Сборник материалов международной научной конференции студентов, магистрантов, аспирантов

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А.В. Жидков

Республика Беларусь, Брест, БрГУ имени А.С. Пушкина

Научный руководитель – Т.С. Троцюк


The game of hockey is presently played in almost every country with millions of participants worldwide. Although several countries claim ownership of the game there has been significant sharing of ideas, philosophies, and strategies over the years. All countries have adapted their approach to include what they believe are the key ingredients to put them in a position to claim world titles. This article includes several strategies and tactics prevalent in the games of successful European countries while focusing on the ones we have used with teams or observed being used with teams we have coached against. Understanding the tactics and strategies involved in the game is critical for on-ice success.

Hockey strategies can be divided into three primary sections dealing with offensive play, defensive play and special situations.

It is our belief that a good balance is best, and then as a coach your natural tendency will be to lean slightly toward the offensive or defensive side depending on your style and comfort level. The main idea deals with the strategies and tactics involved in face-offs and in how coaches can separate themselves from the pack with their bench-management skills.

Hockey requires a strong blend of physical and mental skills. Players need a solid base of fundamentals – skating, shooting and passing – before beginning to understand how to play the game.

But it’s the tactical team skills that are necessary for competing and winning at a high level.

There is a three-step process for success. The first two steps are work ethic and structure. Work ethic is self-explanatory; structure, a focus of hockey plays and strategies, protects each player as everyone must have a complete understanding of his responsibilities on the ice. Players can be quick if they know that each teammate will do his part and this leads to an up-tempo game and therefore success.

The third step in the process is skill without which ethic and a solid structure don’t work.

Game strategies can be divided into three parts dealing with offensive play, defensive play, and special situations such as power plays, penalty kills, and face-offs.

Understanding hockey is complicated, plays and strategies is the key factor in creating successful players. A coach should always look for the ways to provide the information necessary to help a group of athletes come together and succeed as a team. All great organizations and great teams have a clear identity. Teams are recognized as being hard working, dynamic offensively, gritty, tough and fast.

The identity of a team is distinguished by observing how they operate. It is the coach and management that impart an identity on the team by the players they select, the system they play, how they practise, and generally how they behave on and off the ice. Unfortunately many coaches miss this step competition.

It is necessary for a coach to provide information about the development of physical qualities in hockey and the emergence of various systems of play activity, in technical and tactical relationship between the players, give classification of the basic exercises for ice hockey and features of their use in the training process, describe the main characteristics of the elements of game activity, and suggest means for the solution of game action problems that can occur in the gaming practice.

  1. Wahlsten, J. Hockey coaching: The ABCs of international hockey / J. Wahlsten, T. Molloy. – Canada, 1998. –138 p.

  2. Walter, R. Hockey plays and strategies / R. Walter, M. Johnston. – USA : Human Kinetics, 2010. – 392 p.

В статье описываются основные стратегии игры в хоккей, основные пути и методы развития тактических и технических действий игроков.

А.О. Жук

Республика Беларусь, Брест, БрГУ имени А.С. Пушкина

Научный руководитель – И.В. Повх


The involvement in a crime issue has always interested criminologists, who considered it at different stages of criminal law formation and development. This problem attracted the attention of numerous outstanding criminalists, e.g. A.F. Berner, L.E. Vladimirov, E.A. Sarkisova, N.A. Babiya, A.S. Zhiryaev, etc.

The General part of the Republic of Belarus Criminal Code contains neither the general involvement in a crime concept nor its forms. The responsibility for an involvement in a crime in its various forms is established by the Special part of the Criminal Code.

The conventional definition of involvement in a crime is as follows: a person’s behaviour that interferes with the disclosure or prevention of any crime committed by another (other) person (persons) [3]. The legal nature of this phenomenon is represented by the behaviour of involved persons that allows the main criminals to avoid punishment, facilitates further criminal activities. Nevertheless, in most cases the impact of involvement and its potential as an incentive for committing new crimes do not present any danger to society.

There are three main forms of involvement:

1) Misprision not promised beforehand is a post-criminal activity of the person concealing a felony or an extremely grievous crime. It can be expressed as follows: concealing the person who committed a felony or an extremely grievous crime; concealing the tools and means used to commit a felony or an extremely grievous crime; concealing the traces of a felony or an extremely grievous crime or the illegally (as a result of a felony or an extremely grievous crime) obtained items.

Concealment is performed, for example, by providing a criminal with a shelter or false documents, changing their appearance, destroying or storing the items used to commit the crime, destroying the traces of crime, etc.

According to Art. 405 of the Criminal Code, the responsibility for this crime is differentiated depending on the gravity of the offence. Thus, in case of a felony, misprision not promised beforehand is punishable by a fine, community service for a period up to two years, or arrest for a period up to three months. Concealment of an extremely grievous crime is punished by arrest for a period up to six months, restriction of freedom for a period up to two years, or imprisonment for the same period.

2) Failure to report is omission of the person failing to report conclusive knowledge of a planned or committed felony or an extremely grievous crime to the corresponding authorities until the disclosure of this crime. Failure to report a crime can be expressed as follows: failure to report conclusive knowledge of a planned felony or an extremely grievous crime; failure to report conclusive knowledge of a committed extremely grievous crime; failure to report conclusive knowledge of the person who committed an extremely grievous crime; failure to report conclusive knowledge of the location of the person who committed an extremely grievous crime.

The intention in case of failure to report covers the person’s understanding of the fact that they know about the planned or committed crime and do not report it to the corresponding authorities as well as understanding of the fact that the non-reported crime is a felony or an extremely grievous crime. In this case the person understands that their omission does not facilitate the crime itself, but only its concealment.

3) Connivance is failure to endeavour to prevent the crime by the person obliged to counteract to criminal activities due to their official duty. Connivance is recognized as a crime only in case of the official’s omission, i.e. intended failure to perform actions they were to and could have performed ex officio (Art. 425 of the Criminal Code).

Ordinary citizens do not bear responsibility for connivance.

Each of the above forms has both its own inherent features and those common with the other ones, e.g. that the person who is not an accessory to the crime provides the offender with assistance not related to the criminal benefit.

The involvement in a crime institution exists not only in Belarusian legislation but also in foreign countries. In most countries states the involvement forms are interrelated and described in one chapter devoted to crimes against justice. The Romano-Germanic and Anglo-American legal systems rapprochement minimizes the differences in criminal and legal regulation of involvement in a crime. However, it shall be noted that the Republic of Belarus is the only state in the former Soviet Union whose penal legislation provides responsibility for misprision not promised beforehand borne by family members and close relatives of the offender.

In foreign countries this legal institute of the right is applied against the most grievous crimes.

With regard to all the aforesaid, despite a certain legal and research base specially devoted to involvement in a crime, there are still some unresolved questions relating to this institute. One of them is the lack of accurate distinction between involvement in a crime and conspiracy.

To solve the above problem it is necessary to carry out further research into the legislation referred to involvement in a crime for the purpose of identification of its general signs. These signs will present a general and theoretical basis for the harmonized internal structure of involvement in a crime on the basis of which the formulation to formulate legal norms both accurate and clear to law enforcement officials.

  1. Конституция Республики Беларусь 1994 года : с изм. и доп., принятыми на респ. референдумах 24 нояб. 1996 г. и 17 окт. 2004 г. – 9-е изд., стер. – Минск : Нац. центр правовой информ. Респ. Беларусь, 2013. – 64 с.

  2. Уголовный Кодекс Республики Беларусь : с изм. и доп. по состоянию на 24 окт. 2013 г. – Минск : Нац. центр правовой информ. Респ. Беларусь, 2013. – С. 3–4.

  3. Бажанов, М. И. Избранные труды / М. И. Бажанов ; сост.: В. И. Тютюгин [и др.] ; отв. ред. В. Я. Таций. – Харьков : Право, 2012. – 1244 с.

  4. Глухова, О. В. Прикосновенность к преступлению по уголовному законодательству Республики Беларусь, Российской Федерации и Украины / О. В. Глухова // Проблемы укрепления законности и правопорядка: наука, практика, тенденции : сб. науч. тр. редкол.: В.М. Хомич [и др.] ; Науч.-практ. центр проблем укрепления законности и правопорядка Генеральной прокуратуры Респ. Беларусь. – Минск : БГУФК, 2012. – № 5. – С. 116–122.

В статье рассматривается проблема прикосновенности к преступлению и её освещение в уголовном законодательстве Республики Беларусь. Автор выделяет три формы прикосновенности: заранее не обещанное укрывательство, недонесение и попустительство. Особое внимание уделяется различиям в функционировании института прикосновенности к преступлению в Республике Беларусь и зарубежных странах.

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