O’zbekiston respublikasi oliy va o’rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligi mirzo ulug’bek nomidagi o’zbekiston milliy universiteti

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Everybody having come, they Hamma kelib bo’lgandan so’ng, ular

proceeded with the experiment. tajribani davom ettirdilar (payt ergash gap).
III. The Present Participle ning kerakli shaklini qo’ying:
… English, she began to study French.

(Ingliz tilini o’rganib bo’lib, u farang tilini o’rgana boshladi).

having learned, being learned, learning.
“Having translated the article I went to the Institute” ning to’g’ri tarjimasini toping:
Maqolani tarjima qilayotib, men institutga ketdim.

Maqolani tarjima qilib bo’lgach, men institutga ketdim.

The Present Participle ishlatilgan gapni toping:
He has been reading since morning.

Reading much on the problem he decided make a report.

Having much on the problem he made an interestingreport.
The Present Participle ishlatilgan gapni toping va tarjima qiling:

  1. My friend a very difficult problem.

  2. Te problem solved by my friend is very difficult.

  3. My friend was solving very difficult problem yesterday at 5 o’clock.

Menga kitob berib, u o’z stoliga yaqinlashdi” gapiga mos tarjimani toping:

  1. He gave me a book and came up to his table.

  2. He came up to me and gave me my book.

  3. Having given me the book he came up to his table.

from the Institute he left for Samarkand” gapini kerakli sifatdos shakli bilan to’ldiring. (Institutni tamomlagandan so’ng u Samarqandga ketdi).

having graduated; being graduated; graduating.
“Having been translated into many languages, the book became known everywhere gapining to’g’ri tarjimasini toping:

  1. Kitob ko’p tillarga tarjima qilinib bo’lgach, u juda ommalashdi.

  2. Kitob ko’p tillarga tarjima qilindi va juda ommalashdi.

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