Raqamli iqtisodiyot va tadbirkorlik

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Raqamli iqtisodiyot va tadbirkorlik

Aktivnыe schyots - buxgalterskie knigi, na kotorыx uchitыvayutsya sredstva predpriyatiya. Oni dayut indikatorы o dostupnыx sredstvax, ix sostave i mestonaxojdenii. Uvelichenie ob’ema sredstv, privlechennыx v aktivnыx byudjetax, budet otrajeno v kredite s umensheniem. Ostavshiysya ostatok otobrajaetsya tolko po debetu i otrajaetsya na balanse balansa.

Active schyots are accounting books, which account for enterprise funds. They provide indicators about available funds, their composition and location. The increase in the amount of funds raised on active budgets will be reflected in the credit, with the decrease. The remaining balance is shown only on the debit and is recorded on the balance sheet of the balance sheet.

Balans – doimo o‘zgarib turadigan, o‘zaro aloqada bo‘lgan holatini ta’riflovchi ko‘rsatkichlar tizimining tengligi. Balans ikki qismdan iborat bo‘lgan jadval shaklida ma’lum bir sanaga tuziladi. Balans qandaydir voqeani ta’riflab, uning qismlarga munosabatini ko‘rsatadi. Balans alohida korxona, ishlab chiqarish birlashmasi (buxgalteriya balansi, korxonaning daromad va xarajatlar balansi) yoki xalq xo‘jaligi (aholining daromad va xarajat balansi, to‘lov balansi, savdo balansi, qishloq xo‘jalik mahsulotlari balansi va b.) masshtabida tuziladi.

Balans - eto ravnovesie sistemы pokazateley, kotoraya xarakterizuet postoyanno menyayuщeesya sostoyanie otnosheniy. Balans rasschitыvaetsya na opredelennuyu datu v vide tablisы s dvumya chastyami. Balans opisыvaet sobыtie i pokazыvaet yego otnoshenie k komponentam. Balans rasschitыvaetsya na osnove otdelnogo predpriyatiya, proizvodstvennogo ob’edineniya (platejnogo balansa, balansa doxodov i rasxodov) ili natsionalnoy ekonomiki (balans doxodov naseleniya i rasxodov, platejnыy balans, torgovыy balans, balans selskoxozyaystvennoy produksii i t. D.).

Balance is the equilibrium of a system of indicators that characterizes the state of relations that is constantly changing. Balance is calculated for a specific date in the form of a table with two parts. Balance describes an event and shows its relation to components. Balance is calculated on the basis of a separate enterprise, production association (balance of payments, income and expense balance) or national economy (population income and expenditure balance, balance of payments, trade balance, balance of agricultural products, etc.).

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