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Profile and level definitions (requirements related) (7)

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Profile and level definitions (requirements related) (7)

  1. General (1) Profiles [C. Fogg, J. Helman (Movielabs)]

A table is requested in HEVC draft Annex A that summarizes the bitstream element restrictions for each profile. It is suggested that this would clarify the definition of profiles added since the publication of HEVC version 1 that lack a unique code point.

Editor action item: Delegated to the editors for consideration.

Discussion comments were recorded as follows:

  • high_precision_offsets_enabled_flag can be 0 or 1 in Main 12

  • separate_colour_plane_flag does not exist for Main and Main 10 and Main 12

  • general_max_422chroma_constraint_flag must be 1 for Main 12
      1. RExt profiles and levels (5) AHG5: Recommended profiling of range extension coding tools [S. Lee, C. Park, E. Alshina, C. Kim (Samsung), K. McCann (Zetacast)]

First discussed at joint parent-level meeting.

Discussed Wed 2 April p.m. (GJS).

This contribution provided recommendations on the process that should be used in the profiling of range extension coding tools. It was suggested that the profiling for it should be based on an assessment of the trade-off between coding gain and complexity of the additional range extension coding tools, evaluated under the common test conditions of HEVC range extensions.

The contribution asserted that the results indicate that cross component decorrelation was the only additional coding tool in the draft RExt text that provides a beneficial trade-off between performance and complexity with what the contribution calls generic video content at less than 16 bits. It proposed that the Main 4:4:4 10/12 profiles should include cross component decorrelation, as well as CU-adaptive chroma QP offset for encoder-side rate control in 4:4:4, but not the other coding tools present in the draft text, which were asserted to provide a beneficial performance/complexity trade-off only with screen content. In addition, it suggested to include Golomb-Rice parameter adaptation and CABAC bit alignment in the 4:4:4 16 b all-intra profile, but not the Main 4:4:4 10/12 profiles.

The contribution also suggested that screen content coding (SCC) 4:4:4 Profiles should be developed based on the evaluation results of the responses to the Call for Proposals for SCC. It suggested that all of the coding tools in the draft RExt text should be included in the initial test model for that activity.

The presentation deck was not available, and differed from the prior contribution content. It was requested to be uploaded.

In the presentation, the potential interactions between different features was discussed. It is possible that adding or removing individual features would change the measured performance of the other features (and the performance measurements would depende on the particular selected test set, of course, and some features may have benefits not best characterized by PSNR measures – e.g., chroma QP adjustment flexibility is not motivated by PSNR maximization).

From the recommendation of proponent as presented, the only remaining difference suggested, relative to the draft text produced from the preceding meeting, was a recommendation to remove CU adaptive chroma QP offset in 4:2:2 profiles. This is a feature that is difficult to evaluate in experiments, due to its perceptual optimization motivation. Ease of transcode to 4:2:0 was mentioned by the contributor as a motivation for desiring not to have a feature supported in 4:2:2 profiles that is not supported in 4:2:0 profiles.

Some participants indicated a strong interest in having the QP adjustment functionality in 4:2:2 usage.

(Not evaluated, but recommended to be included in 4:4:4 profiles by the contributor, was large-block TS. Another difference in some profiles was the weighted prediction modification, which was not discussed as a distinct feature in the contribution.) Request for an HEVC 4:4:4 8 bit profile [G. Martin-Cocher (BlackBerry), P. Onno, C. Rosewarne (Canon), A. Fuldseth (Cisco), R. Sjöberg (Ericsson), A. Duenas (NGCodec), J. Sole, M. Karczewicz (Qualcomm), M. Budagavi (TI)]

This document proposes to define a 4:4:4 8 bit profile as part of Amd1 of HEVC, which was proposed to include coding tools designed for 4:4:4 colour sampling as well as tools that are useful for coding "mixed content".

It was asserted that the following consumer applications would make use of this profile:

  • wireless display

  • video conferencing with screen sharing

  • compression and transmission of computer generated sequences

  • mixed content scenarios

It was asserted that computer generated content predominantly uses the 4:4:4 8 bit format, and that mixed content will also use a 4:4:4 8 bit format. It was asserted that a corresponding HEVC profile needs to be defined, and not postponed to a later amendment.

It was further asserted that some tools, previously identified as screen content tools, are in fact performing pretty well on natural sequences (e.g. block copying) and/or on mixed content (e.g. transform skip). It was asserted that those tools have been so far mischaracterized as screen-content-only tools.

It was proposed that the coding tools currently defined in the HEVC Rext study text be included in the proposed 4:4:4 8 bit profile. Comments on HEVC 4:4:4 8 bit profiles [A. Tourapis, D. Singer (Apple)]

This contribution suggests certain possibilities for the creation of 4:4:4 8 bit profiles as an outcome of the Screen Content CfP and expresses an opinion on which avenue is preferred to be followed depending on this outcome.

The contributors recommended that the outcome of the Screen Content CfP be studied carefully, and that the committee defines now either:

  • the only expected 4:4:4 8-bit profile that is planned to be specified, or

  • the initial member of a pair of expected profiles which would have a sensible, nested, relationship. AHG5: Super-high Tier Specification Targeted at the Intra 16-bit 4:4:4 Profile [K. Sharman, N. Saunders, J. Gamei, T. Suzuki, A. Tabatabai (Sony)] [late]

At the 16th JCT-VC meeting in San José, the use of a new super tier was adopted, which could be used in combination with the Intra 16-bit 4:4:4 profile. Following directives from the parent bodies where the previously adopted super-tier was dropped from the currently defined profiles, this contribution proposes that a “High Intra 16-bit 4:4:4” profile is adopted, enabling the compression ratio defined by MinCR to be approached for all levels as a sequence average when using intra-only coding. AHG5: Objective and subjective evaluations of cross-component decorrelation in RExt6.0 for range extensions profile [K. Kawamura, S. Naito (KDDI)] [late]

This contribution reports objective and subjective performance of the cross-component decorrelation tool in RExt6.0 for the general content (camera captured content). This contribution provides an update on the results from the previous report in JCTVC-P0099. The cross-component decorrelation feature was asserted to provide a substantial benefit, and was proposed for inclusion in appropriate RExt profiles.

JCTVC-Q0251 On HEVC 4:4:4 profiles with intra block copying [J. Sole] [late]

This contribution provides a summary of the complexity and performance of intra block copying and proposes to include this tool in the 4:4:4 profiles for HEVC Amd1.

      1. SHVC profiles and levels (3) MV-HEVC/SHVC HLS: On level definitions [Y.-K. Wang, K. Rapaka, J. Chen, Hendry, A. K. Ramasubramonian (Qualcomm)]

Discussed Wed 2 April (GJS).

This document reports and discusses asserted issues associated with the current level definitions in SHVC, and proposes a different approach to define levels and decoder capabilities as well as other changes to solve the above issues. It is asserted that the proposed approach for level definitions also applies to MV-HEVC and that the level limits are specified in way that is scalable to the number of layers in bitstreams.

As a part of the proposed level definitions, a decoder capability is specified in a way where the level is associated with a scale, which is needed together with the level to express the decoder capability. Two categories of conforming decoders are specified. Category I decoders can decode some bitstreams conforming to a higher level of the decoder but with the number of layers being smaller than the scale associated with the level of the decoder. Category II decoders can only decode bitstreams conforming to the same or a lower level. Example Category I decoders are those that are implemented using one existing single-layer HEVC decoder by reusing the hardware core as is without changes or implemented without reusing the hardware cores of existing single-layer HEVC decoders. Example Category II decoders are those that are implemented using more than one existing single-layer HEVC decoder by reusing the hardware cores as they are without change.

The current level definition of SHVC has the following issues (note that the attached Excel sheets contain an analysis that would help understand some of the following issues):

  • If more than 4 SNR layers of 720p resolution (or equivalent number of luma pixels e.g. more layers with combined spatial and SNR layers) are needed, then Level 5 or above would have to be used. Consequently, the value of CtbSizeY shall be equal to 32 or 64 (per item e of the general limits). For resolution like 720p or lower, this restriction disallows the use of smaller coding tree block sizes such as 16x16 and can therefore result in sub-optimal coding efficiency.

  • If an SHVC decoder is implemented in a way that consists of 4 cores of HEVC Level 3.1 decoders, and is able to decode 4 SNR layers of 720p, per the current level definition, it would have to be said to be conforming to Level 4 or above. Consequently, the decoder needs to be able to decode any Level 4 bitstreams. However, with only high-level syntax changes (i.e. no changes to the hardware cores), such a decoder would not be able to decode an SHVC Level 4 bitstream with 2 SNR layers of 1080p resolution.

  • If an SHVC decoder is not implemented by reusing multiple existing HEVC decoder cores but is implemented in a way that can decode both a single-layer HEVC bitstream of 1080p and a two-layer SHVC bitstream of 720p, according to the current level definition it would labeled as a Level 3.1. However, then the expression of the other capability is missing.

  • If an SHVC decoder is implemented in a way that consists of 4 cores of HEVC 3.1 decoders to be able to decode 4 SNR layers of 720p, per the current level definition, it would be said to be conforming to Level 4 or above. Consequently, each enhancement-layer picture can have more than 3 tile rows and more than 3 tile columns, e.g. 5 tile rows and 5 tile columns, each tile with width of 256 luma samples and height of 144 luma samples. However, this would go beyond the Level 3.1 limits and consequently the decoder cores for decoding the enhancement layers would have problems.

    • All items in subclause A.4.1 of HEVC text are currently specified to be applied to each layer. However, some of these items are not directly applicable to each layer.

    • For item d on DPB size, the SPS syntax element is not applicable for enhancement layers. Also, the DPB in the latest SHVC text is a shared-sub-DPB design, thus item d cannot be directly applied to each layer.

  • For items h and i on CPB size, for bitstream-specific CPB operations, the parameter cannot be applied to each layer.

  • Bitstream-specific restrictions on CPB size (by items h and i in subclause A.4.1 of HEVC text) are needed. However, the items h and i in subclause A.4.1 of HEVC text cannot be directly applied on bitstream level, because if directly applied, the same CPB size limit for single-layer bitstreams would also be the limit for multi-layer bitstreams. This is not scalable to the number of layers and would only allow for low picture quality when there are many layers.

  • The restrictions by items b, c, d, g, h, i, and j in subclause A.4.2 of HEVC text are currently specified to be layer-specific only. However, bitstream-specific restriction by these items should be specified, regardless of whether their layer-specific counterparts are specified.

This contribution proposes a different approach to define levels and decoder capabilities as well as other changes to solve the above issues. Though in the above the problems are described based on the current SHVC level definitions, some of the problems also apply to MV-HEVC, and the proposed approach and most other changes also apply to MV-HEVC.

The proposal is summarized as follows:

  • A decoder capability is specified in a way where the level is associated with a scale, which is needed together with the level to express the decoder capability.

  • Two categories of conforming decoders are specified. Category I decoders can decode some bitstreams conforming to a higher level but with the number of layers being smaller than the scale associated with the level of the decoder, while Category II decoders can only decode bitstreams conforming to the same or a lower level (provided that the profile and tier of the bitstream are the same as that of the decoder, respectively). Example Category I decoders are those that are implemented using one existing single-layer HEVC decoder by reusing the hardware core as is without changes or implemented without reusing the hardware cores of existing single-layer HEVC decoders. Example Category II decoders are those that are implemented using more than one existing single-layer HEVC decoder by reusing the hardware cores as they are without change.

  • Two DPB size-related restrictions are proposed, one for each layer, and one for each sub-DPB, specified using the DPB related parameters in the VPS.

  • Bitstream-specific restrictions on CPB size are specified in a way that is scalable to the number of layers and allow for high picture quality when there are many layers.

  • Bitstream-specific restrictions corresponding to items b, c, d, g, h, i, and j in subclause A.4.2 of HEVC text are specified in a way that is that is scalable to the number of layers.

The text changes in relative to the latest SHVC and MV-HEVC draft texts are provided in the attachments. The attached slides show some example scenarios for illustrating of some of the above constraints.

In the discussion, a suggestion was to define a per-layer profile/level specification rather than a specification that bundles the requirements of multiple layers. This would sort of make the "external means" base layer approach become the normal approach, where the requirements of each layer are separate. In a sense, this is already constructable – but not as a single bitstream package.

Further AHG study was agreed to be needed on bitstream constraint specifications. MV-HEVC/SHVC HLS: On DPB Profile Level Limits [S. Deshpande (Sharp)]

This document proposes per-layer and shared sub-DPB capacity level limits for SHVC and MV-HEVC profiles. Maximum DPB size level limit constraints for per-layer sub-DPB parameters max_vps_layer_dec_pic_buff_minus1[ ][ ][ ] and for (possibly) shared sub-DPB parameters max_vps_dec_pic_buffering_minus1[ ][ ][ ] for SHVC scalable main and scalable main 10 and MV-HEVC stereo main profiles are proposed.

Further AHG study was agreed to be needed on bitstream constraint specifications. Proposal to support 12 bit video in SHVC [T. Suzuki (Sony)] [late]

This document proposed to investigate 4:2:0 12 bit support in SHVC. Currently bit depth scalability in SHVC is limited up to 10 bit. However, in UHDTV, for example ITU-R BT.2020, 4K video is defined for both 10 bit and 12 bit. In addition, 4:2:0 12 bit profile is defined in RExt and the profile is used for consumer application in near future. Therefore, in SHVC bit depth scalability profile in SHVC, 12 bit video should be allowed for both BL and EL. This contribution proposes to allow to use 4:2:0 12 bit video in bit depth scalability profiles in SHVC.

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