Raqamli iqtisodiyot va tadbirkorlik

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Raqamli iqtisodiyot va tadbirkorlik

Balance division - the balance of assets and liabilities of the balance sheet, the group of items. There are two sections in the asset's balance sheet:
- assets: first part - long-term assets; second part - current assets;
- in passive: the first part - own resources; second part - obligations.
Evaluation is a method of reflecting the economic resources, liabilities and business processes in monetary units.

Bosh daftar- sintetik hisob yuritish uchun tayinlangan hisob registri. Hisobning jurnal-order shaklida qo‘llaniladi. Bosh daftar yil davomida hisob yuritish uchun mo‘ljallangan. Unda mazkur korxonada qo‘llaniladigan barcha sintetik schyotlar ochiladi. Schyotlar bo‘yicha 1yanvarga qoldiq (saldo) yozilib, har oyda jurnal-orderlarning jami ma’lumotlari yoziladi va oy bo‘yicha aylanmalari (oborotlari) jamlanib, oy oxiriga saldosi chiqariladi. Hisobning jurnal-order shaklida ma’lumotlar bosh daftar ma’lumotlaridan olib yoziladi.

Glavnыe kniga- raschetы dlya sinteticheskogo ucheta. Eta uchetnaya zapis ispolzuetsya kak jurnal-poryadok. Osnovnaya kniga prednaznachena dlya yejegodnogo ucheta. On otkroet vse sinteticheskie sistemы, ispolzuemыe v etom predpriyatii. Balans napisan na osnove algoritma, a yejemesyachnыe dannыe jurnalov zakazov zapisыvayutsya, a yejemesyachnыy oborot registriruetsya, a ostatok vыchitaetsya v konse mesyasa. V forme uchetnoy zapisi jurnala informatsiya zapisыvaetsya iz knigi zagolovkov.

General Notebooks - Calculations for synthetic accounting. This account is used as a journal-order. It will open all synthetic systitutions used in this enterprise. The balance is written on the basis of the algorithm, and the monthly data of the orders-magazines are written down, and the monthly turnover is recorded and the balance is deducted at the end of the month. The main journal is an outdated form of bookkeeping. It is a memorial-order option of the account. The main notebook and registry magazine has been merged with the sole registrar called

Bosh jurnal – buxgalteriya hisobining eskirgan shakli. U hisobning memorial-order shaklidagi varianti bo‘lib hisoblanadi. “Bosh daftar” deb nomlangan yagona hisob registrida bosh daftar va registratsiya jurnali birlashtirilgan.

Glavnыy jurnal - ustarevshaya forma buxgalterskogo ucheta. Eto memorialnыy variant uchetnoy zapisi. Osnovnoy jurnal dlya noutbukov i jurnalov bыl ob’edinen s yedinstvennыm registratorom pod nazvaniem «Obщiy noutbuk».

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