Сборник материалов международной научной конференции студентов, магистрантов, аспирантов

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Д.Д. Полякова, В.А. Шпаковская

Республика Беларусь, Пинск, ПолесГУ

Научный руководитель – М.В. Татаревич


Some people think that languages are very difficult, and it's not even worth studying, but it's a false opinion as every foreign language can become native, it can be learnt the same way children start saying their first words. Foreign language will make you more valuable as a specialist, help you during your holidays abroad, develop and train your memory; besides learning a foreign language is interesting.

TV gives us a lot of information. We become better informed by watching documentaries, science programs and by learning the most important economic, social and political issues of the day. We can see famous people, great events that will pass into history. Television gives wonderful possibilities for education: you can take a TV course in history, economy, in learning foreign languages and in many other subjects.

Watching a film is a good way of learning a foreign language. Moreover, it stimulates the learning and gives the opportunity to dive into the real language situation, especially if you don’t have the opportunity to travel abroad [1].

One of the main goals for a teacher of foreign language is the forming of communicative competence of a pupil. Films and other video materials can help. Film with subtitles is one of the means of learning foreign languages. To implement this technique of learning a foreign language one must be acquainted with basic grammar rules – verb tenses, declensions of substantives, degrees of comparison of adjectives, and also one must have necessary vocabulary, which should consist of the most commonly used verbs, reserved words and substantives. Those who want to polish their spoken language, will find feature films and serials most effective. And those, who want to enhance their aural reception can choose programs and documental films on different topics. This method brings good results if you take it seriously and you can enhance your oral speech and acquire some active vocabulary. So, films with subtitles are the most optimal way of achieving the goal of understanding a foreign language by ear.

The role of video materials in the process of education:

1) They help to create the atmosphere of a real language communication.

2) They promote the appearance of a cooperation effect, making the process of learning the material more emotional.

3) They let you develop your comprehensive and talking skills; due to the visual basis, which helps to understand the meaning of the sounding more correctly.

4) Live speech of native speakers can really help to learn correct pronunciation.

5) They promote the broadening of pupils’ minds and regional geographical knowledge, letting you know more about history, practices and traditions of the native speakers.

6) They help to repeat the already learnt phonetic, lexical and grammar material, to extend vocabulary.

7) They allow to fulfill various types of exercises, including talking and writing [2].

However, as well as newspapers can’t replace books, so can't films replace TV. Why?

The first and the most important aspect is that lexical vocabulary in films is smaller.

The second aspect is that speech in films is always accompanied by background noise or music and that is difficult to percept.

The third aspect is that after repeated viewing a person simply memorizes the speech and it is not pure understanding of speech by ear.

But there are many positive moments: you get adjusted to the speech of people who are laughing, crying, and being enraged or excited – all the things which happen in real life. Memorizing phrases leads to remembering speech stamps. To cut the long story short, video films and TV can't replace one another, because they are interesting in their own ways.

It’s useful to watch every film until you know at least the main phrases of the main hero by heart. That is why watching films in a foreign language are ineffective in the cinema. You should watch films so that there will be no blank spots in the understanding of the text. If you don't understand an episode – watch it several times [3].

You can start speaking fluently with the help of films in a foreign language only if you have basic knowledge of the language: ability to read, small store of vocabulary, basic knowledge in grammar. Learning foreign languages gives you not only an advantage when applying for a job, new experience during trips and fresh impression from new films and books, but also an ability to raise the level of your self-reliance ,because it’s always pleasant ,when you manage to do something new.

Only few people today can live without television. Despite of increasing influence of the Internet, video films and other high-technology sources of information television continues to play an important part in the human life.

  1. Уроки английского языка, словари и разговорники, грамматика и тесты [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.laem.ru/ prosmotr-filmov-na-angliiskom-eto-luchshii-sposob-izucheniya-yazyka. – Дата доступа: 05.03.2015.

  2. Teaching Language Through Film [Electronic resource] / Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning. – Mode of access: https://dcal blog.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/teaching-language-through-film. – Date of access: 03.03.2015.

  3. Байтукалов, T. Быстрое изучение иностранного языка от английского до японского / Т. Байтукалов. – М. : РИПОЛ классик, 2009. – C. 23–25.

В статье описан один из способов неформального изучения иностранного языка в неязыковых вузах, а именно с помощью кино и телевидения. Также в данной статье раскрыты преимущества и роль данного метода в изучении языка.

О.С. Полячук, З.В. Шейко

Республика Беларусь, Брест, БрГУ имени А.С. Пушкина

Научный руководитель – И.Н. Бахур

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