּׁם. Pi. of אשׁם.]

אָשׁוּן adj. nh hard, rough, stiff, rigid. [Aram. אֲשׁוּן, אֲשׁוּנָא (= strong). cp. Arab. ḥashin (= rough), ḥashun (= was rough). For the interchangeability of א and ח see the introductory entry to the letter ח.] Derivative: אֲשִׁינוּת.

אֱשׁוּן m.n. time (?) (a hapax legomenon in the Bible. occurring Pr. 20:20 in the phrase בֶּאֱשׁוּן חֹשֶךְ, which prob. means ‘at the time of darkness’). [Together with Aram. אֲשׁוּנָא prob. borrowed from Akka. ishinnu (= fixed time), which itself is a Sumerian loan word.]

אַשּׁוּרI 1 Ashur (= the second son of Shem). 2 f.n. the land of Assyria. 3 m.n. the people of Assyria. [Akka. Ashshur. cp. [[pg-58]]סוּרְיָה.] Derivative: אַשּׁוּרִי.

אַשּׁוּרII m.n. box tree (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ezek. 27:6 in the phrase בַּת־אֲשֻׁרִים). [Of uncertain origin. Some scholars explain בַּת־אֲשֻׁרִים as one word and read בִּתְאֲשֻׁרִים. See תְּאַשּׁוּר.]

אָשׁוּר, אָשֻׁר m.n. step. [From אשׁרI.]

אִשּׁוּרI m.n. nh pronouncing happy. [Verbal n. of אִשֵּׁר, Pi. of אשׁרII.]

אִשּׁוּרII m.n. 1 pbh confirmation, corroboration. 2 nh authentication. [Verbal n. of אִשֵּׁרIII.]

אַשּׁוּרוֹלוֹג m.n. fw Assyriologist. [Back formation frōm אַשּׁוּרוֹלוֹגְיָה.]

אַשּׁוּרוֹלוֹגְיָה f.n. fw Assyriology. [Formed from אַשּׁוּרI and □לוֹגֽיָה (= logy).]

אַשּׁוּרִי adj. & n. pbh Assyrian. [Formed from אַשּׁוּר with gentilic suff. □ִי.]

אַשּׁוּרִית f.n. pbh the Assyrian language. [f. of אַשּׁוּרִי used as a noun.]

אָשׁוּת f.n. pbh mole (the animal). [Together with Aram. אָשׁוּתָא, of unknown origin.]

אִשּׁוּת f.n. mh married state, matrimony. See אִישׁוּת.

אִשִּׁי adj. mh of fire, fiery. [Formed from אֵשׁ (= fire), with suff. □ִי.]

אָשְׁיָה f.n. pillar; foundation, base (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Jer. 50:15 in the pl. אָשֽׁיוֹתֶיהָ). [Prob. a loan word from Akka. asītu (= pillar), whence also Aram.–Syr. אָשִׁיתָא (= pillar). Arab. ’āsiyah (= pillar) is an Aram. loan word.]

אֲשִׁינוּת f.n. nh hardness, roughness, stiffness, rigidity. [Formed from אָשׁוּן with suff. □וּת.]

אֲשִׁישָׁהI f.n. (pl. אֲשִׁישׁוֹת, also אֲשִׁישִׁים) cake made of dried, compressed grapes. [Prob. lit. meaning ‘something compact or solid’, and derived from אשׁשׁ. For the ending see first suff. □ָה.]

אֲשִׁישָׁהII f.n. mh bottle of glass, flagon. [From Aram. אֲשִׁישָׁא, which is of unknown origin. cp. אֶשֶׁשׁ.]

אֶֽשֶׁךְ m.n. testicle. [Related to Syr. אֶשְׁכּֽתָא, Ugar. u̧shk, Ethiop. ’eskit, Akka. ishku (= testicle).] Derivatives: אַשֶּׁבֶת, מַאֲשָׁכָה.

אַשְׁכָּבָה f.n. nh burial. [Formed from הִשֽׁכִּיב (= he caused to lie), on analogy of Aram. אַשְׁכַּבֽתָּא (= a causing to lie). See הַשְׁכָּבָה.]

אֶשְׁכּוֹל, אֶשְׁכֹּל m.n. (pl. אֶשְׁכּוֹלוֹת, also אַשֽׁכּוֹלוֹת) cluster, bunch. [Related to Aram. אִתְכְּלָא, Ugar. u̧ṭkl (= grapes), Ethiop. ’askāl (= grape), Arab. ’ithkāl, ‘ithkāl, ‘uthkūl (= cluster of dates).] Derivatives: אֶשְׁכּוֹלִי, אֶשְׁכּוֹלִית, מְאֻשְׁכָּל. cp. אֶשֽׁבּוֹל.

אֶשְׁכּוֹלוֹת f.n. pl. pbh schools. [Formed with prosthetic אֶ□ from Gk. schole (= school; see אַסֽכּוֹלָה). However, the Mishnah explains אֶשְׁכּוֹלוֹת as the pl. of אֶשְׁכּוֹלI (= grape cluster, grape), and applies it figuratively to scholars, and the Talmud explains אֶשְׁכּוֹל in our Mishnah folk-etymologically as a contraction of אִישׁ שֶׁהַכֹּל בּוֹ, ‘a man in whom there is everything’.]

אֶשְׁכּוֹלִי adj. nh racemose (botany). [Formed from אֶשֽׁכּוֹל with adj. suff. □ִי.]

אֶשְׁכּוֹלִית f.n. nh grapefruit. [Formed from אֶשְׁכּוֹל with suff. □ִית.]

אַשְׁכְּנַז m.n. 1 Ashkenaz — eldest son of Gomer (Gen. 10:3). 2 name of a people mentioned in Jeremiah. 3 mh Germany. [Of uncertain origin. Some scholars identify this people (sense 2) with Akka. Ashgūzai, Iskūzai.] Derivative: אַשְׁכְּנַזִּי.

אַשְׁכְּנַזִּי adj. mh 1 German. 2 Jew from Germany or other countries from Central Europe and from Eastern Europe. [Formed from אַשֽׁכּֽנַז with gentilic suff. □ִי.]

אֶשְׁכָּף m.n. pbh kind of locust, mentioned in the Talmud. [Of unknown origin.]

אֻשְׁכָּף, אוּשְׁכָּף m.n. pbh 1 cobbler, shoemaker. 2 saddler. [From Aram. אוּשְׁכָּפָא (whence also Arab. ’iskāf), also שַׁכָּפָא, which is a loan word from Akka. ashkapu (= cobbler, shoemaker). cp. שַׁכָּף.]

אֶשְׁכָּר m.n. gift. [Prob. a loan word from Akka. ishkaru (= chain; tribute; field) — whence also Syr. אֶשְׁכָּרָא (= field) — which itself is borrowed from Sumerian eshgar.]

אֶשְׁכְּרֽוֹעַ m.n. pbh box wood. [Aram., of unknown origin.]

אַשֶּֽׁבֶת f.n. nh orchitis (disease). [Coined from אֶשֶׁךְ (= testicle), according to the pattern פַּעֶלֶת serving to form names of diseases on the analogy of בַּהֶרֶת (= bright spot on the skin). See אַדֶּמֶת and cp. words there referred to.]

אֲשֶׁלI m.n. tamarisk. [Related to Aram. אַתֽלָא, Arab. ’athl, OSArab. אתל, Akka. ashlu (= tamarisk). Aram. אֶשֽׁלָא is a Heb. Loan word. cp. אֶשֽׁלָא,אַשְׁלִיל. cp. also אֵשֶׁלII.]

אֵֽשֶׁלII m.n. pbh 1 hotel, inn. 2 eating, drinking and lodging. [From אֵשֶׁלI, which was explained by R. Nehemya (Sota 10a) as פונדק (= lodging place). According to Rashi, ibid., this explanation is based upon the word אש״ל, regarded as לִינָה, שְׁתִיָּה, אֲכִילָה (= eating, drinking, lodging). See אֵשֶׁ״ל.]

אֵשֶׁ״ל m.n. nh expenses (for board and lodging). [Formed from the initials of the words אֲכִילָה (= food), שְׁתִיָּה (= drink) and לִינָה (= lodging).]

אֶשְׁלָא m.n. pbh tamarisk. [Aram., borrowed from אֵשֶׁלI. cp. אֶשְׁלֶא רַבְרָבָא.]

אֶשְׁלָא רַבְרְבָא m.n. & adj. pbh a great man (lit.: ‘a great tree’). [See אֶשֽׁלָא (= tamarisk). For sense development cp. Arab. ’athīl (= of noble origin, highborn), which derives from ’athl (= tamarisk).]

אַשְׁלָג m.n. pbh potash. [Prob. from Akka. ashlaku (= the waster; material used by the washer), which is a Sumerian loan word.] Derivative: אַשֽׁלֽגָן.

אַשְׁלְגָן m.n. pbh potassium. [Formed from אַשְׁלָג with suff. □ָן.]

אַשְׁלָיָה f.n. nh deception, delusion. [A collateral form of הַשֽׁלָיָה. For the difference of meaning between these two words see אַבֽחָנָה.]

אַשְׁלִיל m.n. nh Reaumuria (botany). [Coined from אֵשֶׁלI through reduplication of the letter ל.]

אשׁם to sin, be guilty. [Arab. ’athima (= he became guilty, sinned, erred), ’ithm (= offence, misdeed). Base of אָשֵׁם, אַשְׁמָה. cp. אַשְׁמַאי.] — Qal אָשַׁם intr. v. he committed an offense, was guilty, sinned. — Niph. נֶאֽשַׁם became guilty, was accused, was charged, was blamed, suffered punishment. — Hiph. הֶאֱשִׁים he accused, declared guilty, blamed. — Hoph. הָאֳשַׁם nh was accused, was declared guilty, was blamed. Derivatives: אִשּׁוּם, הַאֲשָׁמָה, נֶאְשָׁם, אָשֵׁם, אָשָׁם.

אָשָׁם m.n. guilt, offence, sin, blame; guilt offering. [From אשׁם.]

אָשֵׁם adj. guilty, culpable, blamable. [From אשׁם. cp. Arab. ’athīm (= guilty).]

אַשְׁמַאי, אַשְׁמַי adj. pbh guilty, sinning, sinner. [Prob. from אשׁם.]

אַשְׁמְדַאי, אַשְׁמְדַי m.n. pbh Asmodeus, the prince of the demons. [From Avestic Aeshma-daeva (lit.: ‘Aeshma, the deceitful’).]

אַשְׁמָה f.n. guilt, charge, blame, accusation. [Formed from אשׁם with first suff. □ָה.]

אַשְׁמוּרָה, אַשְׁמֹֽרֶת f.n. watch, night watch (one of the three divisions of the night). [Formed from שׁפר with prosthetic אַ□ and subst. suff. □ָה, resp. □ֶת.]

אַשְׁמַי see אַשֽׁמַאי.

אַשְׁמַנִּים m.n. pl. darkness (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 59:10 in the form בָּאַשֽׁמַנִּים, which is of uncertain origin and meaning; usually rendered ‘in the darkness’.

אַשְׁמֹֽרֶת see אַשְׁמוּרָה.

אֶשְׁנָב m.n. window lattice, small window. [Prob. metathesis for אנשׁב and formed from נשׁב (= to blow), with prosthetic אֶ□. cp. Akka. nappāshu, Arab. manfas [[pg-59]](= air-hole). For sense development cp. Eng. window, from Old Norse vindauga (lit.: ‘windeye’); Fren. ventouse, from vent (= wind); Sp. ventana, from vento (= wind).] Derivatives: אשׁנב, אֶשֽׁנַבַּאי, מְאֻשְׁנָב.

אשנב to fenestrate. [Denominated from אֶשְׁנָב.] — Pi. אִשֽׁנֵב tr. v. nh he fenestrated. Derivative: אִשְׁנוּב.

אֶשְׁנַבַּאי m.n. nh information clerk. [Lit.: ‘clerk at the window’. Formed from אֶשְׁנָב (= small window), with agential suff. □ַאי.)

אִשְׁנוּב m.n. nh fenestration. [Verbal n. of אִשְׁנֵב; see אשׁנב.]

אַשָּׁף m.n. 1 magician, conjurer. 2 nh chef. [Together with BAram. אָשַׁף, Syr. אָשׁוֹפָא, borrowed from Akka. (w)āshipu (base ושף).] Derivative: אַשָּׁפוּת.

אַשְׁפָּהI f.n. quiver (for arrows). [Prob. borrowed from Akka. ishpatu (= quiver; whence also Ugar. u̧tpt, of s.m.), which itself is a Sumerian loan word.]

אַשְׁפָּהII f.n. pbh dung heap, dunghill. [Back formation from אַשְׁפֹּת.] Derivative: אַשְׁפַּתָּן.

אִשְׁפּוּז m.n. nh 1 accommodation. 2 hospitalization. [Verbal n. of אִשְׁפֵּז. See אשׁפז.]

אִשְׁפּוּר m.n. nh finishing. [Verbal n. of אִשְׁפֵּר. See אשׁפר.]

אַשָּׁפוּת f.n. nh sorcery, magic. [Formed from אַשָּׁף with suff. □וּת.]

אשׁפז to accommodate, hospitalize. [Denominated from Aram. אֻשְׁפִּיזָא (= guest). See אֻשְׁפִּיז.] – Pi אִשְׁפֵּז tr. v. nh 1 he accommodated; 2 he hospitalized. –Pu. אֻשְׁפַּז nh 1 was accommodated; 2 was hospitalized. – Nith. נִתְאַשְׁפֵּז nh (of s.m.). Derivatives: אִשְׁפּוּז, אַשְׁפָּזָה.

אַשְׁפָּזָה f.n. nh hospitalization. [Denominated from אשׁפז. For the ending see first suff. □ָה. The word אַשְׁפָּזָה was coined by Yizhak Avineri.]

אֻשְׁפִּיז m.n. (pl. אֻשֽׁפִּיזִין) 1 pbh inn. 2 pbh host. 3 mh guest. [Med. Gk. hospition, hospetion (= inn), from L. hospitium (= inn; hospitality), from hospes, gen. hospitis (= host; guest), which stands for *hosti-potis and orig. meant ‘lord of strangers’. cp. Old Slavic gospodǐ (= lord, master), which also means lit. ‘lord of strangers’ and is the exact equivalent of L. hospes. The first element in L. hospes and in Old Slavic gospodǐ is cogn. with Gothic gasts, Old Eng. gaest, giest, etc. (= guest). The second element is cogn. with L. potis (= able), potēns (= powerful); see אִימְפּוֹטֶנֽטִי.] Derivative: אשׁפז. cp. אֻשְׁפִּיזְכָן.

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