Revised power of prayers by Mustafa Hajji Ahmed Khaki

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15th DAY:

This is a very auspicious day, the birth day of our 2nd Imaam Hasan-e-Mujtaba (A.S.) It is recommended to give alms and perform many good deeds today.

17th NIGHT:

Today is the day when the Battle of Badr was fought. The army of Islaam was victorious against the army of infidels, in spite of the less numbers of the Muslims.

  1. Perform ghusl,

  2. It is Mustahab to give Sadaqa,

  3. Perform the acts of Shukr (thanks giving) to Allaah,

  4. Do as much Ibadat as you can.



Laylatul Qadr, or Shab-e-Qadr, or The Night of Grandeur comes only once, and it is from these three nights, i.e. either 19th, 21st, or 23rd of Maahe Ramadhaan.

Therefore, we should take full advantage of all the three nights so as not to miss the most invaluable opportunity. It has been narrated that during this night the prayers of all are accepted, prayer of no one is rejected or unanswered except these people’s: (1) The one who has angered his parents or made them unhappy and they disinherited him or declared him rebellious, (2) The one who has cut-off relationship with his kith and kin (Qat-e-Raham), (3) The one who nurtures vengeance and animosity towards a believer, (4) The one who consumes alchoholic drinks (intoxicants).

Tonight is the first night of Shab-e-Qadr, no night in the whole year is equal in its merits to the night of Shab-e-Qadr. A good deed or Ibaadat done in this night is much better then the same done for thousand months. Tonight is the time when all the things to come upto the whole year are decreed. Angels decend from heavens and come in the holy presence of Imaame-Zamaana A.F. and they present all the deeds which are decreed for everyone.

A tradition has been recorded from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) thus: “Nabii Moosa (A.S.) in his prayer said,:Oh Allaah! I desire your nearness and union. Allaah replied, “My nearness and union belong to the one who remains vigilant and awake during Laylatul Qadr.” Nabii Moosa said,: O Allaah ! I want Your blessing and forgiveness. Allaah replied, “My blessing belongs for someone who is kind towards distitutes on the Night of Power,” Nabii Moosa said,: O Allaah! I want to pass through the bridge of Siraat on the road to Paradise safely. Allaah replied, “The safety in passing through the bridge of Siraat belongs for someone who pays alms on the night of Qadr.” Nabii Moosa said, O Allaah! I want the trees and fruits of Paradise. Allaah replied, “They belong to someone who do not forget to remember and praise Me on the Night of Power.” Nabii Moosa said,: O Allaah ! I wish to have your pleasure and consent. Allaah Replied, “My pleasure and consent belong for someone who offers two rak’at Namaaz during Laylatul Qadr.”

  1. One should perform Ghusl after the sun set so as to pray Maghribain and A’amaal of Shab-e-Qadr.

  2. Do the A’amaal which are normally done in the Masjid, i.e. 2 rak’at Namaaz of 7 times S.Ikhlaas, Duaa, to put Holy Qur’an over the head and recite names of Ma’asumeen (A.S.) etc.

  3. Recite Ziyaarat of Imaam Husayn (A.S.)

  4. It is stated that the one who keeps night vigil and performs Ibaadaat for the whole night shall be forgiven even his / her sins were as many as the stars in the heavens, as tough as the mountains, or as heavy as the weight of all waters of the seas.

  5. Pray 100 rak’at Namaaz. It is better to recite 10 times S.Ikhlaas in every rak’at after Al-Hamd.

  6. Repent (do Istighfaar)for the past sins as much as possible, with honesty and sincerety.

  7. Beseech Allaah S.W.T, for your parents, relatives, and all Mu’mineen for their well-being in this world and in the Hereafter.

  8. Recite Salawaat abundantly.

  9. Recite Duaa-e-Jawshane Kabeer in all these three magnificent nights.

  10. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) said to ask Allaah for sound health.

  11. There are other Duaas also for which please refer to Mafaatihul Jinaan.

21st NIGHT:

The merit and excellence of this night is much more then the 19th night.

These A’amaal are common for all three nights, e.g. Ghusl, Namaaz of reciting 7 times S.Ikhalaas in both rak’at, holding Holy Qur’an over the head, Jawshani Kabeer, Ziyaarat etc.

Starting from today, i.e. for the last 10 nights we should recite this Duaa: Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Aoodhu Bi Jalaali Wajhikal Kareem Anyanqadhiya Annee Shahru Ramadhaan Aw Yatlual Fajru Min Laylatee Haadhihee Wa Laka Qibalee Dhanbun Aw Tabi’atun Tuadh-Dhibunee Alayhi.

Whosoever shall recite this Duaa in the last ten nights after every Wajib and Sunnat Namaaz Allaah will forgive his sins committed in this month and shall safeguard him from committing other sins in the remaining days:-

Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Allaahummaa Addi Annaa Haqqa Maa Madhaa Min Shahri Ramadhaan Waghfir Lanaa Taqseeranaa Feehi Watasallamhu Minnaa Maqboolan Walaa Tu’aakhidhnaa Bi Israafinaa Alaa Anfusinaa Waj’Alnaa Minal Marhoomeen Walaa Taj’Alnaa Minal Mahroomeen.

There are other very good Duaas also to be recited during the final ten days, which can be reffered to Mafaatihul Jinaan. For example the Duaa starting with these word; “Allaahumma Innaaka Qulta Fee Kitaabikal Munzili…” and “Yaa Mulayyinal Hadeed.” and “Yaa Moolijal Layli Wan-Nahaari…” etc.


These last ten nights are recommended to be spent in I’tiqaaf. And this is the most befitting period for it. It carries the Sawaab of 2 Hajj and 2 Umrah. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) used to fold up his bedding and devote his precious time in I’tiqaaf for the last ten nights.

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