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И.А. Засимович, Е.В. Невош

Республика Беларусь, Пинск, ПолесГУ

Научный руководитель – В.В. Ширяев


The ability to communicate effectively through the use of verbal and non-verbal communication skills is essential for everyone no matter where they work. Effective communication across any organization, large or small, is increasingly recognized as a key determinant of success. Communication depends on the skill sets of the staff working within the organization. Whether dealing with managers, employees, customers or suppliers the ability to communicate effectively using a range of skills is of paramount importance.

In particular, communication in business contexts is different from everyday communication [1].

We acquire information about the external world with the help of five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Almost 90 % of the information is received through the organs of vision (visual), about 9 % – with the help of hearing (auditory) and only 1 % with other senses (smell, taste, touch).

In general, communication is the process of sending and receiving messages that enables humans to share knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Communication is divided into 2 parts: verbal and non-verbal. 10% of the information transfer is performed by means of verbal instruments, the sound accounts for 35%, while nonverbal means of communication – for 55 %.

The skills of verbal communication are writing, speaking, reading and listening. A good businessperson needs the skill of speaking and even more, the skill of listening. It has been found by research studies that an executive’s communication time is spent roughly in the following proportion:

Writing – 9 %. Reading – 16 %.

Speaking – 30 %. Listening – 45 %.

Nowadays, almost everyone communicates by email, text message and through social networking sites. However, this is not always the ideal way to express yourself when it comes to increasing sales or dealing with other aspects of business.

Verbal communication is not just about how you communicate your thoughts, responses and ideas effectively, it is vital for developing a business and forging relationships with colleagues, customers and suppliers.

Verbal communication can be defined as communicating your thoughts through words. Such thoughts may be ideas, opinions, directions, dissatisfaction, objections, your emotions and pleasures.

When it comes to business, verbal communication is very important for the reason being that you are dealing with a variety of people throughout the day. In some cases you may deal with people who have different culture, ages and with different levels of experience.

Business professionals demonstrating effective verbal communication skills use spoken words to convey a message clearly and concisely. To get a message across, the sender needs to make sure the receiver correctly interprets the words. If not, confusion and conflict typically results. By successfully delivering a message, business professionals describe ideas, thoughts and directives that allow colleagues to work better together. Effective verbal communication begins by acknowledging what the audience needs. By planning what he wants to say, how he wants to say it and seeking feedback on how the message was received, a business professional ensures successful communication [2].

Non-verbal skills include things, other than words and language that can convey meaning, such as: graphic like pictures, maps, charts, graphs, and diagrams in a written document, and body language and voice qualities in speech.

Understanding non-verbal methods and aspects of communication helps a person improve oral and written presentation by using the methods and by gaining control over body language.

There are five key elements that can make or break your attempt at successful nonverbal communication in business:

  • eye contact,

  • gestures,

  • movement,

  • posture,

  • written communication [3].

Non-verbal communication is an important component of most human communications, including, of course, business communications. Understanding non-verbal communication techniques can help a small business owner to get a message across or successfully interpret a message received from another person. On the other hand, nonverbal communication can also send signals that interfere with the effective presentation or reception of messages. Sometimes nonverbal messages contradict the verbal; often they express true feelings more accurately than the spoken or written language.

Therefore, it is important for small business owners and managers to be aware of the non-verbal messages they send and to develop the skill of reading the non-verbal messages contained in the behaviour of others [4].

An important role in the exchange of information is played by the exact use of the word, its expressiveness and availability, correctness of the construction phrase and its clarity. But do not forget the speech sound phenomena (rate of speech, tone of voice, etc.). Simultaneous use of verbal and nonverbal means motivated by the desire to specify the information makes it more expressive and important, which will definitely affect your partner.

  1. Verbal and non-verbal communication in business contexts [Electronic resource] // Cambridge technical. – Mode of access: http://www.ocr.org.uk/ images/139909-level-2-unit-06-verbal-and-non-verbal-communication-in-business-contexts.pdf. – Date of access: 12.03.2015.

  2. Examples of Verbal Communication in the Workplace [Electronic resource] / Chron. – Mode of access: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/examples-verbal-communication-workplace-10936.html. – Date of access: 12.03.2015.

  3. Ezine articles [Electronic resource] / Nonverbal Communication in Business. – Mode of access: http://ezinearticles.com/?Nonverbal-Communica tion-in-Business&id=5406. – Date of access: 12.03.2015.

  4. Nonverbal Communication [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access: http://www.inc.com/encyclopedia/nonverbal-communication.html. – Date of access: 12.03.2015.

В статье рассмотрена роль вербальной и невербальной речи в сфере бизнеса. Автор дает общую характеристику отдельных видов коммуникаций, указывает преимущества их совместного использования в бизнес-общении.

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