Сборник материалов международной научной конференции студентов, магистрантов, аспирантов

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А.A. Новик

Республика Беларусь, Минск, БГПУ имени М. Танка

Научный руководитель – Н.И. Дрибас


The need for communication is one of the main needs of a human being, and in some situations the ability to build interactions competently turns out to be defining in the destiny of not only one separately taken person but of the country in general. In the world there are 195 countries in which 7.3 billion people live and they speak about 6000 languages [4]. And all of us do not live isolate from each other, but in constant interaction. There are a number of problems which the population of the Earth can solve only by uniting together. These are such global problems as terrorism, environmental exploitation, demographic changes, self-sufficiency in raw materials, etc. Every year new international programs are being launched in order to solve these problems.

The partnership in such spheres as medicine, education, culture, economy and science is developed between countries. Without knowing foreign languages these contacts become impossible, but studying the language in separation from its culture and from native speakers’ mentality is incomplete. This is the key component in understanding other cultures’ representatives and their way of thinking, the world’s picture.

Foreign language learning implies and embraces culture learning. We have to be aware of this relationship and suggest ways in which it may be reflected in English language teaching curricula and methods [3, с. 241].

Quite often there are situations when people who speak a foreign language perceive messages unequally, because they use the language structures which are based on the basis of different sociocultural structures. In addition, there are words which have no equivalent in other languages, the so-called lacunas. Here are examples of non-equivalents for Russian words: “kögai” (Japanese) –environmental pollution, “backpfeifengesicht” (German) – a face that cries out for a fist in it, “barber” (English) – a person whose business is cutting men’s hair and shaving or trimming beards.

In order to increase motivation in learning a foreign language and make the process more amusing, teachers use in their work multimedia presentations, films, music, maps, illustrations, photographs and fiction. What do these teaching means give us? Films allow students to open the mind: to get information about remarkable sights, traditions and customs of a foreign country and also to understand the slang and the use of idioms. Foreign literature helps in studying proverbs, sayings and idioms that reflect cultural and historical experience of native speakers. The role of literature in the foreign language classroom is great. Among four skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening), culture can best find its expression through the medium of literature. The teaching of culture should become an integral part of foreign language instruction [1, с. 562]. Listening to songs helps students to improve the comprehension of foreign speech, to increase their vocabulary and to reinforce their knowledge of grammar. Working with geographical maps helps to develop spatial and logical thinking.

In addition to skillfully selected methods the professionalism of a teacher plays a big role. Teachers should have a basic knowledge of traditions, beliefs, etiquette, should know the history of the country whose language they teach, because without these components linguistic competence is impossible.

Teachers are the mediators of the foreign cultures; they are also the best models their pupils have of successful and confident intercultural communicators. The teacher’s functions do not lie solely in the dispersion of linguistic knowledge and the training of skills: teachers are also vital for creating motivation for their subject. The teacher’s personal involvement with other cultures can greatly stimulate the learners’ interest [3, с. 245].

To sum up we can say that language is not only a tool for communication, but it is also a means of transmitting culture. Speaking correct foreign language does not mean to communicate successfully. Cross cultural awareness is very important. Culture can be described as our everyday life, how we interact with each other, our education, language, religion, traditions, customs, what makes us happy or sad, in other words, what we do each day [2, с. 285]. Therefore the cultural aspect is regarded as an essential part in foreign language learning.

  1. Иванченко, Т. Ю. Cross Cultural Communication and Creativity in Foreign Languages Teaching and Learning / Т. Ю. Иванченко // Молодой ученый. – 2013. – № 4. – С. 561–564.

  2. Краснобай, Ю. А. Teaching cross-cultural competence and communication / Ю. А. Краснобай // Управление в социальных и экономических системах : материалы XV междунар. науч.-практ. конф., Минск, 6 июня 2006 г. ; редкол.: Н. В. Суша [и др.]. – Минск : Изд-во МИУ, 2006. – С. 285–287.

  3. Яковлева, Е. В. Об англоязычной культуре на английском языке / Е. В. Яковлева, Е. Ю. Вершинина. – М. : Моск. лицей, 1996. – 248 с.

  4. Current world population [Electronic resource] // Geo Hive. – Mode of access: http://www.geohive.com/earth/population_now.aspx. – Date of access: 15.03.2015.

В статье раскрывается проблема соизучения языка и культуры для более успешного межкультурного общения. Автор затрагивает тему важности изучения иностранного языка для решения глобальных проблем. Также в статье рассматриваются современные технологии, с помощью которых изучение иностранного языка становится интереснее.

Е.И. Олесеюк, С.С. Супрунович

Республика Беларусь, Брест, БрГУ имени А.С. Пушкина

Научный руководитель – Л.М. Калилец


Information market has no clear boundaries; it is original and is by far the fastest growing. Information market is a set of economic relations for the provision of information services: collection, processing, systematization of information, its purchase and sale to the final consumer.

Information market is characterized by a certain range of products and services, the terms and their delivery mechanisms, prices. In contrast to conventional trade of goods that have tangible form, information systems, licenses, patents, know-how, trademarks, technical and engineering services, various information and other types of information resources behave as a matter of sale or exchange. The main participants of information market services are: information producers, sellers and users of information.

The market may be classified as:

- the market of primary or original information;

- the market replicate information.

There are several classifications of information market, and it can be divided into several sectors:

- business information;

- scientific and professional information;

- socio-political and legal information;

- media and consumer information.

In a market economy business information from external sources plays an important role for the organization. Information structure has the following form:

- Macroeconomic information describes the general state of the economy and provides special public or independent institutions.

- Financial information describes the current and future financial condition of the firms, the current situation on the capital markets, investments, securities issues and so on, provide special services, financial information, banks and other companies.

- Exchange information information about the quotations of securities, foreign exchange rates, accounting and interest rates, stock market indices, provided by banks, stock exchanges and special agencies or services.

- Commercial information includes information about companies (banks, firms and corporations), their production links, products, key transactions, prices, technology, principals, shareholders, etc., and is provided in the form of electronic databases and periodically updated printed products.

- Statistical information economic, financial, stock, social and other data are provided in the form of time series and forecasting estimates.

- Business news – current information from different areas of business, provided by news agencies and the media.

One of the defining conditions of an effective market economy is competition. That allows it to increase efficiency and improve the working methods of the enterprise, as well as the condition for market saturation. Increased competition in information market entails both reducing the cost of production of many information products and lower prices for market information. However, despite the downward trend in the prices of many goods and services of information, information business is growing rapidly, indicating a significant potential demand for the products of the information sector. Representatives of various business communities confirm that the information market is really growing very rapidly, but they also emphasize that it is a natural speed. It can be significantly increased by using coordinated action between business and government.

Small and medium-sized enterprises that use their own advantages such as flexibility, mobility, proximity to the consumer began to play an increasingly important role in the information production. Together with the increasing number of manufacturers in the information market the range of products and services is expanding, the quality of products and services is improving. Thus, high saturation of goods and services makes the company constantly monitor the technological advances in the industry; find a niche in the market for new products and services. The flexibility of information production and marketing on the basis of information technology allows manufacturers to quickly respond to changing market conditions. In such circumstances, the competition becomes dynamic, changing the static competition of the industrial age, when the firm, introducing new technologies, could not think about innovations and extract monopoly profit.

Summarizing the above information we come to the conclusion that the market for information goods and services is today the fastest growing. Information business, which became one of the most profitable and promising, is attracting more and more businesses. The information needs of different levels are rising rapidly, which extends the possibilities of information exchange and leads to the emergence of more information products, stimulates the development of all types of information activities.

  1. Shepherd, A. W. Understanding and Using Market Information / A. W. Shepherd // FAO. – Rome, 2000. – 230 p.

  2. Kevin, K. New Rules for the New Economy / K. Kevin // WIRED, 1997.

  3. Беларуская думка. – № 11. – 2012. – С. 3–8.

  4. Вариченко, И. В. Повышение конкурентоспособности как эффект от внедрения информационных технологий / И. В. Вариченко // Экономика и управление. – 2006. – № 4. – C. 113–117.

В статье речь идёт о рынке информации, который не имеет четких границ, он своеобразен и на сегодняшний день является самым динамично развивающимся. Рынок информации – это совокупность экономических отношений по поводу оказания информационных услуг: сбора, обработки, систематизации информации, ее купли-продажи конечному потребителю.

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