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Annex B to JCT-3V report: List of meeting participants

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Annex B to JCT-3V report:
List of meeting participants

The participants of the fourth meeting of the JCT-3V, according to a sign-in sheet passed around during the meeting (approximately 58 in total), were as follows:

  1. Jicheng An (MediaTek)

  2. Jun Arai (NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation))

  3. Gun Bang (ETRI)

  4. Vittorio Baroncini (FUB)

  5. Weizhong Chen (Huawei Technologies)

  6. Xu Chen (Huawei Technologies)

  7. Ying Chen (Qualcomm)

  8. Yi-Wen Chen (MediaTek)

  9. Marek Domanski (Poznań Univ. Tech.)

  10. Dan Grois (Fraunhofer HHI)

  11. Zhouye Gu (Santa Clara University)

  12. Miska Hannuksela (Nokia)

  13. Shinobu Hattori (Sony)

  14. Tomohiro Ikai (Sharp Corporation)

  15. Fabian Jaeger (RWTH Aachen Univ.)

  16. Joël Jung (Orange Labs)

  17. Kei Kawamura (KDDI)

  18. Miok Kim (Santa Clara University)

  19. Jacek Konieczny (Huawei Technologies)

  20. Bae-Keun Lee (KT)

  21. Gwo Giun (Chris) Lee (NCKU/ITRI)

  22. Jin Young Lee (Samsung)

  23. Ming Li (ZTE)

  24. Ching-Chieh Lin (ITRI International)

  25. Jian-Liang Lin (MediaTek Inc.)

  26. Hongbin Liu (Qualcomm wireless communication technology (China) Co., Ltd)

  27. Philipp Merkle (Fraunhofer HHI)

  28. Karsten Müller (Fraunhofer HHI)

  29. Ohji Nakagami (Sony)

  30. Jens-Rainer Ohm (RWTH Aachen Univ.)

  31. Min-Woo Park (Samsung Electronics)

  32. Mohamad Raad (RaadTech Consulting)

  33. Justin Ridge (Nokia Oyj)

  34. Klaas Schueuer (Dolby Germany GmbH)

  35. Takanori Senoh (NICT)

  36. Jungdong Seo (LG Electronics)

  37. Shinya Shimizu (NTT)

  38. Olgierd Stankiewicz (Poznań Univ. Tech.)

  39. Gary Sullivan (Microsoft)

  40. Huifang Sun (Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs)

  41. Teruhiko Suzuki (Sony)

  42. Yasser Syed (Comcast Labs)

  43. Masayuki Tanimoto (Nagoya Industrial Science Research Institute)

  44. Gerhard Tech (Fraunhofer HHI)

  45. Alexandros Tourapis (Apple Inc)

  46. Sebastiaan Van Leuven (Ghent University - iMinds)

  47. Anthony Vetro (Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs)

  48. Qing Wang (Zhejiang Univ.)

  49. Krzysztof Wegner (Poznań Univ. Tech.)

  50. Menno Wildeboer (Philips)

  51. Ping Wu (ZTE (UK) Ltd)

  52. Kenji Yamamoto (NICT)

  53. Sehoon Yea (LG Electronics)

  54. Peng Yin (Dolby Labs)

  55. Haoping Yu (Huawei USA)

  56. Lu Yu (Zhejiang Univ.)

  57. Yichen Zhang (Zhejiang Univ.)

  58. Xiaozhen Zheng (Huawei Technologies)

  1. Audio report

Source: Schuyler Quackenbush, Chair

1. Opening 4

2. Roll call of participants 4

3. Approval of agenda 4

4. Allocation of contributions 4

5. Communications from Convenor 4

6. Report of previous meetings 4

7. Processing of NB Position Papers 4

8. Workplan management 5

9. Organisation of this meeting 17

10. WG management 20

11. Administrative matters 24

12. Resolutions of this meeting 24

13. A.O.B. 24

14. Closing 24

Annex A – Attendance list 26

Annex B – Agenda 33

Annex C – Input contributions 39

Annex D – Output documents 74

Annex E – Requirements report 80

1. Requirements documents approved at this meeting 80

2. MPEG-4 80

3. MPEG-A 81

4. MPEG-H 82


6. Explorations 83

Annex F – Systems report 87

15. General Input Documents 87

16. MPEG-2 Systems (13818-1) 89

17. MPEG-4 ISO Base File Format (14496-12) 92

18. MPEG-4 AVC File Format (14496-15) 95

19. Font Streaming (14496-18) 99

20. Open Font Format (14496-22) 99

21. Composite Font Representation (14496-28) 100

22. Reference Software (21000-8) 100

23. Media Context Ontology (21000-21) 101

24. MP-AF (23000-15) 102

25. Common encryption format for ISO BMFF (23001-7) 103

26. CICP (23001-8) 104

27. Common encryption format for MPEG-2 TS (23001-9) 105

28. Timed metadata metrics of Media in ISOBMFF (23001-10) 105

29. Green MPEG (23001-11) 107

30. MPEG-U (23007-3) 108

31. MMT (23008-1) 109

32. MMT FEC (23008-10) 113

33. CI (23008-11) 114

34. MMT Implementation Guide (23008-13) 115

35. Image File Format (23008-12) 115

36. Media presentation description and segment formats (23009-1) 117

37. Conformance and Ref. SW. for DASH (23009-2) 128

38. Implementation Guidelines (23009-3) 130

39. User Description 131

40. Exploration 134

41. Liaison 134

42. Resolutions of Systems 136

43. Action Plan 137

44. References 138

Annex G – Video report 155

1 Organization of the work 155

2 MPEG-7 Visual XM software part 6 157

3 CDVS 157

4 Web Video Coding 160

5 Internet Video Coding Exploration 161

6 Video Coding for Browsers 163

7 Reconfigurable Media Coding – Video related 164

8 CICP 165

9 HEVC 165

10 Wednesday Video plenary status review 166

11 Closing plenary topics 167

Annex H – JCT-VC report 169

1 Administrative topics 170

2 AHG reports (19) 185

3 Project development, status, and guidance (24) 199

4 Core experiment in SHVC (10) 212

5 Core experiment in Range Extensions (5) 213

6 CfP on screen content coding (14) 217

7 Non-CE Technical Contributions (147) 232

8 Plenary Discussions and BoG Reports 273

9 Project planning 276

10 Establishment of ad hoc groups 279

11 Output documents 286

12 Future meeting plans, expressions of thanks, and closing of the meeting 288

Annex A to JCT-VC report:

List of documents 289

Annex B to JCT-VC report:

List of meeting participants 305

Annex I – JCT-3V report 309

1 Administrative topics 310

2 AHG reports (10) 323

3 Project development, status, and guidance (3) 329

4 Core experiments 330

5 3DV standards development (incl. software, conformance) (0) 350

6 High-level syntax (42) 350

7 Non-CE technical contributions (69) 355

8 Alternative depth formats (3) 369

9 Non-normative contributions (0) 369

10 Plenary Discussions and BoG Reports 370

11 Project planning 370

12 Establishment of ad hoc groups 375

13 Output documents 380

14 Future meeting plans, expressions of thanks, and closing of the meeting 385

Annex A to JCT-3V report:
List of documents 387

Annex B to JCT-3V report:

List of meeting participants 397

Annex J – Audio report 400

1 Record of AhG meetings 403

1 Opening Audio Plenary 408

2 Administrative matters 408

3 Task group activities 409

4 Closing Audio Plenary and meeting deliverables 427

Annex A Participants 429

Annex B Audio Contributions and Schedule 430

Task Groups 435

Annex C Output Documents 436

Annex D Agenda for the 109th MPEG Audio Meeting 438

Annex K – 3DG report 439

1. Opening of the meeting 442

2. AhG reports 445

3. Analysis of contributions 446

4. General issues 452

5. General 3DG related activities 453

6. Resolutions from 3DG 453

7. Establishment of 3DG Ad-Hoc Groups 456

8. Closing of the Meeting 459

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