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Opening Audio Plenary

The MPEG Audio Subgroup meeting was held during the 108th meeting of WG11, March 31 – April 4, 2014 in Valencia, ES. The list of participants is given in Annex A.
  1. Administrative matters

    1. Communications from the Chair

The Chair summarised the issues raised at the Sunday evening Chair’s meeting, proposed task groups for the week, and proposed agenda items for discussion in Audio plenary.
    1. Approval of agenda and allocation of contributions

The agenda and schedule for the meeting was discussed, edited and approved. It shows the documents contributed to this meeting and presented to the Audio Subgroup, either in the task groups or in Audio plenary. The Chair brought relevant documents from Requirements, Systems to the attention of the group. It was revised in the course of the week to reflect the progress of the meeting, and the final version is shown in Annex B.
    1. Creation of Task Groups

Task groups were convened for the duration of the MPEG meeting, as shown in . Results of task group activities are reported below.
    1. Approval of previous meeting report

The Chair asked for approval of the 107th Audio Subgroup meeting report, which was registered as a contribution. The report was approved.


107th MPEG Audio Report

Schuyler Quackenbush
    1. Review of AHG reports

There were no requests to review any of the AHG reports.
    1. Ballots to process

There were no ballots to process.
    1. Received National Body Comments and Liaison matters

The NB comments and Liaison statements were presented, discussed, and resources to draft responses were allocated.





Swiss NB

Swiss NB Comment on MPEG-H 3D Audio


Swiss NB

Swiss NB Comment on MPEG-H 3D Audio



ATSC Liaison on MPEG-H



Liaison Statement from DVB to SC 29/WG 11 on MPEG-H 3D Audio


Ecma TC32-TG22

Liaison Statement on Ecma S5 activity


IEC TC 100

IEC CD 62702-1 Ed.1.0, 62702-2 Ed.1.0
    1. Joint meetings







      m33256 WD of 14496-12 Amd 4, Enhanced audio support






      MPEG Assets





      m33187 Proposal for MPEG-H 3D Audio in MPEG-2 Systems

      3D transport stream

      Philips doc





      Audio in Augmented Reality



    2. Plenary Discussions

Proposals for outgoing Liaison statements were reviewed. Clemens Par, Swissaudec, presented


AES- X212 – Proposal for a Liaison Statement from WG11

Thomas Sporer, Clemens Par

The contribution is a draft of the liaison statement to AES on normative interfaces for binauralization.
  1. Task group activities

    1. Joint Meetings

      1. Joint meeting with Systems on FF at Audio (Tue 1700-1800)

Max Neuendorf, FhG-IIS, presented


Update to Audio part of ISO/IEC 23001-8 (CICP)

Max Neuendorf

The document presents new tables for CICP that are specify

David Singer, Apple, suggested that some text that explains why new tables are needed and how the tables are aligned.

It was the consensus of the Audio and Systems subgroups to progress this contribution to PDAM of 23001-8.

Ingo Hoffman, FhG-IIS, presented


MPEG-H 3D Audio in ISO Base Media FF

The contribution proposes a means to carry MPEG-H 3D Audio in ISO FF. Rather than use the MPEG-4 FF structure, it is proposed to carry MPEG-H 3D Audio as a top-level sample entry box. The presenter gave a walk-through of the proposed structure.

It was agreed that the Audio subgroup will create a WD on 23008-3, MPEG-H 3D Audio AMD1 based on this contribution.

David Singer, Apple, presented


WD of 14496-12 Amd 4, Enhanced audio support

Speaker configuration sections needs to be updated according to the latest CICP changes. We need a link to the new position table in CICP. Add an option to specify azimuth and elevation of loudspeakers. If possible, add supplemental/extended language codes for audio according to ETSI EN 300 468 (DVB). Perhaps we need box to describe interactivity capabilities.

Audio and Systems experts agreed to incorporate the identified issues, and to issue the result as PDAM at this meeting.
      1. Joint meeting with All on MPEG Assets (Wed 1130-1200)

It is desired that Audio assets, e.g. 3D Audio CfP test items, be made available in the MPEG Assets repository. Takehiro XX, NHK, attended this joint meeting and reported that he explained that there are usage restrictions placed on the content by the content provider. The Chair will clarify what usage might fall under the umbrella of “for use in developing the MPEG-H 3D Audio standard.”
      1. Joint meeting with Systems at Audio (Wed 1200-1300)


Flexible System signaling for 3D audio in MPEG-H

Robert Brondijk, Frans de Bont


Proposed MPEG-H 3D Audio stream format

Stephan Schreiner, Harald Fuchs, Stefan Doehla,


Proposal for MPEG-H 3D Audio in MPEG-2 Systems

Stephan Schreiner, Harald Fuchs

The purpose of the Descriptor is:

  • Which Audio decoder should Systems instantiate, and with what parameters?

  • How does the user consume the content? This may include user interaction, e.g. Dialog Enhancement or additional audio programs such as narration for the visually impaired. Constraints such as min/max limits on user control variables are appropriate.

It may be Audio’s business that the audio program is 10.1 channels, but if the user has 22.2 loudspeakers, which are the 10.1 that should be used. Audio may also choose to make a normative interface for control.

Systems reads descriptor and know how user can interact

MMT has signalling message that might be used for user interaction.

Masayuki Nishiguchi, Sony, presented


Synchronization Scheme using Audio Fingerprinting for various use cases.

Masayuki Nishiguchi

The presenter summarized the use case for the proposed technology and gave a demonstration of the synchronization technology.
      1. Joint meeting with 3DG at Audio (Thu 1200-13000

The joint meeting of the 107th meeting identified the following requirements:

  1. Attach directional metadata to the audio object, e.g. radiation strength

  2. Use HRTF for spatialization

  3. Low-latency decoders for synchronous presentation of “real” and “augmented” reality.

  4. Analyze the scene and capture appropriate acoustic metadata (e.g. room reflection properties)

A first use case could be: User is wearing “glasses-mounted” camera and wearing headphones.

Open issues:

Need both user position and also head tracking. However, if the user is wearing the camera (e.g. Google Glass), then both could be delivered by analysing the visual scene. The Augmented Reality engine would constantly update the audio object relative position

Need acoustic radiation model for sound source.

Audio open issues to address for Augmented Reality use case

  • User-specified object position metadata (relative to my head)

  • Metadata for source acoustic radiation pattern, doppler shift, distance cues.

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