Сборник материалов международной научной конференции студентов, магистрантов, аспирантов

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О.А. Канаброцкая

Республика Беларусь, Брест, БрГУ имени А.С. Пушкина

Научный руководитель – Т.С. Троцюк


The article covers different skills of positive parenting to help improve communication, increase cooperation, and motivate children. Central to this new approach to parenting are the five positive messages children need to learn: it's okay to be different; it’s okay to make mistakes; it’s okay to express negative emotions; it’s okay to want more; and it’s okay to say “no”.

These five messages will set children free to develop their God-given abilities. With different skills of positive parenting practiced correctly, a child will develop the skills necessary to succeed in life. Some of these skills are: forgiveness of others and themselves, sharing, delayed gratification, self-esteem, patience, persistence, respect for others and themselves, cooperation, compassion, confidence, and the ability to be happy. With this approach, along with love and support, children will have the opportunity to develop fully during each stage of their growth.

By applying the five messages and positive-parenting skills, parents will not only enjoy the confidence that they are doing exactly what is needed, but know that, with their help, the children will be able to create the life they were meant to live. Parents can learn to support their children’s natural growth process and avoid interfering, help the children, but cannot take away their unique problems and challenges; they learn to worry less, instead of focusing on changing the children or solving their problems. Trusting more helps the parent as well as the child. It is important to let children be themselves and focus more on helping them grow in reaction to life’s challenges.

Each child has his or her own personal destiny. Accepting this reality reassures parents and helps them relax and not take responsibility for every problem a child has. Too much time and energy is wasted trying to figure out what we could have done wrong or what children should have done instead of accepting that all children have issues, problems, and challenges. Parents’ job is to help children face and cope with them successfully, make sure that they are given the opportunities to become the best they can be.

Parenting has always been a challenge, but positive parenting is an even greater challenge. Although it takes extra time and effort in the beginning to learn, it is well worth it. In the long run, not only does parenting become easier, but the children benefit as well.

As new skills of positive parenting are applied, one will occasionally trip and fall, but everyone does. Soon you will feel confident and at peace, because you will know you are giving your children what they need. One cannot change the children’s inner destiny or take away their unique problems, but you can give them the required parental support to face adversity and achieve increasing success.

Children are not perfect, they need to make mistakes and experience setbacks. They need problems and challenges in life to forget their unique character and set of strengths. Although the support is greatly needed, they come into this world with what they need to learn their lessons and do what they are here to do.

Making mistakes is a part of growing up; it is a part of successful parenting as well. Children cannot grow strong if everything is too easy. They cannot accept their imperfections if they haven’t had many opportunities to forgive their parents for their mistakes and imperfections.

By giving children the freedom to discover and express their true selves, you give them the gifts of greatness. All great individuals, thinkers, artists, scientists, and leaders in history were able to say no to past conventions and think creatively. They had dreams and were able to follow their dreams. When others opposed them or did not believe in them, they had the strength to believe in themselves.

Greatness is always forged through opposition. Every success story is filled with examples of having to push ahead against others. By means of the process of saying no to others or resisting common ways of thinking and not blindly conforming, creativity and greatness can emerge.

Each of the five messages of positive parenting supports the development of a strong sense of self and contains a special gift of greatness.

This freedom strengthens children’s mind, heart and will, and develops a greater awareness of what they want, feel, and think. This permission to resist authority is at the basis of all the positive-parenting skills.

  1. Emotionally Intelligent Parenting: How to Raise a Self-Disciplined, Responsible, Socially Skilled Child / M.J. Elias [et al.]. – England : Harmony, 2000. – 272 p.

  2. Grey, J. Children Are from Heaven: Positive Parenting Skills for Raising Cooperative, Confident, and Compassionate Children / J. Grey. – Australia : Mars Productions, 1999. – 400 p.

  3. Parent Handbook for English – Language Arts. – Sacramento : California Department of Education, 2004. – 26 p.

В статье раскрывается проблема формирования навыков позитивного воспитания детей. Центральное место в новом подходе к воспитанию детей занимают пять положительных направлений: быть разными; делать ошибки; выражать негативные эмоции; хотеть большего; уметь сказать «нет». Полагаем, что при осуществлении этих направлений на практике дети будут успешно развиваться в процессе прохождения каждой стадии взросления.

К.И. Касенюк

Республика Беларусь, Брест, БрГУ имени А.С. Пушкина

Научный руководитель – Т.С. Троцюк


Thanks to the careful work of archaeologists, we are learning more about Stonehenge’s hidden monuments, Richard III’s gruesome death, King Tut’s mummified erection and many more discoveries such as an ancient tomb in Greece and the first evidence of Neanderthal art.

An Alexander the Great – era tomb at Amphipolis. Rarely do archaeological digs attract so much attention. But at Amphipolis, an ancient coastal city in northern Greece, the discovery of a lavish 2,300-year-old tomb has created a national frenzy. In August, state archaeologists broke through the entrance of a huge burial mound that had been built as the largest of its kind in the Greek world. Excavators found broken sphinxes, two female statues called caryatids, a remarkably intact mosaic floor and some skeletal material. It’s still unclear who was buried inside the tomb, but some have speculated that it could be someone from Alexander the Great’s inner circle.

Stonehenge’s secret monuments. Capping a four-year survey of the landscape around England’s Stonehenge, researchers reported that they found signs of at least 17 previously unknown Neolithic shrines. The big announcement – which was accompanied by TV specials on the BBC and Smithsonian Channel – could change the way historians have thought of Stonehenge. “Stonehenge is undoubtedly a major ritual monument, which people may have travelled considerable distances to come to, but it isn’t just standing there by itself,” project leader Vincent Gaffney, an archaeologist at the University of Birmingham, told Live Science in September. “It’s part of a much more complex landscape with processional and ritual activities that go around it” [3].

A shipwreck under the World Trade Centre. In the summer of 2010, archaeologists in New York discovered a school-bus-size shipwreck in an unlikely place: the site of the World Trade Centre, still under construction after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. This year, tree-ring researchers who were studying the ship’s fragile timbers announced that they had discovered new details about the vessel. The ship was likely built in 1773, or soon after, in a small shipyard near Philadelphia, according to the study, which was published in the journal Tree-Ring Research. What's more, the ship’s timbers may have originated from the same white oak forest where wood was harvested to build Philadelphia’s Independence Hall, the researchers said.

Richard III’s twisted spine, kingly diet and family tree. Once lost in history, the skeleton of Britain’s King Richard III was found under a parking lot in 2012, and since then, the monarch’s remains have been a boom for scientists who study centuries-old DNA, diet and disease. Also, scientists report that they found a mitochondrial DNA connection between Richard and two of his living relatives, offering further confirmation that the bones really belong to the king. A model of Richard’s misshapen spine shows that he suffered from adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.Isotopes in Richard’s teeth and bones revealed showed that the king ate and drank quite well during his two years at the throne. And researchers also determined that Richard had a quick death on the battlefield; they found two wounds on the back of Richard’s skulp that were.

A teenager in a “black hole”. At the bottom of an underwater cave called Hoyo Negro (Spanish for “Black Hole”) in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, divers discovered a near-complete skeleton of a teenage girl. Dubbed “Naia”, the girl was found alongside with: saber-toothed cats, pumas, sloths and bears. Researchers think Naia and the animals had died 12,000 to 13,000 years ago, before the pit was filled with water when the world’s glaciers started melting. Scientists also found that DNA from Naia’s remains resembled modern Native American DNA. The discovery, which was reported in May in the journal Science, could help solve the long-standing debate over the identity of the first Americans.

Syria by satellite. The paralyzing political situation in Syria has become somewhat of a test for satellite archaeology. Shut out of the war-torn country, archaeologists have turned to aerial images to learn about the state of Syria’s ancient ruins. So far, their findings have been grim. Five of Syria’s six UNESCO World Heritage sites show “significant damage and some buildings are now reduced to rubble,” according to an analysis of satellite images by the nonprofit and nonpartisan American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Meanwhile, the American School for Oriental Research was given a $600,000 grant from the U.S. State Department to fund a Syrian Heritage Initiative for a year. At the organization's annual meeting last month in San Diego, researchers reported that 63 of the 400 archaeological sites they analyzed exhibited war-related looting.

Jesus’ wife. This story might be more of an “undiscovery.” In September 2012, Harvard University divinity professor Karen King announced the sensational finding of a small papyrus fragment written in Coptic. The text contained references to a “Mary” and the translated line, “Jesus said to them, “My wife, she will be able to be my disciple.” The suggestion was that Mary Magdalene may have been Jesus' wife – or that some people in ancient times at least believed she was his wife. Biblical scholars had aired their suspicions about the authenticity of the so-called “Gospel of Jesus’ Wife” because of problematic features, such as bad handwriting and grammatical errors. And earlier this year, a Live Science investigation revealed that the papyrus had a flimsy provenance. The anonymous owner of the papyrus claims to have purchased the document from a now-deceased man whose family said he never collected antiquities. The text is looking more and more like a forgery.

  1. Бацалев, В. В. Тайны археологии. Радость и проклятие великих открытий / В. А. Бацалев, 1998. – 47 с.

  2. Updated Daily [Electronic resource] / Archaeologica. – Mode of access: http://www.archaeologica.org/NewsPage.htm. - Дата доступа: 15.03.2015.

  3. Coolest Archaeological Discoveries [Electronic resource] // Livescience. – Режим доступа:http://www.livescience.com/49231-coolest-archa eological-discoveries-2014.html. – Дата доступа: 15.03.2015.

В статье содержатся сведения об исследованиях археологических памятников в разных уголках мира, о блестящих находках, о кропотливом труде археологов, о новых открытиях, помогающих датировать, реставрировать и реконструировать историю.

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